Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 22-3 (The ‘High’ Priestess of Deltorra)

The feeling of losing consciousness and coming to her senses have become second nature to Loraley. She grew accustomed to it, familiar and even anticipated it the more she spent her time in this place. Under the false goddess’ territory, her world has turned upside-down for the worse.

Ginova toyed with her mind and body, violated her cunt and mouth without mercy. From the goddess herself to her son, Alter, the sensation they shot inside of her was still crystal clear, vivid even. The throbbing, the warmth of their seeds, the pleasure. It was seared deep into her psyche.

Loraley's will wavered as the pungent odor of sex clung to her skin; she found depravity was no longer a stranger but a constant companion. Trapped under Ginova's heel, her life was nothing but an endless cycle of debauchery, her purpose reduced to nothing more than a receptacle for lust and domination.

Bound in Ginova's chamber, Loraley's body ached from the ceaselessness of it all, the chains clinking softly with each ragged breath she took. Her once-pristine robes were now tattered, barely covering her voluptuous form, exposing the ample tits that heaved with each gasp for air, and offering glimpses of her cunt— sore and still dripping with the remnants of Alter's latest visitation.

"You are awake."

Alter, called out to her from the corner of the cell. His voice was soft and aloof as usual. Even after everything that has happened, he seems relatively calm and collected. Though her consciousness clung by a thread, Loraley's eyes flickered open, her gaze settling on the beautiful form of Alter. His cock, a daunting monolith of flesh, hung heavily between his thighs, the head still slick with her own fluids. Catching her eye, it stirred— a twitch of interest at the sight of her naked figure.

"Don't be scared. It's over... for now, anyway." Alter's assurance barely registered to Loraley, for the promise of respite was a cruel tease in a sea of torment. Her glazed eyes reflected a soul that had been fucked into submission, over and over, turned inside out until she became a husk of human depravity. The sore ripeness of her tits pressed against the cold floor while her cunt felt swollen, an aching reminder of the brutal usage it endured.

As Alter approached, the room was filled with the obscene musk of his odor. Stimulating, enticing, Loraley's mind reeled as the heavy scent of Alter's cum sparked a flame inside her core once more. It was inevitable, she thought. The knowledge she accumulated through the boy in front of him rang true in her heart.

The hermaphrodite's bodily constitution was made for the sake of sexual carnage. To please, and to be pleased. A different kind of fear seeped into her mind, the fact that perhaps her resistance and hatred might turn into a craving and addiction for their touch and licks.

"Are you alright, Loraley? Look at me." With effort, Loraley lifted her head, her eyes heavy with exhaustion. "I'm... not sure anymore." she rasped, the words scratching like sandpaper against her throat, raw from screaming into the void of lustful frenzy. Entranced, her gaze slid over Alter's form, from the slender and petite stature to the erect cock that stood as a monument to her own undoing.

Yet against her better judgment, a dark curiosity swelled within her. She had been defiled to her core by him and his mother, but now there was a need blossoming, hot and shameful, a craving seeded deep within the darkest recesses of her mind. Her body was remembering, yearning for more despite the destruction it wrought upon her spirit.

Alter knelt down next to her, his proximity only feeding the gnawing hunger within. "Will your mother never tire of breaking me?" she whispered, her voice carrying a hint of defiance that belied the treacherous heat pooling between her thighs.

"No... I'm not sure." Alter paused for a second, "Loraley, your resistance against her charms, against the charms of hermaphrodites itself is weakening. I can feel it. Ginova can feel it too."

"...Weakening? What do you mean?"

Alter helped her sat properly on the ground. Carefully, Alter slid a hand down her cheek, his touch gentle against the bruises marring her otherwise fair skin, checking up if there's anything too serious. "The constant barrage of pleasure and pain, the relentless fucking, it's reshaping you— mentally and physically. You begin to associate the abuse with arousal. Your cunt begins to crave it, throb for it— even without the touch." His words struck to her core as she let out a bitter chuckle, spite tinged with acceptance.

Alter's gaze never wavered from her face, holding a look of peculiar curiosity as if studying her like one would a fascinating, yet dangerous creature. "I don't quite understand either. How you could even resist her in the first place is still a mystery to me. Though, it doesn't really matter anymore if this keeps up. You have consumed her fluids multiple times now. Her influence encroaches your body and mind."

Finally, he pulled his hand away and back to his corner.

"It seems, in the end, your fate would be the same like the others." The dimly lit chamber echoed with the clinking of chains, a grim symposium of Loraley's imprisonment. Alter watched her with a mix of subtle fascination and detachment, his cock still semi-erect and smeared with the evidence of their recent coupling. He didn’t try to hide his nudity; his plump thighs and the curve of his ass were exposed as he shifted, the shadows dancing over his pale skin.

Loraley's eyes burned with a confusion of emotions. Resentment, weariness, and a creeping despair that gnawed at her like a hungry beast. She felt her cunt pulse at the very sight of him, the undeniable proof of the cruel rewiring of her desires.

"...What will happen to my maidens?" She paused, trying to keep her arousal at bay as she tried her best to think of her most loyal servants whom she treated like her own daughters. Alter looked at Loraley, his gaze thoughtful yet distant.

"Your maidens?" he pondered before focusing back on her, "They are now pawns in Ginova's grand design, their fates entangled with yours. They serve her whims now. 'In what way?' you might ask. I have no idea."

Loraley's heart sank at the reality that her followers were likely suffering a similar fate. Yet even as despair clawed at her chest, she couldn't suppress the flush of heat racing through her veins, her nipples hardening traitorously at the thought.

Alter saw the shift and let out a helpless sigh. "I guess this is as far as things will go for you." Looking to the side, his gaze seemed to soften for a bit. "But I do appreciate what you said back there. That I was better than my mother."

Loraley's heart thudded painfully against her rib cage, a stark contrast to the lascivious spreading from her loins. Her maidens, once brave and resolute, reduced to mere playthings for Ginova's perverse pleasure. A spark of rage flickered within her, yet it was quickly doused by a surge of craven lust smoldering in her cunt.

The heavy scent of Alter's cum still hung in the air, a potent aphrodisiac that made her insides clench in sickening arousal. His words about appreciation stirred a twisted sense of pride within her. Her eyes burned with unshed tears as she regarded Alter, the man she couldn't help but grew to care for despite being the offspring of her tormentor.

It was a bizarre sort of affection, one forged in the shared misery of their confinement.

Loraley regained some semblance of clarity due to his words. They continued their conversation and she managed to ask more questions regarding Ginova and the hermaphrodite as a whole.

She learned of the deeper truth about the real state of the world, that the false goddess has spread her influence far and wide across the kingdom. Her strength grew stronger the more followers she acquired, the more people put their faiths onto her. A goddess who is obsessed with power and influence, who revels in corruption and sexual carnage. Truly, Loraley couldn’t have learned the worst possible personality traits combination that made up a goddess.

The dank air of the chamber was thick; every inhalation drew in the heady musk of sex and degradation, a perfume that saturated every stone of the godforsaken cell they shared. Loraley struggled against the gnawing lust as Alter described Ginova's dominion over the land, how her tentacles of influence ensnared every corner of their world. A mix of revulsion and morbid intrigue twisted within her, knowing her captor's ambition was as bound to be limitless as this cycle of obscene defilement.

Alter's tongue glided softly across his lips, an unconscious response to the scent filling the room—a scent that was partly him. "The world you knew is crumbling, Loraley," he uttered, "under the weight of my mother's depraved vision." The light glinted off his fangs, a predator's smile on an angel’s face.

"I... have no choice but to bow. As much as I hate her guts, I am powerless. I'm not sure how long I can keep this up, living down here without ever seeing the sunlight."

Loraley's cunt ached with a mix of pain and shameful yearning as Alter's words carved further into her psyche. "No choice but to bow…" she muttered, mirroring his despair with a tone soaked in reluctant acceptance. She was beginning to realize the depth of their shared plight within this dungeon of sexual damnation.

The images of her loyal servants won't leave her mind. Aya, Gylene, and Sia. The three maidens who swore to dedicate their lives for her, the girls whom she treated as her own daughter. Though she wouldn't show the tender love of a real mother to them, having to keep up her reputation and image as the high priestess even in private, her love for them was real.

‘I even sucked that whore of a goddess for them…’

Loraley's gaze rested on her swollen cunt, abused and raw. She could feel each pulse, a stinging reminder of the countless times she had been spread and stuffed by Alter and Ginova, their cocks invading and desecrating the sanctuary of her body. Each time they fucked her, it had been a battle, her will against their relentless desire to conquer.

But even now, alone with Alter, the heat within her betrayed the cold dread that should have suffocated any flame of lust. She could feel her inner walls clenching in phantom fucks, yearning for another round of rough railing that would leave her gasping and splayed on the cold stone floor.

Alter, however, was not immune to the sensual haze either. His cock twitched visibly with every ragged breath she took, clearly still aroused by the scent of their recent coupling. There was a slight shift in his demeanor; a subtle change from a detached observer to a participant.

Loraley felt his gaze upon her tits, heavy and pliable, the nipples reddened from the harsh treatment they'd received. Her body was a landscape of desire and degradation, marked by bruises and bite marks, a canvas painted with the evidence of their carnality.

"What are you looking at?" Loraley called out to him with a hint of anger and shame, her teeth gnashed. Alter's eyes, icy as the chamber they found themselves in, fixated on Loraley's pert nipples before snapping back to meet her glare. The weight of the stare from those verdant orbs held a mingling of loathing and necessity.

Alter's erection swelled, catching the dim light as precum beaded at the tip. For a moment, the air in the chamber seemed to throb with their combined tension, a tension wrought from days and nights of unending depravity.

"It's not like I can help it," Alter shot back defensively, gesturing toward his engorged member with a mix of frustration and reluctant pride. "With every breath you take, you inhale my scent, pheromones designed to get that cunt of yours hungry for cock. I cannot stop it." his own breath hitching as he watched the effect his words had on her.

Loraley's gaze dropped to her own cunt covered in thick pubic hair, its lips swollen and reddened from relentless fucking. She imagined Alter filling her once more, his cock stretching her to the limit, and a shiver ran down her spine, half revulsion, half anticipation.

"Just like how you lost your mind back at the bathhouse, asking for my seeds, remember? Not that I’m blaming you, the fact that you managed to stay sane this long is amazing in its own way…" Alter looked to the said as he said so, recalling the time when he was violated by the hermaphrodite guards and Loraley succumbing to the pheromones, essentially joining them in ravishing his body.

Loraley’s heart hammered in her chest, a perverse rhythm that matched the unbidden shivers running through her body. Her lower lips still throbbed, the raw sensation between her thighs a stark reminder of the fragility of her own resilience.

"I..." Feeling ashamed, she was about to apologize. The memory was vivid, but she tried to ignore it, shelving it down to the deepest part of her memory and hoped that she would forget. But since Alter brought it up again by himself, she could no longer pretend it never happened.

But her pride was still too high.

Being locked up in here for less than a week, violated multiple times, threatened and blackmailed, her mind was about to collapse. After further learning of the kingdom had fallen into Ginova's hands, Loraley was ready to go insane. Nothing awaits but despair.

Her pride was the only thing she has left. The one thing that accompanied her throughout her childhood to adulthood, her entire life being pampered by the Rainfield family. Loraley's gaze locked with Alter's as she tried to regain a semblance of control. Her once-resilient will, honed by years of religious devotion and spiritual discipline, now teetered on the edge of surrender.

"You think this is my fucking fault?" she spat, anger flaring within her eyes, a desperate attempt to mask the shame and confusion swimming in their depths. "Your goddamn pheromones have turned me into this... this insatiable slut."

She watched as Alter's cock leapt at her words, an implicit compliment to his virility. The sight triggered a low, gut-wrenching twist in her belly, an unwanted surge of arousal that gnawed at the scraps of her dignity.

"Stop looking at me with those pitiful eyes," Loraley snarled, her resentment brimming at the surface, tainting her usual tranquil demeanor. The shadows in the chamber cast her features in sharp relief, accentuating the ferocity that now clung to her like a second skin. She stares down Alter, the once-revered figure now succumbing to the ignoble throes of primal need and indignation.

Alter's cock twitches again, reacting to the venom in her tone, a perverse response to the distortion of their roles. His breath hitches as a mixture of shock and involuntary lust courses through him. The sight of Loraley's tits, with nipples visibly hardening despite her ire, sends a fat bead of precum sliding down the underside of his shaft.

"You... You find pleasure in my downfall?" Loraley rages, her voice thick with disgust. She drags herself closer to Alter, chains rattling in protest. "So what if I turned into a fucking cum-dumpster? Is that what you fucking want? To see me degraded even further?" Her eyes glinted with a madness only deep-seated humiliation could craft.

Alter's surprise was evident, his brow furrowed slightly, torn between his programmed detachment and the emerging turmoil inside his dick. "Loraley, it's not like that. I—I didn't—"

Loraley cuts him off, reaching out with a trembling hand to graze the weeping head of his cock. "Shut up. Your bullshit excuse does nothing for me. If I’m nothing more than your whore... then fuck me like it." Her voice was hoarse but powerful, commanding even in her compromised position.

“W-wha!? Loraley, snap out of it! This isn’t you!”

“What do you know about me!?” Loraley barked back, not planning to back down at all.

Guilt washed over Alter. His eyes betray the conflict brewing within— caught between his own subservience to Ginova's insidious plans and a growing empathy for the captured priestess whose dignity is now in tatters before him.

The chamber grew eerily silent except for the wet sound of Loraley’s fingers smearing his precum over his cock. Her touch was both rough and desperate; it's an alien sensation to have her stroking him willingly after days of forced violations.

"Is this what you wanted to see, huh? This is what gets your dick hard?" She spits angrily while pumping his length, teasing its swollen veins with unforgiving swiftness.

Alter contemplated pushing her away, ending this mockery of intimacy, but his hips betray him, fucking into her grasp unwittingly. The sensations overwhelmed his senses; his mother’s manipulation has not prepared him for this reversal.

"You think your sperm is so fucking special? That I can’t get enough?" she snarled, hand working his thick phallus with fervor despite the pain clenching her heart, an organ she thought long hardened against any more betrayal. She refused to make eye contact now, focusing instead on milking his erection, coaxing out more of that thick load she came to both despise and crave.

The metallic sound of chains echoed through the chamber as Alter grunted, closer to cumming than he'd care to admit. "Loraley...I—" he pants, unable to finish his sentence as Loraley's furious handjob draws forth a strand of sticky spunk that landed hotly onto her hand.

Seized by a moment of brazen boldensss and coerced desire, she snatches Alter's twitching balls, squeezing them just enough to extract another stream of spunk which she hungrily smears across her cunt lips, so swollen and purple from relentless fucks that they seem eager to gobble up any essence of masculinity presented before them.

"Yeah, you fucking like that? Seeing your thick sperm wasted on these whore lips?" Loraley mocks, intent on showcasing just how much she’s been corrupted by this place.

Alter can't look away from the spectacle; her cunt is certainly sopping up his tribute, as insulting as she means it to be. The blatant disparagement only serves to heighten their arousal.

Pushing herself up on weakened knees, Loraley directed the head of Alter's cock towards her entrance before she paused, holding his gaze now with firm resolve. Then she sinks down onto him without grace or care for gentleness— only driven by her need to break herself on his rigid meat.

Her tits bounced as she rode him roughly, raw emotion seeping into every thrust downwards. Their moans mingled in the damp air, a dueling orchestra of shame and unrepentant lust fueled by mind and body alike.

Alter grunted beneath her onslaught. His hands find Loraley's ass, guiding her down time and again onto his fuckpole— each time she lands spurred squelching noises from their combined fluids.

Burned by shame but ignited by lust, Alter's nuts tense against Loraley’s pussy grip; an indication he's on the brink once more. Sensing this, Loraley leans down to his ear and hissed with venomous spite, "Oh yes, dear Alter... give me your fucking seeds... I'll drown in it this time..."

And so he did.

His orgasm ripped through him. He dumps a load so deep inside Loraley’s cunt that she felt it hit parts unknown, and every burst sets off spasms rippling through her snatch, clenching with greedy ecstasy around his convulsing cock.

Alter's load slimed into Loraley, shot after shot, while her cunt sucked at him like a greedy maw, desperate for the filthy warmth of his jizz. Her insides pulsed around his throbbing cock, milking him for all he was worth, the force of her own climax making her vision blur as her cunt clamped down on him in rhythmic waves.

"Fuck…Fuck!" she cursed through gritted teeth, the sensation of being filled to the brim with Alter's spunk sending her over the edge into another orgasm.

Her body spasmed atop him, tits jiggling wildly as she rode out the high of her ecstasy. Alter's fingers dug into the meat of her ass, holding her tight against him, ensuring not a drop of his potent load could escape her ravaged hole.

As their orgasms subsided, Loraley slumped against Alter, breath heaving as she tried to process the obscenity of their coupling. His cum leaked from her cunt in hot, glistening rivulets, trickling down her thighs and pooling beneath them on the cold stone floor.

She lifted herself off him with a wet squelch, his semi-hard cock flopping against his abdomen, still coated in a mix of their juices. Loraley's eyes fell upon it— that mighty rod that had once again wrought ruin upon her body and soul. A perverse affection for it twisted her guts; she had come to know every vein, every ridge.

"You… you fucking broke me," she whispered hoarsely, fingering the sticky mess between her legs. His spunk oozed from her sore cunt, the evidence of her debasement and desire.


Ginova watched everything unfold in her chamber through Alter’s eyes. Loraley’s downfall into madness was clear as day.

‘It took only 3 days. Rather quick, but this is only the first step.’

Like exactly what Alter told Loraley, the high priestess’ resistance against their charms and hypnosis started to weaken. It didn’t completely disappear, but definitely weaker than when they first met.

Loraley fell unconscious again not long after she violated Alter. Her face looked calm and peaceful, almost satisfied in fact.

‘Seems like this slutty priestess really likes Alter. Well, that’s to be expected. That was the plan from the beginning after all.’

Since Loraley could not be hypnotized directly, Ginova had to resort to a more ‘traditional’ method. Using their natural bodily constitution as drugs, the pheromones they emitted and the taste of their fluids was enough to make any man or woman go crazy for them.

Thanks to her ‘unknown blessings’ she managed to resist for the past 3 days without succumbing to her lust. Until now that is. Supposedly, the potency of their pheromones was absolute. As in, impossible to resist.

‘This priestess is quite interesting. 3 days might seem short, but the fact she was the first one to ever resist the charms of hermaphrodites for that long in my 13 years living in this world is something else. I wonder what is the secret behind her resistance? I need to find out…’

The methodology was simple, but in truth only Ginova herself could pull this off. To take the priestess’ men and hope, squash them until she could see nothing but despair. Blackmail her into servitude using her precious maidens, harass her until she breaks. Then, all Ginova had to do was provide her an outlet.

That’s where Alter came into play.

Status wise, Loraley was a prisoner. Practically, everyone else was above her. Being stripped naked, having both her wrists and ankles chained, having her meal contaminated with the guards’ urine, forced to watch her cellmate raped before her eyes and unable to do anything…

It was to press her psyche, to hammer down the fact that ‘you, the high priestess of Deltorra is powerless.’

The series of events was quick with barely any time to rest. The fact that Loraley kept fainting also worked in Ginova’s favor.

The final nail in the coffin was how she forced Alter to copulate with Loraley. To give her a taste of the ‘boy’, to let her know that the boy was just as powerless as her, if not more.

Alter was Ginova’s ‘body double’ with artificial memories and personality planted into him. Their minds connected to each other with Ginova being the main host.

Meaning this boy might have seemed autonomous and possessed his own feelings and thoughts, but his ‘mother’ still held the absolute control of his emotions and thoughts.

Ginova would describe it as akin to playing a video game back in her previous world. Alter is the player that she controls. Despite Alter having his own narrative, feelings, dialogues and opinions, Ginova was the one having complete control of his life and destiny.

Naturally, there was no game that offered such creative freedom to the players back then. But it was the most apt comparison she could think of.

Thus, Alter is Ginova, despite his childish and defenseless appearance. An extension of her to be precise.

Through this fact, Loraley, being the adult and ‘older’ than Alter, held more power and authority over him. Her pride was broken and cracked, the very last thing she had cling onto for the past few days she'd spent here. It became so fragile, even a drop of water could destroy it.

To cope, Loraley tried to maintain that sense of pride. Whether she realized it herself or not, she needed something to rely on. Her faith in Aria, the religious belief that was indoctrinated into her since she was a child couldn’t save her. Not after she witnessed the things that Ginova was capable of.

She needed something more real. Something tangible. Something that could quench her desires, an outlet for her frustrations, fear, and hatred.

There was Alter. The boy that she developed a connection with. Going through the same predicament, stuck in the underground dungeon somewhere in Karda, a growing sense of camaraderie bubbled in her heart.

That was the first and the second day.

She formed some sort of an attachment with Alter. It wasn’t strong nor unshakeable, but it was there.

‘Humans are social beings. Loraley was no different. Would she rather be trapped in such a jail alone, or would she rather be jailed together with another person? Especially when that person is someone smaller than her, more frail, weaker, and going through something equally if not worse than her? She must have found comfort in his company, though I doubt she realized this herself. Well, even if she does, I’m sure she will never admit it.’

Throughout the time they have spent together, Loraley began to see Alter less as a threat and more as another captive like herself. Even after learning the fact that Alter was Ginova’s son, she still found herself gravitating towards him. Her feelings were solidified when they had sex with Ginova.

Loraley cared for Alter.

But that feeling didn’t last for long when reality came crashing down on her once again. Those frustrations and anger had peaked. She failed to keep her feelings in check and directed all her emotions towards the person she was supposed to care about.

Feeding on dominating someone weaker than her, her pride and sense of control was sated. Some semblance of sanity and conscience returned to her mind, but the aftermath wasn’t so nice either. Her fainting every now and then seemed to be her defense mechanism at play, too. To protect her from extreme shock.

‘Loraley haven’t eaten anything much either from the past few days…’

Ginova thought of her next step.

‘It’s time to shake things up. I can’t have her die from hunger. I have so many more things to experiment with her and Alter together. The maidens haven’t even got a chance to play with them yet.’

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