Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 25-3 (The Saintess’ Hidden Side)

Something hasn't been quite the same. The air, the atmosphere, even the people have changed. I can't say what exactly changed, but I know for sure I'm not hallucinating.

The sanctum, the heart of the Solheim Empire, was where I grew up as a member of the Aria Church. The church took me in when I was just a young boy, right after the orphanage that sheltered me was pillaged and burned by bandits.

My memory about those times was rather hazy and I can't recall much of what happened, so the incident didn't really traumatize me.

As far as I know, it was the church that raised me.

Growing up in the church, I was taught many things. The doctrines, the teachings, the chores, and my duties.

Like any other religion, the Aria Church had its own set of rules and principles. The goddess Aria once walked among us mortals and blessed the land with prosperity. She set an example of how to live a virtuous life, how to be kind and compassionate to others, and how to fight for the greater good.

It was these values that I was indoctrinated with. Every day, I would wake up at the crack of dawn and head to the chapel for morning prayers. Afterwards, I would start on my chores. Cleaning the halls, washing the windows, dusting the statues of the goddess, tending to the gardens, and so on.

I was also required to attend sermons and lessons, where I would learn more about the goddess and her teachings. I was taught to be humble, to be selfless, and to always put others before myself.

As I grew older, my responsibilities increased. I started helping out with the administrative work, copying scrolls and organizing documents. I even got to assist the priests in their rituals and ceremonies.

Life in the church was simple and humble. I didn't have much in terms of material possessions, but I was content. I had a roof over my head, food in my stomach, and a purpose in life.

Sure, there were times when I would wonder what it would be like to live outside the church, to experience the world beyond these walls. But those thoughts were always fleeting. After all, the church was my home, and I was devoted to the goddess Aria.

I also made a lot of friends during my time in the church, especially with the nuns and the maids. We would often sneak away during our breaks to explore the hidden corners of the sanctum. There were so many nooks and crannies to discover, and we would pretend we were adventurers exploring ancient ruins.

Those were interesting times, but peaceful. I don't think I've ever picked up a sword in my life before. Nothing but books and scrolls. I have no fight to fight, and no blood to spill.

But that wasn't everything. The sanctum is an important place for the church. Not just the High Pontiff, but also other key figures were often seen around here.

The Saintess, Aurora V. Solheim, was someone I held in high regard and respect. She was the epitome of grace, beauty, and piety. Whenever I saw her, she always carried herself with an air of elegance and authority. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous around her.

I remember when I first met her. I was just a boy then, and she was in her early teens. Despite the age difference, she treated me with respect and kindness, unlike the stories I've heard about how nobles treated their servants. Though, the Saintess kept her distance with everyone except the High Pontiff himself.

As we grew older, the age gap between us seemed to diminish. Now that I'm in my early twenties, she's only a few years older than me. It's funny how time works like that.

The other High Priestesses in the church were a different story. They were all much older than me, old enough to be my mother. But despite their age, they all looked incredibly young and beautiful. It was as if they were blessed by the goddess herself.

I always wondered how they managed to maintain their youth and beauty. Was it some sort of divine intervention? Or was it just pure exercise and a strict beauty regimen?

Regardless, their beauty was otherworldly, and it was hard not to be in awe of them. But I always had to remind myself to keep my distance. They were the High Priestesses, after all, and I was just a lowly servant. Many of the church members spoke of their desire to work closely with them, but I tried to stay away from these sorts of conversations.

The higher you go, the more troubles you invite, and I'm not equipped to deal with any of them.

But now, things are different. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something has changed.

It all started when Loraley Rainfield, the High Priestess of Deltorra, returned from her mission in the Kingdom of Deltorra. She had been sent there to deal with a heretical cult, but when she returned, she was different.

At first, I thought it was just my imagination. After all, people change all the time, and Loraley had been through a lot during her mission. But as the days went by, I started to notice little things.

Her demeanor was different. She used to be so strict and uptight, always following the rules and protocols to the letter. But now, she seemed more relaxed, almost carefree. She would smile more often, and sometimes even laugh out loud.

Her behavior towards the other priests and priestesses changed too. Where she used to keep her distance and maintain a professional demeanor, she now seemed more friendly and approachable. She would often strike up conversations with them, and even share a joke or two.

But the most striking change was in her appearance. Loraley had always been a beautiful woman, but now she seemed to radiate a different kind of beauty. Her skin seemed to glow, and her eyes sparkled with a newfound energy. Even her hair seemed more lustrous and voluminous.

I couldn't help but wonder what had caused this change in her. Was it something that happened during her mission? Or was it something else entirely?

And so, Loraley's popularity among the church members soared. Everyone, from the priests and priestesses to the nuns and maids, seemed to be drawn to her. They would constantly seek her out, eager to bask in her newfound warmth and friendliness.

Even I couldn't help but be affected by her change. Her smile was infectious, and her laughter was like music to my ears. I found myself looking forward to her presence, eager to see what new surprises she had in store.

But despite the changes in Loraley, life in the church went on as usual. I continued with my daily routine, attending prayers, doing my chores, and assisting with the administrative work.

It wasn't until a few weeks later that something significant happened. I was walking down one of the many hallways in the sanctum, my arms laden with scrolls and books, when I turned a corner and bumped into someone.

The impact was so sudden and unexpected that I lost my balance and stumbled backwards, dropping everything I was carrying. It was then that I realized who I had bumped into.

Loraley stood there, her eyes wide with surprise. But that wasn't what caught my attention. As I had stumbled backwards, my hands had instinctively reached out to steady myself. And in doing so, I had inadvertently groped her breasts.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still.

I could feel the softness of her breasts beneath my fingers, the warmth of her skin seeping through the fabric of her robes. My heart raced, and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

I quickly pulled my hands away, my eyes darting around nervously. Loraley's surprise quickly turned into amusement, and she let out a soft chuckle.

"Caine, are you alright?" she asked, her voice smooth as honey.

I swallowed hard, trying to find my voice. "Y-yes, High Priestess," I stammered. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to... I mean, I didn't see you there and I just..."

Loraley's expression shifted, and a smirk tugged at the corners of her lips. She took a step closer to me, her body pressing against mine.

"Caine," she purred. "You're not as innocent as you seem, are you?"

I felt my heart race even faster, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. I opened my mouth to protest, to apologize again, but no words came out.

Loraley's eyes traveled down my body, her gaze lingering on my chest before moving back up to my face. She licked her lips, slowly and deliberately, and I couldn't help but shiver.

She was looking at me like I was her prey, like she wanted to devour me whole. I had never seen her like this before, and it was a terrifying sight to behold.

"Caine," she whispered, her breath hot against my ear. "Such a naughty boy, aren't you?"

I couldn't answer, my throat too dry to speak. Loraley smiled, her teeth flashing in the dim light of the hallway.

"Leave those books and scrolls. Follow me." she commanded, her voice leaving no room for argument.

She turned on her heel and walked away, her hips swaying with each step. I watched her go, my mind reeling with confusion and fear.

I was frozen in place, my heart pounding in my chest. I had just inadvertently groped the High Priestess Loraley's bountiful breasts, and now she commanded me to follow her. I knew I had no choice but to obey, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over me.

I quickly followed her down the hallway. My mind raced with possibilities. What if she reported me to the High Pontiff? What if I was excommunicated from the church, or worse, sentenced to death for my transgression?

I knew that the High Priestess held a great deal of power within the church, and that she could easily ruin my life if she so chose. I had heard rumors of her cruelty in the past, of how she would punish those who displeased her without mercy.

But despite my fear, I couldn't help but be drawn to her. There was something about her, something that made me want to follow her, even if it meant my downfall.

As we approached her bedchamber, my heart began to race even faster. I had never been inside the private quarters of a High Priestess before, and I had no idea what to expect.

Loraley pushed open the door and stepped inside, motioning for me to follow. I hesitated for a moment, my fear threatening to overwhelm me, but I knew I had no choice.

As soon as I stepped inside, Loraley closed the door behind me, the sound of the lock clicking into place echoing through the room. I looked around, taking in the opulent furnishings and the large, plush bed that dominated the center of the room.

Loraley turned to face me, her eyes glinting with malice. "Caine," she purred, her voice dripping with poison. "Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in?"

I swallowed hard, my throat dry as sandpaper. "I-I'm sorry, High Priestess," I stammered. "I didn't mean to... I mean, it was an accident, I swear."

Loraley laughed, the sound harsh and grating. "An accident?" she sneered. "You expect me to believe that?"

I opened my mouth to protest, but she cut me off with a wave of her hand. "Save your excuses, Caine," she hissed. "I know exactly what you were doing."

She took a step towards me, her body pressing against mine. I could feel the heat radiating from her skin, the softness of her curves molding to my own.

"You're a filthy little pervert, aren't you?" she whispered, her lips brushing against my ear. "You think you can just grope me and get away with it?"

I shuddered, my body trembling with fear and something else, something I couldn't quite identify. "N-no, High Priestess," I whimpered. "I would never..."

Loraley's hand reached up and tangled in my hair, yanking my head back sharply. I gasped, pain and pleasure mingling together in a confusing jumble.

"Liar," Loraley snarled, her eyes flashing with anger. "You're a sick, twisted little freak, and you deserve to be punished."

With that, she shoved me away from her, sending me sprawling onto the bed. I looked up at her, my eyes wide with fear, as she loomed over me.

"You're a filthy little pervert, Caine," she hissed. "You think you can just grope me and get away with it? You're nothing but a sick, twisted little freak, and you deserve to be punished."

As she spoke, she reached down and grabbed the waistband of my pants, yanking them down roughly. I gasped, my hips lifting off the bed as she exposed my most private area.

Loraley's eyes widened as she took in the sight of my small, flaccid penis nestled in a thick patch of pubic hair. She let out a harsh laugh, her lips curling into a sneer.

"Well, well, well," she mocked. "What do we have here? A pathetic little dick to match your pathetic little mind."

"M-my lady! I—" I felt my face burn with shame and humiliation, my eyes stinging with unshed tears. I had never felt so exposed, so vulnerable, in my entire life.

I could see the disgust and repulsion etched on Loraley's face as she stared at my exposed genitals, her nose wrinkling in revulsion. And yet, despite her obvious disdain, she couldn't seem to tear her eyes away.

Slowly, almost reluctantly, she leaned down, her face inching closer and closer to my crotch. I held my breath, my heart pounding in my chest, as I watched her nostrils flare, her lips parting slightly as she inhaled deeply.

I could see the muscles in her jaw clenching as she took in my scent, her tongue darting out to moisten her lips. She seemed to be fighting with herself, caught between her revulsion and a twisted sense of fascination.

Before I could even process what was happening, Loraley's head dipped down further, her face pressing into my groin. I could feel the heat of her breath against my balls, the wetness of her tongue as it snaked out to lick at my scrotum.

I gasped, my hips bucking involuntarily at the sensation. Loraley's hands gripped my thighs, her nails digging into my flesh as she held me in place.

She continued to lap and suckle at my balls, her tongue swirling around each testicle, her lips gently tugging at the wrinkled skin of my scrotum. I could feel my dick twitching, stirring to life despite the humiliation and degradation of the situation.

Loraley's mouth moved lower, her tongue trailing down to the coarse, curly hair that surrounded the base of my cock. I watched in horrified fascination as she parted her lips, her teeth gently nibbling at the hair, pulling at it experimentally.

I could feel the tugging sensation all the way down to my toes, my body shuddering with pleasure and pain mixed into one. Loraley seemed to be lost in her own world, her eyes fluttering closed as she savored the taste and texture of my pubic hair.

I could feel the heat rising in my body, my skin prickling with sweat and shame as Loraley continued to munch and slurp at my crotch. I knew that I should be horrified, disgusted by her actions, but a small, twisted part of me was secretly thrilled by the degradation.

As Loraley's tongue and teeth worked at my pubes, I could feel my dick growing harder, thicker, straining towards my belly. I knew that it was wrong, that I should be pushing her away, but I couldn't seem to find the strength to resist.

"Have mercy, my lady…!"

I knew how screwed up the situation was. I knew that what Loraley was doing to me was wrong, that it went against everything I had ever been taught. But despite all of that, I couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of pleasure at the abuse.

As Loraley's tongue and teeth continued to work at my groin, I could feel my body responding in ways that I had never experienced before. My skin prickled with heat, my muscles tensing and twitching as waves of sensation washed over me.

Loraley's hands moved from my thighs to my testicles, her fingers fumbling with the delicate flesh as she continued to slurp and nibble at my pubic hair. I could feel the pressure building in my balls, the need for release growing stronger with every passing second.

"You like that, don't you?" Loraley taunted, her voice muffled by the hair in her mouth. "You like being used like a dirty little whore."

"N-no…! I— ah!"

I wanted to deny it, to tell her that she was wrong, but the words stuck in my throat. Because deep down, a part of me did enjoy it. The stimulation of being reduced to nothing more than a fuck toy for the High Priestess's amusement somehow frazed my brain.

Loraley seemed to sense my inner turmoil, and she laughed, the sound harsh and grating in my ears. "Don't worry, Caine," she purred. "I'll make sure to give you exactly what you deserve."

With that, she increased the intensity of her assault, her fingers tugging and twisting at my balls as her teeth scraped against the sensitive skin of my inner thighs.

I watched in horror as Loraley's face inched closer to my exposed cock, her nostrils flaring as she breathed in deeply. Her eyes fluttered closed, a low hum of satisfaction vibrating in her throat as she took in my scent.

"So dirty," she purred, her voice thick with perverse pleasure. "Your cock smells absolutely filthy, Caine."

I felt my face burn with shame, my stomach churning with humiliation as she continued to sniff at my crotch. I knew that I should push her away, I should fight against the degradation, but my body refused to obey.

Loraley's fingers trailed along the length of my cock, pulling my foreskin taut and revealing the glans hidden within. She lifted her head slightly, her eyes locking with mine as she brought her fingers to her nose and inhaled deeply.

"The smell of your smegma is intoxicating," she whispered, her voice dripping with mock reverence. "It's like the most potent perfume, wafting from your unwashed dick."

I couldn't help the whimper that escaped my lips as she continued to taunt me, her words cutting deeper than any blade ever could. I knew that she was right, that my cock was filthy and unwashed since yesterday.

I stammered out an apology, my voice shaking with fear and shame. "I-I'm so sorry, my lady," I whimpered. "I didn't mean to offend you with my unwashed state."

Loraley's lips curled into a sneer, her eyes flashing with malice. "You disgusting little pig," she hissed. "You think that an apology is enough to make up for your filth?"

Before I could respond, she dipped her head down, her lips pressing against the tip of my cock. I gasped, my hips bucking involuntarily at the sensation of her hot, wet mouth enveloping my sensitive glans.

Loraley's tongue swirled around the head of my cock, lapping up the smegma that had accumulated there. She let out a moan, the sound vibrating against my shaft as she savored the taste of my dirt and grime.

Despite my shame and humiliation, I could feel my cock twitching, growing harder and thicker as Loraley continued to suckle at my glans. The sight of her beautiful face pressed against my filthy crotch, her lips stretched around my unwashed cock, was a twisted turn-on.

"Ah! Oh, my lady! It— it feels so good—!!"

I couldn't stop the moans that spilled from my lips as Loraley's tongue continued to swirl around the head of my cock. The sensation was unlike anything I had ever experienced before, a perfect blend of pleasure and shame that left me reeling.

Her tongue was like a dexterous little snake, flicking and darting around my glans with expert precision. She traced the ridge of my cockhead, her tongue dipping into the sensitive groove that ran along the underside of my shaft.

I could feel my toes curling, my hands fisting in the sheets as Loraley's tongue worked its magic. She lapped at my glans like it was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted, her moans of pleasure vibrating against my sensitive flesh.

"Ahh! Oh fuck, my lady!" I cried out, my hips bucking upwards as Loraley's tongue swirled around the tip of my cock. "Your tongue feels so good!"

Loraley lifted her head, her lips parted from my dick with a pop, "Y-you like that, don't you…?" she mocked, gasping for air. "Hah… you like having your filthy cock sucked… Huff, by the High Priestess…?"

I nodded frantically, my breath coming in short, sharp pants. "Yes, my lady," I whimpered. "It feels so good. Your mouth is like heaven."

Loraley's perverse smile widened. "Well then," she whispered. "Let me take you to heaven, Caine."

With that, she dipped her head back down, her lips once again enveloping my cock. I gasped, my back arching off the bed as she took me deep into her throat, her tongue continuing to dance around my glans the entire time.

I could feel the pressure building in my balls as Loraley bobbed her head up and down on my cock, her mouth and throat working in tandem. I knew that I was close, that it wouldn't be long before I exploded.

"Loraley," I panted, my fingers tangling in her hair. "I'm gonna cum."

But she didn't pull away. Instead, she took me even deeper, her nose pressing against my pubic bone as she swallowed around my glans.

The feeling was too much, too intense. I can't control it.

With a growl, I tightened my grip on her hair, forcing her head down onto my cock. She let out a muffled gasp, her body twitching as I held her in place.

"Take it!" I snarled, my hips bucking upwards. "Take my cum, my lady!"

I could feel the first pulse of my orgasm building, the pressure in my balls reaching its peak. With a roar, I thrust upwards, burying my cock deep in Loraley's throat as I exploded.

My seed spurted from my cock in thick, heavy ropes, filling her mouth and throat with my sticky cum. I could feel her swallowing around me, her throat muscles working to milk every last drop from my balls.

The pleasure was intense, all-consuming. I could feel my body shuddering, my muscles spasming as I emptied myself into Loraley's eager mouth. It was the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced, a cataclysmic explosion that left me gasping and shaking.

As my cock twitched and spurted, Loraley continued to suckle and slurp, her tongue coaxing every last drop of cum from my balls. I could feel the warmth spreading through my body, the tingling sensation that started in my toes and worked its way up to the top of my head.

It was like being wrapped in a warm, fuzzy blanket, the pleasure suffusing every inch of my being.

Even after I had spilled every last drop of my seed down Loraley's throat, she continued to lap and suckle at my softening cock. Her tongue swirled around my sensitive glans, her lips gently tugging at my foreskin as she cleaned away the remnants of my orgasm.

I watched in awe as she lapped at my hairy balls, her tongue delving into every crevice and crease to ensure that no trace of cum remained. She seemed to take great pleasure in the act, her eyes fluttering closed as she savored the taste of my sweat and grime.

Despite the waves of pleasure that continued to crash over me, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of shame at her actions. The sight of the High Priestess on her knees, her face pressed against my filthy crotch, stirred something deep within me.

As if sensing my thoughts, Loraley lifted her head, her lips curling into a sneer as she looked up at me. "You really are a filthy little pervert, aren't you, Caine?" she mocked, her voice dripping with disdain. "Getting off on having your cock sucked by the High Priestess."

I stammered out an apology, my face burning with shame. "I-I'm so sorry, my lady," I whimpered. "I didn't mean to—"

But Loraley cut me off with a sharp laugh, her eyes flashing with malice. "Oh, I'm sure you didn't," she sneered. "But that doesn't change the fact that you're a disgusting little pig who can't control his own base desires."

I felt my heart sink at her words, my stomach churning with humiliation and self-loathing. I knew that she was right, that I was a pervert and a deviant who had defiled the High Priestess with my filthy cock.

But despite my shame, I couldn't help but notice the way Loraley's breathing had quickened, her ample bosom heaving as she looked up at me. And when she spoke again, her voice was thick with a perverse sort of pleasure.

"You know, Caine," she purred, her fingers trailing along the length of my softening cock. "Your cum isn't so bad. In fact, I think I rather enjoyed the taste of it."

I felt my eyes widen at her words, my breath catching in my throat. "You... you did?" I whispered, hardly daring to believe what I was hearing.

Loraley's lips curled into a smirk, her eyes glinting with cruel amusement. "Mmhmm," she hummed, her fingers continuing to stroke my cock. "It was thick and salty, with a musky flavor that lingered on my tongue. It wasn't the best, but good enough."

I shuddered at her words, my cock twitching and starting to harden once again. The thought of my cum, my seed, being savored and enjoyed by the High Priestess was a strong stimulant.

"And you know what else, Caine?" Loraley continued. "Drinking your cum, feeling it slide down my throat and coat my insides... it made me cum too."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Loraley, the High Priestess, was telling me that she had come while drinking my cum? My mind reeled as I tried to process her words.

She had been playing with me, mocking and teasing me the entire time, and yet here she was, admitting to taking pleasure from something so depraved.

"B-but why?" I stammered, my voice cracking. "Why would you drink my cum if you hate me so much?"

Loraley's smirk widened, her eyes gleaming with perverse delight. "Oh, I don't hate you, Caine," she purred. "I just enjoy seeing you squirm. And besides, your cum isn't half bad once you get past the smegma."

Her words sent another jolt of pleasure mixed with revulsion down my spine. I tried to push the feelings away, to deny the dark desires that were awakening within me.

My cock twitched and began to thicken once more, the need for release building again.

I glanced down and noticed a damp stain on her robe, right where her groin was.

"What's that?" I blurted out, pointing at the wet patch on her robe.

Loraley laughed. She stood up, her robes swishing around her body as she towered over me. I watched in awe as she slowly undid the ties at her waist, letting the fabric fall to the floor in a puddle of white silk.

And there, nestled between her thighs, was the source of the wet patch— a thick, hard cock, straining against the confines of a chastity cage.


Ever since that day, High Priestess Loraley began to gradually harass me from day to day, and it wasn't long before her attention spread to other members of the church as well.

It started with lingering touches, seemingly innocent brushes against my body as she passed by. Then came the lewd comments whispered into my ear when no one else was around. I tried to ignore it at first, hoping it would pass, but Loraley only grew bolder.

It wasn't just me who was subjected to her harassment either. I began to notice similar behavior directed towards other clergy members. One of the younger male priests started avoiding her altogether after an incident where she cornered him in the rectory.

The atmosphere in the church began to shift. What was once a place of reverence and piety now felt strange. People began whispering, glancing at each other with knowing looks. It was as if a spell had been cast over us all.

I knew that I should report Loraley's behavior to the higher-ups, but a part of me was terrified of what she might do if I spoke out. She held a position of power, and I was just a lowly orphan who had been taken in by the church. In the end, I decided to endure it, hoping that someone else would come forward first.

Then something even more strange happened not long after that.

Once upon a peaceful morning, the Saintess Aurora, a figure revered for her purity and grace, walked down the hallway wearing nothing but a transparent dress. The sheer fabric clung to her curves, leaving little to the imagination. To my shock, there were cut-out holes over her nipples and crotch area, brazenly putting her most intimate parts on display.

I stood there, mouth agape, as she sauntered past. The maids surrounding her giggled and whispered amongst themselves. But what surprised me even more was when they started encouraging us to approach Aurora and touch her body.

"Go ahead," one of the maids called out to me with a wink. "The Saintess wants you to worship her holy form."

I hesitated, torn between my upbringing which taught me this was wrong, and the alluring sight before me. Aurora's exposed nipples were stiff peaks, her breasts swaying with each step. The glimpse of her bare pussy through the hole in her dress made my cock twitch in my pants.

Around me, other clergy members were succumbing to temptation. They reached out their hands to grope and fondle the Saintess as she passed by. Moans and gasps filled the air. The sanctity of the church was being defiled, but at that moment, I found it hard to care.

My feet carried me forward almost of their own accord. I stopped in front of Aurora, my heart pounding. Her eyes, once filled with innocent piety, now gleamed with lust. She arched her back, thrusting her chest towards me in offering.

I could see the humiliation burning in the Saintess's eyes as she stood there, her face flushed crimson. She was unable to speak, to protest against the degradation being inflicted upon her. Yet despite her shame, her body betrayed her.

Through the hole in her dress, I could see her pussy glistening with arousal. Her lower lips were swollen and puffy, dripping with slick juices. And her nipples, exposed to the cool air, were stiffened into rock-hard points.

Unable to resist the temptation any longer, I reached out and gave one of those nipples a sharp twist. Aurora gasped, her back arching at the sudden burst of pain. I could feel her racing heartbeat beneath my fingertips.

Then, slowly, teasingly, I trailed my hand down her body. Over the curve of her breast, across the flat plane of her stomach, until I reached the dripping entrance to her core. I slid a finger inside, feeling the scorching heat and tight grip of her inner walls.

The Saintess let out a strangled moan, her hips buckling forward to meet my touch. Around us, the other clergy members watched with rapt attention, some rubbing themselves through their robes. The maids whispered words of encouragement, goading us on.

It wasn't long before the others joined in, cutting my time with the Saintess short. Eager hands reached out from all directions, groping and pawing at Aurora's exposed flesh. Some squeezed her breasts while others fought to touch her dripping sex. The maids continued to encourage the depraved behavior with wicked smiles.

Aurora's face was flushed crimson, tears of humiliation gathering in her eyes. But she made no move to stop the onslaught of violating touches. She simply stood there, body trembling, as the clergy members had their way with her.

Despite myself, I felt a thrill at seeing the once-pure Saintess being debased in such a manner. My cock throbbed almost painfully, straining against the confines of my robes. I wanted nothing more than to join in the frenzy, to bury myself deep inside the Saintess' willing body.

Eventually, the crowd parted, allowing Aurora to continue on her path towards the High Pontiff's chamber. She stumbled forward on shaking legs, her body bearing the marks of the clergy's attention. Her nipples were red and swollen, her thighs slick with her own juices.

As she walked, the violations continued. Passing clergy members would grope a breast or slap her ass, some even going so far as to finger her pussy. Aurora whimpered and moaned, her hips twitching with each touch. But she kept moving forward, step by faltering step.

I watched her go, my own arousal reaching a fever pitch. I knew that whatever awaited Aurora in the High Pontiff's chamber would be even more depraved than what had already transpired.

For now, I contented myself with the memory of the Saintess's tight heat clenching around my finger, the sight of her exposed body being defiled by the very people who once worshiped her. It was wrong, I knew, but I couldn't bring myself to care.

The church had fallen into depravity, and I had fallen right along with it. The old ways were gone, replaced by a new order of lust and sin. And as I watched the Saintess disappear into the High Pontiff's chamber, I knew that there was no going back.


On the day of Aurora's pilgrimage, an air of anticipation filled the grand hall of the Aria Church. The clergy gathered, their eyes gleaming with a newfound hunger, a stark contrast to the solemn demeanor they once held.

Aurora, adorned in a transparent gown, stood at the altar, her face flushed red with embarrassment.

The High Pontiff, draped in robes that barely concealed his own arousal, announced the commencement of the ceremony. "Today, we bear witness to the Saintess's offering of her most precious gift."

The High Pontiff stepped forward, his eyes locked onto Aurora's trembling form. He slowly lifted her gown, revealing her bare sex to the eager audience.

Aurora closed her eyes, a tear rolling down her cheek as she felt the High Pontiff's fingers probing her flooded entrance. He then positioned himself, his glans pressing against her virginity.

Aurora's eyes shot open as she felt a burst of pain, her hymen tearing as the High Pontiff thrust forward with one powerful stroke. Her legs trembled, struggling to support her weight as the Pontiff's hard length filled her completely. A choked sob escaped her lips, and her hands clawed at his robes.

The clergy surrounding them let out a collective gasp. Some whispered excitedly, while others began to stroke their own erections.

"Plap! Plap!" The sound of flesh meeting flesh echoed through the hall as the High Pontiff set a relentless pace, hammering into Aurora's wet heat. Her body shook with every thrust, each impact pushing her closer to the edge of pleasure she longed to deny.

"I can see you're enjoying this, Saintess," the Pontiff grunted. "Let go of your inhibitions. Embrace the freedom of our new doctrine."

Aurora's face contorted in a mix of pleasure and anguish. Her eyes darted around, taking in the eager faces of the clergy, all awaiting her surrender.

"G-goddess Aria, forgive me," she whispered, her breath heavy.

The High Pontiff responded by withdrawing his length, only to slam back into her with increased fervor. "It's Ginova you should be calling upon. Surrender to her divine pleasure."

Aurora's body betrayed her, a warm stream of urine soaking her thighs as her orgasm exploded. Her eyes rolled back, mouth agape, a deafening scream emerging from her throat. "Fuuuuuck!"

The High Pontiff groaned, his eyes glued to Aurora's wanton expression. Her inner walls squeezed tightly around his length, rippling with each wave of her climax. "Ginova blesses us with your submission, Saintess."

He slammed forward, burying himself hilt-deep within her again, before slowly withdrawing, savoring the sensation of her tight flesh massaging his shaft. Aurora's legs quivered, barely holding her upright as the Pontiff relentlessly fucked her. Each thrust made her eyes roll back, tongue lolling from her mouth.

"She's gone, completely lost in Ginova's embrace," the HighPontiff said, his words somehow audible over the room's wet, lewd sounds. The watching clergy, their erections aching with need, panted and grunted in unison with each of the Pontiff's thrusts.

The Pontiff gripped Aurora's hips, pulling her onto his cock, their slick flesh smacking loudly. Aurora's eyes fluttered, as she fought to maintain consciousness. She couldn't help but moan, the volume growing with each thrust, the bliss overwhelming her sense of shame.

"You think this isn't what the goddess wills?" The Pontiff's breath was hot against her ear. "Our goddess rewards pleasure, not restraint. Scream your devotion to Ginova, Saintess."

"Fuck...Me...Fuck...Ginova!" Aurora cried, each obscenity accompanied by a body-bucking spasm that caused them both to gasp. She climaxed again, her asshole clenching, and her cunt throbbing around the High Pontiff's shaft.

The watching clergy applauded, hooting and hollering as their superior violated their religious icon.

The Pontiff's words echoed through the grand hall as he gripped Aurora's waist, pulling her onto his length with one final, thunderous thrust. With a satisfied groan, he released his seed deep inside her defiled womb.

"Behold, our Saintess has received Ginova's blessing!" The High Pontiff proclaimed, his voice dripping with lust and power. "Now, let her bear the fruits of our collective devotion."

With that, the High Pontiff released his grip on Aurora, allowing her to collapse onto her knees, her body trembling from the barrage of intense orgasms. She gasped for breath, her eyes wild with a mix of ecstasy and horror.

The gathered clergy, their eyes alight with primal desire, surged forward. They grabbed Aurora, tearing at her flimsy gown and exposing her heaving breasts and dripping sex. Aurora's protests were muffled as a cleric forced his shaft into her mouth, while others lined up to take turns with her wet cunt.

The once-holy chamber transformed into a den of debauchery. Loraley, perched on a high perch, her camera recording the unfolding spectacle, reveled in the sight of Aurora's degradation. The Saintess was gang-banged by the very men she served, reduced to a quivering sex doll for their pleasure.

"Suck that cock, whore! Show the goddess your appreciation!" a cleric bellowed, forcing his length down Aurora's throat until her eyes watered. Another cleric, his shaft slick with Aurora's juices, rammed into her pussy from behind, his balls slapping against her bruised rear.

"Spread those legs wider, slut! Let the goddess feel your worship," another shouted, slamming into Aurora's asshole, stretching her even further.

Aurora's cries were raw and desperate as she was used by one man after another, her body shuddering uncontrollably. Every hole was invaded, leaving her violated and marked by their possession.

The mass of men showed no mercy, eager to claim their piece of the sainted flesh. They spit-roasted her, tugging on her nipples, and buried their faces between her ass cheeks to tongue her anus. Aurora's mouth frothed as her throat took turns in hosting their cocks, her screams drowned out by the lewd cheers of her rapists.

Loraley's recording device didn't miss a moment of the depraved gang rape. Aurora's milky tits swayed with each brutal impact, her skin glistening with sweat and seed, as the High Pontiff watched, stroking his softening shaft to full hardness once more.

Loraley stood off to the side, her eyes gleaming with malicious delight as she watched Aurora's degradation. The once-pure Saintess was now nothing more than a fuck toy for the depraved clergy, her body used and abused in the most degrading ways imaginable.

Then there was Caine, kneeling before her crotch, his mouth wrapped around Loraley's thick cock, free of the chastity cage. The slurping sounds he made as he bobbed his head up and down Loraley's shaft harmonized with the wet slaps of flesh against flesh as the clerics took turns violating Aurora's holes.

"Feast your eyes on this, you filthy whore," Loraley sneered, zooming in on Aurora's face twisted in agony and ecstasy. "We'll make a fortune selling this recording. Everyone will see the great Saintess for the cock-hungry slut she really is."

Aurora's body convulsed as she was brutally fucked, her screams and moans filling the grand hall. The clerics surrounding her jeered and taunted her, their eyes blazing with sadistic glee as they used her body for their perverse pleasure.

Loraley angled the camera to capture the streams of cum leaking from Aurora's overstuffed holes. The Saintess's once-pristine body was now covered in a sheen of sweat and semen, her skin red and raw from the relentless pounding.

Caine continued to suck Loraley's cock with gusto, his cheeks hollowing with each bob of his head. Loraley smirked, her free hand tangling in his hair as she thrust her hips, fucking his face without care.

"Imprints of cocks and hands are permanently etched on her flesh, marking her as the cum dump she is," Loraley narrated to the recording device. "The Saintess is nothing more than a receptacle for cum, a dirty whore to be passed around and used."

The camera focused on Aurora's face, her mascara running in rivulets down her cheeks, her lips swollen and spit-slicked. Her eyes, once filled with innocence and piety, now held nothing but despair and shame.

"Look at her, Caine," Loraley commanded, her voice thick with mockery. "Look at how far the mighty Saintess has fallen. Nothing but a filthy, worthless slut, just like the rest of us."


The footage of Aurora's defilement, distributed by the very church she served, sent shockwaves through the realm. Sold in back alleys and traded among the underground networks, the video of the Saintess's gang rape became a hot commodity.

Despite the church's denial, claiming the video was a fabrication by Ginova's cult, the public could not get enough. The demand for the footage far outstripped the church's attempts to suppress or censor it, and the church itself seemed to have no intention to crack down on the peddlers and buyers.

On handcarts and mobile stalls, the video was projected against walls, with eager crowds forming, lustful for a taste of the forbidden. The clergy's violation of the once-purity symbol was a spectacle to behold, their chanting and jeering a chorus of degradation. The more enterprising merchants, sensing a lucrative opportunity, produced prints of Aurora's most explicit moments for sale, spreading the lurid imagery beyond the confines of the city.

The High Pontiff's whispered proclamation of Aurora's worthiness to be used by the Goddess reverberated through the streets, further stoking the fire. Many who watched the video believed in the Saintess's fate, a divine sacrifice for the greater good of the church and its corrupt reformation. All of this happened while the church leaders remained conspicuously absent from public view, hiding behind closed doors, as if unwilling to face the scandal they had helped create.

The scandal spread like wildfire through the kingdom, igniting rumors and speculations.

The hallowed halls of the Aria Church in a distant kingdom echoed with the echoing footsteps of a nervous young man. His heart raced as he approached the confession booth, the weight of his sins heavy on his shoulders. Sliding back the small privacy curtain, he entered the dimly lit booth, his eyes adjusting to the candle-lit interior.

"Forgive me, Holy Mother, for I have sinned," he began, his voice quivering. "I have committed the act of self-pleasure by myself, without the presence of a partner."

A gentle, yet unassuming voice broke the silence. "How often have you done this, my son?"

The young man shifted uncomfortably. "Too many times to count."

The nun continued her questioning, her tone now lowered and laced with concern. "Does this act bring you shame, my son? Do you understand the weight of your actions and their impact on your faith?"

The man's gaze dropped to the floor. "I understand the sinfulness of my ways, Holy Mother. But I... I have trouble controlling my urges. Seeing the Saintess, her purity defiled, it fills me with lust. I know I shouldn't watch the video, but I can't help myself."

"Tell me, my son, where did you obtain this... recording?" The nun's voice was steady, betraying no judgment, only a sincere desire to understand.

The man's voice lowered to a whisper. "I purchased it... in an alley. I knew it was wrong, but I was overcome by my desires. And now, every time I watch it, I grow more... addicted."

The nun, her hood shading her golden-eyed gaze, nodded solemnly. "I understand, my son. It is a great challenge to overcome our desires, especially when they are fueled by the very sight of evil." As she spoke, a sense of strength and calmness emanated from her, a combination of faith and compassion. "You must remember, there is always a choice. The Church of Aria believes in free will, and while we may be tempted, we have the power to resist."

The young man, consumed by guilt and shame, nodded eagerly. "Yes, Holy Mother. I want to resist. I want to break free from this... this curse. I shall stay away from such unholy videos and dedicate myself to service and prayer."

The nun's expression softened. "That is the spirit, my son. The path to righteousness is not without trials, but with faith, we can overcome." She then leaned forward, lowering her voice conspiratorially. "But tell me, my son. Did you notice that in your moment of weakness, we were given a glimpse into the true nature of this evil?"

Intrigued, the man leaned in, his curiosity piqued. "No, Holy Mother, enlighten me."

With a half-smile, the nun reached out and gently ran a finger down the wooden stall, creating a vertical opening. "An opening, more than large enough to accommodate a certain appendage," she whispered. "And through this very hole, I offer you a chance at repentance. For tonight, my son, I shall take your sins unto myself."

The man's eyes widened in shock, then narrowed in confusion. His mind raced, mouth agape, trying to make sense of her words and propose a refusal.

"Allow me to guide you back to the path of light," the nun's voice remained steady, confident. "Offer your seed to me, and together, we shall pray for redemption."

The young man hesitated, torn between shame, curiosity, and a burning desire for release. The mysterious nun's words offered an unexpected salvation, a chance to exorcize his demons in a way he had never anticipated. He could sense her sincerity and the conviction in her words.

"Come, my son." Her hand glided up his thigh through the opening, her touch soft and persuasive. "Let your offering be a step towards absolution. I shall take it into my body, and together, we shall cleanse your soul."

As her hand snaked towards his crotch, a surge of lust filled him. Her words, her gesture, the opportunity to undo his sin, all swirling in his mind. With a final surrender to his desires, he stepped forward into the booth, his member throbbed with excitement.

The nun, in a single fluid motion, unveiled her own sin, a rounded butt, turning to present her exposed hole. "I welcome your warmth, my son. Use my asshole. Use it to offer your prayers to the Goddess."

The young man, consumed by desire, knelt before the booth, his eyes fixing on the exposed hole that mirrored his fantasies. He could barely believe his hands now caressing the smooth flesh of the nun's buttocks, their texture soft and warm beneath his touch.

"Your... it looks like hers," he stammered, his voice thick with excitement. "The Saintess's rear. But even more beautiful, if that's possible."

The nun, still clad in her hooded robe, offered a mysterious smile. "The Goddess's beauty is eternal, my son. It can manifest in many forms and reflections." Her voice, like a soothing balm, washed over his doubts and fears. "Do not be distracted. Your faith demands your dedication, and tonight, your devotion will be rewarded."

Without further delay, he thrust forward, impaling her anus in one smooth motion. The nun hissed, then moaned, her body accepting his offering without resistance.

"Yes, Holy Mother," he groaned, his voice hoarse with desire. "I offer my seed, a sacrifice for my sins. Accept my impurity, purify me."

As he began to move, a sacred rhythm took hold. The booth's walls creaked with each thrust, his heated grunts accompanying her soft moans. He could not help but think of Aurora, her defiled body, as he plunged into this fleshly imitation, seeking absolution through debauchery.

"P-please, I can't hold it much longer," he gasped, his climax rapidly approaching.

The nun, her body languid and welcoming, exhaled a sigh. "Unleash your passion, my son. Your offering is accepted."

With a final, fervent cry, he released a torrent of cum, a liquid prayer, into her rectum. As she felt the heat of his release, she reached behind and caressed his spent cock, a sacred gesture of unity in their shared act of redemption.

As the last drops of his seed finally released from his tank, the man's eyes, now adjusted to the dimly lit booth, darted to the nun's exposed face. His heart skipped a beat as he recognized the features he had seen on the forbidden video and paintings—Aurora, the Saintess herself.

"You... you're the Saintess Aurora! But... how?"

Aurora, a mischievous smile playing on her lips, slowly began to wash his cum-soaked cock with a damp cloth. "It is I, my son, who has come to grant you absolution." She ran her tongue over her lips, her golden eyes sparkling with delight. "My shameful punishment has transformed me, revealing a power that the Goddess has blessed within me."

Bewildered and aroused, the man stared at Aurora, his member still pulsing from his recent release. "But... the video. Your honor... defiled. It was real… Why?"

Her smile faded slightly as she paused in her cleaning. "The video was the wake-up call I never expected, my son. It showed me the mortal sin that had been committed against the Church and its teachings. And it forced me to question my own faith and the true nature of desire."

With each deliberate stroke of the cloth, Aurora's touch sent shivers through the man, leaving him aching for more.

"I have been granted a unique mission, a calling that transcends traditional morality," she continued. "It is my purpose to guide lost souls like you, who struggle with the temptations of the flesh, to find their true path—a path that may lead through the most intimate of acts."

Seeing the man's expression of disbelief, Aurora tapped her own cheek with his shaft. "But my body, while consecrated for pleasure, is also a vessel for penance. As the Saintess, I bear the burden of others' sins. So, come to me, my son, whenever you feel your desires threaten to overpower your devotion. I shall be here, offering release."

He trembled, overcome by the divine woman's proximity, her words, and her almost palpable godly aura. "I... I don't know what to say, Saintess. To think I was being drawn closer to the Goddess through such acts..."

She gave a gentle laugh, her breath tickling his flushed skin. "Say nothing more, my son. Come to me in your time of need. And remember, there is no sin in seeking redemption through pleasure."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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