Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 6-1 (Conditioning)

Gin was lying down on his comfy bed with Teressa on the other side. She was asleep, looking peaceful without a single hint of worry on her face. Her tangled and damp blue hair had become dry and silky smooth, and there was no sign of sweat, dirt or grime on her skin. The bed too, was clean and smelled pleasant as if they were new. Not even the odor of the room left a trace of their hot and passionate love making.

It was all thanks to his miracle system. The price to clean both himself and Teressa, and everything else in the room didn’t exceed Faith 20 points. At this stage, Gin was capable of earning hundreds of points easily with just her alone. In fact, he just gained over 500 of them just from this session alone.


State: Healthy (Tired)
Buffs: High Regen, High Poison Resist, High Mind Resist
Debuffs: -

Titles: Mind Breaker Lv.1

Strength: 20
Agility: 20
Intelligence: 20
Mind: 20
Charm: 20

Faith: 4162

-Elementary Tracking Lv.3 (73.1%)
-Hypnotic Voice Lv.1 (Max)
-Intermediate Archery Lv.4 (1.77%)
-Intermediate Massage Lv.4 (90.68%)
-Dream Walker Lv.1 (Max)


Gin reached the soft caps of 20 for all of his stats. Now he was capable of chopping a tree with his fists, although he would still break every single bone in his hands doing it, definitely not the most efficient method compared to using an ax. His high Agility stats allowed him to do double backflips relatively easily even on flatground without assistance. Combined with his Intelligence stats, Gin was confident he could control his Strength and Agility in tandem to pull off parkour with relative ease.

‘I don’t get that much opportunity to fight anyone. The closest thing I’ve ever been to conflict would be when I was out hunting. Even then I just used bow and arrow to kill the prey in one shot.’

Raising his raw strength wasn’t his priority, but he felt it was necessary and essential to do so. After all, he was a ‘foreigner’ in this world. He had no idea what could be hiding in the corners of these lands; the odds of being ambushed by bandits were not zero.

Another thing he noticed besides the stats were his Hypnotic Voice and Dream Walker skills. They reached max level the moment he obtained them. He wasn’t sure why this was the case, but he assumed it was caused by their unique nature.

Hypnotic Voice relies on his Mind and possibly even his Charm stats, while Dream Walker simply relies on making direct skin contact and having higher Mind stats than the target. From that fact alone, Gin hypothesized that his own stats are the 'levels' of the skills themselves.

‘It made things simple. Stats-based skills seem to be unique and special.’

Beyond that, he learned something new about this system of his.

Gin has recently discovered that he can use his Faith points to gain knowledge about the world, including the village he is currently in. However, the cost for this information is currently out of his budget.

’It appears that acquiring information isn't cheap with Faith points. I shouldn't rely on using them to forcefully gather information. Instead, I'll learn bit by bit on my own. Unless it's absolutely necessary, I'll refrain from impulsive spending.’

He realized that there might be situations where he could be in mortal danger and not have enough Faith points to save himself. If that were to happen, it could spell the end for him.

‘I need to be cautious when spending my Faith points and ensure that the benefits outweigh the costs. Even a single point gap could potentially mean the difference between life or death. There may come a time when I'm in a dangerous situation and have to use my Faith points to escape, so I can't afford to waste them on miscellaneous information or items.’

Though, for now, Gin was safe. This remote village called Laim was located far from the main cities and towns. Traders and merchants from the outside world passed by from time to time to sell goods and information, although they were rare.

This worked out well for him, it would be troubling if Laim was a well known village.

‘This will be my biggest expenditure yet, and the plan carries a risk of failure. However, if it succeeds, I will become self-sustaining and free from the daily grind of earning points. With more free time and resources, I can explore the limits of my abilities.’

Gin yawned and stretched his limbs—

‘Now, shall we have breakfast?’

Sera woke up with a throbbing headache. The incessant chirping of the birds outside her window confirmed that morning had arrived, but the pain in her head made her wish she could just stay in bed all day.

“Ah~! Ah~!”

Once she collected herself, she noticed the rhythmic pounding and moans were growing louder and faster coming from outside her room. The sounds of skin slapping against skin—

Despite the discomfort that made her heart throb, she was surprised to find herself wasn't as anxious or afraid as she had been the day before. It had only been 24 hours, but already she was adapting to the changes in her life.

Sera gulped her saliva down her dry throat as she stood frozen before the door. She knew what lay on the other side and steeled her heart. Her hands reached for the door knob. She turned it slowly, and pulled it wide open—


And there they were, Gin and her mother, their bodies entwined on the table, lost in a passion that was almost too much to bear. The air was thick with the scent of their desire, and Sera couldn't help but feel a hot flush spread across her cheeks. The cutlery and plates rattled in rhythm following their incessant pounding.

Fwop—!! Fwop—!!

“Ungh—!! Angh—!! Harder—!! Ahhhh~~!!”

Squelch—!! Squelch—!!

Sera was once again hammered by reality. She felt terrified, yet at the same time there was another forbidden ecstasy welling up inside her, it was enough to send her mind reeling. She couldn't help but feel a growing sense of curiosity and desire, drawn in by the raw energy of their perversion.

‘Just how— how could they keep doing this? How long have they been at it?’

Sera stood by the doorway, watching Gin’s thick and throbbing shaft coming in and out of her mother’s pussy, covered in white froth.

‘Mom’s v-vagina… it’s red and puffy…’

She kept her mouth shut, trying her damndest to calm her breathing and heartbeat, but it was all in vain. She felt her nipples getting rock hard and her groins throbbing in heat. She hated herself for feeling aroused—

‘Why—! Why am I feeling this way watching my own mother—!?’

Suddenly, Gin called out to her. Pulling her attention back to reality.

“Have a seat. Your turn will come next.”

Sera’s eyes opened wide, "M-my turn?" she whimpered, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Obviously. What is it? You don’t want to eat breakfast? How are you going to train with an empty stomach?” Gin affirmed her suspicion as he kept on moving his waist like a piston.

There was bread, an empty soup bowl and cup on the table. Sera recalled everything that happened yesterday morning and froze on the ground. She remembered the taste that sent her to heaven and back, it was enough to make her drool just by thinking about it, but no—

‘I-I can’t fall like this—! I… I have to resist!!’

Sera gnashed her teeth.

“N-no! I don’t want to!”

“Alright then.”

“You can’t— huh?”

Gin nodded to himself as sweat trickled down his forehead. His breathing was rough and repeated himself.

“If you don’t want to eat it, then so be it,” He panted, “You are an adult, Sera. You can make your own decision. We can’t force you, can we?”

“Aha~!! Aha~!!”

Teressa’s tongue lolled out and her eyes crossed. Her legs shook intensely—

“Cumming!! I’M CUMMING—!!”

Gin immediately received a notification from the system that he just earned 50 Faith points. Teressa lost all the strength in her legs and fell on the table, passing out from the orgasm.

Meanwhile, Sera simply stood there, couldn't help but to feel a tingle between her thighs. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, trying to ease the pressure building within her.

It was then that she noticed the damp spot on her shorts, a telltale sign of the excitement that had consumed her the night before. Her cheeks flushed as she remembered the way her body had trembled and convulsed in the throes of pleasure—

Gin stopped his pounding for a moment, trying to catch his breath. He turned around, completely naked without a single thread covering his body. Sera managed to catch a complete view of his figure.


His glistening black hair was damp with sweat, clinging to his forehead and adding to the allure of his sculpted features. Every muscle in his body seemed to be chiseled with the precision of a master sculptor, radiating with vitality and strength.

Though he had a lean build, there was no mistaking the explosive power and endurance that lay beneath his surface. She could only imagine the intense passion and stamina he would bring to the bedroom—

‘No—!! What am I thinking—!!’

Sera's face turned from a simple flush to a burning shade of crimson. Her eyes narrowed, and her lips pressed together in a thin line as her teeth ground against each other. Despite her annoyance, she couldn't deny the man's charm— his sharp jawline, the way his eyes sparkled with allure, and the confident aura he exuded. She tried to brush off the feeling in panic, but it lingered, and she couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest.

It was beyond shameful and embarrassing to be attracted to the man who not only fucked her own mother, but also the man who force fed her his own semen and urine.

Sera's face burned with humiliation and a deep sense of degradation threatened to consume her as she thought about what had happened.

It was a confusing mix of emotions, one that left her feeling both conflicted and strangely aroused. As much as she hated the idea of being reduced to such a state, there was an undeniable thrill that came with relinquishing control and surrendering to the moment.

Sera couldn't help but to recall the moment she gave both of them complete control over her body and mind, it was—



“…? What’s wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?”

Gin cocked his head with a smile. Sera snapped back to reality and noticed that her drool was leaking out of the corner of her mouth. She panicked and hurriedly wiped them off her face. Her embarrassment and shame reached their peak, and her fight or flight response was triggered.

Naturally, her only option was to choose the latter. Sera took a few quick steps towards the exit and yelled, her face flushed deep with red, "I-I'm leaving!"

Hang on.


And just like that, her feet stopped on track. All the muscles in her body tensed and stiffened in place.

‘W-what’s going on!? What’s happening!? What did he just do to me—!?’

Gin walked closer from behind. Sera felt her pulse quickened as his footsteps grew louder and more insistent. When he finally reached her, she felt the heat of his breath on the back of her neck, sending goosebumps down her spine.

“Your clothes. They are dirty from last night. Let me clean them.”

Gin reached his hands down to her groins—


Sera's body jolted in response, every muscle tensing up as she felt his hand groping around her most private areas. Her shoulders stiffened, and her hands clenched tightly at her sides as she braced herself for what was to come.

She was powerless to resist the electrifying pleasure that coursed through her body as his fingers explored every inch of her. The sensations were intense, overwhelming, and impossible to ignore, leaving her gasping for air as she surrendered to the sensations.

Despite the shame and humiliation that lingered at the back of her mind, she couldn't deny the raw, primal pleasure that came with the situation, being powerless and dominated by his touch.

The pleasure grew stronger, more and more intense until she was close to reaching her climax—

“—And there we go. You are all clean and ready to go now.


Sera's eyes snapped open as she regained control of her body. Her mouth hung open in disbelief as she turned to face Gin, rendered speechless by the unexpected turn of events.

“What’s wrong? I said you are free to go.”

“… You… I…”

She wanted to say something, but nothing came out. Desperate to speak her mind, Sera struggled to find the right words, but her thoughts were scattered and jumbled.

“I…… Why……”

Despite her efforts, she found herself speechless, and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and shame. It was a cruel irony as her body burned with unfulfilled lust, yet she couldn't express her desires and needs.

The silence between them grew heavier, and she felt her heart pounding in her chest. She longed to speak, but her tongue felt heavy in her mouth. She was trapped, and the frustration of not being able to communicate only added to her feelings of helplessness.

Unable to come to terms with the confusing mix of pleasure and shame that coursed through her body, Sera pushed Gin away and ran towards the exit.


The door was slammed open, and Sera went straight towards the village as fast as her legs could carry her.

As she ran, her heart pounded in her chest. Her thoughts swirled with conflicting emotions. She was overwhelmed by a sense of loss and confusion, unable to understand how her body could respond so powerfully to someone that filled her with such deep shame and humiliation.

Gin stood on the doorway, watching as Sera's figure grew smaller and smaller in the distance, disappearing into the horizon.


Sera didn’t notice it, but Gin did use his Faith points to clean her body and clothes of sweat, dirt, and grime. Though, he couldn’t completely clean everything.

‘She’s practically drenched down there...’

Gin looked at his fingers coated in her thick and sticky love juice. He tapped them together and the fluid stretched and pulled, forming long, thin strands that glittered in the light.

‘…It’s time.’

Her mind was in chaos. Sera couldn’t focus on the practice at all.


She was the first to arrive in the training field, even before the instructor himself. Distracted and frustrated, Sera kept on repeating her warm-up over and over again. Unfortunately, her groins just won’t calm down. In fact, the opposite happened. The throbbing grew stronger—

“Damn it…”

Not only that, she also broke the absolute rule. Beyond the blazing heat of desire in her body was the side effect of ‘addiction’ kicking in her system. Anxiety, fear, and nausea mixed into one, causing her an extreme sense of discomfort.

The sun rose high in the sky, and with each passing minute, she grew more desperate and ill. Finally, she excused herself from the usual exercises and sparring, seeking relief from the scorching heat under the shade. Her rationality began to leak bit by bit caused by unbridled lust and distress combined into one.

“What’s wrong, Sera?”

“...Nothing.” she replied curtly. It was a typical response from her; cold, indifferent, and lacking in warmth.

Laven saw she was alone and came to talk to her. What happened yesterday in his father’s restaurant was still fresh in his mind. Sera puked her guts out and made a big scene. He had to carry her over his shoulder back to the training field.

He had a lot to explain to his father and his colleagues that day. Everyone told her to go back home early, but she refused.

Today was the same. Even Wyca kept on stealing glances towards her direction. A look of concern was etched onto her face, her brow furrowed with worry. It was a subtle gesture, barely noticeable to anyone but herself.

‘She did seem somewhat sick since yesterday morning. Just what in the world happened to her?’

Sera slowly lifted her head, her eyes hazy, "I'm fine..." she spoke, her voice low and sultry as she met Laven's gaze, saliva could be seen leaking down from the corner of her lips.


Laven found himself transfixed by her face. His heart skipped a beat as their eyes met, and for a moment, he forgot to breathe. Her misty eyes along with her flushed cheeks and ears seemed to radiate an almost hypnotic energy that left him feeling dizzy and disoriented.

The words 'seductive' and 'alluring' hardly seemed adequate to describe her; at that moment, she was like a goddess. Even the drool that escaped from the corner of her mouth only increased her charm, making every single movement and gesture undeniably hot and sexy. Laven's heart skipped a beat, and realized he was in trouble— his feelings for her had become too strong for his heart to contain.

He was caught in her spell, and he knew there was no turning back.


Sera suddenly stood up and walked away from him.

“W-where are you going?”

“…Taking a leak,” She looked back at him and furrowed her brows, “Why do you ask?”

“Oh, uh, nothing! Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked…”

Laven waved his hands apologetically, feeling bad for asking. Sera rolled her eyes and let out a barely audible sigh. As she went on her way, trying her best not to limp, Laven couldn't help but stare at her disappearing figure.

He was determined to make her see him as more than just a colleague or a friend. "Just wait, Sera. I'll definitely make you see me in a different light," he thought to himself with newfound determination.

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