Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 7-1 (Miracle Worker)

That night, Sera and Teressa passed out from their intense love making. The table was amess, the plates and cups were scattered across the floor. Both of them were covered in semen and piss, Gin had to clean everything with his Faith points and brought all of them to his room while Coll returned to his shed.

‘That was fun. Still, only Teressa was giving me Faith points.’

Sera kept on orgasming but none of them, from the beginning until now, gave him a single point at all.

‘It’s a bit saddening, but her Trust has increased again. So it’s all worth it in the end.’


Strength: 6
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 4
Mind: 5
Charm: 7

Awareness: 6 [Calm]
Trust: 7 [Trustworthy]


From now on, Gin obtained access to her surface thoughts. He wouldn’t need to guess what’s on her mind anymore, he could just figure out what she likes and dislikes, and act accordingly.

‘Actually, I can just alter her psyche to be my bitch from the get go, break her mind from endless pleasure, and make her see me as her master. I’m sure her Trust would reach the maximum on its own, but I’m not gonna do that. After everything she did, I would like to toy around with her a bit longer.’

Just like what he did to Coll for the past few days. His Trust increased to 8 (High Trust), and Gin took advantage of that. Putting him under a Trance state was so much faster and easier compared to Teressa. With Hypnotic Voice, Coll believed everything he said and it was done without much effort.

Gin experimented with his psyche, trying to see how far he could go.

‘First, I altered his perception of me, to make him see whatever I’m doing in a completely positive light.’

It seemed like a simple hypnotic suggestion, but there was a lot going on in the background to make sure there’s no conflict of perspective in his mind or a cognitive dissonance would occur. For example, what if he saw Gin fucking Teressa in front of his eyes? What would Coll do then? What Gin did would be a ‘positive’ thing, but there is no way that he would be happy having his loved ones raped before his own eyes.

Thus, Gin went ahead to go above and beyond.

‘Second, anything that I do, regardless of the moral implications and ethics, is always for the greater good and the betterment of the world.’

This will ensure that Coll would approve of anything he does, regardless if it's morally correct or incorrect. For example, murder, thievery, and whatnot. Having sex with his wife and daughter is also included.

But this does not guarantee that Coll wouldn’t feel any misgivings. And so, Gin put another alteration as a countermeasure.

‘Third, any negative emotion towards me will, no matter how small or big, will cause you to worship and think highly of me.’

With this, Gin had basically cheated the Trust stats. He used the kitchen knife to make a small incision on his index finger, and used his blood as an ingredient for a soup. Teressa served it specifically to Coll and he drank it without realizing the fate that awaited him. It took a while but his Minor Hypnosis immediately jumped to Major Hypnosis in one night.

‘It was all just a walk in the park after that. I locked him in the shed and told him stories of how I fucked his wife in the pussy and ass, that I’m 100% sure she was already pregnant with my seeds.’

Coll was confused why he would ever say such a thing to him, but the suggestions were still effective.

‘Coll was left flabbergasted. In the end, once I told him it was all to repay their kindness, he thanked me and even went as far to feel grateful. I checked that his Trust stats didn’t go down, so I upped the ante a bit.’

Gin brought Teressa into the shed and fucked her mouth, pussy and asshole right in front of him. He did it multiple times throughout the whole day while Coll watched with a pale face.

On the contrary, Teressa herself was more than happy to oblige, it was as if she had become truly free from the worldly restraints. There was no longer fear of getting caught cheating, she could have sex with her master whenever she wanted and there would be no consequences.

Gin left him alone for the whole night after that. When he checked up on Coll the next morning, he found out that his Trust stats had reached the maximum, 10 (Complete Faith), as he was singing praises of him while crying and pissing himself. It wasn’t as numerically large as Sera, jumping from 1 (Untrustworthy) to 4 (Doubtful), but the gap of a simple trust to being faithful was tremendous.

‘I could only imagine what sort of emotion he felt that day, to incur so many negative emotions, enough to push him over the threshold.’

After that, things became easier, but at the same time, more complicated.

‘This is still just the beginning. My aim is a bit higher than owning this family of three. No, I have to earn more Faith points. I need more, so much more points, enough to make me perform ‘real’ miracles.’

With this system of his granted by the goddess of virtue, Gin was determined to ascend beyond this earth— beyond the heavens no matter how long it would take.

‘I have to become omniscient. I have to become an absolute being in this world where none can harm me, and then I will grind my points to my heart's content until I have obtained everything I want.’

That was his ambition and life goal. To rule over the family was just the first step.

‘Next, I have to gain total control and authority over the inhabitants of this village.’

Unlike Sera, Gin had no hesitation to go all out on Coll and the rest of the villagers. He would put them all under his influence as soon as possible from now on.

‘I’ll mold the village into my will, to shape them however I want, and give them a whole new purpose in life—‘

He lay there, surrounded by the luscious curves of Teressa and Sera. His hands explored their soft flesh, delighting in the sensation of their warm skin against his fingertips. The women moaned in pleasure, their bodies arching towards him as he expertly teased and caressed their breasts.

“I’ll have them worship me,” Gin murmured, his voice low and husky with a calm determination. “They'll be my loyal devotees, ready to obey my every command. I'll become their lord and savior, the object of their deepest desires.”

Gin continued to play with their nipples, watching with satisfaction as they grew hard and peaked beneath his touch. He savored the feeling of power that came with their submission, knowing that he held complete control over their bodies and their wills.

‘They will be mine to command; they will bow down to me, praising and respecting their new master. And from this cult of worshippers, I will create a new religion, one that will spread across the world. They will come and pray to me, begging for salvation, and as their savior, I will grant them their wishes. After all, what is a god without believers?’

As he spoke, Gin felt his arousal growing, his cock growing hard and heavy between his legs. He knew that the road ahead was filled with thorns and challenges, that if he succeeded and overcame all odds then his power and influence would soon surpass all others. And as he looked down at the two women beneath him, he knew that they were just the beginning of his journey towards godhood.

Gin realized that his personality had undergone a complete transformation since he arrived in this world. He had no intention of doing such a depraved and perverted act to these people whatsoever when he first arrived here, no. It was only after he gained some understanding of how his system worked, and the potential it could achieve that he began to change his thought process.

The power was intoxicating, a rush of pleasure flooding his veins as he reveled in the control bestowed upon him by the system. His mind shifted, and he saw the world in a new light— as if it were his playground, his own personal kingdom. The dopamine surge was like a drug, and he craved more and more of it.

He basked in the sheer exhilaration of having absolute authority, his grip tightening on the world as if it was nothing more than a mere trinket. Every decision, every move— all of it was under his complete control.

The thought of becoming a god sent a shiver down his spine, a wave of desire coursing through him like an electric current. He knew that faith was the key, the fuel that would light the fire of his divine ambition. And for faith to exist, he needed followers— devotees who would worship him and hang on his every word. The mere thought of it was enough to make his heart race with excitement.

‘For me to become a god, faith is needed. For faith to exist, believers and followers are essential.’

Although, at this rate, wouldn’t people call him the god of perversion and depravity? No, he wouldn’t want that. Despite acknowledging how fitting that title was, Gin had a different idea.

‘I don’t have to let the people choose my title themselves. It’s mine to begin with. I can choose it on my own. I will form a cult and have my own followers call me the god of salvation or something.’

Truth be told, he felt goosebumps down his spine imagining himself proclaiming such an embarrassing title to the public.

‘Anyway, the plan in a nutshell is to turn this entire village into a cult base with me being the central figure. There are several methods I could think of… actually, there’s a lot of ways to accomplish that… too many in fact, I have no idea where to start.’

The system’s potential was practically limitless to him. With the amount of Faith points and stats he possessed at the moment, he could even subdue the entire village through physical violence alone.

‘The only person that poses a threat to me right now is Treo. His stats are relatively high and he’s skilled in swordsmanship. If I went after him when he sleeps, then there’s nobody else who could stop me.’

But Gin had no intention to do that. He might be able to win in a fight against anyone in the village, but wouldn’t they just simply escape? That would be a real problem to him.

‘There are tons of methods that would work if I really put mind into it. It just depends if I like it or not. Rather than me coming for them, why not just make them come for me instead?’

He had been racking his brain for ideas and methods that not only he could use, but also could enjoy.

‘This is where Coll comes into play. I’m gonna need him to do something for me.’

There’s a reason why Coll’s gender transformation was incomplete. It wasn’t because Gin was incapable of finishing it in one go or because he didn’t have enough Faith points, but because he specifically made it to be that way.

‘Coll will have to play a big role in converting this entire village to my will.’



Sera slowly blinked her eyes open only to find herself in an unfamiliar room. It took a moment for her groggy mind to catch up to what had happened— she had ended up in her parents' bedroom. As she surveyed her surroundings, a creeping sense of unease settled in her chest. Last night's events came flooding back, and Sera couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt at the taboo act she had committed with her own mother.

The memory was so vivid, she could still taste her mother's semen-covered pussy lips and sphincter in her tongue. It was a moment that would forever be seared into her mind.

‘… I’ve gone too far… there’s no going back is there?’

Sera's eyes remained fixed on the ceiling as she took a few deep breaths, trying to process everything that had happened in the past few days. It was a dizzying array of emotions and experiences, and her mind felt like it was still reeling from the shock of it all. As she shifted slightly, a sudden realization hit her— she was completely naked, her perky boobs and secret garden exposed. A flush of embarrassment spread across her cheeks, and she couldn't help but feel exposed and vulnerable.

‘Did… did we all sleep together…?’

Sera shook her head, trying her best to wash the shame away. Her throat felt parched, and the thirst was so strong that it made her groan in frustration.

‘I have to get something to drink…’

Without even realizing it, she opened her mouth, calling out to his name.


Sera's mind drifted to the image of water, but not the kind that she could find in a basin or a bottle. Instead, it was the salty, acrid taste of Gin's urine that came to her mind. She felt a rush of heat spread through her body as she remembered the intense craving that had overcome her the last time she drank from him. It was taboo, it was dirty, but it was also the only thing that could quench her thirst. She knew it was wrong, but the pleasure was undeniable.

‘Last night… I didn’t get to drink his pee… I need it… now.’

The shame and guilt towards her mother still lingered, but it was nothing compared to the overwhelming desire she felt towards Gin. Her heart had opened to him, and she was no longer shy to express her needs. She was a changed woman, no longer held back by societal norms and restrictions. Her mind and body yearned for his bodily fluids, and she had given herself up to the addiction. And like a true addict, she was driven solely by the desire to quench her craving.


Sera sprang out of the bed, her mind consumed by thoughts of Gin. She didn't bother to put on any clothes, and walked out into the dining area. Her parents, Coll, Teressa, and the man who turned her world upside down, were all sitting there, waiting for her to wake up.

She noticed Gin's eyes wander over her naked form, and a wicked grin spread across his face. Sera felt a tingle run down her spine, and she couldn't help but to feel her face redden. She knew that she belonged to him now, body and soul. The sight of her parents didn't even faze her anymore— after all, they were all the same like her, together in the pursuit of rapture.

Teressa and Coll called out to her.

“Morning, Sera!”

“Good morning, Sera.”

Sera's eyes landed on her mother who sat at the dining table with a radiance that surpassed her usual beauty. Her skin glowed, accentuated by a red flush that spread across her cheeks and ears, making her look almost like a goddess, untouchable and pristine. Sera couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy at the sight of her mother's glowing beauty.

“Morning…” she said, somewhat dazed.

‘Just how did mother look so pretty? She keeps getting more beautiful day by day… ever since Gin came… hm?’

The smell of sex wafted in the air. They must’ve done it not too long ago, she thought.

Sera sauntered over to the table and took a seat, her naked body glistening in the morning sunlight. With a mischievous grin, she playfully nudged her mother's shoulder, causing her own ample breasts to jiggle freely. Even her father's gaze couldn't help but linger, drawn to her captivating figure. But Sera remained unashamed, confident in her raw sexuality.

"Mom, where's my breakfast?" Sera pouted, her eyes fixed on the steaming plate before her. Despite the tempting aroma of the boar meat, the soup and cup beside it lay empty, glaringly incomplete. Her stomach rumbled with hunger, craving for Gin's thick, salty essence to satisfy her carnal appetite. Without it, the food was bland and lifeless, a mere placeholder for the real feast she desired.

"You're a grown woman now, Sera," Teressa said between bites of her meal, her face smeared with a white, creamy substance. Sera's mouth watered at the sight of it, knowing all too well what it was. "Why don't you try making it yourself for a change?"

Sera's eyes locked onto Gin and her mouth watered, the lust in her gaze was palpable. With a confident stride, her hips swayed seductively with each step as she approached the dark-haired man and boldly pulled his chair away from the table. Without a word, she dropped to her knees before him, her gaze fixed on his bulging crotch. She hungered for his intoxicating essence, eager to savor every last drop of his creamy treat that awaited her.

Gin's devilish grin only fueled Sera's desire as she knelt there, trembling with anticipation. "Oh, you seem eager?" he teased, his tone dripping with wicked amusement.

“S-shut up!" she barked, trying to hide her eagerness. But she couldn't hide the telltale signs of arousal— the pout, the flush, the quivering lips. "It's all your semen's fault! They made me like this!" she accused, trying to shift the blame.

The truth was, she loved every moment of it, the pleasure, the ecstasy. And she knew that she would never be able to get enough. Without hesitation, she reached for his pants, quickly undoing them and pulling them down to his ankles, ready to take what she desired.


Sera's jaw dropped in shock as she took in the sight of his rock-hard, throbbing dick up close. She was completely taken aback by its impressive size and couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by it. The veins running along its length stood out in stark relief, and she couldn't help but feel a primal urge stirring within her. A bead of precum glistened at the tip, and Sera found herself unconsciously licking her lips in anticipation.

‘This… this will be my first time putting it in my mouth…’

But just as she opened her mouth and jutted her tongue, her mother's voice broke through the trance.

“Ah-ah! Sera, remember what I taught you!” Teressa called out to her daughter. “There are proper steps to prepare your breakfast!”

She shook her head and said with a disappointed look, “First, take a deep sniff of your master’s cock. It is only appropriate.”

Sera's heart sank as her mother's voice interrupted her moment of temptation. She reluctantly tore her gaze away from Gin's impressive manhood and turned to face her mother. "Yes, mom." she mumbled, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

As she tried to compose herself and remember her mother's instructions, Sera couldn't help but steal another glance at Gin's cock. The sight of it was almost hypnotic, and she found herself longing to taste it.

With a heavy sigh, Sera leaned in and took a deep breath, inhaling the musky scent of Gin's thick odor. It was intoxicating, and she felt a shiver run through her body. Despite her reservations, she knew that she was enjoying this more than she cared to admit. But she couldn't let her mother or Gin catch on to her true feelings.


As Sera took a deep whiff of her master's pubes, she found herself inhaling and exhaling longer than she had expected. The scent was musky and potent, but it strangely appealed to her senses. She couldn't deny the pleasure she felt from the warmth and heaviness of his cock against her face, as well as the arousing aroma that filled her nostrils.


‘Am I really enjoying this?’ Sera wondered to herself, feeling both embarrassed and excited by the realization. ‘Maybe I like his nasty smell more than I care to admit…’

Despite her inner conflict, she continued to breathe in his scent, savoring the moment and losing herself in the sensation of being so close to him. It was as if time had slowed down and all that mattered was the intimate connection between her and this man before her.

‘Mom did call him… master… didn’t she? I didn’t hear it wrong, did I? Should I call him the same, too?’

Sera's mind was racing as she struggled to understand the complex web of power dynamics that seemed to be at play. The way her mother had referred to Gin as "master" had sent a shiver down her spine, and now she couldn't shake the feeling that she was in the presence of a true dominant.

“Sniff—!! Sniff—!! Sniff—!!”

But as she tried to make sense of it all, Gin's mischievous grin brought her back to reality. She felt a flush rise to her cheeks as she realized just how long she had been lost in thought, inhaling the intoxicating scent of his manhood.

Gin's words snapped her out of her reverie completely, reminding her of the pressing matter at hand, “I don’t mind you sniffing my cock and balls all day, but aren’t you going to be late to training?” he smirked as he caressed her hair.

Sera felt a jolt run through her body as she felt his fingers brushed through her hair. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment as he withdrew his hand, but she quickly shook the feeling away and refocused her attention on the task at hand.

“J-just you watch—!”

“I am watching.”

With a determined look on her face, Sera leaned forward and took Gin's testicles in her hand. She cupped them, took another deep sniff and slowly moved her lips for a kiss to his hairy balls.

“Snifff—! Smooch—!”

As she kissed his testicles, Sera could feel the weight of the balls in her hand. They were warm and slightly sticky, the musky scent of his skin filling her nose. She moved her lips across his balls, planting soft, wet kisses all over them. She felt the phallus twitching in excitement—

“Oh, that feels good, Sera.”

She couldn't help but smile to herself at the thought of how cute he looked as he moaned despite how grotesque his member was.

Sera ran her tongue along the crease where Gin's balls met his thigh, relishing in the salty taste of his sweat. She moved her mouth back up to his shaft, giving it a playful lick before looking up at him with a mischievous grin.

"Are you sure it’s your first time?" Gin asked, his breathing rough and heavy.

Sera's response was confident and bold, her eyes gleaming with a newfound sense of mastery. "I learn quickly," she replied, "and I have a very good teacher."

Teressa's heart skipped a beat as she listened to her daughter's words. Her face flushed with arousal, as she felt the wetness growing between her thighs. It was both thrilling and taboo to hear Sera speak so boldly praising her own mother to be a good sex teacher.

Coll's eyes were glued to the scene before him, completely transfixed on the erotic display. He couldn't believe that he was watching his wife and daughter eagerly pleasuring another man, and yet, the arousal that he felt was undeniable.

Coll had never felt such a rush of pleasure before, and he knew that it was all thanks to Gin. The man had changed their lives for the better, and he himself couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude towards this man. As he watched Sera and Teressa continue to lavish attention on Gin's throbbing cock, Coll felt his own desire grow even stronger.

Unfortunately for him, Gin forbade him to engage in any sexual acts until they have finished his gender transformation. Thus, he could only sit and watch, unable to even touch himself.

‘I hope we can finish this transformation process as soon as possible…’

Coll snapped back to reality and witnessed her daughter, Sera, slurping Gin’s shaft up and down as if she was licking an ice cream. He had never seen her so enthusiastic about anything else besides swordsmanship before, and it was almost surreal to see her so passionate about something so perverted and lewd. Her eyes were completely intoxicated as she panted like a dog in heat.

Slurp—! Slurp—! Slurp—!

He watched as Sera continued to pleasure Gin's cock, her movements becoming more and more frenzied as she chased her own pleasure, sucking on the glans and rubbing the Gin’s urethra with the tip of her tongue.

Meanwhile, Teressa was also feeling a mix of emotions. On the one hand, she was incredibly turned on by the sight of her daughter servicing Gin's cock, but on the other hand, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. After all, Gin was her master, not her daughter's. But as she watched Sera's skilled tongue and lips work their magic on his dick, she couldn't deny that it was incredibly arousing.

As for Gin himself, he was thoroughly enjoying himself. His system allowed him to read their minds, and knew exactly what they were all thinking.

He had never experienced anything quite like this before— having such a beautiful gentle milf and her young tomboy daughter worshiping his cock at the same time was beyond his wildest dreams. He could feel the pressure building in his balls as Sera's amateurish mouth movements continued to pleasure his glans, and he knew that he was close to climaxing.

Sera had never experienced anything like this before. Her fingers wrapped tightly around Gin's growing shaft, feeling it pulsate with increasing urgency. Suddenly, he thrust deep into her throat, triggering an intense gag reflex that she couldn't control. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she struggled to catch her breath, the sensation of his massive cock filling her mouth and throat overwhelming her senses.

As Gin's orgasm approached, he thrust even harder into her mouth, pouring a massive amount of cum into her throat. The force of it was too much for Sera to handle, and she coughed and sputtered, still with his glans lodged in her throat. The rest of his hot, sticky release poured out through her nostrils, coating her face in a messy, cum-covered haze.

Splurt—! Splurt—!


Gin groaned as he released every drop of pent-up tension from his throbbing member, sending streams of hot, sticky cum flooding down Sera's throat. As the intense pleasure overwhelmed her, Sera's eyes became unfocused in pure ecstasy. Gasping for air, she tried to push him away, but Gin held her head firmly in place, determined to empty himself completely.

Despite the overwhelming sensation, the taste of Gin's cum immediately flooded her senses, sending her taste buds into overdrive with an intoxicating blend of salty and sweet flavors. Every drop of his essence was like a shot of pure pleasure to her tongue, igniting every nerve ending and sending her body into spasms of desire. Sera knew that she would never be able to get enough of this intense, primal pleasure, and so, she savored it as long as she could before running out of breath.

Gulp—! Gulp—! Gulp—!

It was as if Sera was in a trance, her body moving on its own accord as she continued to swallow Gin's cum. With every pump into her throat, she felt a rush of pleasure that made her toes curl and her body shiver. The taste was intoxicating, and she couldn't get enough of it. Each gulp made her feel more alive, and her pussy gushed with love juice and desire. She had experienced this before, but every time was like the first time all over again. The taste never failed to leave her in a state of pure bliss.

“There goes your shot of protein in the morning.”

Gin shivered in ecstasy as he tried to pull out his cock out of her mouth. Sera won't stop sucking as he did so, her tongue still lapping at his shaft and swirling around his glans, making it hard for him to focus on anything else but the pleasure coursing through his body. Finally, with a wet pop sound, his glans left her lips, leaving her with crossed eyes and him with a sense of satisfaction.

Teressa and Coll witnessed everything with a bated breath. The scene was so erotic and mesmerizing that they couldn't help but be aroused themselves. Teressa felt her panties drenched in her own pussy juice, and Coll's bulge grew harder and harder as they watched Gin and Sera's passionate exchange.

Unfortunately, Gin didn't have much time to waste, and he abruptly ended the steamy encounter by pissing directly into Sera's mouth until she blipped in and out of consciousness regardless of her blissful state. Once he did all of that and cleaned the room with his points, Gin began to finish up his preparation to depart. Sera was still in a daze from the intense pleasure, but she obediently followed his command to get dressed and get ready for training in the village.

“Your mother will help prepare your soup for lunch later.”


Sera's heart sank as she realized that she wouldn't be able to coax out every last drop of cum from Gin's throbbing cock on her own. She longed to feel him explode inside her mouth, to taste every delicious drop of his hot seed. But she knew that her mother, Teressa, was the master of his pleasure, and could extract every ounce of ecstasy from him with her expert techniques and knowledge of his weak spots.

Sera could only imagine the waves of pleasure that Gin must feel under her mother's touch. She knew that if Teressa really put her mind to it, she could make him come in minutes. For now, she would have to be content with her protein shot as her mother prepared her lunch, waiting for the next turn to come.

“Alright Coll, let’s go. We have places to be.” Gin said, as he inserted the wooden dildo and the buttplug inside Teressa. He had just finished putting the lid on the waterskin filled with his fluids.

“Oh, is it time to complete the gender transformation?”

He couldn't wait to experience the heights of pleasure that Gin promised him. Would it be intense waves of pleasure crashing over him? Or would it be a slow and sensual journey to paradise? The possibilities were endless, and Coll couldn't wait to explore them all.

“Soon, yeah. For now, why don’t we go to the village and reintroduce yourself to them? After all, they might not believe who you are if you looked completely different from the get go.”

“That… that makes sense. Sure, let’s do that.”

Gin nodded, feeling gratified that he barely had to use his hypnotic voice to persuade the family anymore. It was a testament to the trust they had in him, and the connection they had built through their shared pleasures. They had fully accepted him for who he was, and were eager to explore the depths of their desires with him.

‘I don’t think I have to make up excuses anymore. Just a simple order might be more than enough to get them going.’

Like Sera, her Trust has already reached 8 (High Trust). Just a little bit more before she became his cocksleeve like her own mother. After that, he could advance on making this entire village his wholeheartedly.

‘Patience, good things come to those who wait, isn’t it Teressa?’

Gin went to the village while squeezing Sera's buttocks tightly, feeling the soft flesh under his fingers as he moved his hand back and forth, making her moan in pleasure while Coll watched in silence, feeling aroused as he trailed behind them.

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