Fallen Fate Online

Chapter 199 The Cut

Everyone who was around was watching the silhouette that had fallen near the entrance to the hospital. Among the onlookers were the usual Players who were not about to compete with Zayne Fellen, Alex, and the others who were watching the situation closely.

"What is she doing here...?" Alice muttered with wide eyes.

Luke grinned, "I knew this would happen. I swear! Hehehe, Elein Ferger, this is going to be interesting."

Everyone in the car had quite a bit of information about both the real world and Fallen Fate and the most successful Players.

Zayne spent most of his time with the NPCs, they were like people to him, though they weren't really any different anymore especially after Fallen Fate started giving real superpowers. He didn't know who was on top beside him, though he didn't care at all since he had other goals.

"Hmm? Has someone finally decided to break the silence?" Zayne muttered, looking at the silhouette approaching in his direction.

Elein stood silently in the aisle to the hospital grounds staring intently at Zayne for a while.

The reporter, who had already chosen a suitable position, began filming. His eyes sparkled brightly as he knew this would be his best report in years.

"Are you Zayne Fellen?" Elein asked calmly, with a serious expression. She looked stern and majestic as if she had been the ruler of something significant for many years.

Zayne nodded.

"Do you want to fight? You don't look like you want this hospital. If you do, go away. I'm not going to fight you for no good reason." Zayne waved his hand carelessly.

No emotion appeared on Elein's face; she remained as cold as ever.

"You have no choice. You're protecting your sister, aren't you?" Elein spoke, causing Zayne's eyes to instantly become as sharp as blades.

"Yes... and so...?" Zayne muttered, staring at her. For a moment his gaze fell upon her katana in its scabbard, "You think you can scare me with weapons? I have to stay here until this chaos is over, so you'd better stay out of my way."

Elein sighed, "I apologize."

Zayne was puzzled for a while. An arrogance and confidence was coming from Elein, so he didn't expect her to suddenly say something like that, then his eyes went wide.

Elein stepped forward with her eyes closed like a true samurai, put her hand on the hilt of her katana, and pulled it sharply from its sheath.

Zayne flinched, instinctively jumping aside at the very last moment before Elein made her swing.

The windblade, thin as a hair, instantly split the whole hospital in two, the cut precise as if it had been made by a skilled surgeon.

Zayne's eyes quickly went blank as he imagined the worst, but then he noticed something. Because Elein had made a smooth cut, no wards were damaged, only the center aisle was damaged.


Elein returned the katana to its scabbard, then she looked at Zayne again, "I think that was enough to show the seriousness of my intentions."

"Why are you doing this...? Are you insane? You were willing to kill innocent people just to fight me?!" Zayne exclaimed in a rage, clenching his fists tightly. He was ready to pounce on Elein right now and nothing could hold him back.

"Hmm? What are you talking about?" Elein tilted her head as if she didn't understand him, "Now I couldn't hurt anyone, I'm never wrong. However, if you don't agree, I'll swing my katana again, and this time I might accidentally hit some patient."

Zayne said nothing, his gaze just grew deeper as he confidently stepped forward. Like Elein had said at the beginning, he really had no choice. He couldn't run away, and he couldn't take Mia with him since Elein would have no trouble catching up with them. Also, there was no way he could protect his sister from such an attack, so he had only one option - to accept Elein's terms.

"Good. That's what I wanted you to do." Elein nodded slightly. She blinked, then Zayne, who had just been in front of her suddenly disappeared like a ghost.

In a heartbeat, his silhouette appeared right in front of her as well as his fist that was headed for her face.

'Quick!' Elein inwardly exclaimed, swinging her katana in its sheath, trying to defend herself from the blow.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

On impact, there was a shockwave that cracked the stone slabs beneath them, and the scabbard slowly began to disintegrate into fragments, revealing the sharp blade of the katana.

"What...?" Elein muttered inwardly in shock. Then, the momentum from Zayne's blow reached Elein, tossing her aside like a projectile.

There was a tree in her path, which she broke with her back under powerful pressure and collided with the stone wall of the nearest building, and clots of blood flew out of her mouth.

"Damn... Now that's what I call a hard blow..." Alex muttered with a dazed expression, "If not for her katana, this fight could be over by now."

Luke frowned, "Hey... You're not saying it was his usual punch...?"

"That's impossible." Alice replied confidently, "It's probably some kind of skill, and that punch wasn't the last one, but I'm sure it cost a hell of a lot of mana."

Galahan said nothing, he silently assessed the situation. The start was definitely for Zayne, but that's only because Elein wasn't prepared for such a powerful attack.

Crackle. Crackle. Crackle.

The scabbard shattered completely, shattering into shards before Elein's eyes. She was not saddened, but she was surprised as these scabbards were made of the strongest material.

"It's disappointing..." Elein muttered, slowly getting to her feet.

"Hmm? Weren't you prepared to lose something?" Zayne said coldly, while blue energy covered his arms and legs.

Elein shook her head, "No... That's not it. I respect when the fight is fair, so I wanted to fight you without pulling my katana out of its sheath, however, that is no longer possible."

Zayne shrugged, "It doesn't matter. I've fought opponents with weapons before, with my bare hands. I doubt a katana is any different than a sword."

"Oh... You're very wrong... Try not to die, Zayne Fellen. You definitely used the Chaos Coin, as did I." Elein whispered, gripping the hilt of her katana tightly.


She took a step forward, swinging her katana sharply and pointing the windblade at Zayne, then in the next second she did so two more times at incredible speed.

Zayne's pupils narrowed as he took a step back, letting the blades fly right in front of him. The very first one almost grazed him, cutting off part of his coat.

'That was quick... I have good strength and speed, but I have absolutely no defense of any kind. Those blades could easily cut me in two.' Zayne muttered inwardly, assessing the situation.


However, there were no distractions during the fight and Elein knew this better than Zayne, who didn't notice how the enemy appeared right behind him.


Zayne turned around at the last moment, only to meet Elein's cold gaze as well as her katana coming down on him.

The sharp blade left a wide cut on his chest from which blood gushed out, splashing a few drops onto Elein's face.

Wave-like pain spread throughout Zayne's body, along with intense heat. However, he had no time to recover as Elein had no intention of stopping.


She stepped forward confidently, swinging her katana once more.

Zayne was in the wrong position, he had no chance to dodge and all he could think about was the pain of the previous attack.

A sharp katana with a blade glistening in the light of the moon was swiftly approaching his neck, then the world seemed to stop.

Fragments of Elein's previous attacks flashed through Zayne's mind, bringing him the realization that he was about to die if he didn't do something. This death would be real.

It made him experience the same feelings as when he fought Enar. For a moment, Zayne forgot everything, all he was focused on was the blade and the fear circulating through his body like a substitute for blood.

'Wildness or skill... Which will win? Hehehe, Zayne, you want to know that too, don't you?' A devious voice sounded in Zayne's head, causing his eyes to turn instantly red as rubies.


Zayne lunged forward like a flash, disappearing from Elein's field of vision.

'What...? How is it possible...? He was right in front of me!' Elein's eyes went wide as her katana reached the point where it should have cut off Zayne's head, but he was gone.


At the same moment, long, wolf-like fangs plunged into Elein's soft skin. Before she knew it, Zayne had clenched his jaw tightly, tearing a chunk of flesh from Elein's neck like a wild beast that had been starving for years.

The reporter filming this opened his mouth wide, watching with horror and admiration at the same time.

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