Falling in Love Online with an Ancient General

Chapter 181

Several people were caught talking badly about Qin Yuchuan, feeling embarrassed for a moment.

Li Huan'er glanced at Feng Qingyi twice. "We were just talking nonsense."

"Where did you hear all this from?" Feng Qingyi asked curiously.

Li Huan'er replied, "That's what everyone is saying outside. But where there's smoke, there's fire. Miss Mu should be cautious in choosing a husband."

It seems that no matter the era, there's never a shortage of gossip.

"What else have you heard?" Feng Qingyi inquired.

Li Huan'er leaned close to Feng Qingyi and whispered, "I'll tell you secretly. A guard in our household personally witnessed General Qin being very intimate with one of his attendants, tugging and pulling at each other."

"Miss Mu is beautiful. While General Qin is still away, you should break off the engagement early and choose another good man."

The other girls echoed Li Huan'er's sentiments.

"Huan'er is right. Besides, General Qin kills people as easily as he'd cut grass. If you displease him, you might end up with your head separated from your body."

"That's terrifying. Miss Mu, you should really think this through carefully."


Feng Qingyi almost laughed out loud. Did Qin Yuchuan know his reputation in Shengjing was so frightening?

"Thank you, ladies. I'll consider it," she said.

After they left, Xue Cha slowly spoke up, "Miss Qingyi, they were all talking nonsense."

"The General has been at war for years and hasn't had time to consider matters between men and women."

"Their claims about him killing indiscriminately and having a penchant for men are all baseless. Miss Qingyi, please don't believe what they said."

Feng Qingyi smiled and said, "I know to take hearsay with a grain of salt and trust what I see with my own eyes. You needn't worry, little one."

"Then why did Miss Qingyi say she would consider it just now?" Xue Cha asked.

Feng Qingyi replied, "They meant no harm, so I just went along with what they said. Do you know where I can find something to eat? I'm getting hungry."

Having skipped lunch, Feng Qingyi felt her stomach growling.

"Miss Qingyi, come with me to the kitchen. The banquet will start later, so let's get you something to tide you over."

After a trip to the kitchen and some pastries, Feng Qingyi felt mostly full and returned to the main hall with Xue Cha.

It was noon, and more guests were arriving.

Seeing Feng Qingyi return, Xuanyuan Xi introduced her to everyone. It wasn't until the banquet began that people gradually dispersed from the main hall.

Feng Qingyi checked her watch—it was already 1:40 PM. If she didn't leave soon, she'd miss her afternoon classes.

After saying goodbye to Xuanyuan Xi, Feng Qingyi found a secluded corner. Just as she was about to leave, she saw Qian Jue sitting on the wall.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

Qian Jue leaped down from the wall. "Little disciple, didn't your master tell you to find me at the Wenyuan Pavilion? Since you didn't come looking for me, I had to come find you myself."

"Can we talk another day? I really have to go now. I have something important to do," Feng Qingyi said.

Qian Jue replied, "What could be more important than becoming my apprentice? Come with your master."

Before Feng Qingyi could react, Qian Jue grabbed her and flew over the wall. In no time, they arrived at an open field.

Feng Qingyi crouched on the ground, retching. She used to dream about flying, but now she regretted it. The feeling was even worse than motion sickness!

"Little disciple, you're not pregnant before marriage, are you?" Qian Jue teased.

Feng Qingyi squatted weakly to the side. "You're the one who's pregnant! What do you want?"

Qian Jue said, "You're my disciple now. I should show you my assets. Do you see that mountain in the distance?"

"From today on, that mountain is yours. Consider it the first gift from your master."

What use did she have for a mountain? This person didn't seem very reliable.

"Just go. I need to get back to class," Feng Qingyi said.

To avoid him discovering anything unusual, she decided to send him away first, then use the time-space transmission array.

"What class? Today, I'm taking you on a mountain tour!" Qian Jue declared.

Feng Qingyi looked at her watch. It was already past 2 PM. Even if she went back now, she'd be late.

She glared at Qian Jue fiercely. "What exactly do you want?"

Qian Jue picked up Feng Qingyi again and headed towards the mountain opposite them.

He set Feng Qingyi down outside a small wooden cabin halfway up the mountain.

Feng Qingyi sat directly on the ground. "Just tell me, are you playing with me?"

Qian Jue said, "How could I? Little disciple, hurry inside and see my masterpieces."

Feng Qingyi showed no intention of moving. She felt nauseous and dizzy.

Qian Jue tossed her a medicine bottle. "Take one pill and you'll feel better. You're too weak."

Feng Qingyi held the bottle, hesitating. Could this be poison?

"Afraid I'll poison you?" Qian Jue snatched the bottle, took out a pill, and swallowed it.

Only then did Feng Qingyi take one and put it in her mouth. In just a moment, she felt her energy returning.

"So young, yet so cautious. Now hurry inside and take a look," Qian Jue said.

Opening the cabin door, Feng Qingyi saw it filled with paintings. They were all framed and neatly arranged.

She looked carefully. The skill level was indeed far beyond hers, worthy of a master painter.

"Well? Am I qualified to be your master now?" Qian Jue asked proudly.

Feng Qingyi rolled her eyes. He had brought her all this way just to see his paintings? It seemed rather pointless.

"I'm really busy. I have to go now," she said.

Feng Qingyi hurriedly left the cabin, pressed a button on her phone, and returned to the villa.

Qian Jue looked at the spot where Feng Qingyi had disappeared. "This little disciple is quite the good student! How boring!"

He reminisced about his school days, always skipping class yet still coming in first on exams. What was the point of attending classes so diligently every day?

Back at the villa, Feng Qingyi rushed to the teaching building with her textbooks.

"Qingyi, where have you been? The whole class is over, and you're just arriving," Shen Hanyue asked.

Feng Qingyi sighed, "It's a long story."

That Qian Jue, despite being an old man with a white beard, was incredibly strong. He had carried her as easily as if she were a small chicken, making her feel like she was ascending to heaven. She decided to avoid him in the future when visiting Shengjing. She didn't want to experience that again.

He also insisted on being her master, though she had never agreed. The whole situation felt strange to her.

Shen Hanyue said, "I told the teacher you weren't feeling well and asked for leave on your behalf. Don't let it slip later."

Feng Qingyi nodded, "Thank you."

Because of her usually good performance, Feng Qingyi had left a positive impression on her teachers.

This time, when she was late, the teachers assumed she had been ill. They even showed extra concern and didn't pursue the matter further.

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