Falling Over

13: Flowy Robes

The next morning, I didn’t have a class until nearer to midday, so I slept late. It was luxurious to lay naked in bed as my true feminine self, but I knew I needed to get up and at least greet the day. Going out of my room meant changing my form into the one my parents recognised, and that was always an emotionally challenging thing to do.

Nevertheless, I was up and changed, both in body and in clothing. Except, something was off with my clothing. I’d had to tighten my belt two notches when I put it on, and my shirt hung off me strangely. Okay… more weird shit happening to me. I left my room and headed to the bathroom, knowing intuitively that I needed to get a real look at myself.

Our bathroom was nice, as far as bathrooms went. It wasn’t stylish or opulent like a richer family would have, but there wasn’t old peeling linoleum or rush gathering around the metal furnishings. It was clean, tidy and had been updated recently. My target though, was the large mirror that took up most of the wall where the sink was located.

As soon as I turned around after closing and locking the bathroom door, I knew something was different. No wonder my parents had freaked out at dinner last night. I looked… softer. Before all of this, my face had been this gaunt hollow cheeked thing. I’d had sharp cheekbones, and my lack of physical upkeep had led to a constantly dishevelled appearance that was wholly unattractive. Except to Brook for some reason. My boy face had fast growing facial hair that I was less than enthusiastic about. I hated shaving in general, so I’d usually let it grow until it was itchy, then shave it all off in a frenzy.

Looking at myself in the mirror now though, my facial hair was just… gone. I could faintly see hairs across the area where male facial hair was meant to be, but they were small and had barely any dark colour to them. It was as though my facial hair was reverting back to pre-puberty levels. That in itself was enough to send a wild tumult of emotions through me, but that wasn’t all that had happened.

My face looked… vaguely like my Elsie face. My cheeks were filling out, the harsh lines of my appearance being replaced by soft curves. Even my jawline had changed subtly. I looked down at the rest of me, then frantically took my clothes off. I hadn’t spent much time naked in this body, even before I Emerged, and I was apprehensive about what I’d find.

What I found was startling. First, I had small hips, and curves flowing down my body. My frame had changed, I could see I was shorter by a few inches and my shoulders were thinner and sloped. The two most alarming changes were my chest and groin. First, my chest was obviously developing into breasts. They were small, and my nipples hadn’t begun to enlarge yet, but I could feel the budding glands underneath.

Between my legs was by far the most drastic change. My balls were gone. Just gone, I couldn’t find them, and my sack had contracted neatly against my body. My dick was smaller and seemed to be half merging into my body. I couldn’t ignore the signs anymore, they were all over me. My body was changing. Changing into one that more closely resembled my Elsie form.

My first thought was elation. Then an almost dark and visceral feeling of hatred and satisfaction welled up within me. Fuck this body. I hated it, and seeing it be changed into something far better, more like who I was, felt so cathartic. Next, came a realisation.

My family would find out whether I wanted them to or not. I was on a timer. What was I going to do? When my dad figured out I was Emerged, he’d rail at me, possibly kick me out or… or worse. My mother would hate me too. She hated anything to do with LGBT people and their rights. I was probably two of those letters. The two she hated most actually. Shit.

I needed to get out of this house. Properly get out of this house. But… I had no income. I needed a job first I guess, but I had no idea how to go about it. They never taught us that shit in high school. I could feel my anxiety rearing it’s disgusting head, sniffing around for fresh things to make me needlessly worry about, to the point of sending me into random panic attacks.

I rushed to put my clothes on, throwing everything back onto this body like I was putting on a mask. I needed to make a plan… but not now. I didn’t need to do it now. I could do it later, when I had more time and I was more calm about it. Right now I had to go downstairs and make breakfast, then head off to class.

With my clothes hiding the transformation happening beneath them, I only had to hope that my parents wouldn’t realise by just looking at my face… or my build… Damn. Damn, damn, damn.


When I got down into the kitchen, my mother was there, much to my surprise. She had her laptop out on the breakfast counter and papers were strewn all across the surface.

“H-hi mum,” I mumbled, shuffling over to the pantry to see what I could put together for breakfast.

“Good morning Coby, how did you sleep?” she asked casually, flicking through some pages in a stack of paper.

“Uh. I slept okay,” I said quietly, trying to get her to stop talking to me.

“That’s good. Let me cook you a proper breakfast. Growing boys like you need all the food you can get,” she told me, getting up from her chair and moving to the fridge.

“U-uh I’m okay mum you don’t need to,” I said, wincing at her use of the word boy.

“Don’t be silly,” she said, affectionately ruffling my hair, “Lord, you need a haircut! How did your hair get so long? Seems like it was only a few weeks ago that we got your hair cut.”

She was right, it had only been a few weeks since my last haircut. I hadn’t noticed it in my inspection of my body, but my hair had definitely grown. Shit, that was another thing I guess.

I made a non-committal sound in reply and went to sit down at the breakfast counter while she bustled about readying what appeared to be bacon, eggs and pancakes. I didn’t know what to think of this. It had been a long time since she did something like this for me.

“Coby,” she started, her voice trying and failing to sound casual, “If you have anything that is bothering you, or anything going wrong, you can tell me. We can fix it together okay?”

“What do you mean?” I asked, confused and hoping she wasn’t already getting suspicious.

“Well you’ve been acting strange, running away to your room and hiding there. You look different now too. I’m worried for you… are you at least happy?” she asked with a concerned stare into my eyes.

“Yeah, I’m happy,” I said with a shrug, looking down.

“Hmm, since when were your eyes that colour?” mum mused thoughtfully.

“What colour?” I asked, my heart instantly hammering like a thousand drums.

“I don’t know, seems almost blue in this light,” she said, trying to get a better look.

Trying desperately to control my breathing without seeming to have trouble, I mumbled, “It’s probably the light yeah. My eyes seem to be one of those types that looks a different colour in every different light source.”

“Yeah, I think you’re right. It seemed like they were almost glowing there for a moment!” she said light heartedly, turning to flip more pancakes.

“Crazy,” I muttered.

“So for tonight, I want you on your best behavior okay? I don’t want any funny business, and keep your bedroom door closed. We have to look good for when Aunt Vivian and her husband and kids arrive. You’ll need to be dressed up nice too okay?” she told me, her tone light and caring, but her words very much not so.

“Yeah I can do that,” I nodded, even as I groaned internally. I hated my cousins so much.

“Good. You’ll be entertaining Hazel and Leon as well, but not with those games of yours,” she continued as though I hadn’t spoken.

“I wish your brother was here, he was so good at keeping my sister and her family happy,” mum said wistfully.

Ah yes, my brother… How little my parents knew about Martin. He was good at deflecting their intrusive nature from what he actually got up to in life. He’d left home two years ago to go to college, and had since cut loose. My parents had him on facebook, but he barely used that. I had him on instagram, and goddess the things he got up to.

He’d been a rebel in high school, a real one, not like me where I didn’t do much and got labelled as one by my parents. No, first off he was a smoker, and if our mother found out there would be hell to pay. Second thing, he was a pretty big activist against racism in NY state. Contrary to what many people think New York City is not a haven of racial equality. A quick google search of neighbourhood and school segregation would teach you that. The problems were simply hidden, and on a larger scale than a simple racist yelling slurs at someone on a street.

My brother, white middle class though he may be, was deeply involved with several movements that aimed to change this. He was a pretty incredible human… I just wish he hadn’t abandoned me to be the sole subject of my parent’s attention. Things had gotten significantly worse since his departure, and my mental health had declined considerably because of it.

Somehow, he’d managed to keep all of this, plus his rampant drinking, partying and rather kinky sex life out of our parents line of sight. When I wasn’t pissed off at him for abandoning and forgetting about me, I was damn impressed. I wished I had the same skill at manipulating our parents.

“Here you go dear,” mum said, interrupting my thoughts.

She placed the plate of breakfast on the table and handed me a bottle of maple syrup.

“Thanks mum,” I said, genuinely grateful for the food. Her cooking was always nice.

Sitting down to eat the small portion she’d made herself, she turned the TV up for some ambience. The new report was surprisingly not Fox News this time, so the coverage at least had a semblance of being impartial.

Another attack on Philadelphia by Sunfall has been thwarted with the combined power of three heroes this morning. The villain known as Sunfall has been attacking cities up and down the east coast for reasons that are unclear as of this moment. His incredible power has been a source of great fear for the people in the areas he threatens.

The three heroes, known as Mystrix Pallas, Lavice and Ghorn, were able to find and stop the villain before he destroyed the city. Mystrix Pallas, the hero who takes inspiration from the goddess Athena, is a hero that has been operating across the east coast for a few months now, and has even made appearances in New York City despite the harsh treatment of Emerged.

While Philadelphia has been accepting its heroes such as Ghorn... Lavice, the ice themed hero has not been so lucky in NYC. Being one of the few heroes to operate out of the city, she has faced harsh condemnation from the mayor and police commissioner, who are severely anti Emerged. The emergency rules enacted in the state have some critics blaming the measures for the lack of heroes operating there, and subsequently the comparatively high petty crime rate.

The reported babbled on for another few minutes about the battle and the backgrounds of the heroes, but I didn’t really pay attention. Sure Lavice was cool the way she stood up to Gregory Jayne, the police commissioner, but I wasn’t too keen to express interest in it around mum. She had even harsher views on Emerged than dad, she just didn’t talk about it much.

The Pallas lady was cool. She wore an ancient greek style helmet and had awesome flowing robes instead of the usual latex suit. Ghorn I didn’t know much about. He was a dude who had apparently gained the ability to fly and fire heat seeking swarms of explosive balls from his hands.

“Thanks for the breakfast mum. I should go get ready for class,” I said sincerely.

“Not a problem sweetheart, come here and give me a hug,” she said, getting out of her seat and opening her arms.

Why was she being so nice to me? This was weird. Despite myself, the need for parental affection outweighed everything else and I allowed myself to be pulled into a brief hug.

“Now go get that degree!” mum said letting me go.

“I will,” I nodded.

Might not be the degree you wanted me to get though.


Having finished with a class on the history of design, which was utterly boring, I had agreed to meet Maddy for lunch. We’d both apparently been in dull classes, because we’d spent the entire time messaging back and forth. I was starting to see an interesting person reveal herself to me as the shyness slowly pulled back.

Today I was wearing the skater outfit, because I’d run out of money for any more clothing, at least until next week. Good thing no one had actually seen the skater outfit apart from Brook and the assholes in my old course. I caught my reflection in a window and grinned. Damn I loved this Elsie body.

We were meeting in the same cafe as before, and I arrived early, so I leant against the wall and did my usual browsing through all the discords I was in. I don’t know when it had happened, but somewhere along the way my usual reddit browsing had been replaced by shitposting in the thirty plus discords I had joined. It was amazing how much better it made me feel honestly. The site was useful but oh gosh were the subreddits for things I was interested in turning into some kind of bitter angry cesspool.

A quick browse of my gaming clan discord show me that Torus was having some kind of emotional meltdown, and Kadal had been teasing Gallan. Nothing new there.

I looked up when I noticed a figure standing nearby, and found Maddy shuffling her feet and staring at me. When she realised I was smiling at her me, her eyes went all squirrely, refusing to look me in the face.

“How’s it going Maddy?” I asked in an overly casual tone.

What was up with her? Why was everyone being odd today?

“Um. It’s great. Should we get the food?” she asked quietly.

I nodded, and followed her as she bustled past and into the cafe. She was acting really weird. Her body language wasn’t cold exactly, it was more like she had just been told something that she had to process. I hoped it wasn’t too bad.

Once in the cafe, I noted that she headed towards the line. Looks like neither of us had brought lunches today. When we got to the counter, Maddy ordered a full on burger and fries combo. Damn, now I wanted that too. I got a beef and bacon burger plus a coffee and then turned to find Maddy nowhere to be seen. I felt my stomach drop for a moment, had she decided she didn’t want to be friends? Had she run off? Did I do something wrong? No… wait there she was. My spirits rose again when I saw her already sitting down, with our table number perched on a small table.

I made my way over to her cautiously, and sat down slowly, giving her a searching look. She was hunched forward and her eyes were tracing her finger as she absently swept it across the surface. I was too nervous now to speak, so I waited for her to break the silence while I shifted awkwardly in my seat.

“So I just figured out that I’m a stereotype,” Maddy said slowly, biting her lip uncertainly.

Oh no not the lip bite again.

“What stereotype?” I asked, confused about where this could be going.

“Elsie… How long have you had those shoes?” she asked quietly.

“These shoes? I… oh. Uh, since monday I think. Why?” I told her... suddenly cautious.

“Why do you have them?” she asked, ignoring my question.

I gulped, stumbling over my words and her deadpan expression, “Because… I’m um… You know…”

She was scaring me now, her face was impassive but I could see hidden emotions crashing around just beneath. She stayed silent for a long while, tracing her finger across the table and occasionally pushing her rebellious hair out of the way. She was cute even when she was like this.

When she looked up, I felt a sudden heat wash over me. It wasn’t a physical heat… no, it was an emotional heat. If you’ve ever seen a cat go from relaxed to alert in the space of a moment, that’s what it looked like. Her huge brown eyes dilated behind her glasses, and I swear even her ears twitched forward a little.

“You’re a lesbian,” she said, more a statement than a question.

“Y-yes,” I said meekly.

Please don’t let this lead where I thought it was going to lead. She was way too fun to hang out with, even if I had trouble stringing proper sentences together around her.

“Yeah, then I’m… gosh damn, I’m definitely a stereotype,” she sighed, although a small smile spread across her face.

“What stereotype?” I asked, worry colouring my voice.

“You’ll figure it out,” she said, a positively cheeky grin expanding across her face as she arched her back in a stretch.

The stretch was almost lost on me, until I saw what fell out of her top. A ring, looped through a chain and hung around her neck. A ring with a rainbow and two interlocked venus symbols.

“O-oh,” I said, my eyes going wide as I saw it.

She let out a breathy giggle and nodded, “Yeah.”

“You’re kidding me.”

“Nope,” she said, biting her lip again with an altogether different look in her eyes now.

Whoa, what was going on now? She looked down at her finger once more, still tracing aimless patterns on the table. Her cheeks were coloured pink, and I thought I saw a tremor in her hand, but when she looked up her gaze was adorable in its careful joy.

“R-right. Goddess that’s… a thing,” I mumbled, trying to escape the look in her eyes and failing utterly.

“Goddess? Which one?” she asked with a smile.

“Oh I don’t know. It’s just a habit of mine to say it because I didn’t like always saying god and so I like, um… just swapped the genders or whatever,” I blushed, trying to explain something I’d never really thought about to a suddenly more confident Maddy.

The change was slightly intimidating to be honest… in a really interesting way.

“That’s cool. I haven’t thought of that actually, but I like it. Can I steal it?” she asked happily.

“Uh, yeah sure?” I said, my tone questioning.

This time, it was her turn to blush, “I just- I just like the idea of a hot goddess in a flowing gown or whatever. Don’t judge me.”

“You mean like that Pallas hero?” I asked, a small cheeky grin of my own blooming on my face.

“What! No! I mean like, yeah a bit like her but obviously not heaps like her. Gosh. Did you know I’ve seen her? One of the first times she went out as a hero down in the city. It was so cool and she… Well yeah anyway I guess sure… like her,” she said, stammering her way through her words.

“You’re cute,” I blurted, the words in my mind making it out of my mouth before I could snap my jaw shut.

“Th-thanks,” she grinned, her cheeks colouring an even more gorgeous shade of pink. Goddess we just couldn’t stop!

“Okay okay… let’s be calm now. We’re probably heating up the room with our burning cheeks,” I said in a mock serious tone.

“Yeah, we’re really uh… yup,” she said, losing whatever words she’d thought of.

We sat in silence for a moment, trying really hard to calm down from the giddy feeling I was now sure maddy shared. Problem was, we made eye contact and it took all of a single second to burst into a fit of giggles. This whole situation was absurd!

“Ummm, burgers for table 15?” asked a very confused barista dude who was carrying two plates.

Unable to form words around my wheezing giggles, I motioned for him to put the plates in the table. He had to place Maddy’s burger sort of near the edge, because she had her head laid face first on the table as she silently tried to hold her laughter in. It was adorable, her shoulders shaking and her hair gently moving along with them. She had so much hair, which she seemed to have rather boldy not tied up today. I’d heard that waist length hair was very hard to control.

We eventually calmed down enough to eat, but neither of us could make eye contact for more than a moment without choking on renewed laughter. I hadn’t felt this happy in a long time, just sharing a stupid moment with someone awesome.

“You’re cute too. Well actually you’re straight up hot, but like… cute too,” Maddy told me when she finished her food, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

“Oh no you don’t!” I laughed, even as I felt the effect on my cheeks, “Put the weapon down Maddy!”

In a husky voice that seemed to hum through my body, she leaned forward and whispered, “I don’t need a weapon… I just need my body.”

I think I choked on air. I definitely choked on something.

“Maddy!” I squeaked.

“Oh my go- goddess, you’re right! That was so bad! I’m sorry!” she giggled, covering her face with her hands.

Wisps of hair floated down in front of her as she tried to cover her embarrassment, but it was no use, her whole face and chest was a vivid pink that I just loved.

“Okay okay, I’m sorry. I just… I can’t help it! I just get these great one liners in my head and I need to say them!” she told me, her face scrunched up like she was trying to suppress her giggles.

“It was a good one liner, for more than one or two reasons,” I said, staring at the table and biting my lip.

“Uh huh?” she asked teasingly.

“Yup,” I nodded, not letting her draw me into further detail.

She snorted softly and started back with eating her chips. There weren’t many left.

“Are you gonna finish your burger?” she asked in an overly casual tone, eyeing up the leftover third or so of the burger that I hadn’t eaten.

I liked to eat all my chips first, which sometimes caused a problem when there was a lot of fries and a big burger. My stomach was definitely smaller now as well, so I had to eat even less.

“Um, probably not… my stomach is saying no, but my eyes are saying yes,” I grumbled, staring at the plate.

“Oh yeah, my eyes are definitely saying yes too,” she said idly, but her eyes weren’t on the burger, and there we went with the flushed cheeks again.

Taking a deep breath in an attempt to get the emotions that this wild new unleashed Maddy was causing, I pushed the plate towards her.

“Oh! No no you um, no I don’t need it,” she said, shaking her head.

“You sure?” I said with a smile, drawing out the second word.

“Oh damn it. Fine! I’ll finish your food for you,” she giggled, reaching over and taking the burger.

“Thanks Maddy,” I teased, “Try not to enjoy it too too loudly though.”

Taking a bite of the burger, she crossed her eyes and made a silly face, getting a giggle out of me.

I looked fondly over at her as she enjoyed the burger. She was absolutely adorable. I don’t know what we’d unleashed when we realised we were both lesbians, but I wouldn’t mind finding out where this led. It might be fun.

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