Family Essence – Deviant

…Chapter 2, The Texts…

...Chapter 2, The Texts...


Walking down the hallway towards my old room, I'm interrupted by the older of the twins, Sawyer, storming out of the bathroom ahead of me. She's wielding a brush full of dark brown hair, only wearing her bra and panties as she charges into the door next to mine. A sight I'm mostly inured to after years of living with my sisters. I hear my other twin Kaylie yelp as Sawyer yells, "You used my brush! I wanted to have my hair done."

Kaylie's reply drifts to my ears, causing me to pause, "It's not gonna matter. He won't care."

"But why my brush?" Sawyer asks as I stomp down the hallway, trying to let them know I'm there without intruding. Their voices cut off as the door to Kaylie's room slams closed. There's some muffled noise from behind the door as I open the door to my old room. While I'd expected mom to turn it into a guest room or something, she's always refused the suggestion. All of us would always have a room in her house. It's weird, looking at the bed, which seems so small. The twin is long enough, barely, but I already know I'll miss being able to sprawl out. I'm also going to miss having Jen flop down on top of me.

Thinking of her, I reach for my cellphone to send her a text, intending to let her know I've arrived safely. But when I do, I notice I have several unread messages. Flipping my phone open, my eyes narrow as I begin to read.

Jen: "Hi Darren. So, I don't have a good way to say this. But I think we should break it off."

Jen: "I know we've had lots of fun together. And I really like you. But... I think you need to see a therapist. Choosing to go home to your sisters every damn month? And now going back for Christmas instead of coming with me to Hawaii? I wish you were here, but since you're not... well, I'm still young. And I want to have fun while I'm here. If you'd come with, then we could be doing it together."

Jen: "Anyway. Hope you have fun hanging out with your sisters instead of your totally hot ex-girlfriend."

I plop down on the twin bed, reading through the texts several times as my head spun. I knew she was upset. But I thought we'd talked about it. And it's tradition. Our family always spends Christmas together. And it's not like I was trying to exclude her. I invited Jen to come along. Her decision hurts more than I thought it would. I didn't know if she was the one, but we had fun together.

Sitting there, I end up staring at my phone for a long time, scrolling up and down. Long enough to have a knock come from the open doorway. Looking up, I find Madison leaning against the frame, her eyes locked on my tightly held phone. "Bad news?"

"I... uh... Jen..." I start, but then turn away when I realize my vision is getting blurry.

"Hey. Hey," Madison says, plopping down next to me as she wraps her arms around me from behind.

I don't respond, just sitting there as Madison holds me in an awkward backhug for a minute. Then another set of footsteps echo across my room as Bethany sits down on my other side and joins the hug. She's not as polite as Madison, taking my still unlocked phone and reading the messages.

"What a bitch," Bethany declares, deleting the messages before going into the contacts. Before I realize what she's up to, she deletes Jen's contact info too. "You're better off without her."

"I still have stuff at her place," I say, a chuckle escaping me despite my tears. "And it's not that big a campus. I'll need to talk to her again."

"Whatever. You can just get her number from your history or something. But seriously, couldn't she have broken it to you in person, at least? Bitch," Bethany says, giving me another hug.

"Language," Madison says from my back.

Bethany pulls away, squinting over my shoulder at Madison. "Seriously? You're ten times worse than I am. And you should've read what his ex-girlfriend said to him. Breaking up because he wanted to come home to spend time with us instead of going to Hawaii."

Madison releases me, and I can't help but feel a little sad to feel her go, but then she's sitting beside me, holding my hand. "Fine. You're right. She is a fucking bitch. Happy?"

"Very," Bethany hums as she hops up off my bed, handing me my phone. Then she looks at me again, her smile slipping. "Well, okay. Not so much."

"It's fine," I reassure her. Though I still feel an ache, my sister's efforts have helped. It's good to have people who care about you.

"It's not fine. It's better than fine. It's great," Bethany declares, placing both hands on her hips. "Now you don't have to feel guilty about being here with your amazing sisters instead of some bitch who doesn't appreciate how great you are."

"Yeah. We are pretty amazing," Madison agrees, squeezing my hand.

"Eh, you're alright," I reply, smirking at them, earning myself a soft punch in the arm from Madison.

"Jerk," she says, rolling her emerald eyes as she stands up.

"Remember, we're here for you bro," Bethany says, patting my cheek as she leans closer, her blonde hair falling in her eyes as she bonks my forehead with hers. "We all love you, you doofus."

Patting her cheek back, I reply, "Love you too... kid."

With a final eyeroll, Bethany flips her blonde hair as she raises her nose in the air, "You wish I was still a kid. I am a woman now, and don't you forget it!"

Snorting, I can't help but chuckle at the way she's posed, her hand on her hips. Then she drops the pose, asking, "Feeling better? Want some grub?"

"Yeah. I could eat," I reply, then look towards my stuff. "But I should shower first."

Bethany takes a step forward, taking a long sniff.

"Uhm?" I ask, rubbing my armpit as she steps back.

Tilting her head back and forth for a second, Bethany gives a shrug. "You smell better than Madison."

"Hey!" Madison protests, throwing one of my pillows at her.

Laughing, I push Bethany towards the door, herding Madison with her before they can start a pillow fight in my room.

Accepting her defeat, Bethany steps through the door, pulling it most of the way closed before pausing. Her sky blue eyes meet mine, a single strand of blonde hair dangling there as she gives me one last smile. "But seriously. I promise we'll make you forget about her."

"Thanks," I say, returning her smile as she nods and pulls the door closed. Then I flop back, my hand dangling off the side of the bed as I stare at the ceiling. Maybe it's a good thing the bed is smaller. Won't feel as empty without Jen.

Shaking my head, I don't let myself dwell on that thought, pulling out a change of clothes before grabbing a towel from the linen closet. As I'm reaching for the bathroom door handle, Kaylie steps out of the bathroom. Her dark hair is dripping wet, and she has a towel wrapped around her upper chest with a few inches of her smooth skin showing between the towel and a pair of skimpy black panties.

"Darren?" She asks, stopping in front of me, her brown eyes peering into mine.

"Uh, yeah?" I reply, keeping my eyes fixed to hers so I don't linger on anything I'm not supposed to.

"Is everything okay?" She asks, stepping closer to me as she lets the towel drop. Now, I've seen her partially undressed before. But I haven't had her still wet body pressing against mine in a hug without so much as a bra on before. And that's the exact scenario I'm in now, as Kaylie presses herself against me, squeezing me tightly. For the first time, I feel myself growing excited by my sister's touch as the scent of her strawberry scented hair fills my senses.

Even as I shift to not poke her, Kaylie says, "Bethany told us what that bitch did. I'm sorry."

"Not your fault," I reply, deciding to ignore my growing shame to instead return the hug properly.

"No shit," Kaylie says, leaning her head on my shoulder. "But... it kinda is."


"Cause if you didn't come to visit us, you'd be off having fun in Hawaii," Kaylie states into my shoulder, her near whisper sending pleasant shivers down my spine.

Shaking my head, I attempt to pull back from Kaylie to look her in the eyes, but she keeps me locked tight. "It's not your fault I love you."

"Hmm. I think I deserve at least some of the credit," Kaylie says, releasing me enough to slug my shoulder and meeting my gaze. Which I'm careful not to let dip low.

"Sure. Some, maybe like... a tenth?" I say, smirking at her.

"Why did we even want you go come home?" Kaylie asks as she pulls away, not even trying to hide herself as she reaches for her towel. This time I'm unable to turn my eyes away as her soft tits hang exposed. I can't help but notice that even in the middle of winter, she has tan lines. When she straightens, my eyes are locked on her face, and she's blushing slightly. But she still doesn't move to cover herself.

Before I can comment, Kaylie leans forward, giving me a peck on the cheek thrusting her towel into my arms. Then she spins away, striding to her room with more of a shake to her ass than I think I've ever seen before. It's a little awkward, and probably not as sensual as she's trying for. Which only makes it adorable. Pausing at the door to look over her shoulder, her eyes lock onto mine once more with a giant grin. "Shower's all yours."

And then she's gone. And I'm left with an uncomfortable erection.

Not the first time one of my sister's has put me in this state. But it might be the first time it felt like it might've been intentional. Not wasting time, I grab a spare towel and take the one she just gave me into the bathroom. It's still wet and smells faintly of Kaylie as I lift it to my nose. The same strawberry shampoo. Stripping down for the shower, I bring the towel to my nose again. And while picturing Kaylie's ass, I rub one out, right there. It's one of my fastest ever.

Instead of the shame I've felt when I thought of one of my sister's in the past, I feel... relieved. And excited. Maybe Kaylie only wants to flirt, but if so... well, it'll be fun. And if she wants more, well, we'll need to talk about it. Even as I'm thinking about Kaylie, and the idea of having her join me in the warm water of the shower, I manage to cum again. Once I've finished my shower, I get dressed in jeans and my old t-shirt with the saying, 'please wait, sarcasm loading' on it. A gift from Madison a few years ago.

Even as I finish dressing, there's a buzz, a flash of pink light filling my vision as all my senses go numb. When it fades, I find myself sprawled on the floor next to the toilet. I squint and reach behind the toilet, grabbing the empty toilet paper roll and putting it in the paper bin as I stand up. Looking in the mirror, I don't see any head injuries as I rinse my hands before leaving my room. Weird. There's no half-naked Kaylie standing in the hall this time, and I shake my head at the slight disappointment I feel as I head downstairs. Right as I'm at the bottom step, Bethany comes around the corner from the living room.

"Oh, Darren, good. Did you want to go out or stay in?" Bethany asks with a giant grin, her blue eyes sparkling.

"I was thinking we could get pizza and watch Firefly," I reply, following her into the living room. "Haven't seen it since summer."

"You haven't?" Bethany asks, her jaw hanging open as she gasps. "Who are you and what have you done with my brother?"

While she's still smirking at me, I give her a shrug. "Jen hated it."

Bethany's smile turns into a scowl for a second before bouncing back. Then she spins around, walking into the living room, waving me after her. "Well, that's just another reason why she wasn't good enough for you."

"Bethany, you never think anyone's good enough for me," I retort, even as my eyes roam over her. I blame the earlier flirting with Kaylie, but I'm suddenly realizing just how... incredibly attractive my sisters are. Again, I feel like there should be part of me that's ashamed at admiring my sister. But it's not there.

"Oh. I know a woman or two who's good enough for you," Bethany whispers so softly I almost don't hear her, and it may be my imagination, but I swear she looks at where Maddie is... bent over on her knees under the computer desk, her coveralls stretched tight.

"Uhm, you okay there Maddie?" I ask, leaning forward to see what she's doing as she slumps down further.

"What? Yeah, I'm fine. Internet went out, so I'm resetting the modem," Madison replies right as she plugs the cable back in.

"Darren wants to stay in and watch Firefly. Can you believe that bitch didn't like it?" Bethany says to Madison's ass.

"Seriously?" Sawyer asks, walking into the room arm in arm with Kaylie. Sawyer has her hair in an intricate braid and is wearing a short sundress with a blue floral pattern instead of one of her usual hoodies. She's glaring in Bethany's direction until she turns to me, a smile on her face as she disengages her arm from Kaylie. Who smirks at me when she catches me checking out her lowcut v-neck blouse.

"Yeah. So, I'm thinking pizza and Firefly marathon," Bethany replies, sitting on the edge of the desk Madison's tucked underneath.

"Your hair looks great," I say to Sawyer as she moves in to collect her hug. And it really does. The way she's mixed in skulls, bats and spiders would have given it a goth look if not for her brown hair. I grab her tight as I ask, "Big date?"

"What? No, I just felt like being fancy," Sawyer says while leaning against me and breathing deep. "I swear you have the worst taste in girlfriends. Do you remember Sera?"

"Oh god," Bethany exclaims while plopping down on the couch, her phone already in hand as she types away. "I still remember the night you took her cherry. She was so freaking loud."

This time I can't help but blush. Sera and I were supposed to have the house to ourselves that night. But Sawyer got food poisoning so everyone came home early. They didn't inform us of this, of course, and so as Sera and I fumbled our way through our first time, the drafty venting of the heating system made sure all my sisters heard everything. Needless to say, we all learned to cover the vents when we wanted privacy after that.

"At least Sera was nice. If a little... slow," Sawyer says, finally letting up on our hug. And before I can move, Kaylie steps up to collect another. I don't complain, stroking her back instead of just squeezing her tightly. When I let her loose, she pulls me over to the couch where Bethany's stretched out. Winking at me, she pulls me down without warning atop Bethany.

Bethany squeals, swatting at Kaylie as she says, "A little respect here, I'm trying to order food."

"Well, order faster," Kaylie says as we shift to sit so our legs drape over Bethany more than crush her. This isn't the first time we've deployed a sister trap.

Sawyer sits on the arm until Bethany sets her phone aside, then she pulls me and Kaylie up, freeing Bethany. As Madison joins us, Bethany spins around, calling out, "Okay girls, get him!"

With my eyebrows raised, I brace myself, but it's not enough. A second later, it's my turn to be subjected to the sister trap. Though unlike with Bethany, there's no effort to keep from crushing me. Nope, they're all sitting on top of me. And somehow, Kaylie's managed to arrange it so she sitting on my face. At least, I'm pretty sure it's Kaylie. Either way, sitting on my face is a direct challenge, and I start nuzzling my face into the semi-firm softness above me. At the same time, I try to tickle the underside of whoever's knee is over my only semi-free hand. My tickle attempt doesn't produce any results, meaning it's probably Bethany.

On the other hand, my nuzzling causes whichever sister is on my face to squirm a little, shuffling back on the couch until my face breaks free. And I find myself looking up at the victorious smirk of Kaylie, my head caught between her thighs. "Very funny girls," I say, while shifting to try to get comfortable.

"Hey, you did it to me," Bethany states from down near my feet.

"I'll start the show," Madison offers, the weight on my chest shifting forward slightly. I use the opportunity to break my other arm out, sending it flailing. Right as I'm about to exact my revenge, my vision goes pink again.

When my vision clears, I'm still under the full weight of my sisters. Can't exactly fall down when you're already being smothered by sister.

"What..." I mutter as the others make sounds of confusion as well.

"Did anyone else see a bright white light?" Bethany asks, the weight on my ankles disappearing.

"Pink," I say from my spot between Kaylie's thighs.

There's some mumbled agreement, with Madison mentioning she saw a bright orange light while Kaylie saw green and Sawyer blue.

"And the internet went out again," Bethany grumbles. Any further questions are interrupted by the doorbell and a sigh from Bethany as she moves toward it. It's as she leaves that I realize my recently freed hand is cupping what must be Sawyer's ass. Instead of letting go entirely, I start tracing along the fabric of her shorts.

A minute later and Bethany returns with three large pizzas, setting them on the table. My stomach growls loudly enough for us to all laugh, and the girls all shift enough to let me sit up. Once I'm upright, I find myself flanked on the couch by the twins as Madison crawls under the desk to reset the router again while Bethany brings a stack of plates and napkins from the kitchen. Taking pity on me, Bethany hands me a plate first, loaded with three slices. Which is immediately ransacked by Kaylie and Sawyer. With a mock sigh, I pick up the sole remaining piece, a scraggly little thing.

Soon as Madison emerges from beneath the desk, she starts the playlist, setting the keyboard on the coffee table next to the pizza as we all settle in. The second I set my plate on the table, Bethany swings the side bench out in front of the couch and straddles it, leaning forward on the giant stuffed caterpillar we picked up at a flee market back around her tenth birthday. She scoots back until she's wedged between my legs then swats her hands at me until I start massaging her back. With a chuckle, I start massaging her. And then I get shoved forward as Madison gets in behind me, and again when the twins take their places. Soon we have a massage chain going. While I spend nearly an hour just gently massaging Bethany's back, eventually the other girls swap in.

Kaylie is the last to take her place, and when she does, she rubs herself up and down on my crotch several times as she 'gets comfortable'. My hands are a little more daring as I massage Kaylie, dipping lower along her back. By this point, the massage chain is over, and I'm the only one administering a massage. Which is pretty normal. But considering that my sisters are all cuddled around me, I'm not complaining. I'm still running my hands over Kaylie's back when mom comes home.

"Hey girls, I see Darren made it," Mom calls, as she sets something heavy down by the door. I'm tempted to get up to greet her, but the amount of relaxed sister I'm surrounded by makes it hard. Even as the girls complain around me, I try to extricate myself. Getting grumbles back, I'm not any closer to getting out when mom steps into the living room.

Her rich laughter fills the room as I wave to her from my mostly comfy prison. My shifting means that Madison's elbow is now digging into my side. Mom doesn't make me get up, coming over and reaching over Kaylie's prone form to give me the same tight hug I've been giving the girls for years. That one that says, hey, I love you, and I missed you, and I'm glad we can be together for this one moment.

If you've ever had a hug like it, you know what I'm talking about. If not... I'm sorry, but you deserve one. Everyone deserves a hug like the ones I share with my family. Even Jen used to love my hugs.

With that awful thought, I loosen my hug with mom. She gives me one last squeeze before letting go, ruffling my hair. "Good to have you home. I'm surprised you got them all to sit still. I haven't seen them together like this since your last visit."

"That's cause we've been busy," Bethany says from where she's partially wedged behind me. One of her arms waves in my face, managing to poke me in the nose before finding mom's hand and squeezing it. "Welcome home. How was work?"

At that, mom just snorts, collapsing on the couch next to Madison, getting Maddie to snuggle even closer to me. Somehow. At least her elbow's not digging into me anymore.

"Oh, you're watching Firefly again. Don't you guys get tired of it?"

"You're the one that got us into it," I reply, though I'll admit I've only been half paying attention. Most of my attention has been on Kaylie.

Mom only grunts, reaching over to grab a slice of cold pizza as we watch Serenity land outside Jaynestown. A few minutes later, when 'The man they called Jayne' kicks off, we all join in. Kaylie goes so far as to sit up, leaning back against my chest and pulling my arms around her while we're all singing. And then right as we're at the end, singing over the show, everything goes pink again.

But this time, there are letters.

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