Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 559

Chapter 560: Breaking 14: found

Member Lei listened attentively, only thinking that their conversation was quite interesting, which aroused curiosity. “You said, Lord Long came here to check what?” said the man in gray and blue clothes.

“Hehe.” The man in Tsing Yi smiled and suddenly lowered his voice, “Maybe…it’s the matter of Zha Zhen Xihou.”

“Zhenxihou? Why is he?” said the man in gray and blue clothes.

“You don’t know this? You were in Beijing at that time!” The man in Tsing Yi widened his eyes.

The man in gray and blue clothes touched his head: “I really don’t know. At that time, there was a problem with the goods at home. We were busy all day long, so we had to worry about the right and wrong outside. What is going on?”

The man in Tsing Yi said: “Zhenxihou is our Daqi hero. Those bandits are abominable and they framed him. What’s more, the bandit leader actually pretended to be Zhenxihou’s grandfather and said that Master Hou’s aunt was His daughter! Pooh, I have never seen such shamelessness. At that time, the city was full of storms, and many people who were hostile to Lord Hou continued to spread rumors. I heard that in order to stop the rumors, the emperor sent Jinlinwei out of Beijing to track down the life of Lord Hou’s aunt. In the end, the lie of the Liu Bandit was punctured, but Jinlinwei has sent out Beijing, so I will check it out by the way!”

“Hey, the Lord Long we saw in the city mansion just now is here…” said the man in gray and blue clothes.

“Yes, yes! It must be.” The man in Tsing Yi said, “I found out here, it means that Zhenxihou’s maternal ancestor is from Dingzhou! Alas, if you really think about it, I feel proud! Zhenxihou His grandfather is from Dingzhou!”

The man in gray and blue clothes smiled and poured a glass of wine for the man in Tsing Yi.

The man in Tsing Yi continued: “Last year when Zhenxihou just made his mark, everyone was talking about him. I often went to Dingguo Bo’s Mansion to deliver wine, so I went to chat with the servants there, and the servants there said, “The servants of Zhenxihou” My aunt seems to be from the land of fireworks… I heard that it was abducted in. Fortunately, I met Uncle Chu at that time, tusk tusk! But… Hey, what about this world, why are so many traffickers? ”

“Ah!” The gray-blue clothes were suddenly startled and slapped the table fiercely. “I remember, didn’t we Dingzhou 20 years ago, didn’t we have many girls missing? I heard it was a very big group of human traffickers! Tsk tsk, that Master Long found here, maybe it was the group of missing girls.”

The man in Tsing Yi laughed: “Don’t talk about it! Twenty years ago, you were a little boy, how do you know so much.”

“When I was a child, my mother said that I looked as beautiful as a baby girl. She didn’t let me go out to play every day. She said that she was careful and was trafficked. Hahaha! I remember it clearly!” The gray-blue clothes laughed happily.

“Just you, you still look like a baby girl? I pooh!” The man in Tsing Yi sipped him.

At this time, Xiao Er came over and carried the tray: “Guest officer, the food is served! Hey, what are the two of you talking about so interesting, what do you think of the traffickers in the capital?”

“Yes—” the man in gray and blue clothes wanted to say.

The man in Tsing Yi pulled him a bit and smiled: “It’s just boring things.”

Xiao Er just said casually, smiled and turned and left.

The man in Tsing Yi said: “After all, it’s an official business. People are dealing with the case. Let’s not break your mouth. Come on, it’s been a long time since I drink the wine from my hometown. Let’s have a drink.”

Then the two of them said something to each other, and talked about some messy gossip, and they left when they had finished their meal.

Lei Yuan, who was sitting in the corner, sat there in a daze. In the trafficker case 20 years ago, his daughter also disappeared at that time!

At that time, their Lei family was still a well-known wealthy businessman in Dingzhou. Her daughter was missing, so she didn’t dare to report to the government, and only let the family find it. The government was also investigating the case. Later, I heard that the case was solved and several girls were rescued, but his daughter was not among them.

They searched for another six months on their own, but gave up when they found it.

A daughter’s family has been in exile for half a year, is there still innocence at all?

When she didn’t get it, it was found that she went into a dirty place, or fell into the hands of some poor people, and became the daughter-in-law of some indecent people. face.

So in the end, they stopped searching and only lied to the public that their daughter had passed away.

Because of this, his wife died of illness.

Twenty years later, he somewhat forgot that he still had a daughter who was abducted. Suddenly, I heard others mention it again, and… among those girls who were abducted, they were actually sold to the capital, and eventually they became the aunts of the Bofu and gave birth to a child. This child is still promising. The famous Zhenxihou!

Thinking about it, Member Lei’s chest was ups and downs, and he was envious, and he was faintly looking forward to it.

Back then, my daughter was among them!

The most important thing is that his daughter is also beautiful and beautiful, and it makes sense to sell her to the rich and powerful as a concubine.

But in the end, she didn’t write to the family after giving birth… By the way, the child passed away not long after he was born!

The reason why their Lei family finally fell, it was because they couldn’t go to the prefects and powerful people!

And Zhenxihou… that’s a powerful minister! Even the remote Dingzhou is thunderous to Zhenxihou’s name.

Lei’s chest was hot outside, and he couldn’t help but think about it.

But after a glass of cold wine was poured, he made a good match again.

How can there be such a good thing, after all, all good things belong to others.

Although he convinced himself in this way, he couldn’t control it with a bit of expectation and hope.

At this moment, a squat boy walked in: “Grandma, the new batch of goods has arrived ahead of schedule, so please go home and inspect the goods!”

However, member Lei was still immersed in the incident of his daughter being abducted, and he was in a trance, where he was still in the mood to inspect the goods or something.

Member Lei waved his hand outside: “Laifu, you can just let the master do it.”

“Huh?” Laifu was surprised, “Master, you didn’t say that you were not cautious enough for the sake of the master last time, and you always make mistakes. And this batch of goods is very important, do you want to inspect it yourself?”

Lei Yuanwai used to be able to hold these goods tightly, but these things are nothing for such a major event as Zhenxihou’s grandfather!

But I don’t know whether the Xihou incident is true or not, whether it can fall on my own head.

Member Lei was very irritable, and he snorted coldly, “Let him go, don’t bother with words.”

“Yes.” Laifu lowered her body timidly, “Then…the old lady won’t go home?” At this time, members of Lei had been watching business because of family care.

Lei’s heart floated outside, “I won’t go back, I have something to do soon!” Thinking about it, he looked forward to it and looked at him and said: “You go home and talk about inspections. Leave it to the great master. You will drive a carriage back again, and let’s go to the city mansion and do some important things.”

“Yes.” Laifu nodded, then turned and left.

Lei member looked at his back and exhaled fiercely.

Lei Yuan called Xiao Er again, ordered a pot of wine, and two or three dishes, and slowly drank the wine to suppress his excitement.

But no amount of wine can calm his eagerness.

Finally, after a quarter of an hour, I finally saw Laifu come back: “Grandma, the carriage is waiting outside.”

Lei Yuan hurriedly threw down a piece of silver and went out with Laifu.

Not far away, under a large signboard, there were two men standing, not others, but the two who had just said that Xinlinwei was looking for someone in the restaurant.

“Let’s go!” The two turned and left. After a while, they walked into a dilapidated small inn.

The two went up to the second floor, walked into a guest room, and saw Wang Liang and Mr. Zhou sitting at the table.

“It’s done?” Liang Wang said lightly.

“Yes.” Yandong and Yanxi erased the blackness on their faces. Yan Dong said: “Look at the greedy appearance of the Lei member, he will definitely do it.”

Liang Wang snorted coldly.

After finding out about Yunxia’s experience that year, King Liang wanted to razing the entire Hongjiao Building to the ground, and even more so that the human trafficker Huang Sigou’s body was broken into pieces.

But at that time Mr. Zhou stopped him, saying that Chu Yunpan’s face would one day attract others’ attention. Even more suspicious, thinking that someone deliberately erased her origins.

At that time, I would rather kill by mistake than let it go.

Therefore, King Liang only retaliated and tortured the widower who bought her and the butcher who sold her into the Green Banana House, leaving the life of Huang Sigou.

And this Lei family was carefully selected among so many missing girls, and the place where her origin is most hidden. Although the Lei family is rich and a big family, Master Lei does not have a brother or sister. Although Master Lei later gave birth to several sons, they were young 20 years ago. Which one remembers the appearance of the missing sister.

Lei Yuan took Fulai outside and sat in a carriage, and in a short while, he came to the city mansion.

Just heard the two said that they saw the Jinlinwei’s Dragon Lord at the city mansion’s Yamen, and they wanted to investigate the group of girls who disappeared that year, they had to find the files of the year in the Yamen.

As a businessman, he naturally had to deal with the government. Even if the government didn’t recognize him, he had to give gifts to the government.

Fortunately, he had some friendship with the prefect master.

When he came to the city mansion, Lei Yuan asked Laifu to go to the senior master’s mansion, asked him out for a drink, and said that he should be asked for business matters.

There is nothing wrong with someone sending money to themselves.

Lei Yuan invited Master Gao to the best wine in the city, ordered the best wine and food, and asked Master Gao for a few trivial things, and gave him a generous gift.

Master Gao looked at such a generous gift, and it was too simple for Lei Yuan to ask himself, so the two happily drank and talked there.

When Senior Master was so dizzy, Lei Yuanwai said, “I entered the city early today, but I saw some people coming and going in your yamen. You must be busy, so I didn’t dare to go in and disturb you. . Until now in the afternoon, I expected you to be free, so I asked you out for a drink.”

Senior Master’s tongue was a bit big when he drank, and it was not a secret, so he nodded: “Yes! I haven’t slept since yesterday afternoon until now last night, and I can’t tell the southeast if I’m busy. Northwest.”

“Those people asked you to look through the files?” Lei Yuan tentatively asked.

Master Gao drank too much, and he didn’t know how he knew that those people were turning over the file. He just nodded: “No, there are some old cases. The trafficker cases from more than 20 years ago are not included. Several rosters went out. Like Master Li, Master Li, Master Li…”

“Hey, how come it’s Master Li.”

“How do I know that the last name is Li or Lei anyway. I don’t know what they are looking for.”

Lei’s face flushed with excitement when he heard that he had his surname. “anything else?”

“What’s left, no more.” Senior Master waved his hand, “After turning over a lot of things, they went out. Hey, why are you asking this?”

The old man Lei’s face stiffened, and he just smiled and said, “Drink and drink!”

Lei Yuan’s heart floated out.

There really is a Jinlinwei in the capital who came to investigate the life experience of Aunt Xihou!

And my daughter was among those missing girls that year, I don’t know how they got the clue, or they knew that it was a girl surnamed Li or Lei…

And he is named Lei!

Soon, Jinlinwei will find his home, maybe his daughter!

Lei Yuan poured a few more cups of Master Gao until the sky fell dark, and he sent Master Lei home to find an inn for one night.

Early the next morning, he hurriedly drove the carriage back to the county seat.

However, they said that Long Xiao and others got the names of those wealthy businessmen named Li or Lei, and they went to investigate with their subordinates one by one.

After investigating for a few days, Long Xiao returned to the inn that night, and his subordinates reported back one by one.

“Subordinates checked several wealthy businessmen with surnames in the city mansion, and they are even now declining, but none of the wealthy businessmen 20 years ago has lost their daughters.”

“The subordinates checked the three counties below, including Hexiang County, and the daughter of a wealthy businessman surnamed Li was missing, but he was asked to recognize the portrait, but said he was not the person in the painting.”

The people below reported one by one that most of those with the same surname were no missing persons. Only three missing persons were found, but none of them were hers.

“Which one is left?” Long Xiao said.

“Now there is only Dongzao County left, where there is a family surnamed Li and Lei.”

“Then go tomorrow!” Long Xiao sighed slightly, and his eyes sank. If these two county towns are not found…the clue will be broken.

Did the trafficker remember it wrong? Not Li or Lei?

Several people rested for one night, and early the next morning, they dragged their tired bodies to Dongzao County.

Since there are only two Dongzao left, Long Xiao personally took them there.

Starting from the city mansion, I arrived in Dongzao County in one hour, and a few people stayed in an inn, and by the way, I found out where Lei’s house was with Xiaoer.

After the meal, Long Xiao led people to Lei’s house.

Lei’s house is a three-inclusive house. A few people knocked on the door for a while, and then a small servant came out and opened the door. He was startled when he saw a few tall middle-aged men visiting.

The little servant said: “Who are you looking for?”

Long Xiaodao took out a token and said, “We are members of the government, and if we have important matters, we can ask your Patriarch.”

The little servant saw that it was the prefect’s license, and was taken aback, and said quickly: “Several officials, please come in quickly.”

Long Xiao nodded and followed Xiao Si’s footsteps into the room.

If Emperor Zhengxuan asked them to expedite them, they would have to find out the truth within ten days, and they would not come to investigate it so clearly.

Several people were led into the wide hall by the young man, and allowed the young man to serve tea, but they didn’t sit down and said, “Hurry up and ask your master to come out.”

“Immediately.” Xiao Si promised to have turned around and went out.

In a short while, two middle-aged men, who were nearly 30 years old, walked in, but they were the elder and second elders of the Lei family.

“I heard that it is a few officials, I don’t know what to do?” Master Lei stepped forward.

Long Xiao said indifferently: “Master Lei doesn’t need to inquire, just listen to what we have said. It just takes a while.”

The Lei brothers smiled stiffly, and then replied: “Yes.”

Long Xiao took out a painting and opened it: “Do you recognize the woman in the painting?”

The two brothers were startled, squinted to recognize, and both shook their heads: “I don’t recognize it.”

Long Xiao and his two subordinates sighed slightly, and then went to the Li’s house in a while.

“The old lady is here.” Then a voice sounded.

Long Xiao turned around and saw an old man in silk clothes who was nearly 60 years old being helped out.

When the Lei brothers saw him, he hurriedly walked over to help him. Master Lei said, “Father, are you okay?”

“Laifu ran to me and said that there are some bad guys in the house.” Lei Yuan said while looking at Long Xiao.

“Don’t be offended by the poor masters. My father had a cold yesterday, so his complexion was a little bad and he was late.” Master Lei Er said.

“Nothing.” Long Xiao said lightly, took the painting again, and held it in front of Master Lei: “Grandma Lei, please take a look. Do you recognize the woman in the portrait?”

Member Lei looked out and saw his old face startled, then his face turned pale and his eyes widened.


Lei Yuan almost fell to the ground!

Ever since I heard the conversation of the two people who had returned from the capital city that day, and then visited the master, it has been determined that it was after Zhenxihou was looking for his grandfather.

Later, when he learned that he was on the list, he looked forward to it.

I even asked Fu to pay attention to Long Xiao’s movements, knowing that this group of people had explored from several counties including Chengfu, Hexiang County, Heishan County, and so on. They Dongzao County was the last one, and they were the only ones whose surnames were Lei and Li. Two.

Long Xiao and others found no results in the previous investigations, and he inquired, the old Li family in the east of the county did not lose his daughter. Then, it has become more and more certain that Zhenxihou’s aunt is his own daughter!

Lei Yuan was so excited that he couldn’t sleep well for a few days. In order to hide his lack of energy, he panicked that he had a cold.

Today, I finally hoped that Long Xiao and others would come.

He was looking forward to it, waiting to see the portrait of his daughter unfolded in the hands of Long Xiao and others.

As a result, what he saw… was a strange woman! ! !

There was a dizzy feeling outside Lei Yuan, he obviously should be Zhenxihou’s grandfather…

What I was looking forward to, I waited for several days but failed.

“Lady Lei?” Long Xiao and others were agitated when they saw the shocked appearance outside Member Lei, “What’s the matter? Do you recognize it?”

“Grandpa Lei, do you recognize it?” Long Xiao’s subordinates were also inspired by the abnormal expression outside Lei member, and found it! found it!

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