Fantasy Evolution

Chapter 35: rewards of the Treasure Island part 1

Chapter 35: rewards of the Treasure Island part 1


Since he is still in the testing phase his weapons and equipment were also not registered until he passes the testing phase.


After getting all these things he has rearranged his storage space and placed all the important things in a 1 cubic meter space and put all the useless things in the empty space around.


After making sure that everything is okay Vikram boarded the ship.


Immediately he felt one of the cabin doors has emitting bright light.


Vikram moved there and opened the door.


There is a light portal and Vikram entered the portal.


In the next second Vikram appeared in a beach like space with a starry sky.


The water did not have many waves and everything is peaceful with beautiful reflections of stars in the water.


The only strange thing here is the light screen that appeared in front of him.


There are checklists and calculations of what he accomplished on the testing fantasy world.


“Player did not have any injuries or problems.”


“If there are any critical conditions then the player’s life will be in suspended animation state with his will free to move.


After receiving the rewards player can heal his injuries with the help of fantasy system before leaving the fantasy bridge space of rewards and punishments.”


Vikram understood the information that just mentioned means and he patiently waited for the calculations to be done.


Finally it showed that Vikram has completed the mission successfully and the percentage of treasure he got is 100 percent.


World completion rate: 70 percent


For that Vikram received a reward list.


Please choose three rewards from the following list related to the treasure share and completion of the fantasy world mission.


  1. Keep the gold and jewels
  2. 107,000 chaos points
  3. 107 free attribute points
  4. 1070 military merit points
  5. 1070 civilian merit points
  6. 535 military merit points and 535 civilian merit points


Vikram looked at the list and smiled.


Based on the hints he got from the introducing person before entering the fantasy world Vikram know that the gold and jewels are of no use to him.


He prefers military merit points to civilian merit points.


With that his choice is confirmed as 2, 3 and 4 options.


Immediately Vikram received those listed things.


Then the next calculation started related to human relations like the subordinates that he got.


“Player has got a subordinate called Katherine.”


Name: Katherine


Species: human (Ordinary)


Description: Katherine is the forced mistress of Lord Trelawney. She is good at wine making.


Currently severely ill and the amount of life span left is 1 year.




“Player can spend the following chaos points to heal and take the subordinate out into the real world.


Chaos points required: 9450 (Available chaos points: 119560)”


Vikram nodded his head and accepted to spend the chaos points.


“Current balance: 110110 chaos points”


Immediately after that a bright light flashed beside Vikram and it slowly turned into the human shape.


When the light finally retracted Katherine appeared in front of Vikram.


She is currently wearing a long floral painted purple gown.


Her complexion is much better than when he saw her two months ago.


Her illness is gone and she looked a little younger too.


Her current age right now is 24 years but she looked like she is only 20 years old.


Vikram got her hand and hugged her.


“Now we can be together.”


At that moment a screen appeared in front of Vikram and Katherine showing everything that Vikram did in the movie while also calculating all then other things in his storage and achievements if any.


Katherine watched the scenes one after the other from their hot steamy scenes to the death scene of Lord Trelawney.


Katherine let out a happy smile looking at the painful death of Lord Trelawney.


She hugged Vikram even tighter and thanked him for killing Lord Trelawney with all the pain he should feel.


Previously she did not react to Vikram because she was looking at the endless starry skies around her.


It gave a strange feeling to her that is like oppression and sadness.


But with the death of Lord Trelawney her thoughts changed and felt that this place is peaceful and romantic too.


When they are immersed in that state the final calculation is done.


The contract paper flew out of his storage space one after the other and appeared in front of Vikram.


They all merged into a light screen in the form of a list.


At the end of each listed contract there is “poorly made contract” “Testing phase exemption”


Vikram sighed of relief and these chaos points are added forming 1.4 million chaos points.


On the light screen by the side it showed the lords that previously signed the contracts and suddenly losing their valuables one after the other to compensate Vikram for the chaos points that was accepted in contract.


If it is poorly made contract then the amount of chaos points Vikram would get is only 1 percent or even less.


There are other consequences of contract being not recognized by the system too.


It is the testing world that lets player horde chaos points as starting capital for the subsequent support of the players.


So it was loose and supported players getting more points in all the other ways.


Previously the 100,000 chaos points that Vikram got are not for one person.


It should be divided between 10 to 20 people with each getting 5,000-10,000 chaos points each.


But Vikram hoarded all of that for himself resulting in such a bulk some of money.


After that another list appeared showing the items in the storage space for Vikram to choose.


He simply chose the items that he wanted to keep and the remaining to be sold directly.


The items that he chose were placed in his 1 meter size cubic storage space and the remaining were sold to the system.


Well all the things are gold, silver and bronze along with the scrap…..


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