Fantasy Evolution

Chapter 99: leaving the fantasy world with the girls

Chapter 99: leaving the fantasy world with the girls


Vikram was sitting on the top of the car with Rika sitting beside him holding his modified gun with silencer, she will cover Saeko just in case of a problem.


Vikram on the other hand started to read the books from the magic cipher.


The time went on peacefully for the next few days.


Vikram killed around 1000 more zombies in that time improving his dead shot skill and there is a slight improvement in the buffs of the skill.


Well there are no other benefits in this world for him to take right at the moment.


He gave his women massages every day in both morning and evening before taking a good bath.


Also he would cook for them too.


With all the ingredients Vikram made many dishes for the women to eat with their eyes shining.


Even the cold faced Saeko also smiled happily with the food she ate.


Vikram has a special feast as he made some sweets that looked like a small cups.


He placed them on their nipples and slowly bit them making the three women moan and leaving the bite marks on their nipples.


In those few days Vikram found that the basic information related to the magic software of irregular at magic high school is actually very similar to the current magic software of the real world.


Previously he has to work very hard to crack these things to understand the inner workings but now he thought that the things are much simpler.


Another thing he found after increasing his civilian rank to tribe head and military ranking to corporal is that the new items available in the fantasy store.


These are the fake accounts identities that can be bought from the system.


These are like the black accounts or the fake accounts that are used by the rich back on earth.


Here one can store their chaos points that are earned through back doors.


But not everything is a walk in the park.


These fake accounts are prone to be hacked using magic software.


But as long as the person in charge can put on the strong security then it is possible to guard them.


These things are formed by the strong greedy thoughts of the people of all races to hide their assets in secret.


Now he has confidence that he can strike it rich with a fake account.


This fake account will only open after a person reaches tribe head and corporal ranks in civilian and military side with official status.


For unauthorized side they should jump two more ranks higher to get the fake account section of the fantasy store.


These are exclusive to the fantasy store and are impossible to buy outside.


Well hacking other people’s fake account can become his personal account until the other party finds out about that.


Also there seems to be grades in the fake accounts.


The grades did not give security but they can improve the storage limit of chaos points.


Also with the current corporal rank Vikram can only buy one fake account.


For every 2 rank ups in military and civilian rank they can buy another fake account which will be decided by the system with some conditions.




Vikram got the gist of the things and he was thoroughly satisfied by his new discovery.


With that the time in this fantasy world is completed.


Vikram vanished from the spot along with his three women.


The familiar starry sky by the side of the beautiful sea shore appeared in front of him and the girls.


The girls felt like they are dreaming and system started to calculate the proceedings of the world.


First the system scanned for any purpose of healing is required.


“No healing required”


His fantasy world completion percentage is calculated as 60 percent.


Vikram did not understand why it is slow low.


Knowing his question the system started to give a run down.


“Player has changed the plot two times saving many people which has given 30 percent fantasy world completion percentage.


Player has killed over 100 thousand zombies and made an achievement gives 5 percent fantasy world completion percentage.


Player has obtained the true love and loyalty of three strong plot line characters gives 15 percent fantasy world completion percentage.


Player has defeated Souichiro Takagi right in front of his wife and changed their minds to give their daughter to you instead of the other impatient green horn.


This gives you 5 percent fantasy world completion percentage.


Player has obtained an unforgettable impression of most of the plot line characters with strength, intelligence and bravery.


This gives you 5 percent fantasy world completion percentage.


This is a total of 60 percent fantasy world completion percentage.


As for the remaining 40 percent,


Player did not stop the nuclear bomb explosion cutting off all the electronic connections and communications,


Player did not find the cause of the sudden spread of the zombie virus,


Player did not subdue the other plot line female characters (Desired by countless people that formed the fantasy world)




Vikram sighed looking at the information in front of him.


The next thing is the settlement of all the things he did on that fantasy world.


He changed the plot and saved many people while killing many zombies which are all added to his rewards for his accomplishments.


Then a series of options appeared in front of him.


Choose any 2 options from the following.


  1. 70435 chaos points
  2. 3000 military merit points
  3. 1000 civilian merit points
  4. 3 free attribute (Stat) points
  5. Extra 6 percent improvement of stats obtained in the current fantasy world.


Vikram don’t have to think much and choose option 2 and option 4.


He doesn’t want chaos points as they are too low for him.


He can gain civilian merit in the real world easily and quickly so he doesn’t want that.


He did not gain any improvement of stats in the fantasy world.


So it is obvious to select these two options……….


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