Fantasy: I Can Instantly Comprehend Everything

Chapter 138 - 138 The 13 Swords of the Divine Gate

138 The 13 Swords of the Divine Gate

“Why is it that only golden core cultivators can cultivate it?” Zhou Yun was no weaker than a golden core cultivator in any aspect. Right now, he was in urgent need of a powerful sword mantra that could allow him to unleash the true power of the man and sword as one sword intent.

“Eh? This is?” Zhou Yun flipped to the last page of the manual and his hand stopped. His eyes were completely drawn to the words on the last page.

“When you cultivate the 13 Swords of the Divine Gate, you can form a sword seed and cultivate your own sword spirit. Therefore, only golden core cultivators can cultivate it, unless they are born with an innate sword spiritual body.” Zhou Yun stopped what he was doing.

“A sword seed and a sword spirit? Do such things really exist?” This was the first time Zhou Yun had seen such a term. Zhou Yun raised the Fire Dragon Sword. He remembered that he had never heard of the state of man and sword as one in Spirit Valley’s library.


“Could it be that my unity of man and sword as one has also surpassed the records of the five sects, and no one has cultivated to this stage? It’s the same as the nascent soul stage.” Zhou Yun felt that the image of the five upright sects’ absolute power was slowly crumbling. There were no nascent soul cultivators, and there was no information about the nascent soul. He didn’t have enough manuals and cultivation resources.

“Could it be that my standards have been raised because I’ve been in contact with terrifying cultivators like Meng Yuxin recently?” Zhou Yun was taken aback. He had just been sighing with emotion, but the entire world seemed to have been cut off. There were no higher-level cultivation methods.

“An innate sword spiritual body, isn’t this Jian Xin’s physique? If only Jian Xin could cultivate it before the golden core, why did Venerable Xunling give me this sword mantra? Does he think I can cultivate?” Zhou Yun thought about it carefully, and it seemed that his sword intent was indeed higher than Jian Xin’s.

Jian Xin had already been cultivated to the golden core stage, but his sword intent had only reached the perfection stage. He had already cultivated to the state of man and sword as one!

“My sword intent is already stronger than Jian Xin of the golden core stage, so it should be easy for me to cultivate the 13 Swords of the Divine Gate.” With Jian Xin as a reference, Zhou Yun calmed his mind.

After that, Zhou Yun sat cross-legged and began to comprehend the 13 Swords of the Divine Gate. Before Meng Yuxin returned, he had to seize every moment to cultivate!

“The 13 Swords of the Divine Gate is divided into three moves. The first move, 7 swords slash 7 emotions, forces the enemy to retreat inch by inch, and kills them through the rapid sword moves that continuously stack and become stronger. The first move, 7 emotions sword.” Zhou Yun felt strange. Why did everything have to be related to the seven emotions and six desires? It was as if he would become stronger after being associated with them.

However, after Zhou Yun’s careful comprehension, he realized that the 7 emotions 7 swords were actually named after different strange and tricky sword styles. Like anger, the sword path was strong and powerful. Like sorrow, the sword path was weak and sinister. The path of each sword was different.

“The second form is 5 swords and 5 directions. Although the number of times he could swing his sword had decreased, it had become more powerful! These five swords seem to use a strange way of circulating spiritual energy to make the sword strike out five times at the same time in an instant, causing an extremely powerful attack on the enemy’s body at the same time!” Zhou Yun felt that he had gained a lot. 5 swords and 5 directions, spiritual energy could actually be used in this way!

“Although the last move only has one strike, it is even more powerful. It is like a self-sacrificing sword strike. However, this sword not only relies on one’s own sword intent and spiritual energy but also on the spiritual sword itself. Its usage is even more powerful than the self-sacrificing sword strike. It’s enough to replace the self-sacrificing sword strike.” Zhou Yun looked at the last move of the 13 Swords of the Divine Gate and nodded his head in satisfaction.

As expected of a sword mantra that could be cultivated to the nascent soul stage. The last move required the cultivator to cultivate the sword seed in his heart and form his own sword Dao. And the sword spirit would be condensed in the body of the spiritual sword.

The ultimate sword attack could only be used when the sword seed and the sword spirit worked together! It was many times more brilliant than the self-sacrificing sword strike, which only relied on spiritual energy and sword intent to use recklessly!

“Now, I have to quickly control the 13 Swords of the Divine Gate!” Zhou Yun placed the manual down and closed his eyes to begin his enlightenment.

‘System, I’m starting to comprehend the 13 Swords of the Divine Gate. This time, the direction of the Enlightenment is to master this manual.’ Zhou Yun said in his mind.

“Yes, handsome master.” A sweet voice sounded.

Zhou Yun’s eyes lit up. He quickly entered the Enlightenment State! In such a state, he once again recovered his unparalleled thoughts and powerful thinking ability!

“Is it because my soul has become more solid? I feel like I’ve gained much more insight this time.” Zhou Yun was slightly stunned. Due to the existence of the system, he had undergone many enlightenments.

But this time, he felt something different. This was because he had the same feeling as when he was fighting the ten Grand Elders. His thoughts became clearer. He had even more thoughts!

“Could it be that the strengthening of the soul can really affect one’s talent? I wonder if my soul will be affected after absorbing the souls of others.” As Zhou Yun thought about it, he shook his head to get rid of these thoughts. His main task now was to become stronger! He would revisit it after he gained enlightenment on the 13 Swords of the Divine Gate!

The more Zhou Yun understood the 13 Swords of the Divine Gate, the more shocked he became! It was still fine before. With his state of man and sword as one, it was still very easy for him to slash out seven different sword paths. The strange sword path flashed across Zhou Yun’s mind as if he had rehearsed it countless times. Zhou Yun could feel that he could immediately see the 7 emotions and 7 swords if he wanted to!

When Zhou Yun was in the Enlightenment State, he felt that it was difficult to deal with the second sword form, the 5 swords and 5 directions!

This was because the five swords and five directions required the spiritual energy in the body to circulate in a strange way, allowing the spiritual energy to control the body. Then, in an instant, five swords would be slashed at the same place at the same time!

“The 5 swords and 5 directions require the spiritual energy in the body to be condensed and circulated at a high intensity. Generally, only those in the golden core stage could control it. However, because I practice the Saint Fire Mantra, and the amount and quality of my spiritual energy are stronger than that of ordinary foundation establishment cultivators, I’m completely qualified to perform this sword move!” Zhou Yun did not give up. He began to search for a cultivation method.

At the same time, Zhou Yun was surprised to find that because of the Saint Fire Body, his spiritual energy spread to every part of his body. It was even easier to practice the 5 swords and 5 directions!

“Is this considered a strong foundation? Even with a sword spiritual body, the Saint Fire Body can be more powerful than it.” Zhou Yun quickly mastered the 5 swords and 5 directions. He rehearsed it in his mind countless times.

After a long time, Zhou Yun opened his eyes. The spiritual energy in his body was circulating at a strange speed. As long as Zhou Yun wanted to, he could slash out five times in the same direction in an instant!

“I didn’t expect this sword mantra to be so powerful!” Zhou Yun felt a burst of joy!

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