Fantasy: I’m Really Not A Supreme Master!

Chapter 162 - 147 Demon Marshal's Gathering!_i

Chapter 162: Chapter 147 Demon Marshal’s Gathering!_i

Immortal General Sen Ming moved extremely fast.

Soon, he had already appeared in the Heavenly Realm’s Void Sea Domain.

“Hmm? This void seems to harbor a kind of… presence of the Demon Race?”

He sensed something very acutely.

He pondered for a moment, could the disappearance of the several hundreds of thousands of allied forces of the Diming Realm, along with so many Taiyi Golden Immortals, be related to the Demon Race?

The Million Lower Realms are not only governed by the Immortal Domain.

There are also parts of the Lower World that correspond to the Demon Domain on the other side.

The Demon Race can likewise infiltrate their Lower Worlds.

However, the Lower Worlds controlled by the Immortal Domain and the Demon Domain are distinctly separated!

Even the Lower World of the Demon Domain closest to this place is a billion miles away through the void.

For the Demon Race to cross over would be suicidal, as being discovered midway by any world would lead to a great war.

The Demon Race and the Human Race have always been at loggerheads, engaging in relentless battles.

“Whether it’s true or not, today I will uncover the truth myself!”

He immediately prepared to enter the world before him.

But, at that moment.

He suddenly felt something in his heart and sharply turned his head to look in a certain direction!

In that direction, a shadow approached like a comet, arriving in an instant.

“The Demon Race?!”

Immortal General Sen Ming was startled and immediately hid himself!

Just as he hid, an old man in a black robe, carrying a little girl on his back, appeared in the area.

The old man sniffed in the void and said:

“Indeed, it should be here. Even I can sense a demonic aura! Dense and chaotic… It’s truly coming from Primeval Souls that have lost their autonomous consciousness!”

His expression was grave.

The little girl on his back, on the other hand, excitedly said:

“It must be that two Primeval Souls have waged a great battle, but in the end, both perished together… Haha, they must be hiding in this world. Come on, let’s hurry up, the other Primeval Souls probably haven’t arrived yet.”

The old man nodded and immediately took a step forward. In the next moment, he had disappeared!

In the shadows.

Immortal General Sen Ming’s gaze was extremely solemn!

“What strong Demonic Qi, not weaker than mine… This is a Demon Marshal!”

He murmured to himself, recognizing the strength of the old man who had just appeared!

“A Demon Marshal appearing in the Lower Worlds of our Immortal Domain? And who exactly is the little girl he’s carrying? She gives me a sense of familiarity, bizarre…”

He pondered, vaguely feeling that this matter was no simple affair!

However, before he could figure out an answer, another shadow appeared in the Void Sea Domain!

This shadow moved equally fast, appearing in the area as well.

This time, it was a burly man with extremely developed muscles. His body, towering like a steel tower, was covered with demonic tattoos, exuding a sense of power!

Similarly, there was a little girl sitting on his shoulder!

This little girl was identical to the one the old man had been carrying before!

“Quick, I feel there’s another demonic presence in this space; someone must have entered before us…”

The little girl on the shoulder of the burly man had an urgent look on her face.

“As you command!”

This steel tower-like burly man also entered the world ahead without hesitation!

In the shadows, Immortal General Sen Ming’s brows furrowed tightly, his eyes filled with suspicion.

“Another Demon Marshal, what is going on… And why are the two little girls, who appeared one after the other, exactly the same? They both give me the same feeling…”

He became even more solemn.

This matter was becoming increasingly suspicious!

Just then, a third demonic shadow appeared within the Void Sea Domain!

Again, it was a Demon Marshal, carrying a little girl.

Without a doubt, this little girl was identical to the previous two.

Immortal General Sen Ming was full of doubt, increasingly puzzled.

What exactly was in this world?

One after another, three great Demon Marshals arrived?

And why did those three little girls give him the same familiar feeling…

What was their origin?

At this moment, the fourth demonic shadow appeared!

Another Demon Marshal, another little girl indistinguishable from the others, also entered the world ahead!

“Four Demon Marshals arriving in succession, could it be that a Demon Monarch from the Demon Domain is gathering his forces here?!”

Immortal General Sen Ming’s face was filled with utmost seriousness!

At this moment, he hesitated to enter this world.

Who knows what terrifying existence is hidden within!

He was certain that there had to be entities surpassing Demon Marshals.

Otherwise, these Demon Marshals would not be arriving one after another.

“To enter, or to leave first…”

He hesitated!

But at that moment, a surge of overwhelming blood energy suddenly filled the area.

The fifth demon shadow appeared!

It was a Demon Marshal, holding a blood-colored spear in his hand, and in his arms, he also held a little girl.

This Demon Marshal’s face was stern, and his aura was overwhelmingly strong!

Even from the shadows, Immortal General Sen Ming felt the terrifying killing intent.

Seeing this Demon Marshal, Immortal General Sen Ming almost cried out involuntarily:

“Is it him?!”

Shock flashed through his eyes!

He… recognized this Demon Marshal!

“Demon Marshal Blood Spear… If I remember correctly, during the invasion of the Immortal Domain in years past, he was the strongest among the Nine Holy Demon Monarch’s subordinates. The Senluo Holy Sect lost twelve elders to his spear!”

He muttered, his eyelids twitching wildly!

Back then, when the Demon Domain invaded the Immortal Domain, the Senluo Holy Sect had sent people to join the warfare.

He was fortunate to have participated in one of the battles, and their opponent… was the Demon Marshal Blood Spear, a subordinate of the Nine Holy Demon Monarch!

He vividly remembered, this killer demon had consecutively slain twelve Daluo Golden Immortals from the Senluo Holy Sect, and at that time, he had hidden among the corpses to escape disaster!

Therefore, his impression of Blood Spear was all too profound!

He couldn’t help but murmur, saying:

“It’s actually him… But, the Nine Holy Demon Monarch was clearly known to have failed in his attempt to reach the Immortal King Realm nearly ten thousand years ago and perished in this world…”

The name of the Nine Holy Demon Monarch had also shaken the Immortal Domain and was known as one of the strongest Demon Monarchs in the Demon Domain.

Moreover, he knew that in the past, the Senluo Immortal Monarch had joined two other Immortal Monarchs in an attempt to ambush the Nine Holy Demon Monarch.

But in the end, the Nine Holy Demon Monarch killed one of the Immortal Monarchs, Blood Rain Sprinkled the Immortal Domain, and the Nine Holy Demon Monarch himself withdrew unscathed…

That battle also made the Nine Holy infamous, making the heroes of the Immortal Domain dare not glance sideways!

As Immortal General Sen Ming pondered, Blood Spear had already taken the little girl and entered this world.

“Under the command of the Nine Holy Demon Monarch, there are nine great Demon Monarchs. With five having come in succession, perhaps more will follow!”

He immediately waited patiently.

However, after waiting for quite a long time, no other Demon Marshals appeared.

“Could it be that before I arrived, four Demon Marshals had already fallen into it?”

“It’s very possible.”

He muttered.

“Five Demon Marshals arriving… carrying five identical little girls…”

He pondered, and suddenly, a light flashed in his eyes!

“Not good… could it be… could it be that…”

He thought of a possibility!

But then, he shook his head repeatedly, imagining his idea was too insane.

“Impossible, it can’t be so, the Nine Holy Demon Monarch has already perished!…”

He stared intently at the world ahead!

At this moment, he suddenly understood why the Senluo Holy Sect had suffered casualties connected to this place!

“Could it be that before perishing, the Nine Holy Demon Monarch transformed this world into a forbidden territory?”

“And now, those Demon Marshals, carrying her Primeval Soul… are heading to the forbidden area…”

His words trembled slightly.

If so, many things would start to make sense…

The tens of thousands of allied forces that vanished in the Diming Realm, and the Nine Great Taiyi Golden Immortals of the Senluo Holy Sect, probably became slaves to the forbidden territory within the Nine Holy Demon Monarch’s domain…

Moreover, the Nine Holy Demon Monarch perished due to the failed attempt at the Immortal King Realm—she definitely had the potential to create a forbidden land.

It was known that the taboo of “forbidden” areas and domains was based on the most mysterious aspects of the cultivation path, where all cultivators feared them like tigers.

Either they were some unfortunate Immortal Kings.

Or, they encountered those unspeakable things while attempting to reach the King Realm.

In a nutshell, the forbidden areas are above the Immortal level!

And the Nine Holy Demon Monarch was precisely someone who should have reached that level back then.

If this were true, the Nine Holy Demon Monarch’s plan would be too astonishing, wouldn’t it?

The Nine Holy Demon Monarch could potentially reappear in this world!

Thinking of the terror of the Nine Holy Demon Monarch, his courage trembled immensely.

“This matter is beyond my ability to deal with, I must inform the Immortal Monarch!”

Without hesitating, he turned and left!

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