Fantasy Lord: Start with Daily Intelligence

Chapter 114: Defeated and Conquered Territory

The killing is spreading.

The knights led by Thor and Ryan once again killed the entire sheep-headed people. Without any hesitation, they turned around and rushed into the sheep-headed tribe again.

This time, six second-level sheep-headed people surrounded and killed them.

Thor and Ryan were attacked by three second-level sheep-headed people in an instant.

A large number of elite sheep-headed people gathered at the location of Thor's knights.

The blood color continued to spread, and the blood soaked the entire ground.

Thor panted slightly, and with a flick of his right hand, the knight's sword flew out of his hand. His right hand directly picked up the knight's spear next to him, and the icy breath spread. The wind element intertwined with Nia's body.

Then Nia suddenly accelerated.


A huge and dull sound rose, and a second-level sheep-headed man who had just rushed over was instantly pierced through. The huge impact force even took his body directly away and smashed it into the distance.

Before it fell, the ice spread on its body.

Its body was completely stiff in an instant.

Thor ignored it and killed a second-level goat-headed man in an instant. He swung his knight's gun and swept the surrounding goat-headed men one by one.

The entire surrounding area was cleared in an instant.

However, because of this, Nia, who was accelerating, had to stop.

The other two second-level goat-headed men came directly from the left and right.

Two bone sticks with blood-colored brilliance suddenly smashed towards Thor and Nia under Thor's feet.


The magic circle lit up, and powerful wind elements gathered.

Nia's figure suddenly accelerated.

Disappeared in an instant.



The huge roar echoed, and the two bone sticks suddenly fell to the ground.

Nia rushed out with Thor.

At this moment, a large number of goat-headed men surged again.

Thor pulled the reins.

Nia turned around, and the next moment the wind elements gathered again, and Thor swooped down towards the goat-headed men again.

The speed was instantly accelerated.


The terrifying power of the knight's spear made one of the two goat-headed men unable to react in time, and was even pierced by the speeding Thor knight's spear. The cold air spread and his body was directly frozen.

Thor just swung his hand.

The second-level goat-headed man pierced by the knight's spear was directly thrown out by him.

Without any hesitation, Thor went to the other goat-headed man again.

In the blink of an eye, only he was left of the three. A trace of fear appeared in the blood-red pupils of this goat-headed man. Its figure began to retreat, and the goat-headed men around it also began to show fear.

The Knights led by Thor were like a meat grinder.

No matter how many goat-headed men stepped into it, they were instantly crushed.

Although they were bloodthirsty and crazy, they were not really stupid, especially those elite goat-headed men, whose wisdom was not low.

Of course, they were only elite goat-headed men, and those goat-headed men born by secret methods would not be like that.

At this moment, those goat-headed men were still rushing towards the Knights one after another.

It was precisely because of the rush of sheep-headed men created by these secret methods that Thor continued to wash away the elite sheep-headed men.

He could only deal with these first.

He glanced at the distance.

There, Ryan had already dealt with a second-level sheep-headed man, leaving only one, and it was clearly in the upper hand.

Thor then ignored it.

He rushed into it again.

Time passed slowly.

From the afternoon, it gradually killed until dusk gradually fell.

There were fewer and fewer sheep-headed men around Thor.



In the last explosion, a sheep-headed man was killed in front.

And the entire surroundings suddenly became empty.

A large number of sheep-headed men were killed, and there were corpses everywhere around, and the blood almost turned into streams.


"Bang Bang!"

One knight after another sat down on the ground.

Panting heavily.

Even Thor was slightly panting, and the golden armor was soaked with blood.

The knight's sword had long been lost, and the knight's lance had turned from snow-white to blood-red.

After a whole day of fighting, even Thor couldn't remember how many goat-headed men he had killed.

One hundred, two hundred, or five hundred, too many.

So many that he couldn't even count them.

He only knew that among the thousands of goat-headed men, only one or two second-level goat-headed men escaped with one or two hundred elite goat-headed men.

The rest of the goat-headed men were all buried here.

As for the goat-headed men who escaped, Thor was originally going to stop them.

Unfortunately, there were too many goat-headed men born from the secret method, and they kept falling.

In the end, he had to give up.

Fortunately, not many escaped, and even if there were some threats, this threat was not big.

After all, even if they can continue to be born with the secret method, there are only one or two hundred elite goat-headed people left now, and there are only one or two second-level ones. Even if so many goat-headed people are born again, the threat to the territory with a general knight will not be too great.

Not to mention Tono and Babrus.

In the dusk.

Tono turned over and jumped down.

His face was slightly pale. This time, even he was exhausted.

This really started from the afternoon and lasted until dusk without any pause.

This was already the limit for him, whether mentally, physically, or in terms of the use of his life force.

Not only him, but also the other knights in the Knights' Order.

"Sir, three trainee knights were seriously injured, twelve trainee knights, and seven official knights were injured."

Steve walked over with a tired body and reported to Thor respectfully.

"Take those injured knights back to my brother's castle for rest and treatment!"

Thor nodded and then gave the order.


Steve responded respectfully and quickly directed the men to act.

One by one, with tired figures, they began to make simple stretchers and sent the seriously injured knights back to the castle.

Fortunately, Thor had two powerful knights, Thor and Ryan, on his side. The losses of the Knights of the Eagle Territory were not great, and no one had died.

Tono and Babrus were not so good.

Even with Thor holding back most of the forces, their losses were not small.

Tono lost one official knight and three apprentice knights, and more than 20 people were seriously injured. Babrus also lost one official knight and five apprentice knights, and more people were seriously injured.

However, even with such a result, Tono and Babrus couldn't help showing a touch of joy.

Because this was much better than they expected.

For this attack, they had actually made plans for heavy losses.

The strength of the sheep-headed people was not weak. With their strength, even if they could take them down, the losses would not be too small.

It was just that they didn't expect that Thor's strength was too strong, which directly reduced the losses by an unknown amount.

Tono and Babrus looked at each other.

"Tono, it seems that we still underestimated your brother!"

Babrus grinned and chuckled.


Tono also smiled and spoke. At this moment, his expression was a little excited in his fatigue.

His brother was so powerful, and he had such powerful subordinates. The future was almost unimaginable.

"Let's go!"

"This time, we still have to thank him!"

Babrus said with a smile.

Tono nodded.

Then the two walked towards where Thor was.

Thor arranged some post-war matters.

He was ready to go and meet up with Tono and Babrus.

But before he could take action, Tono and Babrus had already walked over.

"Good boy, it seems that I underestimated you, Thor, you are not inferior to father, but better than father!"

Tono's voice sounded excitedly from a distance.


"Sir Babrus!"

Thor greeted with a smile.

"Thank you this time!"

"Sir Thor!"

Babrus performed a knight's etiquette and spoke with gratitude.

In the previous battle, he knew very well that without Thor's restraint, this time they would not only fail to win, but the loss might be even more serious.

This gratitude was also from his heart.

"Sir Babrus, you're welcome!"

Thor returned a knight's courtesy, then smiled and shook his head.

"That's not polite!"

"Sir Thor, if you need anything in the future, just tell me. If I, Babrus, can do it, I will never refuse!"

Babrus spoke solemnly.

"Hahaha, maybe I will really trouble Sir Babrus in the future, I won't refuse!"

Thor smiled and nodded, and did not continue to refuse.

Although they were only together for a short time, Thor also understood Babrus's character.

For such an existence, he didn't mind making friends.


"Thor, have you dealt with the wounded of the Knights?"

"Do you want me to send someone to help you!"

Tono smiled and spoke, then gestured to the battlefield.

"It's almost done. I sent the seriously injured knight back to your territory first."

Thor nodded.

"That's good!"

"You make arrangements first and rest for a while!"

"We'll go check the entire territory later!"

Tono nodded and spoke with a smile.

At this moment, his expression could not help but be excited.

He had been coveting this territory for a long time.

The resources here are even more than his territory. With this territory, he has better choices for the development and expansion of his territory.

But the strength of the descendant of the Assad family is not weak. Even in several disputes, he suffered a lot and did not gain any advantage.

Now he finally got it.

Even if a part of it needs to be divided out, it is enough to make Tono full of expectations.


Thor responded.

He did not refuse this.

Although his loss is not big, he will naturally not refuse if there is benefit.

What's more, this is not just a little benefit.

It is worth two thousand gold coins every year.

Or even more.

After all, the descendant of Assad is not enough to develop and utilize the territory.

A large iron mine, for Thor, a year is not much, just a large iron mine is enough to bring him more than 5,000 gold coins, even if it is divided equally among three parties, it is more than 1,500 gold coins a year, not to mention that the "Nau" in the Danube is one of the main materials of low-level life potions. Selling raw materials is indeed not very valuable. After all, the most valuable is actually life grass, which can be used to configure low-level life potions.

A bottle of low-level life potion was 200 to 300 gold coins at the previous auction in Loren City, and the annual income will not be less than 5,000, or even more.

These gold coins are enough to train several great knights.

Under such interests, it is naturally impossible to ignore.

Using the Knight Breathing Method, Thor first restored his own consumed life force.

Then he checked the status of the entire Knights.

Until dusk gradually dimmed.

Thor walked away.

There, Tono and Babrus had already gathered together.


"Lord Babrus!"

Thor came over and spoke softly.

"Thor, let's go!"

Tonno smiled and said, then took the two of them into the territory.

The three of them first went to the somewhat dilapidated castle.

Compared to checking one by one, it would undoubtedly be easier to get some relevant information about the castle.

As a castle that was breached by the sheep-headed people, there were no living people in the castle, but various documents were still there, just scattered around.

Under Tono's order, a knight soon came forward to sort it out.

The oil lamp was lit.

Half an hour later.

The three of them got accurate information.

And when the information appeared in front of the three of them.

Whether it was Tono, Babrus, or Thor, they all showed a touch of joy.

Because the harvest of this territory was far greater than they had imagined.

More than 3,000 hectares of farmland had been opened up. Although most of it had been destroyed, a small part still remained. It was almost time for harvest, and these were all food.

In addition, although the gold coins were not received, the various materials were worth about 2,000 gold coins.

More importantly, there was a mine.

According to previous understanding, this territory had a large iron mine, a small copper mine, and a "nao" output.

But in fact, it was not, it should be said that there was a large iron mine, two small copper mines, and two "nao" outputs.

That's right, not only one more small copper mine, but also one more nao output.

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