Fantasy Lord: Start with Daily Intelligence

Chapter 138 Earl Engel's Second Lesson (a little late)

In the room, Thor looked at the map and didn't know what to say for a moment. The dense red circles in front of him clearly told him how powerful the Dressrosa family was.

He opened his mouth several times, but in the end he didn't say a word.

It wasn't until a moment later that Thor took a long breath and let his fluctuating heart gradually calm down.

But the heart that had just calmed down couldn't help but bring a trace of doubt.

"Father, this kind of strength should be very strong, isn't it enough to obtain the status of a marquis?"

Thor was really curious at this moment.

Even in his initial understanding, Dressrosa's strength was already terrifying.

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible not to obtain the status of a marquis.

This really made him a little confused.

"Indeed, these are enough."

"This even surpasses the Dressrosa family during my grandfather's time, but Thor, you have to know that this world is huge and dangers are everywhere."

"Or an inadvertent action, an act, or a turmoil is enough to destroy the entire family."

"If the nobles want to pass on their legacy, they need more than just strength."

Count Engel nodded, then shook his head and explained.

Listening to his father's explanation, Thor couldn't help but be puzzled.

"Not just strength?"

Subconsciously speaking, Thor looked at his father curiously.

"Thor, do you think these are all the Dressrosa family?"

Facing Thor's gaze, Count Engel spoke abruptly.



"Father, you?"

The abrupt words made Thor's expression stunned, but he quickly realized what his father said, and Thor's eyebrows couldn't help but jump violently.

There was even a hint of dryness in his words.


This is not all.

"Where do you think those wandering knights went?"

"Your fifth uncle has good talent, why did he become a wandering knight?"

Facing Thor who was shocked again, Earl Engel's voice rang again, this time with a reminder.

And this reminder fell.

All of a sudden, Thor couldn't help but widen his eyes again.


At this moment, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Wandering knight.

He had never considered wandering knights.

In his opinion, the so-called wandering knights were just the result of the selection of the Dressrosa family.

Keep the good ones and filter out the bad ones.

But think about it carefully, is it really necessary?

A count family, don't they have enough gold coins to support several family heirs?

And if this generation is not talented, who can guarantee that the next generation will not be talented.

Even if there is a one in ten thousand chance, isn't it worth taking a gamble?

And isn't this requirement too high?

At the age of eighteen, he condensed the seed of life and became an apprentice knight.

Even if one has decent talent, it is not easy to complete it. It is almost difficult for one with average talent to complete it, and if one fails to complete it, he will be expelled from the family.

Even the Marquis family probably does not have such strict requirements.

But the Dressrosa family has been strictly implementing this system, even to the point of being indifferent and ruthless.

And even if one condenses the seed of life and becomes an apprentice knight, he still faces two choices. One is to become a family guardian knight, which goes without saying, and the other is also a pioneer knight.

The family will give certain support, and the pioneer knight needs to struggle.

This alone is not a problem, but combined with the previous wandering knight system, there are obviously many problems.

At this moment, with Engel's words, Thor's heart has already surged with huge waves.

Combined with his father's previous words, a guess inevitably spread to his heart.

And it seems to verify his thoughts.

Count Engel's voice rang again.

"The Tulip Kingdom has existed for more than two thousand years, but even the Tulip Royal Family has only been passed down for eight hundred years, and most of the other nobles have only been passed down for four or five hundred years."

The voice was long, and Earl Engel looked out the window.

At this moment, his thoughts seemed to be pulled to the past time and space.

And listening to the long voice, Thor's heart, which was already beating violently, couldn't help but shake even more.


I couldn't help but purse my lips and speak subconsciously, but I didn't know how to continue.

At this moment, Earl Engel's words were not finished.

But Thor could already understand the meaning of the words.

The Tulip Kingdom, which has been around for two thousand years, has only been passed down for four or five hundred years, and the royal family has only been passed down for eight hundred years.

In this feudal society, it is impossible no matter how you look at it.

After all, in this era, although there is a change between new and old nobles.

But this kind of change is extremely slow.

And most of them are just viscounts and barons.

After reaching the earl, the change between new and old nobles becomes extremely difficult.

In the past hundred years, only one Marquis was born in the Tulip Kingdom, and that was Marquis Lehman.

As for the number of Earls born, no more than seventeen were born, and not even one Earl disappeared.

But the result is that in the two thousand years of the Tulip Kingdom, the nobles have only been passed down for four or five hundred years, and the royal family has only been around for eight hundred years.

Without the replacement of the old and the new, and without physical transcendence, even if there is an invasion by orcs, it is impossible to wipe out so many nobles in one go.

In other words, if so many nobles could be wiped out, the Tulip Kingdom would not exist.

But the result is that only the Tulip Kingdom is still there, and the nobles are cut like leeks one after another.

How is this possible.

But no matter how impossible it is, the result is real.

Even if you think about it with your toes, you know that the problem is probably not small.


To be more precise, it is bigger than he imagined.

At this moment, countless thoughts emerged in Thor's mind.

There are those who are kept in captivity.

There are those who have brains in a jar.

There are also all kinds of messy conspiracies that flashed through his mind.

There is no way, as he said, the problem is too big, and he can't help but think about it.

"Father, this!"

Thor subconsciously spoke again, looking at his father.

"I know, you want to ask why?"

"But sorry, I don't know either. It's not just the Tulip Kingdom, even the surrounding kingdoms are not in a good situation."

"They are almost the same."

"If you want to know more, either the Tulip Royal Family or the Empire."

Earl Engel sighed softly, and his mind couldn't help but recall the scene of traveling around the kingdoms in his early years.

When he got the same information at that time, he was shocked, even now he still remembers it.

At that time, he also wanted to find the answer, but obviously he couldn't find it.

Listening to Earl Engel's words, Thor couldn't help but be silent.

It's obviously impossible to ask the Tulip Royal Family. If they could say it, they would have said it long ago, and it's not their turn now.

As for going to the Empire.

The people of the Kingdom can't just step into the Empire.

Not to mention understanding the situation.


Thor's mind flashed with inspiration, and a figure appeared in his consciousness.

Neil Morton.

As a sky knight from the Empire, if there is anyone around him who might know something, then it is only this person.

Unfortunately, even if this person might know something and is willing to tell him, he has no way to ask now.

Thor shook his head.

"Okay! This is actually not what we need to worry about."

"This is not what I want to teach you."

"But I want to tell you that you should never show your cards at any time."

"I don't even know how big the entire Dressrosa family is now. Similarly, if you want to survive on this continent, you at least need to not show your full strength to the outside world."

"This will be an extremely dangerous behavior. Even if it is not now, no one can guarantee the future."

After speaking, Earl Engel earnestly admonished Thor.

Thor nodded, looking thoughtful.

And Earl Engel saw that Thor seemed to understand, and he hesitated for a while before speaking again.

"You are doing well now. No one can tell that you are a great knight, but this is not enough. In Pat City, you don't need to do anything. What if you follow Deguli to the municipal center? Even if your cousin is not there, the Emerson family can really do nothing to you."

"Always keep the outside world mysterious about you, you will have more opportunities. If you break through the Earth Knight next, I hope you can hide it well, at least, don't show it easily. As a lord, you need to develop the territory, not let everyone know that you are powerful, which is not a good thing for you."

Earl Engel spoke, brought the topic back to the main topic, and began to talk about the previous things.

Obviously, this person has already known everything that happened in Pat City. At this moment, he is undoubtedly using this incident to teach Thor in a deeper level.

Thor also listened very seriously. Even if he had his own ideas, he did not interrupt his father's narration.

After all, this is the second lesson given to him by his father.

It is also a father's concern for his son. Thor naturally will not resist anything.

And even if he had an idea, what Earl Engel said was not useless.

As an earl, and an earl with a legacy of hundreds of years, Earl Engel's knowledge and cognition of the world are much higher than his.

These will undoubtedly have a great impact on his next actions.

It can also make him reflect.

For example, his recent performance.

He is indeed a little too high-profile.

I don't know if it is because of the canonization of the baron, the improvement of his talent, and the breakthrough of the great knight that made him a little inflated.

Many times, there are obviously better ways to solve the problem, but he chose the simplest and most brutal method.

It is indeed easy to solve it this way, but there are many problems left.

In Pat City, if he was not already a baron, if the heir of the Emerson family was not a fool, he might be in a lot of trouble.

Similarly in Pat City, if there is no ruby, it will be difficult for him to end it next.

After all, even with Anna's talent, he might not be able to defeat Dracoli at that time.

Once it drags on for too long, no one can guarantee what will happen.

These are just as his father said, they can be completely avoided.

But in the end, it still reached that step.

Not every time is as lucky as the last time.

This still needs to be careful.

In addition, there are several other aspects.

For example, strength.

He can indeed hide some of his strength.

It is better to break out at a critical moment than for the other party to understand him.

Even if his strength continues to improve, the constant exposure will make the enemy more vigilant and make some things more complicated.

As his father said, he is a lord, not a knight. Unless it is absolutely necessary, he does not need to show his bravery.

One thought after another is intertwined.

I don't know how long it has been, and I don't know how long it has lasted.

Waiting for his father to finish his story.

Thor also slowly sorted out his thoughts.


A breath of turbid air slowly spit out.

The whole person seemed to be a little more relaxed.

The road ahead also seemed to become clearer.

"I understand!"

"Thank you, father!"

The figure bowed slightly to Count Engel, speaking with great seriousness.

"You're welcome. As a father, this is what I need to teach you."

"It's just that you're growing too fast, leaving me no time."

Count Engel shook his head, and then couldn't help but sigh.

At this moment, he was really sighing.

Thor's growth rate was really too fast.

So fast that he didn't have time to do anything, Thor had already grown up completely.

Some things that should have been told and taught long ago were not in time.

But fortunately, this moment can be regarded as making up for it.

With the previous series of conflicts, he believed that his son should be able to understand the meaning of his words.

"Father, you are too serious!"

Thor shook his head, and his expression also brought a smile.

"Okay, in the next few days, you should have a good rest. After three days, the supplies should be almost ready."

"By then, you can set off."

(To explain, there is no conspiracy, it will be explained later, laying a foreshadowing)

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