Fantasy Lord: Starting with Daily Information

Chapter 30: Mobilizing the Serfs and Beginning the First Expansion War

Chapter 30: Mobilizing the Serfs and Beginning the First Expansion War

After purchasing the serfs, which cost 540 gold coins, Thor also acquired a large amount of supplies, particularly food. With the addition of 3,000 new people, the population of his territory had risen from nearly 1,000 to close to 4,000, and the consumption of resources had increased significantly.

In fact, the consumption of food was the biggest concern. Each person required 0.4 to 0.5 pounds of food daily. For 3,000 people, that meant 1,200 pounds per day, or 36,000 pounds per month.

Food prices in the northern provinces had almost tripled. Buckwheat, which cost about 3 copper coins per pound in the Frostmoon Province, was priced over 10 copper coins per pound there, and sometimes even soared to 12 copper coins. Wheat was even more expensive. In Frostmoon Province, wheat was about 10 copper coins per pound, while in the northern provinces, it was 50 copper coins.

The monthly cost for 3,000 people, even for just buckwheat, amounted to at least 360,000 copper coins, which was over 3,600 silver coins, or 36 gold coins. If wheat was required, the cost would exceed 180 gold coins, just for one month. Over a year, this would be over 1,000 gold coins—a sum that even a typical viscount's family might struggle to support.

Most pioneers could not sustain such costs, which is why meeting the kingdom's evaluation standards was so challenging. However, Thor could manage for now. His father, Count Engel Dresrosa, had provided a significant amount of gold, more than 10,000 coins, enough to cover not just one year but even two years of expenses. With iron mines available, economic issues would also be less of a concern.

In the evening, Ryan returned with several knights. The flammable oil was brought back, and the 3,000 strong and healthy slaves from the Habsburg Chamber were also delivered.

The next day, the group set off again, this time with a larger scale compared to their first trip to Eagle's Ridge. They did not encounter any magical beasts along the way. Since the area had already been harvested, there were no new updates from the daily information system.

After ten days, they successfully returned to Eagle's Ridge. The arrival of over 3,000 people quickly stirred the entire territory. The original 500 inhabitants were understandably nervous. With their numbers expanding sevenfold to 3,500, it was impossible not to feel the pressure.

Thor was unconcerned about their anxiety. Upon returning to the camp, he promptly summoned Steve. When Steve arrived, his expression was one of joy. The fluctuations of life energy around him were significantly stronger, indicating he had made a critical breakthrough.

“Steve, you’ve advanced?” Thor asked with a smile.

“Yes, my lord!” Steve responded with gratitude and excitement. He had expected to take years, or even a decade, to reach the level of Grand Knight. To his surprise, following Thor, he achieved this in just a few months, which felt like a dream.

“Well done!” Thor praised. “It seems you haven’t let me down. Spend the next few days stabilizing your advancement. In three days, we’ll start our operation.”

“Also, make sure to gather more detailed information about the goblin tribe. I need precise details,” Thor added solemnly.

“Yes, my lord!” Steve quickly agreed.

With Steve's breakthrough confirmed, Thor’s last bit of concern faded. The remaining task was to prepare for the operation.

Three days passed swiftly. During this time, Steve fully consolidated his advancement to Grand Knight and obtained a clearer understanding of the large timid goblin tribe. The tribe likely consisted of 5,000 to 6,000 goblins, fewer than initially feared but still a substantial number.

In the room, Steve and Ryan gathered with Thor.

“Let’s get ready to move!” Thor commanded. “Are all the weapons prepared?”

“Yes, my lord, everything is ready!” Steve responded respectfully.

“Good. Then let’s set off!” Thor nodded, feeling some excitement. This would be his first battle in the expanding territory. If successful, acquiring the iron mine would greatly accelerate the development of the territory and be of immense significance.

“Yes, my lord!” Steve and Ryan responded eagerly, and they quickly prepared to leave.

As they approached, over 3,000 serfs in Eagle’s Ridge were gathered together. The news of the territory's expansion had spread, and even the new serfs were filled with excitement and anticipation. The opportunity to possibly gain freedom, though slim, was enough to ignite hope.

During these three days, the serfs worked with unprecedented diligence. When their lord called upon them, no one dared to be complacent. Each person gathered with hope, curiosity, and nervousness. A little over a month ago, some serfs had been granted freedom, making them hopeful that the same might happen again.

Despite the promised freedom still being a month away, the anticipation was palpable.

As Thor, the lord of Eagle’s Ridge, approached from afar, the serfs and knights greeted him with reverence and respect.

“My lord!” 


The voices rang out as knights and serfs bowed respectfully.

Thor ascended the platform amidst the collective gaze of anticipation and hope from his people.

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