Fantasy Lord: Starting with Daily Information

Chapter 52: The Magic Crystal Cannon

Chapter 52: The Magic Crystal Cannon

As time passed, everything settled into a steady rhythm upon Thor's return to the territory. Eagle Ridge was entering a high-speed development phase, with vast tracts of farmland being cultivated and all aspects of the territory gradually moving into proper order. At this pace, it was likely that Eagle Ridge would complete its initial development phase within a year.

This swift progress was not only due to Thor's father's support, Count Engel Dresrosa, but also the daily information system—a resource that gave Thor a significant advantage over others.

The night quietly passed, and as Thor busied himself with the affairs of the territory, good news arrived once more: the Magic Crystal Cannon had been successfully forged.


In a large open space, several knights dragged a massive object that bore a resemblance to cannons from Thor's previous life, except it had a pale blue hue. This was the Magic Crystal Cannon. Even the Dwarf leader, Asak, followed closely behind it.

"Sir, this Magic Crystal Cannon requires magic cores for operation, preferably of the second tier or higher. Its range is within two kilometers," Asak reported cautiously to Thor.

"Second-tier magic cores, eh?" Thor mused, then gestured towards Ryan.

Ryan quickly approached and handed over a few second-tier magic cores. Eagle Ridge had been continuously clearing magical beasts, so they had a supply of such cores.

Asak took the cores and began the operation. Soon, a pale blue magical array lit up on the cannon, and energy started gathering.


A deafening noise erupted as the Magic Crystal Cannon fired a terrifying blue beam.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the distance, dust clouds rose, and the terrifying blue light obliterated everything in its path. When the light dissipated, the distant hill had vanished.

Witnessing this, Thor's eyebrows raised in surprise. The cannon's power was far superior to some cannons from his previous world, potentially capable of obliterating even second-tier magical beasts and posing a deadly threat to high-level knights.

"Not bad," Thor commented. "Asak, how many more of these Magic Crystal Cannons can you forge?"

"At most, four more," Asak responded respectfully after some thought.

"Four, huh? That will do. Deliver one more to the territory. Also, you've done great work this time. You will receive a hundred merit points, and for each additional Magic Crystal Cannon, you'll receive fifty merit points."

Thor nodded in satisfaction. Though four was a small number, it was enough. Two could guard the mines, and two could protect Eagle Ridge, ensuring absolute security in both locations.

"Thank you, Sir!" Asak expressed his gratitude, his face lighting up with joy. Merit points were extremely valuable, as Thor had promised that if they earned enough, he would help establish their own dwarf territory. The thought alone was exciting.

After making this promise to Asak, Thor instructed Ryan to properly secure the Magic Crystal Cannon in preparation for any potential future incidents.

Indeed, incidents. Thor anticipated that it wouldn't be long before other powers took notice. The sale of black iron armor, a major economic pillar for Eagle Ridge, couldn't stop, and as long as it continued, it would inevitably draw attention.

Once noticed, it wouldn't be difficult for others to deduce certain things, such as the existence of a large iron mine or the presence of goblins and Blacksmiths. Such speculations would likely prompt some to act.

Thor was, in fact, waiting for such a chance. Establishing a stable trade route wasn't easy, and although Rachos Assad seemed to be progressing smoothly, it didn't mean there were no challenges ahead.

Thor needed to announce his presence to the Northern Province and demonstrate his strength. Only then could Rachos Assad's trade route stabilize, and only then would Eagle Ridge truly be established.

"I wonder who will come first?" Thor muttered to himself, recalling a certain fool from the Emerson family in Loren City. He considered the Emersons a perfect initial target, given their high status and significant strength. They would serve as an ideal stepping stone to declare his arrival.

However, Thor quickly dismissed this thought. He needed to ensure everything was foolproof before making a move. The Emerson family was as noble as his own Dresrosa family, possibly even stronger. In particular, Thor had learned that the fool’s backing came largely from his maternal family, a top-tier presence in the Frost Moon Province. Though the fool appeared to lack strength, hidden forces could not be ruled out. It was not wise to make them his first target.

Thor's attention then turned to a map in his room. Compared to the crude maps before, this one was much more detailed, the result of several months of effort. It not only depicted the surrounding terrain but also contained information about nearby pioneers and nobles.

Around Eagle Ridge, or more precisely the Maine Valley, there were three baronial territories and seven pioneer territories. The baronies belonged to the Lawrence, Valmy, and Graton families. The Lawrence family, unlike the others who were established pioneers, hailed from a southern moon province's noble family, weaker than the Dresrosa family, with only a single early-stage earth knight, making it one of the weakest count families.

As Thor's eyes scanned the map, they eventually settled on the Lawrence family.

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