Fantasy Lord: Starting with Daily Information

Chapter 98.2: Territory Expansion 2.0

Since Thor had decided to participate in this campaign, he had prepared meticulously.

If he could drown the minotaur forces, he could do the same to other orc tribes.

Plus, with the magical crystal cannon, as long as they didn’t encounter a minotaur of the previous strength, they would be able to handle it.

More importantly, Thor had a daily information system, so he didn’t have to worry about his territory being attacked.

The daily information system didn’t record everything, but it would report anything concerning him or major events in his territory, usually three months in advance, giving him plenty of time to prepare.

However, he couldn’t share this with anyone.

The daily information system was his biggest secret.

“How about this, gentlemen? Take some time to think about it and give me your answer within ten days. I’m not forcing anyone.”

Thor smiled as he spoke to the group.

Relieved by his words, they all got up and took their leave.

As Thor watched them depart, he didn’t mind.

He was confident they would agree.

Those who had become pioneering lords and hadn’t fled during the previous turmoil definitely had the resolve required.

As for why he invited them?

Partly because his strength alone wasn’t enough, but more importantly, it was an opportunity to further integrate the Maine Alliance.

With the minotaur threat gone, even though the Maine Alliance was formed, the cohesion of such an alliance was negligible without an external threat.

Thor hadn’t gone through all the trouble of forming the alliance just for the name.

It was for the upcoming kingdom war and to eventually bring them under his control.

The stars gradually dotted the sky.

Night passed.

One by one, the lords left Eagle Ridge with their thoughts.

As the morning sun shone down, a new day began once again.

The Eagle Ridge awoke under the rising sun.

Back in the castle, Thor began handling the affairs of the Eagle Ridge during this time.

The first matter was the 2,000 new slaves he had purchased.

However, with the administrative officer Engel Dresrosa had sent, it wasn’t too cumbersome to manage.

The placement was quickly completed.

Next was the cultivation of farmland.

A year had passed, and spring planting season had arrived. With 2,000 more serfs, new land needed to be cultivated.

Additionally, much of the previously cultivated land had been damaged by the flooding that had drowned the minotaur forces, so Thor needed to organize people to reclaim it.

This time, to avoid a repeat of the previous incident, Thor specifically avoided areas that might be flooded. With the previous flood marks as a guide, choosing the right locations was simple.

The only challenge was the need for a large workforce.

But at this point, manpower was the least of the Eagle Ridge’s concerns.

With the population of Eagle Ridge, including slaves, now exceeding 8,000, his numbers were already greater than those of the other two barons in the Maine Valley’s top three, only slightly behind the Loren Territory.

Now was the time for development.

Over the next few days, while the five lords pondered their decisions, Thor began planning for the Territory Expansion 2.0.

Land reclamation, improving the territory.

Wilderness exploration.

Resource utilization.

These were the main tasks ahead.

Especially after the division of the Maine Alliance, with the area expanding nearly tenfold, fully utilizing it was no small feat.

The first step was to build a town

First on the list was the construction of a new town.

After careful consideration, Thor decided to build another castle and town upstream on the Maine River, where the dam was located.

This would help divert some of the town's population. Additionally, the construction of the dam created a large area of arable land upstream, which could be used for farming. The dam could also be utilized for aquaculture, providing the territory with a new source of revenue.

Furthermore, unicorns could be relocated there since they were native to that area. This would make perfect use of the location.

The only problem was that it required significant manpower.

But that was no longer an issue.

Not only had Thor purchased another 2,000 serfs, but Anna's appearance made it possible to enslave goblins.

The Northern Province had no shortage of goblins. Decades ago, during the Orc War, most of the magical beasts were exterminated, and regular orcs were rare. 

The only thing the Northern Province had in abundance was goblins.

As the lowest tier of the orc tribes, they did not retreat with the other orcs but remained behind. With their strong reproductive and survival abilities, they thrived despite the expansion of the human knights.

Though goblins were not highly intelligent, they made perfect expendable slaves.

While they couldn’t handle intricate tasks, for hard labor, there was no better choice.

In the orc tribes, goblins served this very role. Even among the humans, some powerful noble lords employed goblins as expendable mining slaves.

Previously, Thor had killed off all the timid goblins in the iron mines, not because he didn’t want to use them, but because he couldn’t.

Hiring a high-level mage to sign slave contracts for thousands of goblins would cost him thousands of gold coins—an absurd expenditure.

Slave contracts were high-level magic contracts, not something an apprentice mage could create. At the very least, a third-level mage was required to perform such magic.

In the entire Northern Province, apart from Marquis Raymond, there was probably no other third-level mage.

So, there was no point in considering it.

But this time was different.

Anna’s transformation made it possible. Though she hadn’t reached the third level, she could complete the slave contracts with the power of the Ice Spirite.

With that, all problems were resolved.

Thor even planned to replace the mining slaves with goblins, further freeing up productivity.

So, after finalizing the territory's 2.0 development plan and while waiting for responses from the other lords, Thor began to take action.

He took the opportunity to clear out the surrounding goblins.

Although goblins didn’t pose a significant threat to the territory, they were still orcs, and any unexpected problems could lead to potential risks for the territory.

Clearing them out would allow for stable development.

On the third day, Peros, following Thor's orders, led Ryan, along with twenty official knights, one hundred apprentice knights, and three hundred trainee knights, on a grand campaign from the Eagle Ridge castle to cleanse the surrounding areas.

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