Fantasy: The Supporting Role Does Not Want To Be A Younger Brother

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Collective Packing And Farming

The Su family banquet was deserted. Just now, the Su family drank too much and fell asleep directly on the table. Ji Changju smiled strangely.

The only sound at the scene was Patriarch Su’s drowsiness and the sound of a hurried panting. Li Xiushen shuddered and covered his mouth with a flushed face, leaning on the edge of the table repressed.

Ji Changju stretched out his shiny hand and said, “Tsk tsk, look what you did for me.”

Ashamed, the woman quickly took out the face towel, cleaned the opponent’s hands, and pulled him to go inside, but the other party didn’t move.

Li Xiu showed a pleading look, making Susan chuckle, Ji Changju put her in his arms and asked, “I can’t say anything here, I’ll help you out.”

“Fellow, don’t you know, please help me.”

“Hey, yes, there are no people here, the scenery is so refreshing, what a wonderful place.”

An anxious woman can’t care so much. She understands this guy and can only lift up her skirt and sit on the other side, looking for the beautiful sky.

In this way, watching the drama alone and sleeping alone, Li Xiu no longer suppressed her emotions, sang and danced to the fullest, and Ji Changju sat down and held her steady with satisfaction.

As for whether or not anyone disturbed, Ji Changju was not worried at all. He couldn’t escape his perception of what was going on around him. It was rare for Li Xiu to let himself go, and he was also very interested. .

It was halfway through the night, the woman collapsed like a piece of ooze, and fell limply. She couldn’t even get up, so she could only take her to the room to rest. Ji Changju cleaned the blood on her hands and sighed that the other party was too shy. So strong.

After sending them off to rest, Ji Changju came to the wine table, directly sealed the Su Family Master, and threw it in a corner of the space, so that he could work for himself in the future.

In the forbidden area deep in the Su family, seven or eight angels met here, chatting without a word, some plain and some worried.

“The banquet has been held for so long, why hasn’t the Patriarch come back yet?”

“Maybe some things are not finished, just wait.”

“There’s nothing to talk about yet, or just that little thing, just get the kid drunk after talking.”

“Could that kid be so drunk that he didn’t get down for a while.”

“Why don’t you say that the owner of the house can’t do it…”

The chattering of several people gave the old man in the main seat a headache, and interrupted directly: “Shut me up! There are a bunch of old guys, so I don’t have any patience, so just wait for me honestly.”


The old man of the Su family is also the only one who has perfected the Heavenly Immortal, and he is also the oldest. He is the most distressed after the appearance of the True Immortal from the Meng Family.

I have also tried to make breakthroughs, but my foundation is too poor, and I can’t always find a direction. I can only find another way to allow the Su family to develop well.

Waiting quietly for the arrival of the head of the family, suddenly, a mighty force blocked the entire hall, causing everyone to be flustered.

“Who, who?”

“There is something to stand up!”

Heavenly Immortal Consummation, Old Gui Su walked down the steps and came to the center of the hall to pay homage outside the door: “Dare to ask the ancestors who is holy, is there anything wrong with my Su family?”

After the old ghost Su finished speaking, a familiar voice came from the quiet hall: “The Su family has no place to offend me, but I just want to offend the Su family!”

Everyone was incredulously suspicious, only to see a young man in white walking in from the door.

“This, this is impossible!”

With every step of the boy in white, the pressure on the space increased greatly, and the tables, chairs, and benches began to shatter before they came.

Some people could not bear it anymore, their old faces turned red and they vomited blood, and they were crushed to the ground and dared not move.

Su Laogui was suppressed and knelt on the ground in embarrassment: “Meng Gongzi, how is our master?”

Ji Changju said, “Not dead!”

“Our Su family didn’t offend you. After all, our two families have a good relationship. Why is this? Can you say something if you have something to say? We are willing to surrender to you, can you spare us…”

Never expected that the little guy who has always been inconspicuous, has such a terrifying realm, although he does not know the specific cultivation base of the other party, at least he is above the true immortal.

Ji Changju had already reached the center, everyone spit out blood, and not a single one was not lying on his stomach.

He came to the main seat on his own, and Ji Changju looked at the audience coldly: “I promised a person that I would avenge him, and I am more trustworthy!”

Old Gui Su wondered, isn’t it because the Meng family wanted to kill them all, how could it be because of one person that the family offended someone who shouldn’t have offended.

An old man in the late stage of Heavenly Immortal asked: “Nonsense, how did we offend anyone, and what excuses do we make if we want to occupy the Su family!”

Ji Changju stretched out a finger with a light smile, and pointed forward gently, the void began to fluctuate, and the finger turned into a huge size, directly smashing the man… Even the soul was wiped out.

Old Gui Su, who originally wanted to ask questions, closed his mouth, but he was still a tough guy. He saved his life, and the old man on the horse was scared to death.

Everyone shivered. It was the first time they had seen this kind of thing. The dignified fairy was killed like this in the late stage, and the rabbit died and the fox felt sad and felt so insignificant.

A timid man begged for mercy: “My lord, forgive me, I am willing to surrender to you, I am willing to be a dog for the lord, I hope the lord will have pity on me, I am your faithful servant.”

Although these words are not spineless, but Ji Changju admires such people, and seeing that the other party only has a mid-level cultivation base, he has an idea in his heart.

“Alright, alright, not bad, I still have a sense of current affairs, then I’ll let you go first!”

The cowardly angel, the pressure on his body disappeared, he breathed a sigh of relief, got up and continued on his knees and said, “Thank you sir, Xiaoxian would like to respect your Lord.”

Ji Changju nodded and didn’t speak, the others were so anxious that it was better to die than to live, and there were still millions of years to live, who would want to die.

“My lord, I am also willing to be a dog and spare me.”

“I, I, I, I would also like to…”

Even the arrogant old ghost Su had to beg for mercy, as long as he didn’t die, there was still a chance to plan, otherwise everything would be a fantasy.

Old Gui Su respectfully knelt down and said, “Sir, we have all surrendered now. I don’t know how your lord will deal with the Su family?”

“Donghua Xiancheng is too small, and a Meng family can hardly afford it. As for the Su family, I think some people will continue to thrive, and the other part will take you to a place to establish a new family…”

As long as the Su family is not destroyed, Ji Changju will do whatever they say, and no one will object. As for where to develop the family, they have no right to choose.

After a rough calculation, the Su family has a large population, plus the servants and slaves who dig outside, the entire family is close to 100,000.

Ji Changju only allowed the Su family to keep one middle stage angel and two early stage angels, leaving a population of 10,000.

He plans to bring the others into the space and work and farm for himself with the Su family.

Seeing Susan’s face, at most let him become a small family, and all the others will be broken up. Everyone has land to farm, and everyone has money to earn.

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