Far From Vanilla: Modded Game Reincarnation

A Goal (5)

 I don’t know how long I had walked north, but by the time I made it to the top of a large hill, I made out a settlement in the distance. 

 To be more accurate, it wasn’t a measly village consisting of a handful of houses, nor was it a town of about a hundred homes. 

It was a city surrounded by strong walls encircling all around and it had lights that slowly turned on.

 It was like a star that had been rekindled, shedding light on a sky full of darkness. 

 It was a few hours past noon, give or take another two or less before the monsters will come out. The sky’s heat had lessened and the darkness slowly creeped in.

 I hadn’t encountered any monsters so far and it worried me. The entire time I was walking, I felt as though anything would just jump out from any tree. 

I was just paranoid but my fears were not unfounded. 

 I was separated from the civilization by a turbulent river, connected only by some sort of fortification that connected both sides of the land. There was a pair of towers on the city’s side, their blades turning from the wind and water wheels spinning in accordance to the strength of the waters. 

 The society I witnessed was far from medieval, it was more of steam-punk but not entirely industrial either. It was an advanced society capable of exerting influence over a wide area, but it seems as though their territory ends where their land met the river. 

 I won’t make it to the city in time for the night, but maybe I can get to the fortification and seek shelter there.

 Pitter…Patter… Pitter-Patter!

“And it started raining, just my luck.”

 Rain came down in buckets, not droplets, so visibility dropped to zero quite quickly. 

 Like a blanket, it covered the sights of the city, and the faint luster of the lights were all that was left to guide me. I could barely see the guard post now. 

Dark, damp, cold, and in danger.

 It wasn't looking good for me.

 I went down the mountain with haste, carefully balancing on the tightrope of safety and speed, but I failed to consider something very important.

 Soil turns into mud when wet.

And I lost my footing.


 To make it worse, I fell face-first and to protect my helmet-less head, I put my arms first, and so I rolled down the hill.

 I bounced a few times as I went down. 


I landed on a particularly watery collection of mud, so my fall was cushioned somewhat.

 It still hurt, and the air was knocked out of my system. 


 I think I passed out, because when I opened my eyes again, the world was significantly darker.

 Growl… Rouhh…

 I wasn't alone either.

 I reached for my knives, the closest thing could get at the moment, and rolled into my back.

I only had a split second to take note of where I was, because the moment I get up, I needed to run blindly in that direction.

 Zombies and skeletons couldn't run after all. That was my current saving grace.

 The hill I just rolled down was directly behind me. I just need to run forward to the river, from then, I'd just have to go right.

 I got up and slashed wide, starting from left to right. I hit something, the tip of my blade clearly being misdirected by matter. I couldn't see anything beyond the reach of my arms and the back of my head, so I swung wildly while taking a step forward.


 That's it! The death cry.

 I killed him.

 Even the undead clung to life, and in their final moments in which they'll die for a second time, they make that noise.

But to me that was meaningless. I don't care if they're afraid of truly dying because it doesn't matter to me,

 It was akin to that of a starter’s pistol, the noise it made was the bang that made my legs move.

 I put my left arm forward and used it like a the bow of a ship and ran forward, making my way through the rain

 I wasn't hurting anywhere, perhaps it was the adrenaline, but I certainly broke something– that's not my concern at the moment.

 I just ran.

 I came face to face with more monsters, but I did not shy away from showing the elbow of my armored arm into their necks, nor did I hesitate in slashing with my weapon.

"Fuck-- off--"

 But in the end, I was running like a madman in the dark, and so I collided with things that aren't monsters. 


 I hit a tree,


 I nearly twisted my ankle when it caught a protruding rock, 


 and I fell down. A lot.

 “Damn it all–”


I got back and kept running. Stopping meant the end, and I wasn't quite done yet.

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