Far From Vanilla: Modded Game Reincarnation

The First Day (5)

The skeleton looked at the open door absentmindedly, it didn’t have a brain after all, and a person appeared in front of him. He was clad in dark clothes from head to toe except his white shoes. He had green-colored rope around him like a sash, items stuffed into his pocket, but his hands were empty.

The skeleton did not care for the details. It just knew that he had to skewer him with the item in hand. The undead detested the living for absolutely no known reason. They simply were mortal enemies.


 I dodged the spear by ducking down to a crouch, leaning to the side to avoid putting my face directly at the spear tip. I immediately rushed forward towards the skeleton, getting up and letting the shaft of the spear glide my shoulder.

Even if it had a hook-like barb at the end to complement the blade, it was pointless if I was centimeters away from the wielder.

 I wrapped an arm around him, looping it through his hold of his spear, grabbing his right underarm with my left hand. Meanwhile, my right three fingers quickly removed the strap that was hanging loosely from the exposed jaw, the only thing keeping his helmet on.

Go die again–”

I couldn’t help but scream. I do not know whether it was the adrenaline of facing a one-hit kill weapon head-on, or the rush of a guaranteed victory. 

I lifted him off the ground using my momentum and quickly shifted all our weight on my right foot.

“--Undead bastard!”

Bam! C-Crack!

I slammed the crown of his skull into the brick floor, squinting to protect my eyes from the shards of chipped bone. 

I then transitioned onto sitting on his sternum. I would punch him if I was able, pummel him with both my fists as if we were in a street fight, but I only hand one hand at the moment.

And I couldn’t risk breaking it on his probably tough skull. 

The skull was the sturdiest bone in the body after the femur. 

And I liked both my hands.

I already missed my right hand and it hasn’t been more than half a day.

I took a rock from my pocket. It was shaped like an avocado, and the largest part could comfortably be held in my left hand. I used the smaller bulb of it like a wedge and repeatedly slammed it into the skull of the skeleton.

Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!-- Die!”

Its gloved hands kept tugging on my clothes as I cracked its face. The moment the light digits stopped struggling and fell limp onto the stone floor with a defeated clink, I stopped pummeling it. 

By the time I was finished huffing my fatigue away, I returned to my senses. The skull was completely left in pieces. 

I had won. “Fuck this game!” 

I yelled with the remaining strength I had and I fell on my arse.

 I cursed the game I was reincarnated into, but it wasn’t a curse made in indignation or anger, it was the frustrated celebration of a gamer who had overcome a difficult hurdle.

I had overcome the greatest hurdle I’ve experienced so far and the spoils were greater than I would have ever dreamed. 

So far throughout the whole day, I had been met with the realization that this may or may not be like Source. This was some sort of other life– something like that. 

But no, I was right. This world was definitely Source.


The whole skeleton turned into vapor, thick like smoke, but as nimble as the morning fog from underneath the morning sun. All of the puffy clouds dissipated in an instant and it left behind the spoils of my labor. 

On the floor underneath me was a full set of armor. Unlike the armor I knew of, it had a completely different design and If I were to describe it, it would probably be labeled as light armor.

 Underneath the light armor was what looked like tattered leather pants and matching shirt. They were far too damaged to be used anyway. 

That was not the only proof either. I had something else appear in front of my eyes. Many things did, actually.

[ Achievement Unlocked! ] [ You leveled up! ] 

[ Achievement Unlocked! ] [ Monster hunter! ] 

[ Menu Unlocked! ] [ Skill Tree Unlocked ] [ Skills points have been rewarded! ]

[ Profile: Hyun / Race: Demon / Profession: None / Level: 1 ]

I was very surprised by the near-transparent panels that appeared in front of me. Furthermore, I was very surprised about my race. 

Before I opened my eyes in the world of Source, I for sure was human! So why does it say Demon!?!

What the hell does that mean!?

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