Faraway Survivor

Chapter 105/ Interlude 39: Escape From The Danger ✔️

Amy's POV

reach the door and knock on it.

-Sister Farah, are you there? (Amy)

After sister Farah resolved everything in the first trial, we still can't leave this trial right away. The mission forces us to wait for 20 more days until a gate leading to the upcoming trial will appear. Therefore, sister Farah uses her newly got power to create a building so we can live in it.

-Are you there, sister? (Amy)

There is no answer when I try calling sister Farah's name.

-I am sorry for the intrusion. (Amy)

I open the door of sister Farah's room.

-Sister is still sleeping. (Amy)

To not wake my sister up, I slowly walk closer to my sister's bed and sit on the side of it. I look at her sleeping face and admire it.
-Sister is really adorable... (Amy)

From the moment I meet the sister, I can feel the sister is very charming. For me, sister Farah is like a prince on a white horse that appears out of nowhere to rescue us. I reach my hand out to caress her head.

-Uhmmm...Ehehe. (Farah)

-You are so defenceless, sister Farah. (Amy)

I look around to see if Mia is around and lie next to sister Farah. I once again look at sister Farah's face again.

-Sister... (Amy)

Sister Farah is not only adorable but she is also so strong. Sister creates a miracle that the adult can't achieve.

-I admire sister Farah so much. (Amy)

However, I am jealous of the power the sister possessed. Will sister Farah detest me if she knows I think about the sister this way? Truthfully, I want to become strong as a sister to protect them.

-Am I a bad girl? (Amy)

The more I examine my sister's face, the more I feel like I want to kiss her. Sister Farah's lips boasts some abnormal attraction.

-Since I'm a bad girl, I will steal your lips then, sister. (Amy)

I gradually come closer and kiss my sister Farah. I can feel the softness of sister Farah's lips. It's really like the magazine said, A kiss with the one you love is sweeter than any candy.

-Hyaa~❤️ (Farah)

Is sister moaning? Even her moan can become so cute, I really want to hear it more. I remember the magazine also informs that you can use your tongue to increase your kissing experience.

-Nyaaa~Hyaaa~❤️ (Farah)

The moaning of my sister continues, and I want to hear more of it. I feel like a weird switch inside me has been turned on. My body starts to heat up, and I try reaching out to her body. However, a hand appears and grasps my hand.

-What are you doing, sister Amy? (Mia)

-Mia... (Amy)

Mia seems to be a little angry.

-I didn't know you are trying to make a move with sister Farah behind my back. (Mia)

-I can explain. (Amy)

The moment I try apologising to Mia, I can see a devil smile on Mia's face.

-Call me next time, sister Amy! (Mia)
-Eh? (Amy)

-I really want to "eat" sister Farah with you. (Mia)

Mia holds herself and starts hugging herself.

-I really want to bully sister Farah to see more of her shy face. (Mia)

Mia looks at me.

-Can you understand that, sister Amy? (Mia)

-Eh, Ah right. (Amy)

My mind is currently in chaos right now. It's the first time in 14 years of living together that I know my twin sister has this kind of thinking.

-Ehehe, let's bully sister then "eat" her with me, sister Amy. (Mia)

-Ah, yes. (Amy)

-What are you two doing? (Farah)

Mia and I froze due to the sudden awakening of sister Farah. I can see Mia's face become bright red. No matter how devilish Mia is, she doesn't dare to tell it directly to sister Farah.

-I'm sorry, sister. I need to go now! (Mia)

-Eh? (Farah)

Mia instantly runs out of the room to hide her embarrassment. Sister Farah turns around and looks at me.

-You meet a nightmare right, Amy? That's why you are sleeping in my bed, right? (Farah)

I can only nod since I can't tell the sister the truth.

-Ehehe, you are so cute. Sister is here. (Farah)

I scream in my mind that sister Farah is cuter than me. Sister Farah hugs me, and I can feel the warmth and attractive smell that comes from the sister's body.

-Ehehe, I will turn you into my sleeping pillow, Amy. Good night, Amy. (Farah)

Sister Farah slowly closes her eyes.

-Good night, sister Farah. (Amy)

With the comfortable hug of the sister, we gradually fall into sleep together.

I know the title is really misleading for a fluffy chapter. Thanks for reading ≧◡≦

We will have more fluffy chapters before we go into another serious chapter again.

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