Faraway Survivor

Chapter 37/ Interlude 15: Slum Princess-1

I'm a child that was born in the slum of Elisora. This year, I become 6. I am currently living with my mom. Mom tells me that my dad died before I was born. Mom works as a prostitute in the slum, so she can take care of me. Currently, I'm on my way back of buying the medicine for mom.

-Mom, I'm home. (Aya)

-Welcome home, Aya. (Mom)

-Are you feeling better now? (Aya)

Mom keeps coughing out much blood:

-I think I'm feeling better. (Mom)

-Mom? (Aya)

-Yes? (Mom)

-Why don't you stop being a prostitute? You go with a weird man every night and when you come back you got many bruises on your body. (Aya)

Mom caresses my cheek and speaks:

-I want to prepare for your future, Aya. (Mom)

She takes out a bag full of bronze coins.

-With this, you can attend magic school and become a mage. You can enjoy a proper life without selling your body like me. (Mom)

-Mom, I don't need it. I'm happy as long as you are on my side. (Aya)

-Silly girl, you need to see the world outside. I don't want you to live in this small slum. (Mom)

I try to change my mom's mind, but she never listens to me. Until one day.

-Ugh~ Ugh. (Mom)

-What's wrong mom? (Aya)

She keeps coughing a lot of blood.

-Mom, do you need more medicine? I will go out and buy more. (Aya)

However, she keeps holding my hand and doesn't let me go.

-I think my time is almost up, Aya. (Mom)

-No, mom you can still live much longer. Please don't give up so soon. (Aya)

-Silly girl. You are a good girl Aya. Since you were born, you have always been so obedient. I'm very proud to have a cute daughter like you. (Mom)

-No mom, what are you talking about? (Aya)

-My life is full of misery, but you are the only reason keep me living until now. (Mom)


-Thank you, Aya. (Mom)

Mom starts closing her eye. Even before her last breath, she reminds me:

-Aya, you should take the money bag and go to see the world outside. (Mom)

After a while, I can no longer feel any response from her. Her warmth keeps disappearing at an alarming rate. I try hugging her to keep her alive.

-No, mom...(Aya)

However, mom never wakes up at the end. With the help of the neighbourhood, I take mom's body and buried her outside of the city. After that, I come back to our house, but this time there is no mom on my side. I'm sitting in my house and keep looking at the place where my mom used to be. I want to enjoy her last warm.

The day after my mother was gone, a man leads an army to the slum I live. After he goes around the neighbourhood and interrogates them, he finally comes to my house.

-Are you daughter of ***? (Nobleman)

The man asks me.

-I'm the daughter of ***. What do you want from me? (Aya)

The man coldly said:

-I'm your father. (Nobleman)

-Great joke old man! (Aya)

The man ignores me and orders the soldier:

-Take her! (Nobleman)

-Yes! (Soldier)

They tried taking me away from my home. When I try to fight back, the soldier hit me.

-Listen, you little brat, we need to go quickly. Don't waste our time. (Soldier)

The man continues looking at me being hit by the soldier as if nothing. He proclaims that he is my father, then what kind of father watching her daughter being hit?

After a while, I was taken to the big castle in the centre of the city. The man said:

-It's your home from now on. Remember, starting today you are a princess. (Nobleman)

My mind right now is on a roller coaster. One day after my mother died, a man self-proclaims that he is my father appears. He even uses violence to take me to the castle.

After a few days of staying in the castle, I realize one thing. Becoming a princess is not as great as people said. With the background of being a person from the slum, I am usually being looked down on by my servant.

-Heh, Do you know a low-life is adopted as our second princess? (Servant A)

-What? Why does the king need another princess when we have the genius princess sora? (Servant B)

-Ye, I prefer to serve Princess Sora over this low-life. (Servant A)

-Me too. (Servant B)

Apparently, there is another princess. She is considered a genius from the information that servant said. The attitude of the servant toward me keeps getting worse.

-Here's your dinner. (Maid A)

The maid throws the soup's dish to the table. She leaves right after she gave me the dinner.

That's the night I sleep while hugging myself. It's winter outside and I was only given an old and dirtied blanket by those servants.

-Mom, I missed you. (Aya)

I thought a princess would be treated nicely and live a life without thinking. However, in this castle, I'm being treated cold and terribly by everyone. I slowly fall asleep after thinking too much.

The next morning, I can hear many sword strikes outside:

-That's a good hit, Sora. (Nobleman)

When I look outside, it's the man who kidnapped me fighting against a girl with golden hair. The man smiles at the girl:

-Keep continuing like that, Sora. (Nobleman)

The girl keeps attacking the man with the sword and forces him into a defensive state.

-I'm lost. (Nobleman)

The girl merely nods at the man.

-You are getting better over time, Sora. (Nobleman)

He strokes Sora's head while complimenting her. I can merely look at their interaction through the window. So he treats that girl differently from me.

It seems the girl notices me through the window. I'm immediately going into hiding to avoid her line of sight. I'm hugging my knee:

-Mom...*Sob*Sob...I missed you. The people in here are cold...I missed the time, when you are always by my side (Aya)


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