Faraway Survivor

Chapter 90: Amy and Mia-2 ✔️

When I opened my eyes again, it has teleported me to a place I have never seen before.

-Where am I? (Farah)

The surrounding scenery around me looks familiar.

-It's like the scenery on earth after Apocalypse. (Farah)

It has collapsed many buildings on the ground; they have become ruins for a long time already.

-Earth? (Farah)

The scenery of the earth suddenly flashes back in my mind. I shake my head and deny my assumption.

-If the earth is like this, then every race on it hasn't come to extinct. (Farah)

I suddenly remember I forget to inform Hana and others about my outing.

-Hana is going to punish me again. (Farah)

A screen suddenly appears in front of my face.

>HE Ver 0.1 Activated.
>Mission Generated.
>Rescue The One Dear To You Quest Generated.
Quest Giver: "Y"
Description: There is a person try to mess up with your timeline. That person has planned to assassinate your loved one.
"Y" has teleported you into the past to prevent that person. Your sole mission is to rescue them and take them to a safe place.
Reward: ???

-Woah! This is the first time I see the system provided a mission. (Farah)

But the light figure hasn't informed me who I need to rescue. I grasp my head while kneeling.

-At least I require some information to find the person in the question. (Farah)

I can merely utter a deep sigh.

-Let's see If I can contract with others. (Farah)

I try accessing my status menu to see if I can talk with the goddess Luxuria.

>Access Denied.

However, I can't open the status menu as always.

-Umm, since I can't open the menu, then can I use the skill I have? (Farah)

I try to active the spell I have learned.

-Fireball ~✩ .(Farah)

I can activate the spell normally, which means I can use the skill as usual.

-still don't understand why I can't use status. (Farah)

I decide to move to find the person in the question. I shouldn't waste my time thinking about the current situation.

-I don't know if there is anyone still alive in this environment. (Farah)

While I am walking, I discover many leaflets on the ground with the same texts on them.

On the leaflets, it said:

"Tho Need To Overcome Five Trial To Reach The Paradise.
Tho Need To Taste The Blood In The First Trial.
Tho Need To Pass The Blind Valley The Second Trial.
Tho Need To Overcome The Trickery Forest In The Third Trial.
Tho Need To Find The Exit In The Pain Hell In The Fourth Trial.
Tho Need To Throw Your Mortal In The Last Trial"

-Why does this leaflet look so suspicious? (Farah)

While I am trying to understand the leaflets, I can hear someone is screaming for help. I instantly run in the scream's direction. When I rush to the scene, there is a monster assaulting two shadows.

-Fire Ball ~✩ (Farah)

use the magic to defeat the monster in front of me. When I turn my attention to the two shadows, I can see they are the children wearing the robe.

-Are you two all right? (Farah)

When I try walking to the two children's side, a child immediately stands in front of the other and tries to protect the other.

-Don't come near us. (???)

It seems the two children I have just protected are girls, and they are sisters.

-Um, I'm not a bad person. (Farah)

-The bad person always says that. (???)

The child behind the girl standing in front of me cries when I try to walk closer.

-Eh, Mia. What's wrong? (???)

-No way, Mia? (Farah)

Then the person I require protecting that Y mention is Amy and Mia. While Amy tries to appease Mia, I walk closer and take out the teddy bear I got before coming here.

-Hey, Mia. The teddy bear wants to play with you! (Farah)

The two of them look at me with odd eyes.

-Uhm. (Farah)

Then both two of them laugh out loud.

-Ehehe. (Mia)

-Sister, you look so silly. (Amy)

-Moh. (Farah)

Thanks to that, they are no longer alert to me. I try giving the teddy to Mia.

-Can I receive this teddy bear? (Mia)

-Alright, It's yours now. (Farah)

Mia hugs the teddy bear with a smiling face. Amy on the side inquires about me.

-Sister, Why haven't you entered the trial to reach paradise if you are capable of this feat? (Amy)

At the moment I try to answer the question, I can hear a growl come from the two children's stomach.

-Are you two hungry? (Farah)

They nod at my question.

-Then let find a place to rest first, since this is not a safe place. (Farah)

After that, I escort the two girls to an abandoned building. In there, we discover a room on the second floor.

-I think we are safe here. (Farah)

-Sister, I will let Mia camps here. Should we go out and search for food now? (Amy)

-No worry. I have lot of food with me. (Farah)

To ensure my safety, Hana has created a dimension pocket for me and put lot of food in there. The amount of food she puts inside the dimension pocket will be enough for three people to eat in three years.

-Here you go! (Farah)

-Eh, Sister makes the food come out from the thin air. (Mia)

-Hehe. (Farah)

Both of them look at me with idolizing eyes.

-Sister is amazing! (Mia)

-Is it really alright for us to eat these food cans? (Amy)

-Don't worry, I still have lot more. (Farah)

Amy and Mia confirm with each other through the eyes and turn to me.

-It's impolite of us not to say thank you to our sister until now. (Amy & Mia)

-Don't worry, you two can start eating. (Farah)

After that, the children eat the food cans I give to them.

-It's delicious. (Amy)

Mia even starts crying.

-It's a long time since we can have a decent meal. (Mia)

After the two children finish the meals, the night has already come.

Thanks for reading o(>ω<)o

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