Farming Happiness: Husband, Come and Plough the Fields

Chapter 117: Cesarean section

One night passed, and there was no rebirth, one corpse and two lives, Sun Tietou really had no choice. He thought that Li Haitang had cured tuberculosis, so he wanted to see if he could beg her.

He used to be a gangster in the Tao, and he did all kinds of evil. His wife was actually the target of his robbery, and the two of them got to know each other that way.

Washing his hands in the golden basin, he used all the black-hearted money he earned in the past to help the poor, and he only kept money to buy yards.

Later, in order to support his family's expenses, he went to the Life and Death Bodyguard, and only then did he meet Xiao Lingchuan, and the two became good brothers.

His wife is his lifeblood. They have been married for a long time, and this is their first child.

"Sun Tietou?"

Li Haitang heard from the savage husband that his wife was a woman who had two daughters and was divorced to go home.

In her natal family, she had no son and had two daughters with her, so she was always disliked.

Sun Tietou sneaked around, did not do serious things, and robbed his wife. The process of the two people's acquaintance was full of bizarre colors.

After several years of marriage, his wife's stomach didn't move, and Sun Tietou never blamed him, but treated the two daughters as if they were his own.

"Sun Tietou wants to pick you up, but he is afraid that her wife is really busy, so I won't be able to see her for the last time."

Second Uncle Chen wiped off his sweat, and felt uncomfortable. The seven-foot man had red eye circles, chapped lips, unshaven beard, and bloodshot eyes.

He was afraid that Sun Tietou would be too crazy, so he volunteered to find someone.

Difficult childbirth, one dead body and two lives, no one wants to see it, but a midwife with many years of experience can't do anything about it, Li Haitang hasn't been pregnant yet, can you understand this?

"Haitang, don't force yourself."

Man's fate is predestined, whether he can escape or not depends on God's will.

"Second Uncle Chen, I know, I'm going home to get the tools, you can help me pick up Lixia."

If surgery is needed, Li Haitang can't handle it alone. At this time, the assistant she trained will come in handy.

Caesarean section, disembowelment, can Sun Tietou accept it?

In any case, the words must be made clear, the operation is too risky, and if something goes wrong, it cannot be blamed on her.

In half an hour, Li Haitang and Lixia came to Sun Tietou's house with tools.

The Sun family was quiet, and the midwife had left fifteen minutes ago.

While I was still breathing, I said what I wanted to say as my last words, and then prepared for the funeral.


Sun Tietou hugged his head and wept bitterly. Without his wife, he would never feel it for the rest of his life, and he could live like a human being!

"How is sister-in-law?"

Li Haitang asked, but ignored Sun Tietou and went straight into the delivery room.

His wife's face was a little blue, she seemed to be out of strength, Li Haitang breathed out, fortunately, she was alive, at least she could help keep the adult, the child depends on luck.


Sun Tie ran into the door like crazy, plopped, and knelt down for Li Haitang. He only wanted a wife, no children, no more!

Without a wife, is there a home? If he hadn't considered the two daughters, he would have wanted to follow along!

"Next, you have to listen to every word of mine, and then decide whether to do it or not."

Li Haitang asked Li Xia to pour ginseng water into his wife, and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation. On her side, she emphasized everything that might happen.

"Yes, I want a child."

The woman lying on the bed suddenly opened her eyes with a determined look on her face. She must leave the queen for the Sun family, definitely!

How about disembowelling? She is not afraid, not at all, as long as the child can be born safely, she can give up her own life.

"Haitang, leave me alone, I want a child!"

Sun Tietou's wife shed two lines of tears, exhausted the last of her strength, and squeezed out a few words, she couldn't let the Sun family down, at least she would leave something for Sun Tietou.

The woman, who was usually so weak that she was afraid of killing a chicken, didn't react at all when she heard that the belly had been disembowelled, and she still insisted on keeping the child.

Li Haitang seemed to see firmness and hope from those tearful eyes, she thought, maybe this is the greatness of maternal love.

"I try my best."

Li Haitang asked Sun Tietou to carry ginseng water for one night, then poured it for her wife to replenish her strength, then turned around and asked Li Xia, "How are you, are you ready?"

The instruments used in the operation had to be sterilized, and the conditions were too crude to rule out the possibility of postoperative infection. At least Li Haitang had to stay at Sun's house and wait for Sun Tietou's wife to be out of danger.

"All right."

Li Xia gritted her teeth tightly, her hands were trembling, her life was at stake, she couldn't back down, Li Haitang needed help to complete the operation.

"Haitang, don't listen to the iron head. If there is a glimmer of hope, you must keep the child, so that I can leave with peace of mind."

Sun Tietou's wife drank ginseng water and gradually gained some strength. She was afraid that if she didn't say anything, she would have no chance in the future.

She was originally a woman who was divorced because she had no children, and was also disliked by others in her natal family. Later, she married Sun Tietou and lived a peaceful and comfortable life.

In the past few years, she has lived very well. If she leaves now, the biggest regret is that she will not be able to close her eyes after she dies. She continued, "If you are destined to miss the child, tell him for me. , I will find a good woman in the future, he..."

"Sister-in-law, you drink this bowl of soup first."

Time was running out, and there was no time for general anesthesia. Li Haitang didn't know the effect of Mabosan, so he could only apply it locally, and then poured medicine on Sun Tietou's wife.

The window in the room was facing north, so the light was dim. Li Haitang got dozens of oil lamps for lighting. Before the operation started, she was already sweating.

The time for caesarean section was not long, only about a quarter of an hour. The difficulty was the subsequent suturing, from the uterine muscle to the outermost skin, there were seven layers of suturing. In order to prevent bleeding during the operation, it must be done in one go.

For modern times, caesarean section is not considered a major operation, and the chance of failure is very, very small. In Daqi, neither the medical equipment nor the conditions are up to the standard. Li Haitang has countless experiences, and he can only get by by feeling the stones. He is not very confident in his heart.

As a doctor, there is a glimmer of hope to save people. For fear of taking responsibility, he just sits idly by, so he can only watch Sun Tietou's wife dead and dead.

"Li Xia, pass me the scalpel."

First of all, the abdominal wall had to be cut. This action alone had already made Li Haitang sweat profusely. She took a deep breath and met Li Xia's eyes. Both of them could see firmness in each other's eyes.

Because the anesthesia hadn't improved, the mother would feel pain to some extent. During the operation, Li Haitang's whole body was tense, her heart raised to her throat, and she had to observe the mother's condition. Outside the door, Sun Tietou heard no movement in the room, crouched on the ground with his head in his arms, and kept praying in his heart. Anyway, the worst result would be like that. He kept in mind Li Haitang's instructions that during the operation, he must not be caught disturb.

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