Farming Happiness: Husband, Come and Plough the Fields

Chapter 126: court inquiry

"Quiet, don't delay your lord's trial!"

Officials continued to maintain order, but the people heard about the trial and felt quiet. Those who hadn’t eaten breakfast were gnawing on steamed buns and watching at the door, only people whispering in low voices.

The gate of the courtroom was open, and the wind leaked from both sides. Li Haitang lamented that she was overdressed. She warmed her hands with boiling hot tea and waited patiently as a bystander.

"Bring suspect Sun Xing and Widow Sun to court!"

Zhang Zheng's face was stern, and he had a bit of official authority. He knocked on the hall wood and shouted. Then, the officials escorted Sun Xing and Widow Sun, who looked sluggish, into the door.

"Li Haitang?"

Widow Sun's eyes rolled wildly, and she was shocked when she saw Li Haitang sitting in the courtroom. She and Li Haitang had lived together in the Li family village for many years, so they knew each other well. She heard that there was a genius doctor named Li Haitang before, but she only thought it had the same name and surname.


The master glanced at Zhang Zheng who was immersed in drinking tea, and thought to himself, drinking so much water, is he not allowed to go to the toilet during the trial? Maybe Master Zhang is still young, has strong firepower, good kidneys, and can hold back.

Zhang Zheng didn't know that he had been brainwashed. He was very irritable now, and wanted to hit the board. As for who to hit, he glanced at Li Haitang, who was in the presence of the old god.

"Master Li, do you and Widow Sun know each other?"

Zhang Zheng was silent for a long time, and finally raised his head and asked, "Are you all from Lijia Village in the border town?"

"Your Excellency is aware."

Li Haitang hooked the corners of her lips and nodded. She is from Lijia Village. This is an indisputable fact, and there is nothing worth concealing. "I not only know Widow Sun, but also his son Sun Xing. I just don't know. The two committed crimes." What method."

The crime was murder, not to mention that Li Haitang looked down on these two people, but it was possible to say that they were stealing chickens and dogs, and she didn't believe in murder, especially Sun Xing, who relied on a woman's position to eat soft food, how could he have the guts!

"Master Li, Sun Xing's mother and son conspired to kill the young lady of the Yang family."

The master asked the officials to bring the sufferer. The sufferer is Father Yang, who is in the fur business in Lucheng. He is in his sixties and has only one daughter, Yang Xiaohua.

Yesterday, Father Yang's only daughter recruited a son-in-law at the door. The two families had a lively marriage and sprinkled a lot of happy fruits. The suona team almost circled the city. Unexpectedly, on the second day of the wedding ceremony, Yang Xiaohua died suddenly.

Father Yang didn't see his daughter coming out for a long time, so he sent his mother-in-law to take a look, she was so frightened that she passed out, and people from the house rushed to the yamen to report the case.

Widow Sun and Sun Xing were also frightened and stupid. They didn't expect people to die like this. Sun Xing was afraid that the explanation would not be clear, so he consulted with Widow Sun in the middle of the night.

"Master Qingtian, this really has nothing to do with Caomin!"

Sun Xing knelt on the cold marble, shivering, he really didn't kill anyone, Yang Xiaohua's death had nothing to do with him.

Huazhu in the bridal chamber died inexplicably, who knows if Old Man Yang was hiding it from him, maybe Yang Xiaohua had a hidden disease, he was wronged!

"My lord, let's kill a chicken and it's okay. Killing people is absolutely unacceptable!"

Widow Sun didn't care about her relationship with Li Haitang, she just wanted to get rid of herself at the moment, why was she so unlucky, Yang Xiaohua died on the first day of their wedding.

Li Haitang understood the general situation in Widow Sun's intermittent statement.

The previous period of snow was too frightening, causing snow disasters in a small area of ​​Lucheng. The house where the mother and son rented collapsed, and if the government hadn't provided the ruined temple, they would have been almost homeless.

Sun Xing had studied at least, and set up a stall every day to help people write letters, while Widow Sun found a laundry job and went to and from wealthy families.

I can't live in the ruined temple all the time, at least I have to have a nest for the winter, so the widow Sun got into her mind and lied that Sun Xing was not married yet, so she asked the mother-in-law who worked with her to help introduce her.

The mother-in-law had met Sun Xing, and saw that he was a man of talent, a scholar, and the most important thing was that he was homeless, with a simple background like this, he was most suitable to be a door-to-door son-in-law.

These days, as long as life is not difficult, who wants to be a door-to-door son-in-law, especially a scholar, cares more about integrity.

It's just that the word integrity has nothing to do with Sun Xing. If you marry into a rich family, survive for ten or eight years, and once the father-in-law dies, the huge family business will be his. What kind of woman will you find by then!

People must bow their heads in front of money. Only when they think about it can they live a good life.

As soon as the mother-in-law heard that Sun Xing didn't mind being a son-in-law, she had a candidate in mind, so she consulted with Father Yang. His daughter Yang Xiaohua was an old woman, spoiled and spoiled. She stayed until her twenties. If she wasn't going to marry, she wanted to marry .

Yang Xiaohua definitely doesn't like the muddy legs of the peasant family, so she just wants to find a fair scholar, but it's so easy to find!

"My lord, Yang Xiaohua has taken a fancy to the son of the housewife because he is handsome and gentle. The family has a good relationship with two surnames."

Widow Sun wiped her tears, not understanding how this unlucky thing could be spread by her own family. The murder charge is not clear. If the suspicion cannot be cleared, she will be beheaded!

Neither she nor Sun Xing had the motive for the murder, and the two had to rely on the Yang family to live.

"My poor girl, why did you leave and let Daddy's white-haired man send off the black-haired man!"

In the courtroom, a door was lifted, on which lay Father Yang, who had fainted since he heard the bad news. In order to try the case, the officials had to carry him here. woke up.

Father Yang was crying, he was just a daughter, and he just left, what hope is there for him in the future?

It's all because of his obsession, knowing that Xiao Hua is not happy, he insisted on hanging himself on a hunger strike, otherwise, she wouldn't have died.

"My lord, Sun Xing said he had no motive, that's impossible!"

Father Yang took a deep breath and rubbed his aching heart. This man lied to Xiao Hua that he was not married, but he peeked at Sun Xing's Lu Yin, and it was a second-hand product!

It's not a problem for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Father Yang doesn't care at all. As long as Xiaohua can successfully conceive and continue the incense of the Yang family, he can forget about the rest.

"Sun Xing and Widow Sun are trying to swallow my Yang family's wealth, and they conspired to kill Xiaohua!"

Father Yang insisted, crying until he hiccupped, and it was only when the kind official sent him water that he calmed down a bit.

Outside the door, the common people whispered, Father Yang is too miserable, he has to bear the pain of bereavement in his sixtieth year, it is worthy of sympathy, it seems that in the future, it is impossible to get married without knowing the basics, because no, you don’t know when you will die!

"Father, I really didn't kill Xiao Hua!"

Sun Xing was anxious, his eyes were red, he escaped and was caught, he couldn't explain clearly with his mouth open, he was frightened, and he wanted to pass out.

"Don't call me dad! I'm not your dad!"

Father Yang thought of his own daughter, his chest heaved and he was agitated, and passed out again.

Li Haitang pinched the golden needle, glanced at Zhang Zheng, and co-founded her for first aid.

"Sun Xing, since you kept saying that you didn't kill anyone, why did you take your mother-in-law and widow away?" Zhang Zheng looked at Father Yang who was in pain, and shook his head at Li Haitang. Let's make people faint first. Waking up just yelling and not being able to help.

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