Farming Happiness: Husband, Come and Plough the Fields

Chapter 207: Dangerous

"Ah, Tie Dan, mother's Tie Dan, you are my mother's life, how can I let my mother live!"

The woman wept bitterly and knelt on the edge of the deck, wishing she could jump into the river to die, but she was dragged by the yamen servants, so she escaped death.

The boat passengers had long heard that there was a water monster in the river, but they were not allowed to see it in person, thinking that the water monster would eat some fish and shrimp.

Compared with water monsters, they are more afraid of water ghosts that appear on July 15th.

Now, seeing the ferocity of the water monster, everyone was no longer in the mood to eat, and many passengers squatted in the corner and retched.

"Going out, encountering such disasters, alas."

Some were soft-hearted, and immediately cried until their eyes were red and swollen. The most tragic thing was the mother who lost the baby. There were kind people who helped pinch her. Unable to bear the blow, he fainted again.

For a while, people on the official ship were panicked.

The house leak happened to rain all night, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and there were strings of rain curtains in the sky.

The wind was raging, and the official boat was struggling to move forward on the river.

The exhaust holes in the cabin were blocked, and the cold air was still coming in through the gaps. Li Haitang fell into a drowsy sleep, only feeling the whistling wind and unreal voices in his ears.

Waking up in the middle of the night, Xiao Lingchuan had already prepared steaming **** soup and snacks. He sat beside the oil lamp and cut a large piece of linoleum cloth with the dagger he carried with him.

A hurricane blew up on the river, and the boat passengers clamored for the water monster indistinctly, but they didn't know that the windy day was the most dangerous.

Most of the yamen servants on the official ship are novices. They have never encountered such a situation since they started running the ship, and they have the courage to go against the wind.

The old captain just squinted for a while, and it was too late to stop the ship and drop anchor just now, so he could only do his best, obey the destiny, and pray that the sudden strong wind would pass soon.

The official ship was unstable, dangling in the water, and there was a danger of tipping over at any time. Xiao Lingchuan was in a heavy heart. He found Ji Qiu, the two discussed it, and finally decided to make plans early, and prepare floating wooden boards and waterproof linoleum. .

They are people who practice martial arts, but they have no advantage in the water. The river water is icy cold, and women who have been immersed in it for a long time may be at the root of their illness.

After Li Haitang ate two pieces of snacks and drank **** tea, her body gradually warmed up. She was still too hot to breathe before boarding the boat. After only two days, she seemed to be in the severe cold again. She only regretted that she didn't bring a bag. A thick jacket.

The ship shook twice, the oil lamp on the small table rolled down, and the lamp oil spilled all over the floor. This time, the originally dimly lit cabin became even darker.

Li Haitang felt the shaking coming from under him, and widened his eyes, always feeling that something was wrong.

Xiao Lingchuan didn't explain much, he took it step by step, if everything was explained clearly, there would be nothing to worry the lady, with him around, he would definitely not let anything happen to her.

"Be obedient, put this on."

The thick linoleum cloth is a bit like a modern raincoat. It is thick but not breathable. When Li Haitang put it on, she found that there were buttons on her chest and waist, which protected her airtightly.

Before the husband and wife had time to say anything else, they only heard more confusion below. There were shouts and calls for help, and then there was a knock on the door. With a pale face and empty eyes, Lu Yuanqing murmured, "There is a boat capsized ahead. Several people won't water, just..."

He was knocked down by the fast-flowing river, and never came up again. In the second half of the sentence, Lu Yuanqing couldn't continue.

He is a scholar, and he claims to be knowledgeable. He likes to read travel notes on weekdays. The adventures in the south and the north are full of dangers. At this time, he is realizing that those travel notes are just making up stories.

"Will the official ship capsize?"

After a while, he raised his head and tried his best to breathe steadily. Li Haitang, a little lady, did not show any abnormalities. Lu Yuanqing felt that he was the first to lose his composure, which was very embarrassing.


Now, Xiao Lingchuan didn't hide anymore. He went out to have a look just now, and the officials and sailors on the official ship were making amends, trying their best to follow the wind and lean on the shore.

The distance from the official boat to the shore was less than two to three hundred meters. If the boat really capsized, he was sure to push the wooden plank under the water and send his wife ashore first.

However, a person's power is limited, and he can't take care of others for the time being.

The wind on the river was getting stronger and stronger, and the passengers changed from screaming to screaming. A merchant ship collided with the official ship, the merchant ship rolled over, and the official ship was hit into a hole.

The deck seeped water, and the passengers immediately panicked and ran to the second floor in groups, while the government servants who were busy plugging the hole were pushed to the corner by a group of people, and could only watch helplessly as more and more water seeped on board.

"What should I do? I'm going to die now! Woohoo!"

Everyone shouted as they ran, for fear that they would be slow, as if this was a moment of life and death, and morality had long since ceased to exist. Some elderly people who were slower on their legs were pushed to the ground, and everyone stepped on their feet. The body runs up.

People are not for themselves, and heaven and earth will destroy each other. At critical moments, who has the leisure to care about other people's life and death, and only thinks about how to get through the current test.

There was a water leak on the first floor, and the servants could no longer plug the hole. The ship sank, and the final result would inevitably flood the second floor. This made everyone even more frightened, standing on the deck, trembling while holding onto the railing.

The wind is too strong, and raindrops are floating. If one cannot stand firmly, he may be blown into the river.

Next door, Zhang Ruyi was already in a panic.

She didn't look at the almanac when she went out by herself, so she didn't go smoothly on this journey, and Li Haitang was also involved. The trip to Licheng was destined to be full of disasters.

She heard people outside the cabin door, and some men were trying to smash the door, so scared that she shrank into a circle, hugged her head and hid in a corner, if she went out, she would also encounter such bad things, Zhang Ruyi complained incessantly.

"Now, you'd better not go out."

Seeing that Lu Yuanqing was about to go out in a hurry, Xiao Lingchuan stretched out a hand to stop him.

Having struggled on the edge of life and death, he understands the instinct of survival of people too well.

"But I can't leave Ruyi alone, I seem to hear her cry."

Lu Yuanqing instantly felt that he was taller. He had a pale face and hardly hesitated. He was a man after all. Although he couldn't stand up to the sky, at least he had to protect his woman. At this time, he hid, what would Zhang Ruyi do?

The more he thought about it, the more anxious he became. Lu Yuanqing saw the small couch blocking the door and wondered how to move it. He wanted to open the door and go out.

"Why bother."

Xiao Lingchuan was expressionless and indifferent. He walked to the edge of the wall and knocked on it with his hand. The adjacent cabins were separated by relatively thick wooden boards. He raised his fist neatly and smashed down on one of them. Over there, Zhang Ruyi was unprepared, hugging Lan Yi, weeping softly. In an instant, a hole the size of a head appeared on the wall separating Li Haitang's cabin. When she was stunned and her mind went blank, the hole appeared trend of gradual expansion.

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