Farming Happiness: Husband, Come and Plough the Fields

Chapter 95: red pants

Li Haitang has always been quick to do things, and puts ideas into action immediately without procrastinating.

It's the end of the year now, and there are many shops in the town for rent and exchange. She can just find one for a little money.

The medical clinic is not like other businesses. It is really not afraid of the deep alleys of the wine, it is famous, and it does not worry about the source of customers.

For her, earning money is the second priority. Li Haitang has this idea, so that more people can accept the theory of Western medicine, and the combination of Chinese and Western medicine will benefit the common people.

There is fame, prestige, and wealth. Ordinary people's money for medical treatment is saved by digging between their teeth, it is better to earn a ticket from a big family.

But it is impossible for her not to collect money. After all, she is not running a charity hall, and the number of free times is so high that people think she is being taken advantage of. People from the whole city come to see a doctor, and Li Haitang insists on vomiting blood from exhaustion.

"Sheng Mien, Dou Michou, these words make sense."

Li Xia agreed, and as time went on, fewer and fewer people were grateful, and they all took it for granted.

When she was in her hometown, there was a big family in the town who was kind and generous. Every winter, the big family gave porridge. One year, the big family fell seriously ill and didn't have time to give.

People are poor and short-sighted, and there are many troublemakers among them. This is unavoidable. To do good deeds, first consider your own ability to bear. If you sacrifice yourself, your family will be happy. Li Haitang really does not have such a high awareness.

While talking, the carriage quickly arrived at the foot of Baita Temple Mountain.

On the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, there is an endless stream of people from the surrounding areas who come here to offer incense. For this reason, a temple fair is held at the foot of the mountain.

The temple fair is similar to the market, selling some food and drink, most of which are related to worshiping the Buddha, such as sachets, mahogany combs, bracelets, consecrated jade pendants, talisman papers and so on.

"Second Uncle Chen, it's too cold. I see a teahouse in front of you. Go and have a rest and drink some hot tea."

Li Haitang gave Uncle Chen a piece of silver. There will be food in the temple, but people who worship the Buddha are generally vegetarian. The noodles are simple clear soup with a few cabbage leaves, but with two drops of sesame oil on top. It is plain and looks appetizing.

"No, what are you doing with that money? I'll just sit in the carriage for a while."

Second Uncle Chen didn't take the money, the master was generous to him and treated his injured leg. Now he can eat and drink without worrying about food and drink every day, but he doesn't do much work. He already feels ashamed.

"The child's mother brought me a few big steamed buns before going out. I warmed them up on the small stove and drank some tea. They were delicious!"

Second Uncle Chen was satisfied, the coachmen of those rich families couldn't get on the carriage, and the ladies and wives had this taboo, so they could only squat in a corner sheltered from the wind and wait.

"Second Uncle Chen, you take the money first, it's not much."

Li Haitang insisted on giving the money. It was still early, and she was not sure whether she could go down the mountain before dark, so she had to leave some emergency money for Second Uncle Chen.

There were a lot of gadgets at the temple fair, and there were windmills and small wind lanterns, which were rare in the town and the Lucheng market, so let him buy some gadgets for Da Ya and Goudan to take back.

The Baita Temple is located in a group of mountains with a long history. There are evergreen pines and cypresses planted around the mountains, and the branches are lowered by the snow, revealing a faint touch of green.

"Haitang, let me carry the basket for you."

Li Xia saw that Li Haitang was wrapped up in a ball shape, her movements were inconvenient, and her walking posture was a bit extravagant. She felt that although she was born in a farming family, she must have never suffered a bit.

There are incense candles and oiled paper umbrellas sold at the foot of the mountain. Those little ladies who come to offer incense, holding an oiled paper umbrella in their hands, walk on the steps, with a sense of beauty.

"No, no, I can do it."

Li Haitang waved her hand, she was not coquettish at all, the two of them came together, and Li Xia was not allowed to be a maid.

As for the oil-paper umbrella, it is not practical at all. The snowflakes fall on the clothes and go down after two slaps.

"Then look at the steps."

Li Xia stepped forward to hold Li Haitang's arm, reminding her to pay attention to her feet.

There were small snowflakes in the sky, and the snow on the steps was trampled firmly by the pilgrims. In a short time, another layer was laid.

The mountain road leading to Baita Temple is steep, and there are special iron chains on both sides. Many elderly pilgrims, pulling the chains, climbed up little by little.

Along the way, Li Haitang met a few people, they kowtowed at every step, their faces turned up piously, their foreheads were red and swollen, but they didn't care.

"Sincerity leads to spirit, one step at a time, there must be something to ask for."

Li Xia sighed, he had personal sufferings, and his life was hopeless, so he could only pin his spirit on the blessings of gods and Buddhas.

"Shh, don't talk nonsense."

Before time travel, Li Haitang was a staunch materialist, but now she is not. Otherwise, who can explain to her how she came back to Daqi with a dead body.

That's all, ever since she came here, she had bad luck, and if she didn't come to pray to Buddha for comfort, she was afraid that if she didn't pay attention, her life would be gone.

"Okay, okay, we are going to worship Buddha, I can't make taboos."

Li Xia hooked the corners of his mouth guiltily, there was a group of people in front of them, they seemed to be wives and ladies from rich families, bringing their wives and maidservants to offer incense.

Baita Temple is different from other temples. There is no sliding pole to go up the mountain. Whether you are a wealthy person from a high-ranking family or a poor person, you are equal before the Buddha. If you want to go up the mountain, you are all on your own.

The two supported each other and walked halfway up the mountain, where there was an open platform. A small tea shed is set up on the platform, and you can drink hot tea for only one penny.

"Haitang, I..."

Li Xia shrank her body, hesitated to speak, her complexion was a little pale, sweat was dripping from her forehead, she looked very sad.

"What's wrong?"

Li Haitang pulled her up to the stone platform so as not to get in the way, and then asked, "Are you tired? Why don't we have a cup of hot tea and take a break."

"No, it seems that I have come to a small day."

Lixia was so ashamed, after she came out from Qin's house, she didn't come here for a little time, she saw the doctor and said that she was a little blood deficient, after that, her godmother gave her a prescription, and she has been recuperating lately.

Unexpectedly, it was such a coincidence that on the way up the mountain, there was a stream of heat and stickiness between the legs. In this case, it is not allowed to burn incense, which is disrespectful to the Buddha.

"Or, let's go down the mountain."

Li Haitang covered his forehead with his hand, looked up, there was a vast expanse of white snow, the road had no end in sight, at least half of the distance was still there.

The woman is inconvenient for a few days every month, she can understand.

"But today is the first day of the new year. If we wait any longer, it will take half a month."

Half a month later, the weather was colder and the snow was heavier, and it might catch up with Li Haitang's childhood again, Li Xia felt that he couldn't delay things because of himself.

When a girl was young, she used to wear red trousers to avoid taboos before going to the incense. She just saw a woman holding a cloth pocket with mischievous eyebrows. It turned out that she was selling obscene trousers. Both of them walked halfway, going down the mountain was also a waste of time, Li Xia gritted her teeth, she might as well find a thatched hut, use straw paper to cushion the mat first, and wait until the mountain to find a Zen room to tidy up her clothes.

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