Farming Story of the Primitive Tribe in the Beast World

Chapter 2 Poor Living Environment

Chapter 2 Poor Living Environment

Because the surface of the sunflower leaves is smooth, the leaves are wide and highly flexible, orcs often use them to hold food or water, which is similar to the role of the bowls and plates on the earth.

Mu Kui chose the smallest piece of animal meat from the few remaining pieces, which was only about the size of a palm, and compared to her current appetite, it was barely enough to fill her stomach.

However, when the environment is harsh and there is still a strong laborer to support at home, Mukui dare not eat more.

In addition to saving more food for Mu Zhao, so that he has the strength to hunt more wild animals.

What's more, the environment of this world is too bad.

There are 21 months in a year in this world, and it is also divided into four seasons, which are wind season, rainy season, dry season and snow season.

There are four months in the wind season, three months in the rainy season, seven months in the dry season, and seven months in the snow season.

In total, it is three sevens.

Isn't it just 21 months?
However, the four seasons here are simply scary to say.

Let's talk about the wind season first.

The wind season lasts for four months.

The snow melts and the breeze blows in the first month of winter, which can be said to be the most peaceful month of the year.

Then, in the second month of the wind season, the wind was already blowing, and it became difficult for the orcs to go out at this time.

In the third month, it was completely on the level of a tornado, and the wind could easily blow the orcs into the sky, and they couldn't go out at all.

The fourth month of the wind season is full of strong winds, and it is difficult to go out, which is similar to the second month.

The rainy season lasts for three months. The first month and the last month are fine. Although there is a lot of rain, at least I can go out.

However, in the middle month, the orcs were not allowed to go out, as they would be washed away by the flood once they went out.

The wind season and rainy season, compared with the subsequent dry season and snow season, are still good.

The dry season and the snow season are the same seven months. Not to mention that every celestial phenomenon in the beastman world has been added. The lowest temperature in the dry season is above [-] degrees, and the highest temperature in the snow season is also below zero.

In other words, if such weather is on the earth, it does not rain for seven consecutive months or it snows heavily for seven consecutive months, it is not a joke.

It is definitely a natural disaster once in a thousand years.

The kind that can bring down a prosperous dynasty!

But in the Beastman Continent, this kind of weather still happens every year.

In a year, only the first month of the wind season is not considered a natural disaster.

The remaining twenty months were all natural disasters.

This, if it weren't for the orcs' natural physique and endurance.

It is estimated that it has long been extinct!
Moreover, except in the third month of the windy season, the second month of the rainy season, and the worst of the dry and snowy seasons, the beasts really cannot go out.

Every full moon night in the orc world, the moon will turn into a blood moon, and those wild beasts will go crazy and form a beast tide, attacking the orcs' territory.

The first month of the wind season, although it is not considered a natural disaster.

However, there are also blood moons.

Well, it doesn't look much easier!

Mukui's forehead was drawn with black lines, and he felt that the road ahead was gloomy and depressed.

After receiving the memory of the original owner, Mu Kui immediately had a kind of awareness.

That is, in this world, even if there are insidious orcs among the orcs, the level of threat must be at the back.

Here, the biggest enemies of the orcs are natural disasters and beast hordes.

At least, that's how it seemed to her.


Take the ladle made of Mu Kui leaves to scoop out water from the stone jar, and carefully clean the meat, Mu Kui then tore it into small pieces and put it into the stone jar.

In addition to a few pieces of animal meat, there are also some wild fruits on the sunflower leaves, some are too green to eat, and some are already ripe, exuding an attractive fruity fragrance at the moment.


Mu Kui couldn't help swallowing, she had drank a few sips of water since last night, and now she was too hungry.

However, Mu Kui finally reached out to those green and immature fruits, washed them, crushed them, and threw them into the stone jar.

Food in the beast world is precious, and those like the original owner's siblings can't get enough to eat, so they have to plan carefully and save every meal.

The ripe fruit can be eaten directly at that time. If the food cannot be wasted, the green wild fruit should also be solved. Throwing it into the pot as a seasoning and cooking it with meat is the best choice.

Anyway, Mu Kui is not prepared to try the sour and astringent feeling of biting it off unless it is absolutely necessary.

Add water, then place the stone jar over the fire to cook.

After a while, a seductive fragrance wafted out from the cave where Mukui was located.

"Huh~, what does it smell like? It smells so good!"

"The smell came from the Xiaobailian cave. Could it be that his sister made something delicious?"

"It's Mu Zhao Mu Kui's cave."

"Impossible! Who in the tribe doesn't know that the siblings can't even eat enough, so what can they eat?"

Orcs have very sensitive noses, and the water on Mukui's side boiled for a while, and some orcs smelled the fragrance.

"Aoi, what delicious food are you cooking? It smells so good!"

When Mu Kui heard the words and turned her head, she saw a little girl with silver hair and silver eyes standing at the entrance of the cave, looking in curiously at the moment.

The little girl has exquisite and three-dimensional facial features, a bit like a mixed race, her skin color is the common wheat color in the Beastman Continent, and she looks very healthy.

This is Yin Ling, who is in love with Mu Zhao, who is a head shorter than Mu Zhao by visual inspection, and is not yet an adult.

These messages flashed through Mu Kui's mind, and immediately asked Yin Ling to enter the cave.

"It's Ling! I made some broth, come and taste it, whether it's good or not." Mu Kui immediately filled a bowl of broth with a leaf and handed it to Yinling.

Although it hurts a bit, this is my younger brother's little girlfriend after all.

Moreover, a bowl of broth is really just a taste for the orc's exaggerated appetite.

While her thoughts were spinning, Mu Kui had no choice but to endure the pain.

It can't be that her brother's little girlfriend is here, but she only cares about eating and greedy him.

Then, let Yinling watch from the sidelines!
Seeing this, Yinling's eyes lit up, she took the bowl unceremoniously, brought it to her mouth and took a sip.

Immediately, Yinling's eyes became brighter, and she drank the soup in one gulp, smacking her mouth a little bit more.

'With only such a small amount of food, Aoi must not be able to eat enough. '

Yin Ling glanced at the stone pot reluctantly, she still didn't ask Mu Kui to bring her another bowl.

Mu Kui nodded secretly when he saw it, he was indeed the person Adi liked, and his personality should be pretty good.

"Kui, this soup is delicious, how do you make it? Isn't the soup bitter?" Yinling asked curiously.


Mu Kui's body was a little stiff.

Oops, why did she forget that the food processing here is basically roasting, and the stone pots are only used when boiling water.

As for the soup, in the eyes of the people of the tribe, it is the stuff that the priest or the witch doctor took out, which tasted hard to say and didn't know what was added.

"Cough cough," Mu Kui coughed twice.

She looked at Yinling with some helplessness and bitterness, and said: "I am really unwell, and I can't eat the barbecue, so I just boiled it in water, thinking that maybe I can eat some."

"As for the taste you mentioned," Mukui spread her hands, "Maybe it's because I added green fruits into it! I haven't done it before, and I don't know that meat and fruits taste so good when cooked."

So, it should be fine!

When she first came to the animal world, she still had a lot of things that she didn't understand.

In Mu Kui's heart, there was a burst of uneasiness.

"So that's how it is!" Yin Ling was stunned.

Immediately, she seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly urged Mu Kui to eat more.

"Since you can't eat barbecue, then you can eat more of this stewed sunflower. I heard Zhao said that you are very sick, so you must eat more. Eat more and you will recover from your illness."

Yin Ling clenched her fists with both hands, and looked at Mu Kui with a firm face.

Many sick orcs in the tribe died of illness soon because they couldn't eat. As long as Aoi can still eat, there is still hope for recovery.

Yinling thought so, with a smile in her eyes, "I'll go back and try cooking. Also, if you want to go out to collect sunflower, you can find leaves in the cave below."

Ye is Yinling's grandmother.

Yinling was so greedy that she quickly left and was going back to her cave to try this new way of eating.

Mu Kui nodded, watched Yin Ling leave, and then continued to drink broth slowly.

Perhaps due to physical reasons, Mukui is very slow in eating and doing things, and the speed has never been fast.

Now in a new world, with a body that is many times better than before, maybe the speed of doing things can be accelerated.

But to eat, as long as no one is robbing, Mu Kui decided to keep her original habit and eat slowly.

In this way, it will not only help digestion, but will not cause too much burden on the stomach. It is also beneficial to her current weak condition.

(End of this chapter)

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