Farming Story of the Primitive Tribe in the Beast World

Chapter 466 Prophecy Aoi and Xiaohei Transformation

Chapter 466 Prophecy Aoi and Xiaohei Transformation
The Western Continent is the domain of giant dragons.

The giant dragon is the kind of Western dragon with a big belly that Mukui has learned about, and it is a close relative of lizards.

The giant dragon is the largest among all the god-given races, and most of them have wings and can fly freely in the sky.

Therefore, the western continent that can support the survival of giant dragons, whether it is trees or beasts, is extremely huge.

If it is said that the trees and beasts in the Eastern Continent of the Beast World can be ranked second in size.

Then, the animals and plants in the western continent can definitely rank first.

Moreover, although the environment in the western continent is not as extreme as that in the eastern continent where natural disasters are almost all year round.

However, it is the same as the northern continent is almost entirely ice sheets.

The western continent, where the wind is the weakest, is comparable to the wind season in the eastern continent, and the dragon valley where the dragons live is even more comparable to the hurricane moon on Mu Kui's side.

Finally, there is the southern continent.

There, it is said that it is a mainland, but it is actually more appropriate to say that it is an island group.

In the southern continent, the vast expanse is full of seas.

Compared with it, those small lands that emerge from the sea seem insignificant.

After saying this, Victoria talked about the mermaid.

"That group of mermaids is actually a god-given race. I think it's a bit far-fetched."

The first sentence at the beginning immediately aroused the curiosity of Mu Kui and the others.

"Those mermaids, although the god-given abilities can pass through the natural barriers between continents."

"However, they are too weak, even the apes in the greenhouse in the central continent can't compare."

Greenhouse is a new word Victoria learned from Mukui.

She felt that using this to describe the Central Continent with good weather was perfect.

"Moreover, both male and female mermaids have the ability to reproduce."

"They are weak, even if they can rely on the god-given ability to cross the barriers between continents and sell salt and seafood to do business."

"However, on every continent, there are still countless people who rob the mermaid orcs."

Speaking of this, Victoria sighed: "Mermaids, even the males are extremely dangerous, and will be caught by other orcs to catch them back and give birth to cubs."

'Tsk tsk!I didn't expect that the mermaids can give birth to both male and female!If this straight man of steel crossed over and became a mermaid in the Orc Continent, I don't know what it would be like. '

As soon as she heard Victoria's words, Mu Kui's thoughts diverged and she thought of this.

It's just that she didn't know that.

When she thought so.

In the mermaid country far away in the southern continent, a certain slut man, who is bent on dominating the world and building countless harems, is about to cry without tears in the face of the fiery eyes of a group of male orcs.


Just as Mukui's thinking became more and more crooked, and her thoughts were even in places she didn't know, and when she upgraded to "crow's mouth", Victoria changed the subject.

"Although the mermaid clan is a favorite, but because of their royal family's mermaid suppression, even though the orcs on all continents are greedy, they can only hunt mermaids secretly."

Speaking of mermen, Victoria really admired them this time: "Male mermans have no reproductive function, but their family, whether male or female, are extremely powerful animal-print warriors."

In the end, Victoria sighed: "Mermen! That is the ethnic group that is truly comparable to the god-given races of all continents."


Mu Kui was surprised for a moment, then relieved.

On Earth, if Mukui remembers correctly, Merman is called in the East. According to legend, they are brave and good at fighting, and they are a tyrant in the sea.

As for mermaids, they are called more in the west.

Legend has it that the mermaid has a bewitching singing voice, which can confuse pedestrians passing by the sea, and throw themselves into the sea without knowing it.

Summarizing those popular legends, it is not difficult to see that the mermaids have equally deceptive voices, but they are also strong physically. They are perfect fighters with both magic and martial arts, and they are well-deserved overlords in the sea.

As for mermaids, although they can manipulate the power of the sea, their bodies are still a little weaker, more like legal professions.

After figuring this out, Mu Kui felt that Victoria's definition of mermaid and merman in the animal world was not so difficult to understand.

Then, I don't know if Mu Kui really awakened some strange ability today.

As she thought about it, in the South China Sea, a newborn mermaid sneezed before opening his eyes.

This, if nothing unexpected happens, will be her future eldest daughter-in-law.

Of course, it is impossible for Mu Kui to know about this kind of thing today.

In the future, she may not know!


With the transformation of Victoria, Mukui is now more and more hoping to see her little black transformation.

Almost every day, she never forgot to whisper in Mo Lang's ear.

And Molang, as always, patiently responded to his female, emphasizing that he was really almost three years old, and that black cat was earlier than his transformation, but the actual age might be older than him.

Their big business of building houses and sheds is proceeding in an orderly manner.

With Xisi and other powerful animal pattern warriors joining in, the task of chopping the golden wood has now been fully entrusted to Xisi.

Moreover, in addition to building greenhouses and housing for orcs.

Herbivores with little strength began to grow crops in the greenhouse.

At the beginning, it was dominated by short-cycle green leafy vegetables and vermicelli.

But at the same time, they also planted crops that can be used as staple food, such as green tea leaves.

It's just that because those crops have a long cycle, they can't harvest them for the time being.

In addition, the trees that produced oil and fruit were also fenced by Mu Kui and the others, and they were tightly protected.

Today, each of their households has built toilets, and people in the tribe don't see people defecating anywhere at all.

Moreover, under Mukui's guidance, the clansmen have learned to properly fertilize those crops.

Some of this fertilizer is the excrement of the orcs, but more of it is those useless plants, which have been specially turned into humus by everyone.

Naturally, a lot of fertilizer was piled under the oil fruit tree to fully ensure the healthy and strong growth of the oil fruit tree.

Because Mukui and the others have few stones here, they have to travel far to transport them back.

Therefore, those temporary members were assigned to build the city wall.

The golden cat and the lightning leopard act as supervisors.

The main contributors are the more than 300 house mice.

That's right, more than 300.

Although there were more than 500 newcomers to the tribe, among them, the herbivorous orcs and house mice who took the initiative to join them actually accounted for the majority.

After all, there were only dozens of people who came to besiege Mu Zhao back then.

Recently, strong fences have been erected in the tribe.

Mu Kui is also thinking about it, they should catch some herbivores and bring them back for breeding.

Otherwise, those beasts in the Shuguang Tribe would probably be eaten up by them in a short time.

As I said before, those wild beasts are enough to support Mu Kui and his family of five.

Now they add up to more than 700 people.

Those beasts, even though Mu Kui expressly forbids them from killing them wantonly.

However, it looks like it is about to become extinct.

"Xiao Hei, why do you look so happy today?"

Mu Kui touched Mo Lang beside him, and asked suspiciously.

In fact, Mukui found out when I woke up this morning.

Her Xiao Hei was abnormally excited.

"Aww ow~" Tomorrow, female, I will be an adult tomorrow.

What Mu Kui responded to was still howling wolves that were infinitely more enthusiastic than before.

But, sadly, Mu Kui didn't understand at all.

Because of the language barrier, Mu Kui has no idea what Mo Lang wants to express?
And, at this moment.

"Aoi-sama, Aoi-sama, go and have a look!"

"Tu Da doesn't know why he wants to beat Tu Luoluo all of a sudden, and Tu Luoluo also wants to kill Tu Da with all his heart. The couple usually have a very good relationship, but now it's really strange."

Tu Da is a male of the Tu family in the tribe, and Tu Luo Luo is his wife.

There is nothing to say about the relationship between the couple. Mukui always feels like being fed dog food when they meet each other.

(End of this chapter)

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