Farming Story of the Primitive Tribe in the Beast World

Chapter 68 Sensation

Chapter 68 Sensation
The tube tree is the thickest at the bottom, and becomes thinner as it reaches the top.

When Mukui makes a tube boat, it is natural to pick a place close to the root.

After packing everything up, looking at the felled tube tree, Mu Kui said with some pity: "It's such a big tube tree, there's still a lot of tree powder inside, it's a pity that I can't take it away."

Dozens of Gugu chickens add up, and the weight is not small, so Mu Zhao is responsible for supporting the big tube boat.

Hearing this, Mu Zhao said, "That's not easy. The inside of the tube tree is hollow and can float. Just tie it to my boat."

He was talking about barely floating. After all, the tube tree is so big, even if it is hollow, it is still a tree, not as light as bamboo.

However, because the tube tree is not solid, the wood is relatively light.

Therefore, even if it floats a little bit, it is enough for Mu Zhao.

He could pull the thing back with at most [-]% of his strength.

Although it will be tiring, it is not to the point of exhaustion.


Soon, Mu Zhao tied the thick tube tree to the stern of the boat.

The diameter of the big boat is more than ten meters, and there are such thick tube trees at the root, so the shape of the boat is naturally not covered.

Being tied to the stern at this time, the visual effect is simply amazing!

Mukui reckoned that it was almost like dragging a train.

'No, the train carriages are not more than ten meters high! '

She immediately realized that what she described seemed inappropriate.

However, on Earth, unless it is a horizontal high-rise building.

Otherwise, Mukui has never seen it with his own eyes, and it can be compared to the size of the tube tree in front of him.

Therefore, she didn't know how to describe it more specifically.

Anyway, the tube tree at the stern is definitely a big one.

"In this way, can it really be dragged away? And, what if it gets stuck along the way?"

Mu Kui said worriedly.

After all, that tube tree is really big and long.

Dragging such a big thing back home, let alone turning a corner along the way, it would be considered a miracle to be able to sneak through the gaps in the dense forest.

Hearing this, Mu Zhaohun said indifferently, "It's okay! Sister, don't worry, I can handle it."

"As for the question of whether you can pass through the dense forest..."

Having said that, Mu Zhao paused.

Afterwards, with an expression that was not annoyed at all, he told Mukui straightforwardly: "The trees in this mountain are not very strong for the beast pattern warriors, just smash the ones that block the way."

Mukui: "..."

All right!She really couldn't imagine the world of beast-print warriors...

At this moment, Mukui felt that her scientific worldview was crumbling again.


On the way back, Mu Zhao also fully demonstrated his strength as a beast-patterned warrior.

He really broke all the trees blocking the way, and forcibly made a waterway for them to pass through.

Mu Kui murmured secretly: "If this was done on Earth, it would be regarded as severe deforestation! It would be regarded as an act of destroying the environment."

Unfortunately, the world is different, and the importance of trees seems to be different.

Because there is no such thing as industrial pollution in the Beast World, and the vitality of the plants here is surprisingly strong.

Even after a long dry season and snow season, most of the tree plants will die.

But in the first month of the wind season, everything will miraculously recover and grow again.

The dense forest will also gradually grow in that short month and take shape.

Thinking of this, Mu Kui had to sigh.

If the plants on the earth can also have such indomitable vitality, then what is the greenhouse effect!

The carbon dioxide and the like are estimated to be barely enough to be absorbed by the plants that grow continuously.


If the orcs want to make barrel boats, they can only cut ones that are five or six meters thick at most.

After all, no matter how big it was, it would be inconvenient for the orcs to carry the barrel boat and walk on the mountain road.

The widest part of the mountain road does not exceed 15 meters.

If the tube boat is bigger, the upper and lower waves will meet, and it will be crowded or even blocked.

Therefore, Mu Kui and the others dragged a big guy back, which really caused quite a commotion.

Even if it is a giant python in the beast world, the kind that is more than ten meters thick, orcs seldom see it.

As long as that kind of giant python appears, they must be extremely vigilant.

Because even a large tribe like the Yihu tribe would suffer heavy casualties if they were not careful.

"Hi! Kid Mu Zhao. What are you doing with such a big tube tree? I thought it was an enemy attack!"

An orc with a square face jumped down from a tall tree and shouted in his loud voice.

This is the orc in charge of guarding outside, and there are a few more in the surrounding trees, which are equivalent to the tribe's outpost.

Usually, when someone is in danger nearby, they will lend a hand and step forward to rescue them.

Of course, their main purpose is to clean up the surrounding beasts that threaten the females and cubs; and to give early warning when a crisis comes.

In addition to beast hordes, occasionally small and medium-sized herds would come to attack the tribe.

For example, pack animals such as wolves...

Since there was such a big commotion, an explanation should be given.

Mu Kui rubbed her hands, and said a little shyly: "This is not the end of the beast tide, and there is no food in the house!"

As she said that, she lowered her head and said in a low voice that seemed a little shy: "I heard that the tree powder of the tube tree can be eaten, so..."

Without Mu Kui's explanation, the guarding orcs would understand.

Among them, a tall and thin man standing on a tree sighed: "The tree powder has no taste, it's not delicious! It's not easy for you."

The other orcs also felt sorry for each other, and were silent for a while.

They didn't doubt Mu Kui's statement.

Because, the two siblings also ate tree powder during the most difficult period.

It's just that the two siblings ate very little at that time, and they never brought back such a big tube tree at one time.

The silence lasted for a while, and an orc said: "The tree powder has no taste, but at least it can fill your stomach, which is good!"

Immediately, someone agreed.

"Yeah! Aoi, you are more energetic these days than before."

"Yun was so pretty back then, if you can eat enough, you will definitely become more and more feminine in the future."


When Yun was mentioned, the orcs present were very excited, and their eyes on Mukui changed suddenly.

After all, Muqin and Yun were very popular in the tribe back then.

Both of them grow impatient, and it makes no sense that their daughter will be ugly.

"It's a pity, those little brats in my family are still underage..."

Immediately, the orc said regretfully.

Those who can be responsible for guarding the tribe are not bad.

Therefore, they were all companions, and many even had cubs.

At this time, many orcs from the tribe rushed over.

After all, the tube tree that Mu Zhao dragged back this time was indeed too big and too long.

Looking from a distance, anyone would think it was a giant python, and that thing is not easy to deal with.

"What happened? It's so lively!"

It was Ji who came first.

He was still wearing a white trimmed animal skin robe, with a refined and dignified demeanor, which was incompatible with the environment of the animal world.

Immediately afterwards, the priests and leaders, as well as Yu Jinhuan, Yinying and others also arrived one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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