Farming Story of the Primitive Tribe in the Beast World

Chapter 76 Tsubaki Wants a Blood Sacrifice?

Chapter 76 Tsubaki Wants a Blood Sacrifice?
If the ability possessed by the beast pattern warrior is regarded as a single ability.

The abilities awakened by the witch doctors are complex.

These abilities, in addition to indirect or direct effects such as healing and detoxification, have a wide range of effects.

For example, assisting in refining medicine, stimulating the effect of witch medicine, making it volatilize, etc.

Even, it was mentioned in the inheritance memory that some witch rituals can sign contracts with animals and plants, and some witch sacrifices can refine utensils with magical effects...

This is the same as that of a beast master.

God knows, Mu Kui wanted to complain when I read these things.

It is said to be a witch festival, but it is actually more like a collection of non-combat professions in the beast world!

This is completely different from witch doctors who only cure diseases and save people, and occasionally practice poison to protect themselves, okay?

Of course, the abilities possessed by witch priests are all the ones that can be released outside.

Mukui's purification ability, which can only be applied to itself, is not combat type, nor is it of any kind.

This point is also mentioned in the inheritance memory attached to the purification ability.

The seniors who left behind all said that they were Sanwu orcs, and their role was only to test the poison.

But Mu Kui doesn't think so.

She felt that those predecessors were great.

Because, most of the edible things that Beast World has discovered now are from their experiments.

Mu Kui released the healing ability, and the dots of bright green light floated out, and quickly merged into the liquid medicine.

The unlucky medicine is still as colorless and odorless as clear water.

However, through the healing ability fused with the liquid medicine, Mu Kui could feel that its nature had begun to change.

"This speed seems a bit fast!"

Mu Kui was startled.

This time the ability seems to be too much!

The first time she tried, she was a little flustered.

Quickly flying to the obliquely above where Tsubaki was standing, Mu Kui pulled out the plug without any trace and poured the potion down.

The liquid medicine is still aggregated together.

But on the way down, because of its colorless and odorless characteristics, it will soon be indistinguishable from countless falling rainwater, making it difficult for people to detect.

"Brother, hurry up!"

She yelled at Mu Zhao, as if urging her younger brother to hurry up.

Fortunately, because Mu Kui had explained in advance, Mu Zhao quickly reacted.

"Well, here we come!"

He responded, speeding up and flying towards Mukui.

During this process, Mu Zhao suddenly activated his supernatural ability, and swiftly blew the rainwater in the area mixed with the liquid medicine towards Chun's direction.

After finishing these, Mu Zhao, as if nothing happened, flew to the square below with his sister.

'It seems that my younger brother is also very skilled in doing bad things! '

Mu Kui felt like laughing, but was forced to hold back.


A gust of wind blew by, and Tsubaki was blown staggeringly, nearly falling down.

She glared at the two siblings: "What are you doing? It's nothing to blow the wind!"

Mukui: "..."

It's over, Brother seems to have used too much force.

Mu Zhao looked innocent on the surface, but when he heard Chun's words, his body became stiff all of a sudden.

Mu Kui stepped forward bravely, blocking Mu Zhao who almost revealed her secrets.

"Well... I heard that the meat is divided, I was a little anxious, brother may be too excited, accidentally..."

She lowered her head and admitted her mistake sincerely.

"Hmph! It's just a piece of meat, and you can be so excited, why don't the tribe give you less?"

Tsubaki snorted disdainfully.

Mu Kuixin said: "That's not necessarily true. We can't believe the activities with you."

But, having said that, why isn't the Potion of Bad Luck showing its power!
"Could it be that the effect of the medicine is too weak, it doesn't even take a second to affect Chun!" Mu Kui was secretly anxious.

If it's less than a second, it's probably impossible to make Tsubaki unlucky.

Unless it is a battle between the strong, one second is not enough to make people unlucky.

However, it turns out that Mukui's luck is not so bad.

While she was praying...

Suddenly a flock of black crows flew in the sky.

Braving the rain, they hovered above Chun's head and refused to leave.

"Look, it's a black crow!"

"Don't crows never provoke priests? How could they fly on top of Chun?"

Soon, sharp-eyed orcs noticed the abnormality.

One pass ten, ten pass a hundred.

The square was filled with whispers of orcs.

The black crows in the beast world have a strange habit, that is, when they see sacrifices, they will directly go around, even when there is a beast tide.

This also made the orcs believe that the black crow was a solid supporter of the beast god, and the priests were protected by the beast god, so the black crow did not dare to make mistakes.

"What the hell? Go away! Get out!"

Chun also panicked, with a look of shock on his face, and even raised his staff to hold a sacrifice to get rid of the crows.

However, her move seems to have angered the crows.

A large cloud covered, directly submerging Chun.

"This... this is crow droppings!"

someone exclaimed.

It turned out that it was the product of crows excreting everywhere. It fell from a high altitude, merged with the downpour, and turned into feces and splashed on Chun.

"How is it possible! The black crow ran over the head of the priest without saying a word, and shit in groups!"

"Did the priest do something to offend the beast god?"

The orcs began to question.

"Is this... God's punishment?"

The black crow will not attack the priest protected by the beast god unless that person is abandoned by the beast god.

This is the deep-rooted thinking of the orcs for many years.

Mukui: "..."

Well, she needn't pray!
The bad luck potion started to show its power.

Yu Jinhuan glanced at Mu Kui and the others in this direction, covered his mouth and snickered.

She has already formed a contract with the leader, and is now considered a member of the Yihu tribe, so she is also present this time.

Meng originally stood with Tsubaki, preparing to preside over the division of meat.

When the black crow came, he thought it was aimed at him. After all, this thing would not target priests, which was a fact recognized by the orcs.

However, after he distanced himself from Chun, the crows still hovered over Chun's head and refused to disperse.

At that time, Meng had a bad guess.

Now, the group of crows shit directly on Chun's head, which immediately verified the conjecture in his heart.

"Tsubaki, did you really do something to offend the Beast God?" Meng asked in disbelief.

"No, not me! It's impossible!"

Tsubaki kept shaking her head, explaining.

She panicked in her heart, waved her staff wildly, stared at the crows in the sky viciously, and refused to close even her eyes hurt from being hit by the downpour of rain.

"This group of damned crows, I want to sacrifice, sacrifice all of your blood!"

Although panicked in his heart, Tsubaki quickly thought of a countermeasure.

As long as this group of crows are blood sacrificed, and another group is blessed, her prestige will not be reduced.

She was able to decisively kill her love rival back then. Although she believed in the beast god, she was never pedantic.

The black crow's attack on the priest is the punishment of heaven, and she is skeptical.

In Chun's mouth, he quickly began to recite the complicated mantra.

The sound was obviously not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone present, making people dizzy and nauseated.

"Tsubaki is about to hold a blood sacrifice, and those crows are in danger."

Mu Zhao was startled.

"Blood sacrifice!" Mu Kui was also shocked.

Isn't that one of the big killing moves of the priests?It is generally used during beast tides, and it can solve a large area at one time, and it can also increase the strength of the fighting beasts.

The March beast tide in the Yihu tribe's history was only survived by a priest who used blood sacrifices.

That priest left his name in history, and is still a role model for all the priests of the Yihu Tribe.

If Chun had held a blood sacrifice to bless.

Even if the group of crows were not rich enough as sacrifices.

It was also enough to change the orcs' impression of her.

Even Chun's prestige in the tribe may rise a lot.

In that case, their sinister plan this time will be in vain.

It may even have the opposite effect!
"Crows, give me some strength!"

"Run quickly, don't stay here, or your life will be lost!"

Mu Kui murmured in his heart.

Even because of the experience of the beast tide, she cast a shadow on the group of black crows.

At this moment, she also sincerely hoped that this group of crows could escape from this area before the blood sacrifice started.

(End of this chapter)

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