Farming Story of the Primitive Tribe in the Beast World

Chapter 8

Chapter 8
The leader is a muscular middle-aged man with a full beard and looks quite majestic.

The sacrificial priest was a middle-aged beautiful woman with a high nose bridge, narrow and long eyes, and crow's feet faintly visible.

"Sacrifice and leader!"

Mu Kui murmured unconsciously, then lowered her head, hiding the complexity in her eyes.

Now is not the time to take the lead. If you provoke or show your uniqueness, you will only be attacked by concentrated fire, and you will die faster.

Seeing that the people were almost there, the leader and the priest looked at each other and raised their hands at the same time.

This is the beginning of the sacrifice!
All the orcs who saw this scene turned into beasts and roared to the sky.

Seeing this, Mu Kui quickly transformed into a beast and roared.

This is a cheer, but also a demonstration.

After three tidy roars, the birds scattered, and the beasts near the tribe also fled quickly.

What's even more amazing is that there is no more blood on the altar, and the blood from the wounds of the prey has been sucked clean.

The Yihu tribe is the most powerful tribe in this area. Except for the months when the beast tide and the weather are the worst, they will send hunting teams into the mountains to hunt every day.

The activity of dividing the meat will be held as long as a hunting team enters the mountain, so the process of offering sacrifices is greatly simplified.

Large-scale festivals like the Beast God Festival, or activities such as offering sacrifices and praying for rain, are the grand occasions.

After the sacrifice was completed, the leader stood on the altar and began to divide the meat, and the orcs also changed back to human form.

A female gathered the fallen animal skin in front of her body, and put it on quickly when she changed back into a human form.

Even so, it still attracted a lot of sharp-eyed male orcs to peek at it, and there was endless booing.

There are many such situations in the field, and the bolder females will stare back and scold a few times.

But the timid one blushed and quickly wrapped the animal skin.

Mukui felt a chill while watching it, but was also very puzzled.

Why can male orcs transform into clothes together, but female orcs can't?

Mu Kui found out after carefully searching the memory of the original owner.

It turns out that the ability to transform even clothes together is unique to beast-print warriors.

Male orcs are like warriors in online games. They are born strong and have physical bonuses.

They eat a lot, and often participate in dangerous activities such as hunting. It is only a matter of time before they become animal-print warriors.

And female orcs are like mages, born weak, not to mention the long growth period, and all the coefficients are added to the spirit.

The females eat a small amount of food, and they are usually engaged in easy work such as collecting. There is almost no danger. Naturally, there are very few of them who can become animal-print warriors.

After thinking about this, Mu Kui secretly scolded herself for making a mistake.

When you go back, you must carefully sort out the memory of the original owner, so as not to make some common-sense mistakes when you get back.

"This time, I can only admit defeat."

Seeing that few orcs paid attention to her side, Mu Kui breathed a sigh of relief.

That's right, no matter how good the parents' genes are, they can't hold back the environment and life.

The original owner was only five years old when they died, not yet an adult.

In order to support her younger brother, she ate less and worked more, and was black and thin due to the hard life.

Now, even though she has been an adult for two years, there is still nothing to see in front of her.

To be honest, when Mu Kui found out that her new body was in such a state, it would be a lie for Mu Kui to say that she was not disappointed.

Which girl doesn't want to be as beautiful as a flower one day, with bulging front and back curling?

Mukui is naturally the same.

But it is already a miracle to live another life, at least she has hands and feet, and her body is still healthy.

Beasts live in this world, contentment is the only way to be happy!

Besides, there is the living example of Mu Zhao.

Unless she was not born to wooden parents and wooden mothers, she must look good after being raised.

Gently picking up the animal skins scattered on the ground, Mu Kui tiptoed behind a large boulder where there was no one there.

It was novel and unfamiliar, and with its long tail, it rolled up two pieces of animal skins and covered the important parts respectively, and then Mu Kui changed back into a human form, and quickly put on the animal skins.

"Fortunately no one saw it."

Mukui looked left and right, and patted her chest thankfully.

When I found out that it was really as normal as the airport, I was a little discouraged.

Back on the square again, there was already a long queue here.

The leader began to divide the meat.

Mu Kui saw the leader standing on the altar, holding a long bone knife in his hand.

The edge of the bone knife is sharp, even in this rainy sky, you can still see the reflection, and the sharpness is beyond doubt.

Brush brush!
The bearded man raised his knife and dropped it, and the giant beast in front of him was instantly separated from his flesh.

"Paoding Jie Niu!"

Mu Kui was dumbfounded.

This is too great!
Orcs have much better eyesight than humans, even females.

Even though they were separated so far, Mu Kui could still clearly see the scene on the altar.

The animal skin was completely peeled off without any damage.

The bones were also picked clean, and there was not even a shred of meat on them.

The internal organs were completely removed, wrapped in a layer of membrane, very complete, not half damaged.

At this moment, despite hatred and prejudice, Mu Kui felt sincere admiration for the leader's craftsmanship.

Of course, it is only limited to the leader's ability to solve the problem.

According to the merits, whether they have a special status in the tribe, etc., the leader quickly and efficiently divides the meat among the orcs in front of the queue.

Soon, it was Mukui's turn.

Seeing that it was her, the priest frowned slightly.

The leader was also taken aback for a moment, but he quickly realized and divided Mu Kui's meat.

However, the meat in Mu Kui's hands is much less than that of other hunting teams.

"Why so few?"

Mu Kui asked with a frown.

"Mu Zhao's strength is already weak, so if he can join the hunting team, isn't he strong enough to take care of him?"

Every leader of the Yihu tribe will be crowned with Yi's surname.

Here, "Yi" is homonymous with "Ying", which is different from that on the earth.

This surname can only be owned by the leader and his children. The current leader's original name is Meng.

The priest looked at Mu Kui in disgust, even though the female was thin and dark, there was no trace of Mu Kui.

Even because she was the daughter of a former rival in love, the priest also sincerely disliked her.

"He didn't hunt much prey this time, shouldn't he get less?"

The staff in the priest's hand stomped on the stone slab, making a soft bang, and stared at Mu Kui aggressively.

The other orcs also looked at Mu Kui with disapproval, which made her feel pressured all of a sudden.

In such a primitive society, sacrifices are generally the place of belief of an ethnic group and have a high status.

Mu Kui groaned secretly, because she underestimated the narrowness of the sacrifice, and also misunderstood the strict hierarchy of this world.

Unexpectedly, a casual question could lead to disaster.


The priest snorted coldly, and was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue.

If you don't die like that, this girl is really lucky.

But she's not going to make it easy for that bitch's daughter, is she?

"Tsubaki, that's enough!"

Suddenly, he yelled sharply, directly shaking the sacrificial Chun to his senses.

"It's really pitiful that Zhao was injured, but the rules of the tribe cannot be changed."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the tense atmosphere in the arena suddenly disappeared.

Mu Kui secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Putting aside the hatred between each other, at least at this moment, Mu Kui is a little grateful to the leader.

"How about this, except for the daily portion of meat, you can take some internal organs and animal bones back later."

Looking at the unwilling Chun sternly, he paused before speaking.

Orcs have the same palate as humans, and they don't think fresh liver is delicious when eaten raw.

On the contrary, because the internal organs are difficult to clean and unpalatable, and there will be a peculiar smell after eating, which will affect courtship and certain sports, orcs generally do not eat them.

Of course, this does not mean that no one wants offal.

After the meat is divided, the needy households in those tribes will rush up and grab everything.

When you can't get enough to eat, naturally no one will dislike the taste.

The two siblings have also snatched it before, but it is very difficult to grab it.

However, since the leader has spoken, no matter how much those people rob, they will leave some for Mu Kui.

As for animal bones, the orcs are not interested in bones without meat, they will only grab hard animal bones to make weapons and tools.

There are some leftovers, and the two siblings have picked them up before.

However, there is no such thing as bone soup in the animal world. They only pick up fragile bones, roast them and chew them, which is better than nothing.

The leader also meant the same thing, and asked her to pick up two hard animal bones as weapons to deal with the beast tide.

(End of this chapter)

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