Fast Transmigration: Monster Host Online Short Guard

Chapter 213

Chapter 213 – Fanxi Extra 1

Chapter 213 Fanxi Fanwai 1

My name is Fan Xi. Ever since I realized it, in my memory, there is only one person who has treated me the best. Of course, this was before I met Brother Chen.

Before I met Brother Chen, there was a man who was very kind to me. I also called him Brother. His name was Gu Shujian. He was a very gentle person. His gentleness came from the bottom of his bones.

Since I was young, I have been slower than ordinary children, and I am not as smart as other children, so no one wants to be friends with me, and some people bully me.

“Hahaha, look, this idiot…”

“I’m not an idiot.”

“Hahaha, you are not a fool, you are still in the first grade when you are a teenager, hit him.”

“Don’t hit me, don’t hit me.” I try to protect myself, this is not the first time, but they still hit me.

It hurts, it hurts, I can only close my eyes, but the pain is more clear, it hurts.

After an unknown amount of time, I heard the sound of the body colliding with the ground.

“Xixi, don’t be afraid, I’m an older brother.”

I raised my head, my brother appeared again, I knew that as long as I persisted, my brother would appear.

Brother is my hero, he will save me when I am in danger.

“Brother, you have come to save me.”

Brother nodded, stretched out his hand, and handed me the dagger in his hand, “In the future, if they bully you again, you can stab them with this.” The gentle voice seemed to be more than before, but I didn’t notice it.

I took the dagger with trembling hands, after that, wherever I go, the dagger will go there.

I know only my brother is good to me.

He is so good to me, so good that I want to give up everything for him, just want to hold him tight, don’t want him to leave me.

My brother and I live in a strange small town called Dawn Town.

Many people in the town are very strange. They are very respectful to my brother, but they are very indifferent to me.

Especially those children, always love to bully me.

On the day of the end of the world, my brother took me to a city close to the town to do some shopping, and we came to Leshangjia Supermarket.

Brother took me to buy a lot of food, and then took me to the seventh floor.

The seventh floor is empty, there is nothing, only large French windows around, “Xixi, this is the seventh floor, the highest floor, you have to remember.”

I nodded, not knowing why my brother told me.

We took the elevator downstairs again, but as soon as we got out of the elevator, we saw people fighting outside.

I saw some people still biting others, and all of a sudden there were **** people everywhere.

Brother stopped and raced me back to the elevator, “Xixi, go back to the seventh floor and wait for me there.”

I seriously shook my head, “Together with my brother.”

Brother squatted down, “Be good.” He handed the bag to me, “Eat the food in it when you are hungry, and save two breads to save your life.” He glanced at the dagger in my hand.

This dagger has not left my body since the last time. Since I stabbed two bullies with this dagger last time, they never dared to bully me again.

“Also, the dagger must not leave the body. This dagger has no sheath.”

No sheath? I glanced at the dagger, it was very bright, brighter than the moonlight on a moonlit night.

My brother pushed me back to the elevator, and then I saw that my brother was a little bit blocked by the elevator door, and I was holding the dagger and bag tightly.

Brother, you will definitely come back and save me.

Finally, the elevator closed. It seemed that I went up to the fourth floor, then the fifth floor, and when I reached the sixth floor, a few people rushed in. Then, when I reached the seventh floor, they refused to let me go out, and pressed the elevator to the first floor .

Suddenly, someone in the elevator went mad, and I found out later that they had turned into zombies.

Then, I saw, they bit each other.

Finally, the elevator stopped suddenly, and then quickly descended, boom, down to the first floor.

However, the door did not open.

They, all turned into zombies, they want to bite me.

I have to wait for my brother, I don’t want to become like them, I killed them.

Cut off their heads.

Then, I waited for my brother in the elevator.

There were lights in the elevator at first, but later, there were no lights.

I found a watch from my bag, and that watch was spinning round and round.

Turn to the fiftieth lap and stop.

It must have been twenty-five days.

These days, I live off the water and bread in my bag.

However, on the twenty-fifth day, there were only two loaves left, and my brother still didn’t come.

I want to keep two loaves for my life.

In the middle of the trip, I heard many people coming. I beat the iron box that was brought in, I called for help, I also cried, but they ignored me and left soon.

On the twenty-seventh day, I was very hungry, but I insisted that my brother hadn’t come yet.

On the twenty-eighth day, I felt like I was going to die, but my brother still didn’t come.

Just when I closed my eyes, I heard a “clang~”, I knew someone was coming.

I beat on the iron box, I wanted to talk, but I was afraid they would leave again, and I didn’t have much strength left.

I continued to beat, I felt that my strength was so great at that time, I don’t know where it came from.

The moment the door opened, I stared blankly at the person who opened the elevator door.

His black and white sportswear all his life, against the light, at that moment, I saw my light.

“Brother, are you here to save me?” After realizing it, I actually called his brother.

However, he didn’t seem to want me very much, he said, I’m free.

But, I don’t want freedom, I want my light.

I followed him with my things in my arms, he was my light, how could I leave.

Finally, he took me away.

When I came to Qingyue Base, I met many people and they treated me very well.

Brother Nangong, Sister Chuchu, Brother Shen Nan, Sister Moya, Brother Lu Xi…

There are many other people who have been very kind to me.

I really like staying in Qingyue, but I want to follow Brother Chen even more.

Brother Chen detoxified me, and I also felt that it became easier for me to understand things, and it became easier to understand things when I saw them.

I gradually became like a normal person, and all of this was given by Brother Chen.

I like to stay with brother Chen, I feel very comfortable staying by his side.

From body to heart, I held Brother Chen tightly, wanting, wanting to stay by his side all the time.

He is my salvation.

After my intelligence recovered, Brother Chen and the others asked me some things, and I told them more or less.

Brother Chen also knew that I had an older brother, but I didn’t tell him his name.

Later, they were going to Liming Town, and I followed them.

Brother Chen wants me to untangle my heart, but I actually want to know if my brother is still alive.

Brother is so powerful, he should not die.

I told Brother Chen about the branch in Liming Town, and some things about Liming Town.

Then, go to Dawn Town.

(end of this chapter)

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