Fast Transmigration: Monster Host Online Short Guard

Chapter 80

Chapter 80 – The Evil Male **** Is Online

Chapter 80 The Bewitching Male God is online

Then, I saw Xiao Li getting out of the car.

“Boss Lin.” Xiao Li called Lin Heng respectfully.

But I complained in my heart. Sure enough, when encountering a boss, both Mr. Lin and Special Assistant Lin had to be discarded. No, it was Special Assistant Lin who was abandoned by the boss in the morning. Now, Mr. Lin is abandoned.

Lin Heng nodded, “Why are you here?”

Xiao Li “…” Can you stop expressing your disgust so clearly.

Just about to speak, when he saw Si Chen, he immediately changed his words, “Mr. Yuan said, he is going to take Sister Han back first, let me come and pick you up.”

Then, Xiao Li saw that the faces of the two people in front of him changed quickly. Ahem, Mr. Lin, his face was ugly and constipated. Xiao Li thought, Mr. Lin must be constipated.

That’s why I came to the hospital to see a doctor.

However, after taking a look, the man next to Mr. Lin is so good-looking.

It’s just that his face was just smiling and frivolous just now, but now, he’s squinting his eyes. It feels so dangerous.

“Well, Mr. Lin, do you want to get in the car?” Xiao Lin asked uncertainly.

As for the other sentence, if you want to see Xu Yan, just swallow it, Mr. Lin, it’s so scary, with a dark face.

emmm, do you think you are Bao Gong?

Also, there is that man who is so beautiful, so scary!

Lin Heng suppressed the ice in his eyes, smiled coldly at the corner of his mouth, and glanced at Xiao Li.

Xiao Li shrank his neck, and immediately stood up straight, with his head held high, in a military posture, “Boss Lin, please order.”

Lin Heng’s eyebrows jumped, the coldness on his face did not fade, then he went straight to the car, opened the door, got in the car, and closed the door in one go.

It’s just, can you not use so much force?

Xiao Li slandered in his heart, this is the company’s new car.

Si Chen looked at Lin Heng who had already got into the car, and also walked over with strides, but his expression was inexplicable.

Xiao Li tightened his trouser seam with both hands, **** it, why is this person getting more and more scary.

“Host, you, why didn’t you go again all of a sudden.” Luo Luo was a little surprised, why suddenly turned around again.

Han Xue is also confused, what is she doing?

“Ah Chen, are you taking me for a ride?” Han Xue, who had already decided that Mo Chen didn’t like Si Chen, couldn’t think of a reason for him to turn around.

Mo Chen didn’t answer Han Xue, but said to Luo Luo in his heart, “Xiao Li has arrived.”

Now in the past, it is too late.

Lolo “…” Well, the host’s control over time is still the same, emmm, precise.

Han Xue saw that Mo Chen didn’t answer her, and didn’t care much. Anyway, she was used to it. Looking out the window, she suddenly felt her eyes a little sore, so she yawned, then closed her eyes and fell asleep.

I don’t know if it’s because the temperature inside the car is too mild, or because Han Xue is at ease with him by his side.

In the end, he fell into a deep sleep unknowingly.

“Brother Chen, it’s almost time for you. Are you nervous? If you’re nervous, drink some water to calm down.” Xu Yan dug out a bottle of water from his bag and handed it to Si Chen.

Si Chen turned his head to the side, Taohua couldn’t see any emotion in his eyes, he just glanced lazily at Xu Yan, “Do you think I’m nervous?”

As he spoke, he put his hands in his pockets, lazily leaning on the wall, and winking at the passing girls from time to time.

“Wow ⊙? ⊙! What a handsome little brother, this, which star is this?”

“Ahhhh! It’s so bewitching, so beautiful, so good-looking.”

“He, he winked at me, ahhh.”

“Ten minutes, I want all the information about this little brother.”

“Mobile phone, mobile phone, quickly take a photo, I want to be his fan.”

“Cut, she has a seductive face, and I don’t know if she’s a man.”

“Maybe, he crawled into that big man’s bed.”

“Hehe, this face looks perfect.”

Xu Yan swallowed, and said dryly, “No.”

Soon it was Si Chen’s turn to audition.

Si Chen walked in casually, unaffected by those remarks at all.

“You, you are playing a general, a general, not Iron Man. Why is your body so stiff? Roll.” Director Qi’s furious voice came.

The person who had just played the general left quickly with his head down.

The audience was silent, as if the slightest sound would ignite people and explode on the spot.

Director Qi is still very depressed in his heart, and he keeps complaining about the person that his friend forcefully forced him. If it was another role, he would definitely give him the role without hesitation, but, but, this is the end of life!

There is no one of the most important characters in this script.

It seemed that a stone was stuck in my heart, so that my face was dark all day long.

The assistant director and others all looked at him secretly, not daring to speak.

The director should have eaten gunpowder today, and his face was darkened early in the morning.

Those who had bad acting skills before were scolded **** by him. A few girls still went out crying.

The assistant director slandered this in his heart, and it is estimated that director Qi will be in the headlines again tomorrow.

At that time, it is estimated that the newspaper society will write like this, “Did Qi also have her menstrual period today?”

Thinking that Director Qi has been hacked all these years, it is a shame, but every time he shoots a drama, it is a leverage.

People in the circle may dislike Director Qi, but almost no one does not want to join Director Qi’s crew.

Because, Director Qi’s crew, even a cannon fodder can be fired.

So, people in the showbiz, that is, they all want to act in a play directed by Director Qi.

“People, where have they all gone? What about No. 79? Where did he die?” He yelled at the staff.

The staff shrank my neck, director, is this the menstrual period again?

Director Qi saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he opened his mouth, and was about to curse, then, he looked at someone.

Rely on ⊙?⊙! This is too beautiful!

Blink, it’s still there, blink again, it’s still there.

Seeing that the director stopped suddenly, they were at a loss, stretched out a finger, and pointed in a certain direction, dumbfounded, coughing, well, they were looking at that direction with blazing eyes, as if they were going to burn that direction .

Following the director’s gaze, hiss—

This is so beautiful, ah bah, it’s so enchanting.

The man walked lazily, each step was casual, but each step was of the same length, as if carefully measured.

One step creates a painting. I don’t know whether it is a person swimming in the middle of the painting, or the painting is drawn by a person.

It was clearly an empty hand, as if holding a folding fan.

There was a twinkle in his eyes.

Walked a few steps, as if seeing someone interesting, stopped.

There was a frivolous smile on the corner of his mouth.

He obviously has a monstrous face, but his whole body exudes a gentle and jade-like temperament.

Move your hand lightly, close the folding fan in your hand with a brush, stretch out the folding fan, and lift the chin of the person in front of you.

Opened his lips, “With such an appearance, he is born very well. That’s why King Yi treats him specially.”

Hahaha, do you think the person here is Mo Chen, but it’s not, hahaha

Emmm, today, it seems to be a bit late, mainly because I haven’t saved the manuscript in the past few days

Emmm, I am trying to save the manuscript

In the future, try to send it as soon as possible

La la la! Today is also a day to love you ⊙⊙!

(end of this chapter)

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