Fast Transmigration: Monster Host Online Short Guard

Chapter 825

Chapter 825 – Misplaced Life: Picking Up A Ceo 31

Chapter 825 Misplaced Life: Picking up a President 31

This winter, the Yuan family had double happiness, and Yuan Jinyan, who was single and single, got married.

Mo Chen and Shen Yichen are also married, Mo Chen has completed all the credits, got his diploma, and didn’t go to school anymore.

Regarding the fact that Shen Yichen wanted to marry Mo Chen, the Yuan family had no objections except Yuan Jinyan.

When Mo Chen and Shen Yichen got married, Yuan Jingjing was the happiest member of the Yuan family, because in this way, Yuan Jingjing didn’t have to marry Shen Yijue.

On the day of Mo Chen and Shen Yichen’s wedding, countless bigwigs from the medical field appeared at the wedding scene.

All of these made the Yuan family very confused.

Since Mo Chen performed an operation on Old Man Shen last time, Shen Yichen has been guessing about Mo Chen’s identity.

When she saw so many people who would only appear on TV, in textbooks, and even some people who had never shown up at the wedding scene, Shen Yichen knew that she still underestimated Mochen’s status in the research institute.

At this time, Yuan Jinyan also knew the identities of Mu Qing and Mo Chen.

Senior researcher of the Institute.

Mo Chen is the dean’s most proud student, while Mu Qing is the dean’s own daughter.

The dean of the Medical Research Institute has only accepted three disciples, one is Wen Yan, a ghost in the medical field, one is his daughter, and the other is unknown to the outside world.

Now, everything is clear.

It’s just that, at first, I thought that Wen Yan was young enough, but who would have thought that his two junior sisters were younger than him.

Before getting married, Mo Chen lived in Shen Yichen’s villa most of the time, and after getting married, he would naturally stay with Shen Yichen.

Just changed from two rooms to one room.

“What are you looking at?” Shen Yichen came out from the kitchen with the food, put it on the table, and saw Mo Chen checking the news on his phone.

“Some news, I might go to the capital soon.” Mo Chen put away his phone and stood up as he said.

“When?” Shen Yichen asked after hearing the words.

Mo Chen heard the words, and said indifferently, “It’s probably only a few days.”

“It’s just right, I’m also going to the capital for a business trip recently, let’s go together.” Shen Yichen said, pushing Mo Chen down at the dining table and sitting down.

When Mo Chen heard this, a trace of suspicion flashed across his eyes, “Really?”

Why is she so unbelievable?

Shen Yichen nodded sincerely, with high credibility.

Seeing this, Mo Chen didn’t ask any more questions, but started to eat with his head down.

Seeing this, Shen Yichen subconsciously shut up.

I remember that it was the same when I lived in Lu’s house.

As soon as Mo Chen starts to eat, Shen Yichen will subconsciously shut up. For so many years, when eating, he has also developed the habit of not talking when eating or sleeping.

Waiting for the next year, a virus flu broke out in the country, and Mo Chen and Mu Qing rushed back to the Beijing Research Institute.

The dean of the research institute handed over the task of fighting the virus to Mo Chen.

Mo Chen led the people in the domestic medical field to fight against the virus.

It took a whole year to develop a drug to suppress the virus and a drug to treat people with the virus.

Because of this epidemic, Mo Chen has almost become a well-known doctor.

At the moment when the epidemic was completely brought under control, Luo Luo passed on the plot and all the memories of this world to Mo Chen.

It turns out that the hero of this world is Yuan Jinyan.

And the heroine is actually Yuan Jingjing.

In the original text, Mu Qing is the male lead’s Bai Yueguang, the first person to be married to the male lead, and the only one who has had a relationship with the male lead.

The hero has always been thinking about him, but later, it was revealed that Yuan Jingjing was not the biological daughter of the Yuan family.

Yuan’s family found the original owner.

In the original text, Yuan Mochen was also abused by Lu Jun. Su Qin ran away, and Lu Jun was hospitalized after being beaten, but because no one paid the medical bills, he died in the end.

The original owner became an orphan, and it was the aunt of the street village committee who kept her studying.

The original owner also struggled, and later chose to study medicine.

When the Yuan family found the original owner, the original owner was already a student of the Department of Medicine of University A.

When the Yuan family found the original owner, the original owner went back to live with the Yuan family for a while, but because he couldn’t adapt to the life in the Yuan family, he moved out.

Yuan Jinyan and Yuan Jingjing have always had a bad relationship, but the original owner liked this sister very much.

He thought that Yuan Mochen refused to go back to live because of the existence of the heroine, so he targeted the heroine in various ways.

Then, it is the story of love for a long time.

But this is a sadistic world.

So even if there is affection between the hero and heroine, there will be no sweet love.

In the original text, there was also a similar epidemic that swept across the country.

The original owner had already earned credits at that time. He was a graduate student in the Department of Medicine of University A, and had participated in countless surgeries with his instructor.

When the epidemic came, the original owner resolutely chose to go to the front line of the epidemic.

At the front line, the original owner met Mu Qing.

The two became good friends.

It’s just a pity that in the original text, the epidemic has not been best controlled.

Both Mu Qing and Yuan Mochen died in that epidemic.

After the epidemic, the Yuan family received the news of the death of the original owner.

Yuan Jinyan refused to believe it, and the staff took him to the cemetery.

There are buried martyrs who died during the epidemic.

While seeing Yuan Mochen’s tombstone, Yuan Jinyan also saw Mu Qing’s tombstone standing next to the original owner’s tombstone.

Then, I couldn’t take it anymore, and I was depressed for a while.

From then on, close the heart door.

Later, even though he still liked the heroine a little bit, he didn’t choose to be with the heroine.

Instead, she personally held the heroine and married Shen Yijue.

Shen Yijue was originally a scumbag, but she cheated after getting married.

After the male protagonist found out, he was so angry that he fought with Shen Yijue.

Then he missed and killed Shen Yijue.

The male lead almost spent the rest of his life in prison.

The heroine became a widow and did not remarry.

One person carried the Liyuan family and the Shen family two groups.

After watching the plot, Mo Chen had to sigh with emotion.

This book is called Yuan Jingjing Biography, which is very appropriate.

After all, it felt like she was the only one alive except for some unimportant people.

“So, when you asked me to get acquainted with Mu Qing, you wanted her to meet Yuan Jinyan again?” Mo Chen looked at Luo Luo and asked.

“Yeah, the original owner was worth a lot of merit during her lifetime. After she died, she knew the story of Mu Qing and Yuan Jinyan, so she hoped that they would be together. Well, also, she hoped that the epidemic could be brought under control in time.” Luo Luo said to Looking at Mo Chen said.

Mo Chen nodded when he heard the words, and understood why he wanted to study medicine back then.

After the epidemic ended, Mo Chen returned to work in ER. As long as there is no surgery arrangement, Mo Chen basically squats in the ER to type codes or play.

After finishing his work, Shen Yichen took Mo Chen on a honeymoon trip.

It’s just that after this honeymoon, Mo Chen and Shen Yichen never came back.

In this world, all the memories about Shen Yichen and Yuan Mochen are useless, and there is no trace left.

No one remembered Yuan Mochen, even Chen became a myth and never appeared again.

ER’s president was replaced by an IT genius, Luo Zhixuan.

As for how Luo Zhixuan became the president of ER, that is another new story.

And this world will also be a new world, a world without Yuan Mochen and Shen Yichen.

Alright, the main text is over, after that it’s time to write the upper bound

Those who don’t want to read the main story can stop it, and they may write about the extra world later

If you don’t like to watch the main story, you can watch the extra world.

(end of this chapter)

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