Fast Transmigration: Monster Host Online Short Guard

Chapter 828

Chapter 828 – Season Finale

Chapter 828 Finale

“Mother, I want to hear your story.” Mo Li tilted his head and looked at Mo Chen, “The story of you, uncle and fourth aunt.”

Mo Chen paused when he heard the words, and looked sideways at Mo Li, “Okay, mother will tell you.”

Fifty thousand years ago, God Realm.

The God King married the only disciple of the God of Medicine as his queen. His name was Molan, and his medical skills were comparable to the God of Medicine.

At first, the relationship between the God King and God Queen was very good.

The queen of God gave birth to a son and a daughter successively, and the difference between the two children was only a hundred years old.

The son of the **** king is named Yuan Moyao, and the daughter of the **** king is named Yuan Mochen.

Yuan Moyao was born with auspicious signs, and Yuan Mochen was born with bad omens.

Since Yuan Mochen was born, he was not welcomed by the **** king.

Because of Yuan Mochen, God King and God Queen quarreled countless times.

Yuan Moyao felt sorry for her younger sister, so she took her around to play.

Yuan Mochen didn’t know why at first, but gradually became sensible, and also knew that his father didn’t want to see him.

When Yuan Mochen was a hundred years old, he sneaked out of the God Realm and met a woman at the junction of the Demon Realm and the Immortal Realm.

Demon God Huayan.

The demon **** saw that Yuan Mochen was born with a devil soul, so he took Yuan Mochen as his disciple.

Since then, the God Realm has gained another person whose strength is beyond the charts.

Princess Yuan Mochen from the God Realm.

There is also Yuan Moyao, the crown prince of the God Realm who is helping the evildoers.

When Yuan Mochen was a thousand years old, the **** king sent Yuan Mochen brother and sister to the fairy world.

The two siblings met three people in the fairy world, Jiexian Gongyi, God’s envoy Yun Nan, and the prince of the fairy world Mo Zexing.

The four shared the same interests and became friends. This friendship has lasted for a thousand years.

When Yuan Mochen was two thousand years old, the five became sworn brothers and sisters with different surnames.

The eldest is Mo Zexing, the second is Yuan Moyao, the third is Gong Yi, the fourth is Yun Nan, and the youngest is Yuan Mochen.

Another thousand years.

The four of Mo Chen helped Mo Zexing take the position of Immortal Emperor.

When Yuan Mochen was four thousand years old, he heard that the demon **** of the God Realm married the Demon Lord.

At this time, Mo Zexing’s ambitions began to show.

The feelings of the five people gradually split.

The two brothers and sisters Mo Chen were sent back to the God Realm by the God King.

The King of Gods and Mo Zexing colluded to unify the six realms.

Mo Zexing is the God King’s right-hand man.

The power of the **** king has reached its peak, and there is only one demon **** Huayan who can compete with it in the upper realm.

The king of gods wants to use forbidden techniques to enhance his divine power.

The way to open the forbidden technique is to use the blood of the closest relatives as a guide.

The king of gods wanted to use the blood of Yuan Mochen and Yuan Moyao to unlock the forbidden technique.

When the Queen of God knew about it, she tried her best to stop it, and was imprisoned in the Jiuyou Pagoda by the King of God.

The purpose of Shenwang Yuanmochen was to kill him, and he broke open the Jiuyou Pagoda to rescue Molan.

Yuan Mochen was shaved off by the laws of the world for the crime of killing gods, and sent to the mortal world.

Ten thousand years later, Yuan Mochen, who has no memory, became a fairy again with the help of Jun Nan, Gong Yi and Yuan Moyao.

Was named the Immortal Emperor of the Imperial Time by the rules.

A thousand years later, Gong Yi was forced to jump off Zhuxian Terrace, and Jun Nan was injured and jumped into the gate of time and space.

At that time, Yuan Mochen was already the Immortal Emperor of Yushi, and broke with Mo Zexing again, and separated Yushidian from the fairy world.

Then I wish Gong Yi to become a god, create a space-time bureau, use the space-time bureau to collect energy to fight against the fairy world, and at the same time stabilize the space-time cracks.

The cracks in time and space were left during the battle between immortals and demons.

At that time, Yuan Mochen was experiencing reincarnation.

In the Demon War, the demon **** Huayan and Mo Zexing faced off after giving birth.

The demon **** fell.

Rumor has it that the demon **** gave birth to a son.

Nobody knows where he is.

Only know that not long after, the demon king who avenged his wife also fell.

It turned out that when Mozun learned of the death of his beloved wife, he put the child at the gate of the Palace of Imperial Time.

Go to the fairyland alone to take revenge.

Afterwards, there was one more person in Yushidian, named Hua Qianzui.

The story after that is still very long, Mo Chen didn’t say any more, “If you count the time, your father should have returned to the Demon Realm.”

Mo Li blinked when he heard the words, “Mother, shall we go find Dad?”

Mo Chen heard this, with a slight smile in his eyes, looked at Mo Li and said, “Okay.” He reached out and touched Mo Li’s head.

Mo Li’s hair is very smooth, and when the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, there are two dimples on his face, which looks sweet.

“Then let’s go now.” Mo Li took Mo Chen’s hand and walked out.


“Welcome to the return of the young master.” A group of people knelt on the ground.

Hua Qianzui looked at everyone and said, “Get up.”

After everyone got up, Hua Qianzui looked at the elder of the demon clan and asked, “How is the boundary gate?”

When the elder of the Demon Race heard Hua Qianzui’s culture, his eyes flashed, “It’s strange to say, but not long after you entered the derivative world, young master, the gate of the world suddenly became stable.”

Hua Qianzui squinted slightly after hearing the words, “Did you come here during the fairy world?”

“Mo Zexing sent people to come several times, but they didn’t open the gate. After that, they didn’t come again. That is, all the demons who left the gate were captured by Mo Zexing. I also sent People have gone to look for it, but… oh~ it’s useless.” The elder said helplessly.

Since the fall of the Demon Lord, the Demon Race has not been as good as before.

Now, in the upper realm, the weakest are the demons

Hua Qianzui squinted her eyes slightly when she heard the words, “I see, everyone else should step down, the elders stay here.”

After the others retreated, Hua Qianzui stood up from her seat, “Elder, I’m going to go through the game quickly. During this period, no one from the Demon Race will leave the gate, you understand?”

“Young master, you… want to cooperate with the human race? But Gong Yi has never wanted to associate with the demon race…”

“No.” Hua Qianzui glanced at the elder, “I’m going to pick up the queen and go home with the young master.”

The elder was stunned when he heard this.

What is the young master thinking?

Have you been single for a long time? Have you even forgotten that you are single?

Hua Qianzui didn’t want to pay attention to the elder, but waved her hand, and a teleportation array appeared in front of her eyes.

“This…this is…” The corner of the elder’s mouth trembled wildly, but he didn’t say a complete sentence.

“My master passed it on to me.” Hua Qianzui had a smile on her lips, and her eyes were full of soft light.

Just walking into the teleportation array, I heard a voice, “Where is the young master of the Demon Race going?”

Hua Qianzui was stunned when he heard the words, the teleportation array in front of him disappeared, slowly turned his head, and saw two beautiful figures.

Hua Qianzui chuckled softly, her eyes filled with soft light, “I want to find my wife and daughter, but now it seems that there is no need to go.”

The elder of the Demon Race stared dumbfounded at the two people who suddenly appeared in front of him, “You…how did you get in here?”

“Of course it came in through the blood.” Mo Li tilted his head and looked at the elder of the Mozu with a sweet smile on his face.

The elder of the Demon Race “…” Don’t look at me like that, I’m a little scared.

Hua Qianzui walked up to Mo Chen step by step, stretched out her hand and pulled him into her arms, “Chen’er.”

Mo Chen put his arms around Hua Qianzui’s waist, “Well, here I am.”

Mo Li looked at his father who was neglecting him, and complained in his heart. She bet ten jars of wine, and she was definitely by accident.

Stayed away from the two of them silently, stood beside the elder, stretched out his hand and waved his paw at the elder, and gave him a good-natured smile.

Elder “…” Don’t laugh, I’m afraid.


In the 30,005th year of the divine calendar, Huanyin fought against the Immortal Emperor. The Immortal Emperor was defeated and fell, and Huanyin took the position.

In the same year, Hua Qianzui, the young master of the Demon Clan who had become a god, succeeded the Demon Lord.

Originally thought it was a lot, cut and deleted, but there is only one chapter. I haven’t written it for a long time, so I don’t feel much.

If I write too much, I feel like it’s watery, and it’s a waste of everyone’s time, so I just write it briefly, and everyone else, everyone can make up by themselves→_→

Originally, I planned to abandon the article and not write it, but I didn’t expect someone to urge me, so I wrote it briefly and drew a simple period for this article (really, it’s just a period)

Thank you for reading all the way, I won’t write articles on this account in the future

The green mountains remain unchanged, the green water flows forever, see you in the rivers and lakes→_→

(end of this chapter)

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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