Fast Wear: on the Correct Posture of Counterattack

Chapter 188

Chapter 185: The Princess Of The Fallen Kingdom (3)

It’s not what I planned, but what you planned!

Xingyun rolled her eyes in her heart, but she shook her head with some panic on her face, “I…I don’t know.”

Mrs. Wang took Xingyun’s hand and patted it with a loving look on her face, and then said warmly, “We have an idea, but we don’t know what the princess thinks about this idea.”

“Wh…what do you think?”

The idea is that they are going to follow Xingyun.

In Mrs. Wang’s words, Xingyun is the only bloodline of the current Yongan Emperor Xiao Che, and is the orthodox royal family. They are all willing to support Xingyun.

And they also found a concubine for Xingyun, Yang Jingyun, a general with an army of 100,000 people, and they would bring the army back to the capital to bring things right.

“The child you give birth to will be the future emperor, and only the child you give birth to will be the orthodox royal family.”

Xingyun shook her head in a panic, “This…what’s the matter? I can’t do it. Logically speaking, shouldn’t I be able to adopt a child from the clan to my father? I can’t.”

This incident has also happened, and the rhetoric is similar. Xingyun directly imitated the original owner’s performance.

Seeing Xingyun’s panicked expression, Madam Wang felt a little contemptuous in her heart.

As for the princess, she is so petty, not even comparable to the concubine daughter raised by their family.

But it’s okay to be timid, so it’s easier to control.

The smile on Mrs. Wang’s face did not diminish, she persuaded a few more words, and said a lot of good things about Yang Jingyun.

“Although General Yang is a little older, older people will hurt others, and he has a heavy army in his hands, which will be of great help to the princess in the future. He…”

Hearing Madam Wang’s words, Xingyun thought hehe.

Is that bigger?

They are over thirty!

When Mrs. Wang’s mouth was dry, Xingyun said timidly, “But, it’s been less than a month since the father and royal family were born, and as a child, how can we talk about marriage without keeping filial piety?”

Madam Wang was taken aback, but she didn’t know what to say.

Emperor Yong’an Xiao Che is dead, but the people here have no awareness of keeping filial piety.

Looking at Xingyun again, she was dressed very elegantly. Thinking about the previous reports from the maids, she hadn’t eaten meat for the past few days.

I thought it was because I was in poor health and wanted to eat something light, but who would have thought that this princess was actually doing filial piety to her father!

This made Mrs. Wang feel a little face pain.

But this is nothing to Mrs. Wang. The most important thing now is to get the princess to agree to the marriage. The rest will be discussed later. What they need most now is to be famous.

Mrs. Wang brought out some examples of special circumstances, persuading Xingyun that the situation is different now that some things need to be changed.

In the end, Madam Wang gave Xingyun a night to think about it before leaving.

Saying that, let Xingyun consider it, but Xingyun knows that she has no capital to refuse at all.

Of course, Xingyun didn’t plan to leave at the moment, the situation was unknown, and even she hadn’t figured out where the exit was, so she naturally followed them.

When Madam Wang came the next day, Xingyun naturally agreed.

Seeing Madam Wang happily leaving, Xingyun lowered her head and took a sip of tea, hiding the look in her eyes.

It’s nice to say that, following her is just a name, otherwise why did you come to tell her about Madam Wang and not someone else.

It really doesn’t work, anyway, a minister from the DPRK and China will come to take it seriously!

But no, they just used Xingyun as a puppet.

In the next time, Xingyun will start to prepare for marriage.

But these things don’t have to be done by her personally, and everything will naturally be arranged by others.

After staying in peace for a few days, Xingyun proposed to go out for a walk.

“Why are you thinking of going out?”

Madam Wang is actually very busy. As a clan wife, she needs to take care of many things every day.

Moreover, this marriage was organized by her and several other families, and she had not rested for several days.

But she still came over to Xingyun herself.

For some reason, they tried to isolate Xingyun from the outside world as much as possible. Xingyun had never met other ladies except Mrs. Wang, and even the few concubines who had followed them.

However, these concubines were all from aristocratic families, and even if Xiao Che died, their days would not be too sad.

“I’ve been here for so long, and because of my health, I haven’t been out once. They all said that Jiangnan is beautiful, and I didn’t have the heart to look at it when I came. I’m going to get married soon, I think I have to go out to see it anyway.”

Looking at Xingyun’s eager eyes, Madam Wang hesitated.

According to their ideas, it is natural to keep the princess in the garden, so as not to cause other disturbances.

But after this period of observation, this princess is indeed very timid and very obedient. It is only natural to want to go out and see, after all, she is a fifteen-year-old girl.

Mrs. Wang thought for a while and smiled: “I didn’t think about it carefully, I should have invited the princess to go out and see the scenery of our Jiangnan earlier. But I really can’t find time to accompany the princess, but my youngest daughter is about the same as the princess. Big, if the princess doesn’t dislike it, let her be your companion.”

“Naturally I don’t dislike it.”

Madam Wang’s youngest daughter, Wang Ruoxi, is a very pleasant-looking girl.

She looked at Xingyun with curiosity, and after being instructed by Madam Wang for several times, she said impatiently, “Mother, I know, don’t worry, I will take good care of the princess!”

The carriage was ready, Xingyun carefully observed the surrounding environment when she went out, memorized the route, and then got into the same carriage with Wang Ruoxi.

The carriage is very big, and it looks quite satisfactory from the outside, but it is very delicate and luxurious inside.

Xingyun and Wang Ruoxi sat alone on one side, their maids knelt behind them, and the four of them didn’t seem crowded inside.

Xingyun lifted the curtain of the car window and looked out curiously.

The street outside is somewhat similar to the costume films I once saw on But the building is far less refined, and there are not many people on the street, and there are not many smiles on their faces, everyone is walking. in a hurry.

More importantly, there are many refugees on both sides of the street.

Those refugees were all yellow-faced, skinny, and naked. They squatted in the corner in twos and threes, their faces numb.

Seeing all this, Xingyun felt a little uncomfortable. She lowered the curtain and turned her head to meet a pair of big dark eyes.

Wang Ruoxi has been staring at her since she got in the car, but because the other party didn’t take the initiative to speak, Xingyun didn’t ask.

Now that all eyes were on the line, Xingyun asked, “What’s wrong?”

There was a hint of hesitation on Wang Ruoxi’s face, she struggled for a while, and finally asked, “I heard that you are going to marry General Yang, do you know what kind of person he is?”

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