Fast Wear: on the Correct Posture of Counterattack

Chapter 194

Chapter 191: The Princess Of The Fallen Kingdom (9)

Xingyun hid in the forest and looked at the two sides facing off on the road not far away, thinking about whether she wanted to get involved.

Because all the memories of the original owner in the later period were spent in the courtyard, Xingyun did not understand the entire situation in the world today.

Although I heard that the outside is very chaotic, the various forces are divided, and the refugees are everywhere, but I didn’t expect it to be so chaotic!

In the days since she escaped from Jinling City, she has encountered three waves of refugees of various sizes.

And looking at the direction they are heading, they should be heading for Jinling City.

When Xingyun escaped from Jinling City, apart from the jade seal and some jewelry, she did not bring anything else with her, not even clothes or food.

When passing through a village, I used a silver hairpin for some coarse grains and coarse clothes.

The food on her body was almost exhausted that day. Xingyun was thinking about whether to go to the town in front of her to change things, but she saw someone blocking the road and robbing her.

A group of bandits stopped a carriage.

Let’s say they were bandits, but they all looked yellow and thin, and the leading ones were tall and looked like bandits.

More importantly, they were dressed in tattered rags, and they had all kinds of weapons in their hands – hoes, hatchets, wooden sticks…

Just looking at it reminds Xingyun of a word – the grass is a pirate.

Xingyun guessed that they should have been good people before, but because the world was too chaotic, they were forced to go to Liangshan.

But the carriage they stopped was really worn out, and the horse was obviously an old horse, and it didn’t look like it would last long.

Moreover, the teenagers driving the carriage were not very old, and looked at them with vigilance.

“Boss, this looks very poor, what can we grab?!”

A thin subordinate leaned over to the leading bandit chief and said a novel in the ear.

The bandit leader glared at the other party. Of course, he knew that the carriage was very poor at first glance, and it didn’t have much oil and water, but they couldn’t grab anything better!

At least they can take this horse back and eat a meal of meat!

As for that young man, take it back and work as a coolie!

Thinking of this, the bandit leader couldn’t help but swallow his saliva. They hadn’t eaten meat for a long time.

The bandit leader waved his hand, and a group of people around the carriage began to gather, and a few men couldn’t wait to pull the boy who was driving the carriage down.

The young man didn’t speak for a while. Seeing that someone stretched out his hand and pulled the reins, the young man pursed his lips and suddenly waved his right hand, and a piece of powder spilled out of his hand!

“Ah! My eyes!”

“What is this!”

The person who was stained with the powder shouted, this change shocked everyone, the bandit leader was stunned, and said angrily: “Fuck, come with me!”

A dozen people rushed up, and the boy took out a few packets of powder from his arms and sprinkled it out.

I don’t know what the powder is, and the people who got it started shouting, and some even started rolling on the ground.

But Xingyun found that because there was no wind, the powder was not far away, and only a few people close to the carriage were hit.

After a few packets of powder, the young man seemed to have nothing else left. There was a trace of panic on his face, and he could only firmly protect the entrance of the carriage, as if there was something important inside.

Someone stepped forward and dragged the boy down. The boy struggled hard and kept making “ahhh” sounds.

“Damn, it turns out to be a mute!”

Someone boarded the carriage and pulled back the curtain, “Boss, there is a bad old man lying inside! I don’t know if he is alive or dead!”

The bandit leader frowned, looking at his subordinates who were rolling on the ground, feeling annoyed in his heart.

“Drag people down!”

Hearing that he was about to drag him down, the boy struggled even more, as if he wanted to rush up to stop him.


The boy’s clothes were torn apart due to the pulling, revealing his fair skin and faintly visible white cloth.

“Fuck, this is a woman!”


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