Fast Wear: on the Correct Posture of Counterattack

Chapter 202

Chapter 198: The Princess Of The Fallen Kingdom (16)

Zhou Chen didn’t even look at the other party, he stared at the private house in front of him, his eyes were full of uncontrollable anger.

He suspected that the epidemic might be man-made, but when it was confirmed, the anger in his heart was stronger than he imagined.

A few people rushed out of the house, and before they could reach Zhou Chen, they were shot by the archers who had been prepared on the wall early in the morning, and then they were restrained by the soldiers who rushed up.

The sound of fighting became less and less, and soon, the soldiers came over with a few people, and at the same time there were several corpses.

Several soldiers placed the weapons found in the house and from each other in the yard, the most notable of which were two well-made crossbows and several sets of hidden arrows.

Zhou Chen crouched down and inspected the weapons carefully, and found that these weapons were obviously from the army, but the style and imprint of the weapons were not produced in Jiangnan, but rather like the Gu family army from the east.

Thinking of the word “Jinling” written on the piece of paper, Zhou Chen’s eyes sank slightly.

“Is everyone here?”

“Report to the general, someone escaped.”

“One ran away? This can also make people run away?”


Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the soldier who reported it, and he lowered his head again, ashamedly said, “That man is powerful, he should be the leader, and under the full cover of others, he injured several of our brothers and forced his way out from the backyard. ”

The soldier described the man’s appearance, emphasizing the scar on the other’s face.

Zhou Chen immediately ordered the city to be searched, while the other survivors were brought back for questioning.

Xingyun didn’t know what happened that night, but early the next morning, she found that there were a lot more soldiers patrolling the epidemic area. She learned from the apprentices that she knew well that Ancheng had entered the spies, and General Zhou ordered the city to be searched.

The action is quite fast.

Now that the other party had taken action, Xingyun put this matter aside for the time being and devoted herself to the treatment of the disease.

Xingyun followed Doctor Du to a room in a small courtyard in the epidemic area behind a maid. There was a seven- or eight-year-old girl lying on the bed in the inner room.

Classes exist wherever they are, especially in ancient times with strict hierarchies.

The little girl’s father was a well-known wealthy businessman in Anyang and a great man. More importantly, one of his sisters was a favored concubine in the backyard of the Ancheng prefect.

Not only from the prefect’s face, but from the fact that her father donated a lot of medicinal materials and money for her, the little girl was treated the best in the epidemic area.

Besides a maid beside the little girl, there is also her nanny.

Doctor Du stepped forward to take a pulse, asked about his physical condition for the past two days, and then told the nurse to pay attention.

When she walked out of the room, Xingyun paused, wondering if it was an illusion, she seemed to smell a touch of blood in the strong smell of medicine.

Xingyun looked around with her peripheral vision, and found nothing unusual.

Doctor Du took Xingyun to check the pulse of other people living in the yard. Xingyun noticed that there were several empty rooms in the yard.

While Doctor Du was talking to the servant who was taking care of the patient, Xingyun quietly exited the room.

She walked around the yard and finally pushed one of the rooms away.

Xingyun muttered, “It’s really troublesome, you want me to find a pillow, why are you looking for a pillow?”, then walked into the inner room, picked up the wooden pillow on the bed and held it in her arms, then walked out without looking sideways. .

When she was about to reach the door, Xingyun turned her head and glanced up, and met a pair of sinister eyes!

The man with the scar on the roof beam didn’t expect Xingyun to turn back suddenly, and just happened to look up.

Seeing that the other side was terrified, he seemed to be planning to **** the door and run away. Before the man with scars could think too much, he jumped down from the roof beam, reached out and grabbed Xingyun’s collar by the back of his neck and pulled it back!

Xingyun took advantage of the situation to take a few steps back, then raised her hand back, and the powder that she had prepared for a long time was spilled on the man’s face!

The man did not check, and the powder entered his eyes and nasal cavity instantly.

His eyes stinged for a while, and the unknown medicinal powder he inhaled into his nose made the scarred man’s brain feel like his whole brain was about to explode.

Xingyun took the opportunity to break free, and then she turned around behind the man with scar, raised the wooden pillow in her hand and smashed it down the back of the man’s head!

Even at this time, the scarred man still felt very sharp. He sensed the wind in the back of his head and tried to dodge, but the injuries on his waist and back made his movements less flexible, and he was still hit by the wooden pillow. .

Looking at the man who fell to the ground, Xingyun shook her hand and nodded in satisfaction.

Not to mention, this powder is pretty good.

This is a powder made of some kind of poisonous medicinal material, and other things are added to it, which has a certain stimulating effect on the spirit.

However, Xingyun somewhat admired the other party. She was injured and went to the epidemic area. Isn’t she afraid of contracting the epidemic?

What Xingyun didn’t know was that the scarred man was also forced to enter the epidemic area. He originally wanted to hide in the hospital, but unfortunately there were too many soldiers guarding the hospital. Where relatives live.

I just didn’t expect it to be planted the next day.

After confirming that the man had been knocked out completely, Xingyun found a cloth in the house to tie him up, and then went to Doctor Du to explain the situation.

Knowing that his disciple had arrested a suspected spy, Doctor Du didn’t know what to say for a moment.

He knew from the beginning that his disciple was cruel, but Xingyun has been studying medicine with him for the past few months, with a humble and respectful attitude, and he was about to forget her heroic deeds when she fought off a group of bandits alone!

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was just suspicious, not sure, and I accidentally saw him at the time, so I had no choice but to do it.”

Xingyun expressed her innocence and praised that the medicinal powder developed by Dr. Du was very useful.

Doctor Du glared at Xingyun angrily, agreed with her on the caliber, and then prepared to find someone to come.

Fortunately, there were soldiers patrolling nearby. After explaining to the other party, the small yard was surrounded, and Zhou Chen, who heard the news, also rushed over.

After learning about what Zhou Chen summoned Xingyun.

At first, Zhou Chen thought he was a young boy, but after a closer look, he realized that it was a girl’s family, but he was too mediocre and dressed in men’s clothes.

After inquiring about her in detail, and after confirming that she had nothing to do with the matter, Zhou Chen hurried away with someone.

Not long after Xingyun and Doctor Du returned to the hospital, a soldier brought a whole plate of silver ingots, saying that General Zhou rewarded her.

Xingyun put it away unceremoniously, facing the gazes of everyone in the medical hall, and continued to follow Doctor Du to study the prescription.

A few days later, Zhou Chen left Ancheng. Fewer patients were sent to the epidemic area every day, but there was still no progress in the treatment of the disease.

Xingyun squatted on the ground. In front of her were dozens of Chinese herbal medicines, all of which had been used to effectively treat various diseases over the years. Moreover, none of these herbs had been processed yet, and some even brought them from the soil. Mud dug out.


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