Fast Wear: on the Correct Posture of Counterattack

Chapter 224

Chapter 220: Doomsday Kindergarten Teacher 12

The child couldn’t speak clearly, and he didn’t know what this situation meant, but Xingyun knew.

If Duoduo really has supernatural powers and can still communicate with animals, then this is simply a big killer!

At present, the mutant cat who was rushing to be a pet by himself seemed to have no ill will towards the children, and he listened to Duoduo’s words very much, so Xingyun did not object to keeping it.

Besides, if she wants to go out again, at least she has an extra “bodyguard”.

There were no zombies nearby, so Xingyun did not take the dumplings away, but stayed temporarily.

Early the next morning, Xingyun asked ten small dumplings to stand in a row on the concrete floor in order of height.

The little dumplings looked at Xingyun innocently, wondering why the teacher woke them up early in the morning. The two youngest children yawned several times and their eyes were half-open.

“Starting today, we will all have to get up in the morning to exercise and do morning exercises~”

The little dumplings nodded, and they knew that morning exercises would be done every morning in kindergarten.

But what they don’t know is that this morning exercise is not the other morning exercise, and this morning exercise will make them complain a lot in the future…

Xingyun first led them to move their hands and feet, stretched their muscles and bones, and then began to run them around the concrete floor.

At the beginning, the small groups were still very happy to run, and a few naughty boys would interfere with each other from time to time, and even run faster than anyone else. But after five or six laps, they gradually began to struggle.

“Old… teacher, I can’t run anymore…”

The children with the weakest physical strength slowly stopped and started to act like a spoiled child to Xingyun as they walked, not wanting to run away.

But Teacher Lulu, who is usually a talkative and gentle teacher, is not easy to talk at all at this time. Not only did she not let them stop, but she let them continue to run until they could no longer run.

“I can’t run now!”

“No, you can still run.”

No matter what the little dumplings said, Xingyun didn’t let go at all and told them to continue running.

Most of the children in the city are pampered, and they are small. When they heard the teacher told them to run away, the two girls couldn’t help crying.

It’s a pity that Xingyun didn’t give up at all, not only did he not let them rest, but instead ran with them, urging them while running, “Don’t stop, keep running!”

When there are children who can’t go, and Xingyun drags them away, he is simply a big devil.

All of a sudden, several of the younger children began to cry, but it was useless to cry, and they had to run while crying. They all looked pitiful.

While urging them to continue running, Xingyun carefully observed each child. If she was sure that the child had indeed reached the limit, she would stop the other and walk slowly along the concrete floor.

Xingyun held a pen and a notebook in her hand, and looked at the stopwatch from time to time, recording the time and laps run by each child, as well as the various reactions of her body.

A three-flowered cat stood on a stone not far away. It looked at a group of small dumplings crying and shouting, and stretched out its claws a little irritably to grind on the stone.

Although Duoduo was still running behind, her eyes were red and her face was full of grievances, and she looked very pitiful.

The Sanhua cat, who was named a pirate, was so heartbroken that its little cutie was so “tortured”!

That woman is so bad!

The pirate really wanted to sprint over and give Xingyun a paw, to let her know who is covering the little cutie!

But Xingyun gave it a terrible feeling, and every time it saw the other party, it couldn’t help but frown, which made it a little afraid to act rashly.

The pirate walked back and forth on the stone for a while irritably, not knowing for a while whether he wanted to “rescue” his little cutie.

Xingyun didn’t know that the mutant cat still had so many inner dramas in her heart. Now that most of the children have reached their limit, there are only three children who are still holding on.

Among them, a 4-year-old boy looked thin and small, but his endurance was very good. The other two children were a little pale, and he seemed to be able to do it with ease.

After a few more minutes, only the child named Yangyang continued.

Xingyun beckoned him to come over. Seeing that the other side was not angry or out of breath, she seemed to be nothing.

But Xingyun knew that before the end of the world, Yang Yang’s physical energy was average.

“Yangyang, tell the teacher, can you still run faster?”

Yangyang is a shy child, he smiled shyly, and said embarrassedly, “How did you know, teacher?”

They have been in the car for the past few days, and they have never gotten out of the car to exercise. When running today, Yangyang found that he could run very fast.

But he saw that the other children were running slowly, so he also slowed down and ran with them.

Xingyun dialed the bangs on Yangyang’s forehead and encouraged: “Would you run around here at your fastest speed to show the teacher?”

“Okay!” Yangyang replied happily.

When Yangyang ran around at his fastest speed according to Xingyun’s request, the children around were stunned.

Although it is not as fast as an afterimage, it is obviously not a speed that a normal person can run out of.

Xingyun looked at the stopwatch number in her hand – 6.59, and this concrete floor looked like a lap of about 200 meters.

“Wow! Yangyang runs so fast!!”

“Mr. Lulu, does Yangyang have super powers! Why can he run so fast!”

The little dumplings who were still in tears suddenly surrounded Yangyang and asked him why he could run so fast.

Yangyang blushed a little after being praised by the children, and he didn’t know why, as if suddenly his legs were full of strength.

Xingyun asked Yangyang some more questions, and decided that Yangyang should have the ability to speed.

Although this speed is incomparable to the speed abilities that the original owner has seen, but Yangyang is still young, Xingyun feels that there is still potential for growth.

Xingyun didn’t know the reasons for these powers, and she didn’t have the conditions to do research, but Xingyun already had a preliminary training method for Yangyang in her heart.

Let the little dumplings rest for a Xingyun tested their strength again. Although it is a little stronger than the children before the end of the world, there is no ability user like Yangyang.

Some people have more powerful supernatural powers than ordinary people at the beginning of the last days, and some people gradually awakened after the last days.

At present, there are two superhumans among the ten children, and Xingyun is still very happy, which means that the children can protect themselves.

However, they were too young to make good use of their abilities, and Xingyun had to teach them well.

After tossing around all morning, the children were already hungry. Xingyun originally wanted to teach them boxing, but seeing how they looked now, she decided to wait until the afternoon.

After breakfast, Xingyun moved the tables and chairs out of the house and placed them on the concrete floor, then took out the small blackboard and chalk that had come from the mall at that time from the space, and began to teach the little dumplings a lesson.

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