Fast Wear: on the Correct Posture of Counterattack

Chapter 226

Chapter 222: Doomsday Kindergarten Teacher 14

“I hit it!”

A plastic ball flew past Yangyang’s waist, leaving a little white mark on his clothes.

“It doesn’t count, it was wiped and missed!”

Yangyang is in a hurry. He will copy 10 more characters once he hits it. He doesn’t like copying characters the most!

There was a clear distinction in the empty room, with Yang Yang alone on one side, and nine small dumplings on the other.

There were many plastic **** the size of a baby’s fist scattered on the ground, smeared with white powder.

A smug smile appeared on Qiqi’s pretty face, who hit Yangyang, “Mr. Lulu said, as long as you leave a mark on your clothes, you will be hit! Brother Chenchen, am I right?”

Chenchen nodded, the teacher really said so.

Yangyang pouted and glared at Qiqi, thinking that he was hit four times today, and he had to copy 40 words, plus what he owed before…

God, when will this be copied?

This room was specially emptied by Xingyun to train Yangyang. Of course, it was training, but it was torture for Yangyang.

In the small space, Yang Yang had to avoid the countless plastic **** that were thrown at him. When he was hit, he copied 10 words at a time, and the friends who threw the **** at him hit him and rewarded him with a candy!

No matter how fast Yang Yang is, he can’t move in such a small space, and with 9 people throwing it together, no matter how careful he is, he can easily be smashed.

In particular, some **** rebounded after hitting the wall, and happened to hit Yangyang’s back. It was simply impossible to guard against!

On the first day, Yang Yang was covered in white marks and was hit dozens of times!

However, after a few days, the number of times Yangyang was smashed became less and less, and it took so long today to be smashed four times.

However, he hasn’t finished copying the words he has to copy for so many days!

Seeing Yangyang’s sullen look, Qiqi said, “Okay, okay, don’t be angry, I’ll give you the candy I saved, okay?”

Yang Yang rolled her eyes at her and thought, is this a sugar problem?

I really don’t want to make him angry, so help him copy the words!

It’s a pity that Teacher Lulu is too strict, cheating will be discovered.

Chenchen looked at the electronic watch the teacher gave him, “Okay, it’s time, let’s go down.”

A group of small dumplings went downstairs and found that their teacher was squatting on the concrete floor and fiddling with flowers and plants.

Xingyun flipped through the herbs in her hands, thinking about their uses.

These herbs were all dug up by Xingyun in the mountains in the past few days.

When she entered the mountain, Xingyun could clearly feel the changes in those plants, and her vitality was very strong. Even when she came into contact with them, she could feel the information and emotions they conveyed, even more than she felt in her own world. strong.

Xingyun didn’t know if it was because of this plane or if there was something wrong with her soul, but she had no one to ask. After all, she was hiding this from Qizai.

These found plants can be used as medicine more or less, but their shape is different from the herbs that Xingyun knew before.

At this time, Xingyun couldn’t help but think of the various instruments for medical research. If there were those things, the results should soon be available.

However, she also discovered some new herbs without those things in the previous world, just take more time.

Hearing the footsteps behind her, Xingyun put aside the flowers and plants in her hand, and began to ask Chenchen about the training.

Seeing Yangyang sulking while the other children gloated, Xingyun raised her eyebrows slightly.

“From tomorrow onwards, you have to train like Yangyang.”


The little dumplings were shocked and stared at Xingyun dumbfounded, while Yangyang immediately raised his hands in agreement: “I think this is very good!”

Why should he be smashed every day!

Just let them experience it!

The training methods of others and Yangyang are different. They can be on the concrete ground, but they are still divided into two groups.

The losers copy the characters, and the winners eat candy.

Although it looks easier than his own training method, Yangyang is very satisfied.

Well, let them experience their pain tomorrow!

A few boys were eager to try, and the rest were grimacing.

But they all knew during this time that the things that Mr. Lulu decided could not be changed.

During this period of time, the child’s life was very fulfilling. Every day, he was either studying in class or practicing martial arts. He ate more and more and his body became better and better.

In the evening, Xingyun will incorporate all kinds of knowledge and reasoning into the stories she makes up, so that they can understand as much as possible.

Occasionally, a few zombies wandered to them, Xingyun did not let the children hide in the house, but let them stand at a distance and watch her cut the zombies.

In the hearts of the little dumplings, their teacher Lulu is simply the most powerful and best person in the world!

Of course, it would be better if you were gentler when training.

When Xingyun taught these children, she also discovered some of the children’s special talents and good character.

The youngest girl, Mengmeng, is very suitable for studying medicine. Xingyun likes to follow her when she is studying herbal medicine. She is patient and curious. Xingyun has planned to cultivate it from now on.

The mischievous Shito is indeed the child Xingyun believes is the most suitable for learning martial arts.

Although Qiqi is squeamish and loves to cry, she is very resilient and a perfectionist, often crying while completing the tasks assigned by Xingyun perfectly.

Chenchen doesn’t seem to be as outstanding as his younger brothers and sisters in learning and martial arts, but he is very calm, careful and observant, has a sense of responsibility, and is a competent brother.

Tangtang is a carefree girl, and she is the second child who is more suitable for learning martial arts.

Ning Ning is a smart little dumpling, but he is a cut black. Xingyun thinks that he should be called sesame dumplings. Several children are often cheated by him, especially the one-strand stone. He has been cheated the most without knowing it.

Xuan Xuan is a little fat man who loves to eat. He looks dumb, but his mind is lively, and he often joins forces with Ning Ning to trick people.

Xingyun stared at Ningning and Xuanxuan more tightly, worried that they would grow crooked.

Innocent petty play is okay, and sometimes it is a special feeling, but principled mistakes are not allowed. UU reading www.

The last taciturn Rui Rui was the third power user among them.

Xingyun guessed that if it is correct, it should be the development of the brain. He is not the same as Ning Ning’s intelligence. It is a pure IQ improvement.

Xingyun is very fortunate that the books in her space are not just for children, there are also many professional books, otherwise she would have to compile textbooks to teach Rui Rui.

Although she has a lot of knowledge in her head, it is totally fine to teach him, but she can’t distinguish that much energy.

It’s easier to have books, and he can teach himself most of the time.

In just one month, Xingyun felt more tired than the previous tasks combined. She made and implemented a life plan suitable for the 10 children. She felt that her head was going bald.

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