Fast Wear: on the Correct Posture of Counterattack

Chapter 230

Chapter 226: Doomsday Kindergarten Teacher Eighteen

Han Hua and the others waited for Xingyun at the door for a while. Although they were a little confused about the mutant dog’s reaction, they didn’t think too much about it.

Li Sha invited Xingyun to take the children to their place to stay for a while, and then she could take Xingyun to the base to have a look.

Originally, she thought that Xingyun would refuse, but she did not expect the other party to agree.

The Rong’an base is divided into the inner city and the outer city. The Xuyang team lives in a community close to the outer city and rents a three-story villa. More than 40 people are crowded into this villa.

The villa is a duplex villa, and the other house is also a mercenary team, with a relatively small number of people.

Originally, Xingyun planned to take the children around the base, but Xingyun didn’t plan to take them with them when they left the door.

If there is any animal on the road that has to hit Duoduo, it will be a big problem, and they may not be able to get out of the base by then!

The pirates and Xiaocai were brought in by hiding in the car before. They didn’t check the car carefully and didn’t find them.

Li Sha had seen Duoduo holding a three-flowered cat in her hand before, but she didn’t care. After careful observation this time, she found that it seemed to be a mutant cat.

Noticing Li Sha’s eyes, Xingyun explained, “I raised it before.”

Some pets still recognize their owners after they mutate. People with such pets are basically lucky.

Li Sha had no doubts, she took Xingyun to the exchange.

There are trading centers in the inner city and the outer city. Naturally, the inner city is better, but not everyone can enter. Those who do not live in the inner city have to pay a sum of materials to enter. However, people also enter every day, just to The trading center there exchanged for something satisfactory.

The trading center in the outer city is very large. The base is responsible for housing, mainly renting and exchanging materials. In addition, there is a large piece of open space, which is the free trading area.

As long as you pay a certain rent, you can rent a small stall to set up a stall.

“Actually, there is another exchange.” Li Sha explained to Xingyun: “But that one is not protected by the base, so it can be regarded as a black market. It is managed by several large mercenary groups and does not require rent. But it is not every day. All are open, once a few days, and once tomorrow, I will show you when the time comes.”

Xingyun and the others went to the rental house first. In fact, if you don’t have anything, you can sleep in a corner on the street, but it’s very dangerous because you can be robbed or even lose your life.

The base has too many things to manage, many details are ignored, and there are not enough people to patrol the city, and more importantly…

“The base is a bit chaotic now, there are two parties fighting for power, and the management is not as good as before.”

Li Sha approached Xingyun and said softly, she had wanted to tell Xingyun yesterday, but she was afraid that Xingyun thought she deliberately did not let them in.

Thinking about the base, although it’s a bit messy, it’s not a big problem. It’ll be fine when the struggle above is over. Anyway, what they’re asking for is just a place to live.

“Actually, I heard that the big mercenary groups also have some ideas, but the army has weapons in their hands, and everyone’s abilities are not as strong as in the movie, so they are still honest.”

Xingyun listened to Li Sha talking about some secret news about the base, thinking that she can’t stay for too long.

There are not many rental properties, and they are all relatively expensive.

Xingyun didn’t want to live in a place that was too chaotic. She saw that Li Sha and the others lived in Xiaoquan, and she rented it directly.

“You only rent for three days?”

Seeing Xingyun take out some supplies from her backpack and hand them over, Li Sha was a little surprised.

Compared with the daily rent and the monthly rent, the monthly rent is naturally worth it, but Xingyun only rented for three days.

Does she plan to go to which mercenary group? So rent for three days first?

Or is it that you don’t have enough supplies, you can only rent it for three days, and then go out to find supplies?

“Well, I’ll rent it first and see.”

Li Sha didn’t expect that Xingyun was planning to leave. After all, everyone who entered the base was for a shelter from the wind and rain, and it was too dangerous to be outside.

Moreover, people are social animals, and naturally like to hold groups, so that they can feel safe.

After renting the house, someone will take Xingyun to the house with the key, because she wants to buy other things, so Xingyun wants the other party to wait.

As a result, the man was very temperamental and only said that he didn’t have so much leisure time to wait for her.

In the end, it was Li Sha who smoothed things out, saying that she also lived in this community, and she knew where the place was.

The man gave them a sidelong glance, then threw the key to them and let them go by themselves, and said that if the key was lost, the materials deposited here would not be returned.

When the two of them left the rental house, Li Sha explained: “The people working here are all behind the scenes, otherwise they wouldn’t have such a leisurely job, so they’re all over the top, but there’s nothing you can do, just bear with it. .”

Xingyun doesn’t mind. There is no government control now. This base is naturally what the base chief says. Of course, these people with background can walk sideways. Anyway, she doesn’t plan to stay here for too long.

On the outside wall, Xingyun also saw the recruitment advertisement posted by the base, which basically required professionals, such as those with medical knowledge, those who could repair various equipment, and even researchers in physics and agriculture.

Seeing Xingyun staring at the big piece of paper, Li Sha couldn’t help but sigh: “Hey, no matter when, professionals are popular everywhere. I still wanted to be a doctor when I was a child, but unfortunately my academic performance was too poor. Otherwise, I can still go to the hospital at the base. I heard that these people are doing well, they don’t have to go out to find supplies or kill zombies. The food is good, and they rely on their brains to eat.”

If Xingyun is willing, there are several places where you can go to this recruiting place, but if you want to come, you know that it will not be easy to get out once you go in, so you should just take a look.

Li Sha first took Xingyun to the exchange at the base, but Xingyun found that most of the exchanges were food and daily necessities, and there was nothing she wanted.

And Xingyun also noticed that the exchange rate of some home appliances and electronic products is relatively high, they should be collected for research use.

The materials are so scarce that they can only be split from the original ones.

The two went to the free trade area for a walk, but they were not satisfied. Xingyun could only ask Li Sha, “Where can I get weapons such as guns or long knives?”

“These things are scarce for everyone, and few people are willing to exchange them, but it is not impossible, it depends on luck.”

Okay, looks like I’ll have to go out and find it myself.

Originally, Xingyun thought that she would be fine as long as she was paying attention to Duoduo’s situation in the base, and she couldn’t find anything else on her head, but maybe Rong’an Base had a conflict with her, so she came back and saw one from a distance. The woman was crying while hugging Qiqi, and there was a large group of people around.

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