Fast Wear: on the Correct Posture of Counterattack

Chapter 238

Chapter 234: Doomsday Kindergarten Teacher Twenty-Six

[Ah, ah, Xingyun, why did you stuff the corpse in the space! 】

[I put the freezer first and then put the space. 】

Xingyun didn’t want to either, but the space couldn’t hold living things, so she wanted to make it look like she was missing. She knew she would be a little uncomfortable in the space.

Qi Zai hesitated for a moment, then asked again: [Well, didn’t he kill anyone, why did you…]

Qizai knows that its host is a principled person, and definitely not killing innocent people. That man’s crime will not kill him…

[Sometimes not killing is more terrifying than killing. 】

Xingyun still remembered that she once followed her adoptive father to rescue a group of young girls, who were kept in delicate cages like pets.

They don’t have their own thoughts, they rely on the person who keeps them locked up, they don’t think there is anything wrong with this kind of life, and they even reject their help.

The man also yelled at his adoptive father, saying that the girls were all willing, and there was nothing he could do if they couldn’t leave him.

But the man behind him was miserable, and he might regret living.

But those girls who have been brainwashed and controlled have spent a long, long time unable to get out and unable to adapt to normal life.

So seeing those young and ignorant little girls being brainwashed like that, how could Xingyun let them go.

“Mr. Lulu?”

At this moment, Qiqi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, finally woke up. She saw Xingyun and blinked blankly.

“Teacher, where are we going? Where is my mother?”

She remembered that she was sleepy after drinking the water fed by her mother. When she woke up, she didn’t see her mother, but she saw Teacher Lulu.

Without waiting for Xingyun to answer, she pulled Xingyun’s clothes again and said in horror, “Teacher, mom, mom said that she would give me to someone else as a daughter, why? Why doesn’t mom want Qiqi anymore?”

Looking at Qiqi’s big panic-stricken eyes, Xingyun reached out and touched Qiqi’s face soothingly, “Qiqi, your mother didn’t want you, she felt that she couldn’t give you a good life, so she wanted you Live with others. But your mother thought about it and thought it would be better to leave you to the teacher. So she asked the teacher to pick you up, and you will live with the teacher or Chenchen in the future.”


“Of course it’s true, otherwise why did the teacher come back?”

“Then…then why doesn’t mom come with us?”

“Because my mother wants her own life too.”

Qiqi felt that something was wrong, but she felt that there was nothing wrong. It wasn’t that her mother didn’t want her anymore. Her mother still loved her, but she just thought it was better for her to follow the teacher.

Mom said she wanted her own life, is that the uncle?

Kiki doesn’t like him, but it’s good that her mother likes him, she also wants her mother to be happy…

After many years, Kiki finally understood what her mother’s actions at the time meant.

But at that time, Kiki’s impression of her mother was already very vague. Most of her memories were of the time she spent with her teachers and friends.

There was no anger in her heart. Although she was a little sad, she was relieved quickly.

Because in her growth, she did not lack love at all, and the roles of parents and mothers were also filled, and there were small partners who got along day and night. She grew up with care and care, and she was happy.

But at this time, Qiqi was still very sad, but she didn’t feel sad for too long. After seeing her friends, she was soon taken to play in the forest.

When night fell, Xingyun raised a bonfire, and the little dumplings who had spent the night in the woods for the first time were very excited.

There was barbecue on the fire. The meat was two wild rabbits caught by the pirates. Xingyun skewered the meat on the cut branches and kept turning it on the fire.

The barbecue made a sizzling sound, and Xingyun brushed a layer of honey on the surface of the barbecue, and the aroma penetrated the bottom of the nose, attracting the drooling of the onlookers.

On the other fire was a clay pot, which contained the edible fungi collected by the small dumplings in the woods in the afternoon.

The little dumplings feasted one by one, and their belly swelled up.

Xuanxuan patted his chubby belly, saying that this place is much better than the base, there is food and fun, and he can lie on the grass and watch the stars.

It’s no problem staying here all the time!

Of course, it is impossible to stay here all the time. Early the next morning, Xingyun and the group set off again, and the destination is a certain nature reserve more than 300 kilometers away from here.

The orange school bus was driving on the highway. Xingyun glanced at the huge figure in the rearview mirror, feeling a little helpless.

The mutant giant bear had to follow them. Thinking of their destination, Xingyun acquiesced.

However, the troublesome thing was that the car was bumping upside down. Xingyun was really afraid that the road would be crushed by the other party.

Occasionally encounter other vehicles on the road, and basically avoid them from a distance.

After all, they look like the poor little ones being chased by giant bears!

In the afternoon, Xingyun noticed that there were more and more vehicles on the road, and many of them were in groups.

After finally stopping a car and asking about the situation, I realized that they escaped from another small base.

There are only a few thousand people in the small base. A group of survivors gathered together to report to the group to keep warm. Seeing that everything is on the right track, who would have thought that they would encounter a group of zombies!

Thousands of zombies attacked the base. Unlike the Rongan base, the small base where the army was stationed was quickly destroyed, and the remaining people just fled.

Hearing that there was a group of zombies ahead, Xingyun naturally didn’t want to face it, she was going to change lanes at the fork in front of her.

The vehicle continued to drive, and Xingyun noticed that a car in front of him rolled down the slope, and the whole car turned over.

Originally, Xingyun didn’t care, and after driving a short distance, she realized that the mutant bear behind did not keep up, but went down the slope, leaned around the car, and wanted to turn the car over.

The abnormal behavior of the giant bear made Xingyun have to turn the car around and get off the road where the car turned This is a small white car with two people sitting in it, the driver’s seat The young man on board was completely breathless, and the woman in the co-pilot was held in the man’s arms, with a weak pulse.

The car was upside down, Xingyun couldn’t get the person out. She instructed the giant bear to carefully turn the car over, then let it tear the door and the roof of the car, and leaned in to check the woman’s injuries, but was suddenly grabbed by the other party. wrist.

With blood dripping from the woman’s head, she looked at Xingyun with her eyes half-open, her lips twitching as if she was saying something.

Xingyun put her ear close to the woman’s lips and heard her inaudible voice: “Save…Save my child…”

Xingyun felt that her hand was placed in a raised place, and when she looked down, the woman had a big belly…


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