Fast Wear: on the Correct Posture of Counterattack

Chapter 294

Chapter 258: Princess And Dragon

Morada City is the largest city in the Nolan Empire other than the royal city, and it is also a very important economic city for the empire.

It’s getting dark at this time, but for some special places, the activity has just begun.

The indoor arena in the west of the city was brightly lit, and from the outside, deafening shouts or cheers could be heard from the arena, mixed with the curses of those who had lost their bets.

The indoor arena is like an inverted cone with its pointed ends cut off. The high platforms, large and small, are full of nobles who are having fun at this time. One of the high platforms is also separated by special materials and transparent glass. From the inside You can see the outside, but you can’t see what’s inside.

This is a special private room, sitting in it are the rich and powerful nobles.

Xingyun and his party have been sitting in a private room for a long time, but so far they have not seen the person they are looking for.

When they arrived in Morada, they rented a small building and started collecting alarms.

Holly Buddy and the others were already familiar with this kind of thing, and soon, they found out that there are many other races in the arena. Among them, there was a male orc whose description was somewhat similar to Holly and their father.

Holly Buddy is from the Fire Lion clan, and the face and limbs have flame-like lines, which are the characteristics of their clan.

The arena is heavily guarded, and the people behind it are very powerful. There are not only warriors and mages guarding the arena, but also a defensive magic circle.

Therefore, Dinah, disguised as a foreign noble girl, entered this indoor arena with the other three who were dressed as maids and guards.

At this time, a human warrior and a fifth-order demon beast were fighting in the arena. The battle was about to end, and the battle ended with the warrior cutting the belly of the beast with the sharp sword in his hand.

However, the Clan warrior was also seriously injured, and the staff of the arena lifted him down.

Those who won the bet started cheering and whistling, while those who lost were naturally cursing.

In addition to various slave gladiators in the arena, there are also people who take the initiative to challenge, but they have to sign a life and death contract. If you win, you will naturally have bonuses in addition to gaining reputation. If you lose, you will not be able to save your life.

From the beginning to the present, they have seen several shows, but none of them have seen Holly and their father.

“ladies and gentlemen!”

The host’s voice sounded, “Did you enjoy tonight’s performance?”


“Then the entertainment tonight ends here?” the host asked in a long voice.

“No-!!” people shouted.

“Yes, the one-eyed Bill who is about to play now is our unbeaten one-eyed Bill!!!”

Hearing the name, Holly and Baditeng stood up, walked to the glass, and stared at the iron doors that were about to open below.

One-Eyed Bill was exactly the person they were looking for this time. Although the name was wrong, it was the only clue they found.

One of the iron doors opened, and a tall figure came out.

As the man walked into the middle of the field, Holly’s eyes widened and tears flowed involuntarily.

Buddy next to him was already roaring, raising his hands like smashing glass and rushing out, but was pulled back suddenly.

The huge force made him take a few steps back, and when he turned his head, he saw Xingyun who was sitting behind him, staring coldly at him, not knowing what it was.

Buddy shrank his neck, and his beast-like intuition made him dare not speak at this time.

Xingyun walked to the glass, looked at the orc who was already fighting with a sixth-order monster, and asked, “Is that your father?”

Holly nodded, wiped her tears, and pressed against the glass to look more closely.

The orc had a sturdy stature, with red flame-like lines on his face and limbs.

There are several scars on his face, one of which runs through the entire left eye from his forehead, looking very hideous.

One person and one beast fought for a long time, and in the end, One-Eyed Bill successfully killed the beast, but he also paid a big price, and half of his body was stained red with blood.

After the victory, he did not end, but another iron door opened, and a male orc with black beast ears came out.

The atmosphere in the auditorium became more lively, the blood brought by the beasts was only an appetizer, and the gladiatorial fight between the beasts will always be a fixed track in the gladiatorial arena.

Here, the orcs are destined to kill each other in order to live longer, and fight to the death for the entertainment of the human race.

“Kill him! Kill him!!”

The people in the auditorium began to shout, and the atmosphere of the arena was pushed to its peak.

Holly clenched her hands tightly, bit her lower lip, breathing hard, staring unblinkingly at the battle below.

“how do you want to do it?”

Hearing Xingyun’s question, Holly took a deep breath, tried to calm the anger in her heart, and said in a hoarse voice, “Tonight is too rushed, I need to go back and make some preparations.”

Although Holly wanted to rush out to rescue her father, she held back.

Such a reckless rush out, not only impossible to rescue his father, but even to catch up with himself, which is not what Holly wants.

Even with Xingyun’s help, Holly wouldn’t put all her hopes on her.

Xingyun nodded, she was a calm and thoughtful girl.

Even though One-Eyed Bill was seriously injured in the last battle, he still won the battle this time, but it was a miserable victory.

His opponent was not much better than him, lying on the ground covered in blood.

The audience shouted “Kill him,” but Bill didn’t do that, placing his weapon on the weapon rack.

The audience was booed but for the best of the arena chiefs.

Although the audience hopes that blood likes death, but thinking from the perspective of the boss of the arena, he can’t let every battle end in death, and the orc gladiator can’t stand so much consumption.

One-eyed Bill does not deliberately mutilate his opponents like some orc gladiators. Fortunately, he will increase his survival rate in the future. Even if the orc gladiators who fight with Bill fail, they can basically rely on their powerful self-healing power to survive. , can also appear in the next battle.

In the last performance, a dwarf actually appeared. The dwarf smashed a beast four or five times taller than him with a sledgehammer that was taller than himself.

After all the performances, Dinah found the person in charge of the arena and tentatively asked herself if she could spend the money to buy the one-eyed orc just now.

But the person in charge politely refused. This was not the first nobleman who proposed to buy it, but none of them succeeded.

The person in charge even told Dinah enthusiastically that if she wanted to buy orcs, there would be an underground auction in the city three days later. I heard that there will be many aliens in this auction, so she can go and have a look.

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