Fatal Attraction

Alternative Ending

So many of you might be aware that I rewrote chapter 36. In the initial write, Jason came off as far more selfish and cowardly. He was far more focused on removing the curse and didn't really care what happened to anyone else. In that version of the story, Remi's punishment was not alleviated and so her feelings for Jason were never rediscovered. This is the ending to the story if Jason had followed that version of events. Jason never discovered the hidden hand that had been moving pieces behind the scenes. In this version, once the curse was gone that was the end of things for Jason. He didn't see any of the signs that Ashlyn was the real culprit. He didn't want to see the signs.

With that explanation out of the way, here's the alternative ending to Fatal Attraction. This takes place around the same time as chapter 43.

Jason stepped through his front door and shut it quietly behind him. The temperature outside had dropped rapidly as soon as the sun was over the horizon. Jason wouldn’t have paid this little detail much mind before, but due to the sad state of his home it meant that much of that cold had easy access through the various holes and boarded up windows that still needed repairing. To make matters worse, Jason suspected the heating wasn’t working properly. It didn’t make any sense. Jason had called numerous contractors but all of them claimed to be too busy to come out and fix his home. The only Jason had been able to get back into place was the front door.

Is this still my home? Jason looked at the cold dark living room around him with tired eyes.

His aunt had left him everything she owned in her will. Since Jason had recently turned eighteen it meant that this house was his now, but ownership didn’t translate to the warmth and protection that a home is supposed to offer. Shannon was gone. That motherly presence could never be replaced. That kind of emptiness would normally drive Jason to spend all of his time away from this house, but now that he thought about it Jason realized that there wasn’t really anywhere else he could go.

Hayden and his entire family had died in an explosive car accident. Kylee and Kirsten both died from blood loss due to their injuries. Jessica had been on the road to recovery in the hospital only to have sudden complications bring Jason’s hope crashing back down to earth. In fact, the only person he really could call a friend that was still alive was Courtney, but she was probably going to be in prison for the rest of her life. As much as Jason wanted to visit her just to have someone to talk to he still couldn’t bring himself to do so. He had pulled her out of that flaming car wreck, sure, but every time Jason thought about seeing her again his mind was immediately brought back to that cold concrete basement Courtney had locked him up in.

She’s probably better off without me anyway. Jason sat heavily down on the stairs up to the second floor.

Jason looked around at the broken furniture. What’s even left for me here? What am I going to do?

He had been so focused on ridding himself of his curse that he hadn’t realized how much had been stripped away from him. A dangerous spiral of self pity and dismay crept into Jason’s mind. He desperately tried to come up with reasons to push himself onward, but in that cold dark house he couldn’t come up with any. A soft knock broke through Jason’s mental clouds and brought him back to the unlocked front door. Jason’s mouth fell open when the door swung out to reveal his visitor.

Ashlyn Connel.

She brushed her shoulder length blonde hair out of her eyes and gave Jason a small smile when they made eye contact.

“Sorry to intrude.” Her crystal like light blue eyes gazed at Jason with a deep sense of concern. “I’m Ashlyn… Um, from high school. I don’t think we’ve ever actually talked to each other before.”

“Y-yeah.” Jason felt the distant feelings he once held for this cute bashful girl stir deep inside him.

“I saw you at the Lindon family’s funeral and wanted to check in on you. I haven’t seen you at school in a while.” Ashlyn explained.

“Oh.” Jason gulped as he thought back on the service he had been to earlier that day.

Even though Hayden had been a relatively new transfer student to their high school, most of the student body had shown up to his family’s service today. Jason had been there as well, but he didn’t really pay the other students any attention.

“I know you two were really close.” Ashlyn wiped a small tear from the corner of her left eye. “I’m very sorry for the loss of your friend.”

Jason’s mouth felt painfully dry. A simple nod was all he could manage. He felt close to tearing up as well.

“It’s not much, but I brought you something to eat.” Ashlyn brought her hands up and showed Jason a few pieces of tupperware filled with pasta, salad, and sauce.

“You didn’t have to-” Jason froze as his ungloved hand touched Ashlyn’s own.

Instinctually, Jason jerked the hand away from the tupperware.

“Everything okay?” Ashlyn tilted her head slightly and frowned.

“Uh… Yeah.” Jason awkwardly reached forward and took the offered food.

That’s right. Jason recovered from the shock mentally. The curse is gone. That’s going to take some getting used to.

“I’d invite you inside,” Jason coughed, “But uh… the place isn’t really fit for visitors.”

Ashlyn’s eyebrows rose in concern. “So is what the news said about your house being invaded true?”

Jason moved out of the way and gestured inside. “Yeah. Unfortunately it is.”

Ashlyn stepped inside and gasped at the numerous bullet holes and broken windows.

“I cleaned up the blood as best I could.” Jason said quietly. “But I really could use some professional help to get everything back to the way it was.”

“Jason you’re…” Ashlyn turned back to him with a shocked expression. “You’re not actually living here are you?”

“I…” Jason couldn’t meet her eyes. “I don’t really have anywhere else to go.”

Ashlyn remained silent for a few minutes as she walked slowly through the house. Jason remained in place by the door still holding the meal Ashlyn had cooked for him.

“Jason.” Ashlyn said finally while biting her lower lip nervously. “I know we don’t really know each other that well, but I want you to come stay at my house until this place is repaired.”

“I couldn’t do that.” Jason felt his heart pick up its pace at the suggestion.

“Jason I can’t pretend to know everything you’ve been through.” Ashlyn took a deep breath before continuing. “But I want to tell you what I’ve been through and maybe we can relate. Even if it’s only a little.”

Her eyes grew a bit watery and she cleared her throat before she resumed speaking.

“My parents passed away when I was fairly young. My father had a close friend who took me in and filled in that parental role as best as he knew how. He wasn’t perfect, but he was everything I had. His name was Marcus.” Ashlyn sniffed and her eyes fell down to her feet. “Last week, a heart attack took him away from me. Now it’s just me in that big empty house and every day feels so empty and lonely.”

“I know we’re practically strangers,” She looked up at Jason with big pleading eyes, “but if you feel any way like I have over the past week then maybe we could both benefit from you staying over. It would be nice to know I wouldn’t be alone anymore, you know?”

Jason’s heart missed a few pumps.

She understands. Jason thought with awe.

“You… sure you wouldn’t mind?” Jason asked slowly.

Ashlyn’s fearful face turned joyful.

“I really wouldn’t.” She shook her head with a smile. “I could also help catch you up with all of the school work you’ve missed. I may not look it, but I’m actually a pretty good student.”

“I always knew you were smart.” Jason said aloud before he could stop himself.

“You did?” Ashlyn blushed. “Oh. Thanks.”

Jason felt his face begin burning. “Let me go grab some stuff to take with me.”

Eager to leave his embarrassing statement behind, Jason darted up the stairs to his room. Realizing he had brought the food with him, Jason set it on his computer chair and began to pack up a few basic items to take with him.

His life was in shambles, Jason knew that, but an unexpected opportunity had landed on his doorstep and he wasn’t about to let it get away. Jason needed to move forward past the pain and loss that currently surrounded him. Even if he and Ashlyn ended up just being friends, Jason needed someone to catch him from falling back into that deep and dark depression that threatened to overtake his mind. Jason thought back to his hand touching Ashlyn’s a few minutes ago. It was so liberating for Jason to realize that he didn’t have to worry about that simple contact interfering with his relationship with Ashlyn. All of her actions were her own. She wanted to offer him a place to stay. She did that because she’s a good person, not because some supernatural force was driving her to do so.

This is what I need. Jason thought happily as he finished packing up a bag.

He had been so lost earlier, but now with Ashlyn in the picture, maybe he could finally find real happiness in life. Jason mentally told himself that he would be fine if the pair ended up just being friends. He wouldn’t push her in that way at all. There was no way he would risk potentially the only friendship he had left in the world.

But, you know, if she’s okay with the idea… Jason felt his heartbeat quicken again.


Ashlyn watched Jason come down the stairs with a bag over his shoulders and the tupperware dinner still in his hands.

“Do you mind if I just eat this at your place?” Jason asked sheepishly.

Ashlyn shook her head.

“I don’t mind at all. Ready to go?” She asked.

Jason nodded and stepped over to the door. Ashlyn followed behind Jason and continued to force herself to remain calm. She could feel it. The final piece on the metaphorical chess board was falling into place. This wasn’t a checkmate, this was complete and total dominance. Ashlyn had wiped the board of pawns and pieces until only she remained.

The queen finally claims her king. Ashlyn allowed the thought to bring a smile to her face.

She was sure to drop it just as Jason turned back to face her.

“I’ll lock up.” Jason said as he fished his keys out of his pocket.

“Okay.” Ashlyn responded happily and stepped out into the crisp night air.

She filled her lungs deeply and enjoyed the sensation of letting it all back out into the night’s sky.

“All right.” Jason turned around and smiled at Ashlyn. “Lead the way.”

He was hers. The thought sent invisible shivers down Ashlyn’s spine. She could see it in his eyes. He was a wounded puppy who was eager to snuggle next to the only source of warmth around him and, if Ashlyn played her cards right, would never leave her side.

Finally. Ashlyn thought smugly as the pair began to walk towards the nearest taxi stand.

It had been a long and painful road for Ashlyn, but her bets had all paid off. Jason would never know of Ashlyn’s involvement in the death of everyone he knew and loved. He would only know the pure and complete love that they shared with each other.

Forever and ever Jason. It’s always been for you.

(Ashlyn Connel character inspirational artwork)

The End


There will be one more post after this one. The last one will be a small farewell and a sneak peak at my next projects. If that interests you please feel free to stop back either tomorrow or the day after to see that. If not. Thank you for reading all the same.

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