Fatal Attraction

Chapter 15

So sorry for the delay. Life hits like a truck sometimes, but unfortunately this kind of truck doesn't send you to another world. Hopping to fall back into my familiar release schedule of every other day. As always, thanks for reading.

“She really wasn’t kidding.” Jason rubbed his hand over his chin as he looked over the impressive array of files laid out on his desktop.

There was research here on devils, demons, satanic figures, dark artifacts, occults, and creatures of the night. Jason sifted through the files and quickly realized there was a central theme he initially missed. All of this research was focused on mortals bartering or making deals for their own benefit. Jason read through countless stories of figures throughout history striking up an agreement with dark powers, oftentimes for only temporary benefit. A common thread throughout were deals being exactly what the mortal asked for at first, only for a dark twist to make their lives unbearable.

Though he had never been a believer in anything supernatural, Jason was quick to accept that this type of explanation made the most sense. The draw he had on the girls he came in contact with always felt paranormal. Jason felt thrilled that he finally had a lead on his condition, but that elation rapidly deteriorated as questions began forming in his mind.

There’s so much here… How do I know which is responsible for my ability? Jason bit his thumb and frowned.

This wasn’t a book he could check for folded corners to isolate pages of interest. The files didn’t even have a date setting to know when it was last modified. All Jason could do is sift through all of the options and narrow things down depending on how well the description matches up with Jason’s circumstances. As he mulled over the logistics, an even bigger question weighed itself down on his mind.

Why would my father do this to me?

Jason had no memories of his father and only a few fragments of his mother. Anytime Shannon even mentioned Jason’s father, it was always positive. Jason didn’t think Shannon would lie to him, it was possible she was honestly unaware of his father’s dark interests.

Did he try to make a deal for himself and used me as collateral? Am I living out his punishment?

Jason’s thoughts continued to swirl as the vast weight of the unknown pressed him down into his computer chair. A soft knock on his bedroom door broke through the storm clouds that dominated his mental state. Jason sat up straight and stretched. It wouldn’t do him much good to jump to conclusions. He would be far better off taking things one at a time and dealing with facts as they came around.

“Yes Kylee?” Jason swiveled to his bedroom door as the red haired detective gingerly opened it with an apologetic expression.

“You doing okay?” Kylee asked from the doorway with her hand still on the handle.

Jason nodded. After a thought, Jason glanced over his shoulder with a hint of worry. Fortunately, all that was on the screen was a simple text file. Jason turned back to Kylee with a pained smile.

“I’m just looking over some homework. Trying to stay busy.”

Kylee frowned and stepped towards him with her arms out wide. Jason didn’t mean to, but his growing apprehension at Kylee’s true reasoning for staying at his home caused Jason to pull back slightly. The detective didn’t appear to notice as she wrapped Jason’s head in a tight embrace. Jason was afraid to shift his head in any direction as he wasn’t sure if Kylee was fully aware of Jason’s head being directly chest level. Deciding it would be best to be the one drawing boundary lines, Jason attempted to push himself away from Kylee’s incredibly soft and comfortable chest.

I didn’t mean to think of it like that… Jason felt his face burn as he realized that his mental image of the detective was slowly changing to that of a girl and not an authority figure.

In direct opposition to his boundary drawing, Kylee pulled Jason in even closer and he felt her rest her head atop of his own. Jason felt a small shudder run through Kylee’s body and he thought he felt her take a deep breath into his hair. Kylee sighed and pulled away. Jason wasn’t sure what kind of expression he was making, but he did know he was frozen from the unexpected embrace.

“I have to go into the station.” Kylee announced sadly. “I’m hoping to be back before dinner.”

“Oh.” Jason blinked and tried not to let his relief show. “Okay, right.”

Kylee placed her hands on each side of Jason’s face and looked deeply into his eyes.

“Call me.” She whispered earnestly. “For anything.”

Jason’s tongue felt twisted in his mouth. Maybe it was the close proximity of living together for the past day or the fact that Kylee had more direct physical contact compared to the other girls at school, but she seemed to be growing bolder the longer time wore on.

Kylee pulled Jason’s head in for one more hug before excusing herself from the room. Jason listened to the front door opening, but frowned when he didn’t hear it close. A set of footsteps thumped up the stairs. Jason thought it had to be Kylee but he unconsciously stood up and faced his bedroom door until he was sure. Kylee poked her head back into the bedroom and Jason felt himself relax slightly.

“Did you forget something?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Kylee nodded and bit her lower lip anxiously.

“I don’t want you to leave… the house.” She said slowly. “Just for your safety…”

Jason felt a slight chill run across his arms at her serious tone. The safety part felt tacked on and not the real reason for Kylee’s request. It didn’t make Jason comfortable, but then again, he hadn’t planned on leaving the house anyway.

Jason forced a smile onto his face. “Don’t worry. I planned on being here for the rest of the day.”

Kylee smiled and excused herself once more. Jason heard the front door close this time and walked to his window to watch the red haired detective pull away in her black SUV. Not wanting to dwell on the growing issue of living around Kylee, Jason turned back to his father’s research and buried himself in it.

A few hours, and a lot of frustration, later, Jason found an entry that piqued his interest. It was under the title of “Hellish Representatives” and detailed a summoning process to bring forth a demon with the intention of making a bargain with it. Most of the other entries dealt with long journeys to distant lands, this was the first and only Jason found where the summoning could be wherever. There were also much fewer ingredients than many of the other entries. In fact, Jason realized he had everything he needed at home to perform this ritual.

I’m not honestly considering this am I? Jason laughed at himself as he realized that he had already made up his mind.

Jason checked the time and found that school had just been released. Hoping to either get talked out of the idea or have another person present for it, Jason dialed Hayden’s number and let it ring. Hayden didn’t pick up, so Jason sent him a text asking him to call as soon as he could. Jason stared at his phone as he thought through his options.

It was crazy to consider summoning a demon. None of the stories he read in the research ever had a happy ending. Deals made with such a creature would not lead to long term happiness. The only reason Jason was even considering it was the fact that he was only after information. He didn’t need wealth or power, and heaven knows he didn’t need any more attention from women. But if Jason could get any hints or clues as to where his father had turned to originally to curse him in this way, that would go a long way to solving this problem for the rest of his life. Who knows, maybe this is the exact type of being that Jason’s father had turned to all those years ago. Though he still wanted to hear back from Hayden, Jason began to assemble the requisite materials he’d need to perform the summoning.

White chalk from the underused outdoor storage box, scented candles from his aunt’s bathroom, and a knife from the kitchen. Jason sent the exact page he would need to his phone so he could use it for reference as he drew the large demonic symbol on his hard kitchen floor. Jason had to flip the kitchen table up against the far wall to fit all of the elaborate symbols and markings but eventually he recreated the image exactly as how he saw it on the research page. The candles were evenly spaced between specific points around the exterior of the chalk drawing. Jason made sure to close all of his blind’s tightly so no prying eye could see what was about to happen inside his home. When the final touches were finished, Jason paused and called Hayden one more time.

Much to his dismay, his best friend failed to pick up for the second time. Jason knew there were plenty of reasons his friend could be busy. Just because he didn’t pick up twice in one day didn’t mean anything bad happened to him. Jason had seen him earlier.

He’s fine… right? Jason almost called off the summoning but forced himself to keep going.

He needed answers. Hayden could wait for now. Jason opened his phone and read the final pieces of instructions. Taking the knife in one hand, Jason made a small cut on his other palm and let a few drops of blood fall into the center of the symbol. Jason wrapped a bit of gauze around his hand and took up a position just outside of the circle. After taking a steadying breath, Jason began to read off the incantation from his phone. Halfway through the latin based text, the floor began to shake. Jason’s eyes widened but he maintained the presence of mind to keep going. The shaking grew increasingly intense the further that Jason read. As Jason rattled off the final few words, he struggled to stay upright from the violent way the ground reverberated.

Once the last word left his lips, an explosion of darkness burst from the center of the circle, effectively blinding Jason from seeing anything. A soft and sultry feminine voice that Jason didn’t recognize began to laugh. Due to the darkness around him, Jason wasn’t able to pinpoint the exact direction the laughter was coming from. It seemed to bounce off of the invisible walls and cupboards around him all at once.

“Finally.” The female voice groaned with delight. “I haven’t been in the mortal realm in sooo long.”


Kylee looked back at Jason’s home as she drove away with a forlorn expression. The last thing she wanted to do was leave Jason alone right now, but if she didn’t go in to the station she would likely get fired. If that happened then Kylee would no longer be able to use her job an as excuse to get closer to Jason.

A short term problem. Kylee thought to herself. When Jason starts to realize the chemistry between us he’ll be powerless to stop his feelings for me.

These types of thoughts had been pressing themselves deep into Kylee’s mind ever since last night. Being in Jason’s home had been the final piece of the puzzle Kylee needed to realize that her future belonged with the young man she had just left behind. It was liberating in a way. Kylee had always feared she would never find someone worth settling down with. Now she was growing ever certain that she had found just that.

Kylee’s thoughts continued to buzz happily about Jason but her eyes didn’t miss a pair of shady individuals round the corner of Jason’s street. They were large, burly men. Wearing dark outfits and sun glasses that obscured their faces. Kylee had grown to trust her instincts and these two men screamed criminal to her. Careful not to draw their attention, Kylee turned around in the next intersection and parked along the street directly behind the men. Hand dropping to her holster, Kylee placed her vehicle in park but kept the engine running. The men continued down Jason’s street and glanced directly at his house as they passed by.

Kylee thought for sure the pair would stop. She couldn’t explain how she knew, but she absolutely knew these men were here for Jason. Much to her surprise, the pair simply looked over Jason’s house as they passed. Kylee’s heart slowed its thunderous pace in her chest as the men rounded the far corner and out of sight.

They’re checking on his house. Kylee thought. The way they only looked at his home confirms it. They were on patrol. The real question is, who sent them?

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