Fatal Attraction

Chapter 18

Jason woke up to slender arms around his torso. He rubbed his eyes and glanced down to see red skin. Lifting his head, Jason turned his shoulders and looked behind him to find Remi spooned up against him with her eyes closed. A pleasant smile was etched across her face. Perplexed at the situation, Jason gingerly lifted Remi’s arm from his torso and tried to wiggle free from her grasp. The demon’s multi-colored eyes snapped open. She glanced down and Jason watched her mouth drop open at the sight of her arms wrapped around him.

“W-w-what are you doing!” Remi pushed Jason hard enough for him to fall off the side of his bed.

Jason groaned as his head hit the floor.

“What do you mean ‘what am I doing?” Jason growled.

He leapt to his feet and pointed at the demon girl aggressively. “You’re the one spooning me.”

Remi gagged. “Uwaaaa! No! I did not! Gross!”

“What do you mean? You clearly did!” Jason shouted back.

There was a sharp knock on Jason’s door, causing both he and Remi to pause mid argument.

“Jason?” Kylee’s concerned voice called out from the hallway. “Are you alright? Who are you talking to?”

“I’m-” Jason’s response was interrupted by Kylee bursting through the door.

Her hand was down at her holster and her green eyes scanned the room immediately upon entering. 

“No one else here.” Jason said, knowing Remi would not be seen by Kylee. “I just fell out of bed and was venting my frustration.”

Jason noted the detective had deep bags under her eyes.

“Are you okay? He asked.

“What?” Kylee sounded disjointed. “Oh, yes. Fine. Just was up late. That’s all.”

“Right.” Jason felt uneasy at Kylee’s behavior.

Ever since she got back from work last night she hadn’t been acting the same. The only explanation Jason could come up with was a new development in either his aunt’s disappearance or on tracking down Adaline. Either way, the detective’s skittish actions had him on edge.

“Will… Will you be going to school today.” Kylee asked, turning to fiddle with the doorknob.

“I am.” Jason answered.

If Kylee had asked last night he would have given the same unsure response that he had texted to Hayden. In truth, Jason was still unsure if that was the best option right now. The main reason he was now committing was in hopes of eliciting a response from the red haired detective, and a response he did receive.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Kylee took a deep breath and turned to face Jason directly.

He could see her worried gaze harden.

“I think it's far too reckless to be going out at a time like this. You will stay here until I’m convinced that you will be safe from any and all dangers out there.” Kylee stated firmly.

Jason lifted an eyebrow. “I ‘will’ stay here? I don’t get a say in the matter?”

Kylee’s hands began to shake but she tucked them behind her back in order to hide them.

“That’s right. As the detective in charge of your safety, I am ordering you to stay home and not leave the house until further notice.”

“Why?” Jason asked, determined to get some answers. “What’s changed since yesterday?”

Kylee winced ever so slightly. “... Nothing.”

“Okay then.” Jason walked over to his backpack and picked it off the ground.

Kylee lurched forward. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Going to school.” Jason stated as he slung the pack over his shoulder. “If nothing has changed since yesterday then I plan on going back to school. I hate sitting around here with nothing but my thoughts. It’s aggravating. I need to be somewhere else doing something. Not just wasting away here sick with worry.”

Jason took a step towards the nervous detective. “Unless you give me a reason to reconsider, I’m going. The woman who raised me is missing. A friend who I once knew in middle school is out to kill me. If you know something about either one of them, please, tell me.”

Kylee couldn’t meet Jason’s gaze. A loud knock from downstairs broke the tense silence between them. Kylee jerked back in surprise, her hand once again dropping to her holster. The detective cleared her throat and left the room to answer the front door. Jason sighed but followed. He too was curious who could be at his house so early. The front door was just swinging open when Jason reached the bottom stair to the ground floor. A flash of silver hair forced its way past Kylee the moment Jason was in view. A tall, female figure hit Jason like a linebacker, nearly knocking him onto the floor.

“Jason!” Jessica practically sobbed his name out as she clung to him.

“Oh, hey Jess.” Jason nervously returned the violent hug. “Sorry for leaving yesterday.”

Jason glanced up and felt his heart skip a beat. Kylee had drawn her sidearm and had it in a low-ready position.

“Woah, woah, woah!” He frantically put up his hands. “It’s okay, she’s just a friend from school.”

Kylee relaxed slightly and lowered her gun. Jason noted that the detective neglected to put the weapon back into its holster, however, she kept it loosely in her right hand. The barrel was pointed at the floor but it’s remaining presence didn’t soothe Jason’s worries. Jessica turned her head and glared at Kylee. Jason felt the room’s temperature drop a few degrees.

“Who are you?” Jessica demanded.

“Detective Kylee Anderson.” Kylee responded shortly. “I’ve been assigned to track down and capture a fugitive who could pose a threat to Jason.”

“Oh?’ Jessica maintained a threatening aura. “And you decided the best way to track her down was from Jason’s living room? That doesn’t seem like standard procedure.”

Kylee’s jaw locked and her eyes narrowed.

“That’s an arrogant statement from a naive little girl such as yourself.” Kylee took a step forward. “What’s your name?”

“Hey!” Jason cut in front of the pair. “Jessica, this is Detective Anderson. She’s been nothing but helpful and understanding while they look for my aunt. Kylee this is Jessica. She’s an old friend who recently moved into the same high school that I attend.”

Both parties nodded at one another but Jason’s interjection did little to sate the hostility between them.

“Come on Jason.” Jessica snatched his hand and began to drag him towards the front door. “I’m here to walk with you to school. For safety.”

The silver haired fencer shot Kylee an accusatory glare. Jason paused beside the detective.

“Look.” Jason sighed. “If you have to go into work that will leave me here on my own. At least at school I’ll be surrounded by students and teachers. Jessica is here to walk with me for exactly that purpose.”

Kylee squared her shoulders and lifted a hand to Jason. At first, it looked like Kylee wanted to physically prevent Jason from leaving. Jessica’s tightening grip on his hand certainly made it seem like that. After a moment, Kylee’s shoulders sagged and she instead hugged Jason tightly.

“Just…” Kylee whispered. “Just stay safe. Know that I’m here to help you.”

Jason nodded but was forcibly pulled out of the front door. He just managed to snag his gloves off of the small table on his way out, he felt Kylee’s eyes watching him the entire time.

“What a psycho.” Jessica muttered just loud enough for Jason to hear.

“So why are you here?” Jason finally asked his childhood friend. “I appreciate helping me not be alone during my trip but I don’t remember discussing this with you.”

“Oh, right.” Jessica winced. “I meant to message you but I got too caught up in getting ready for the morning that I forgot. Kirsten told Courtney and I about your situation and we agreed to help keep you safe at and on your way to school.”

“The three of you did?” Jason asked, stunned.

Jessica nodded. “I volunteered to walk with you to school, Kirsten said she’d keep you company at lunch, and Courtney said she could give you a ride home after school is done.”

“I see. Is that why you’re an hour early to pick me up?” Jason said, just now realizing himself that he had left the house much earlier than he usually did.

“Ahehe.” Jessica blushed. “Sorry.”

“That’s all right.” Jason shrugged. “Though I’ll have to go back for my school uniform.”

Jason glanced down at his casual sweats and t-shirt. He wouldn’t be able to attend school wearing this, but the thought of going back to the house right after Kylee agreed to let him leave seemed like a poor choice.

“Hang on.” Jason fished out his phone. “I’ll see if Hayden can bring me one of his spare sets. It will be baggy on me but it will work.”

“Who’s that?” A voice other than Jessica asked beside him.

Jason turned and found Remi leaning on Jessica’s shoulder. Jessica didn’t seem to notice the extra weight.

“Hopefully my best guy friend can help me out.” Jason stated aloud.

Remi nodded her understanding while Jessica looked slightly confused.

“Yes… I hope so too?” Jessica answered.

“She’s hot!” Remi whistled appreciatively as she paced around Jessica.

Jason ignored her and dialed Hayden’s number.

“Hello?” A ragged voice answered the phone.

“You alright man?” Jason was alarmed at the level of exhaustion in his friend’s voice. “You sound terrible.”

“Oh, Jason.” Hayden groaned like he was sitting up in bed. “I’m all right. Just a bit tired. What’s up?”

“Can I borrow a uniform for school today? I need one and can’t go back home right now. Long story.” Jason told him.

“Yeah… Meet you at the station?” Hayden said with a yawn.

“Sure. No rush.”

Jason hung up his phone and turned to Jessica.

“Well… have you had breakfast yet?”

A bright smile spread over her lips as she shook her head no.


Should I tell him? Kylee asked herself countless times as Jason’s back disappeared around the street corner.

Under any other circumstances, the answer would be a resounding yes. Kylee’s superiors were under the assumption that she had already broke the news and would be taking the proper steps. Kylee bit her thumb as she thought through her options. She was growing increasingly comfortable living with Jason. Scratch that, Kylee felt herself growing increasingly dependent on living with Jason. His smell was everywhere, all of his personal items were here, and Jason himself had allowed Kylee to begin making physical contact with him.

I need more time. I need more time. I need more time. I need more time. I need more time. I need more time. I need more time. I need more time. I need more time. I need more time. IT’S NOT FAIR!

Kylee screamed in the now empty house. Her frustration gave way to tears as she imagined Jason’s reaction to the terrible news. She didn’t want to be the one to tell him, but she knew it would be far worse coming from someone else.

Tonight. I’ll tell him tonight. Kylee affirmed to herself. The news won’t break until tomorrow so I’ll be fine to wait until this evening.


Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed and I'll be posting again soon.

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