Fatal Attraction

Chapter 20

“Everyone has secrets. I don’t see why it’s such a big deal for her to have one.” Remi said as she continued her lazy pacing around the classroom.

All of the students were oblivious to the demon girl as she walked by. Remi’s crop top and short shorts would have drawn the eye of almost every student and teacher in the entire school. Unfortunately for Jason, he was the only one able to witness the spectacle. Despite the fact that Jason had been exposed to quite a lot of feminine skin over the past few days, he still found his eyes drawn to Remi’s exposed navel and gently curved back. He’d grown used to the sight of her red complexion and was no longer startled by it. In fact, he’d grown to appreciate its… exotic tone. Yet another reason to add to the pile as to why Jason was going to fail his classes this year. Not that he really cared about that anymore. Jason carefully placed his right hand up to his face to block the sight of his mouth moving from the never flinching gaze of Courtney.

“I just don’t understand why those two would have something between them.” Jason’s response was only loud enough for his own ears to hear.

He had to speak at this volume in order to avoid attracting the attention of the two girls seated next to him. While Jessica was oblivious to his secret discussion, Courtney needed the added protection of blocking Jason’s lips from her sight. She had stopped all efforts to even pretend she was paying attention to the daily lessons. Rather, Courtney had spent her time simply gazing at Jason and occasionally drifting her hands over to touch his arm or side of his face. From the way Jessica was fidgeting throughout the day, Jason was almost positive she would be doing the same if she were able.

The only reason Jason was even able to respond to Remi was the fact that she had superhuman hearing. It was impressive to Jason to learn of how little volume Remi actually needed Jason to make in order for her to understand him. This way they were able to carry an entire conversation without anyone else in the room overhearing.

“Oh? What’s this?” Remi paused at the front of the room and covered her mouth with one hand. “Have the first tendrils of jealousy taken hold of your heart Jason? Are these the seeds that will push two friends to become mortal enemies?”

Remi cast herself across the teacher’s desk, knocking a pen off of it in the process. The teacher didn’t even pause his lecture as he scooped up the writing instrument and stuffed it into his coat pocket. No one noticed the spectral cause of the pen’s fall, nor the dramatic arm she placed over her face in mock despair.

“Though he initially pushed her away, alas, Jason felt lust’s cruel whip take hold of his heart as his beloved fell into the arms of another man.” Remi choked on false tears.

“What are you? A crappy romance novel written for married women?” Jason retorted.

Remi hopped off of the teacher’s desk and rolled her eyes.

“I just don’t see why you’re so worried.” Remi walked around the desks to Jason’s side of the room. “I’ll put your worries to bed. Watch.”

Jason felt a surge of adrenaline hit his system as he watched Remi lift a hand up to Jessica’s back. His arm twitched, wanting with all of the world to leap forward and stop Remi from making contact with the silver haired beauty in front of him, but the hot gaze coming from his right kept him in his place. Jason was powerless to stop Remi from trailing a single finger nail seductively down Jessica’s back. The smirking demon did it with the perfect amount of pressure. Just light enough where Jessica would be aware of the finger’s presence, but faint enough where she would be unable to tell the finger didn’t belong to Jason. Jessica gasped, her knuckles whitening on the edge of her desk as a shudder washed through her body from the contact.

Remi didn’t linger. Her finger lightly caressed the length of Jessica’s back from the start of her neck down to the top of the chair she sat in. Remi pulled back and leaned against the side wall to inspect her handiwork. Jessica, still gripping the edge of her desk, turned to look at Jason. Unsure of the best way to handle the situation, Jason did his best to look clueless and simply lifted a single eyebrow at Jessica. That was when their eyes met. Jessica’s normal adoring gaze had been replaced by a blazing infernal. The violet color danced with a heat that would melt steel if it got too close. Her breathing was heavy. Her muscles tensed and ready to spring. Jason swallowed hard as he realized how close Jessica was from throwing herself across his desk and toppling him out of his chair.

“Do those look like the eyes of someone who’s in love with someone else?” Remi teased.

Jason’s eyes were still locked with Jessica’s so he didn’t respond. From the corner of his eye, Jason saw Remi’s smile broaden and her mouth opened to continue speaking. Just then, Jason saw the last strings of Jessica’s self control snap. There was a loud clatter and Jason felt the soft impact of Jessica’s chest striking his face. The momentum of the six foot fencer launching herself out of her seat caused Jason to tip backwards out of his own. The pair fell backwards and Jason’s head would have struck the hard tiled floors directly if not for the pair of hands that snaked around his head and locked into place.

No sooner had Jason’s head bounced off of Jessica’s hands and settled from the impact, than Jessica’s mouth covered Jason’s own. His lips were pried open and Jessica’s tongue snaked its way inside. Jason’s body was at a weird angle since his legs were still stuck on the back of his desk’s chair. That didn’t stop Jessica from plastering herself to every inch of Jason she could. They were impossibly close, yet Jessica continued to pull Jason in like he couldn’t be close enough. Once Jason’s head was safely on the ground and pressed firmly in place with the force of Jessica’s kiss, her hands began to roam freely across Jason’s body. 

A clamor of shouts and screams sounded muffled to Jason as Jessica continued her unbridled passion. He was in a daze, though he knew this type of event was possible, he honestly hadn’t expected it to ever get this far. He didn’t return Jessica’s kiss, not that it mattered to her in the slightest, but he wasn’t fighting her either. After what felt like an eternity, though it might have all happened in mere seconds, two sets of hands pried Jessica from Jason’s body. One, unsurprisingly, belonged to an irate Courtney. The second, much to Jason’s surprise, belonged to a flustered looking Remi. Jessica’s violet eyes were glowing with heat as her arms frantically tried to pull Jason back to her.

“Miss Hanson!” Mr. Bradley thundered as he raced to the back of his classroom. “What in the blazes is going on back here?”

“She’s burning up with a fever sir.” Courtney huffed as she struggled to keep Jessica away from the object of her desire. “She’s delusional and needs to go to the nurses office now.”

Before the teacher could even respond, Courtney began hauling Jessica towards the back door. Under normal circumstances, Jason was almost positive that Courtney wouldn’t be able to move the six foot fencer against her will, but the unseen assistance of a demon girl seemed to be enough to tip the scales in Courtney's favor.

“Everyone calm down!” Mr. Bradley shouted at the rest of the students who were all busy pointing and talking to one another. “Take your seats!”

After a few minutes of shouting the class into submission, Mr. Bradley helped Jason back to his seat.

“Are you all right Mr. Simmons?” Mr. Bradley asked gently.

“Y-yeah.” Jason nodded.

The balding middle aged man frowned. “Are you going to be okay?”

Jason blinked, unsure of what his teacher was referring to.

“You know.” He gestured down to Jason’s gloved hands. “With your condition and all. It looked like Miss Hanson may have made some… contact with your face.”

“Oh.” Jason felt the cogs in his mind start turning once again. “Um, I should be. But would you mind if I went to the bathroom just to make sure.”

Mr. Bradley nodded. “Okay. Get yourself to the nurse’s office if there is an issue.”

It was a very kind gesture from the normally strict teacher. Jason left the still buzzing classroom and took a few moments to recompose himself in the bathroom. Though he had been given permission to, the last place Jason wanted to go to was the nurse’s office. If that’s really where Courtney and Remi took Jessica then it wouldn’t be safe. He didn’t really want to return to the classroom either and face down the questioning stares of his classmates. Electing to wait for the lunch bell to ring, Jason stayed secluded in the bathroom.


No matter how many times she saw him, Kirsten’s heart always beat faster when she drew close to him. It was a response that only seemed to grow in power and intensity over time. It was a testament to the strength of her love for Jason. It drove her forward. It pushed her to new heights she didn’t think were possible before meeting him. That’s why she needed to know everything about him. The more she knew, the closer she grew to him and the stronger her love would be.

But sometimes that knowledge comes at a heavy price. Kirsten’s grip tightened painfully on the lunch box in her hands.

Her approach in the crowded hallway went unnoticed by Jason who was busy surveying the interior of the lunch hall. He looked shaken. Which, if the message Courtney sent to Kirsten was to be believed, was probably due to being assaulted by that tall barbarian who sits in front of him in class. The boy she loved was sad and unnerved, yes, but Kirsten knew his behavior was far too tame.

He doesn’t know. Kirsten’s heart sank painfully. He wouldn’t still be here if he did.

She stopped a few feet away from Jason’s back. Kirsten's face scrunched up and she bit into her lower lip until it ached.

If I tell him… I won’t get to see him for the rest of the day. Kirsten trembled. Besides, he’ll want to know how I know, and I can’t tell him that.

“J-J-Jayson.” Kirsten managed to stammer out.

The boy turned around, clearly surprised to find her right behind him.

“Oh. Sorry Kirsten.” He scratched the back of his head. “I didn’t see you there.”

Kirsten wanted to tell him it didn’t matter, but she couldn’t form the sentence properly. The blood pounding in her heart forced her to abandon words and simply hold up the same lunch box she had offered Jason the day before.

“For me?” Jason broke out into a sincere smile and a bit of relief entered his face. “Thank you.”

Kirsten’s heart fluttered with joy, but a fly of regret forced itself in and marred the experience.

If that vile detective lady doesn’t tell him today… I’ll think of a way to let him know.

Kirsten felt sick to her stomach at the thought of Jason’s reaction to the news, but she knew he had a right to know. With her conflict resolved, Kirsten turned her attention fully onto Jason. Nothing was going to stop her from enjoying her alone time with him.


“I’m telling you, he didn’t touch you.” Courtney’s nostrils flared as she shouted at the silver haired girl sitting on one of the nurse’s sick beds.

Jessica shook her head, the smug smile that she had been wearing the whole time still stuck on her stupid face.

“You’re just refusing to face reality. Jason clearly loves me and not you. What more proof do you need?” Jessica folded her arms across her chest proudly.

“We had a deal.” Courtney growled. “No one makes a move at school. You get him going to school, I get him going back from school, and the flat chested midget gets him during lunch.”

“And here I thought that arrangement was for his protection.” Jessica mocked. “Just wait until Jason hears how little you care for his safety.”

Courtney’s hands tightened into fists. As much as she wanted to let them swing, she wasn’t so naïve to think she had a chance. To be honest with herself, Courtney wasn’t even sure how she managed to get the silver haired gorilla out of the classroom in the first place.

“A word of advice.” Jessica stretched and lifted herself off of the sick bed. “I may have been a bit lenient before since Jason didn’t want me thrown out of school…”

Jessica leaned into Courtney’s ear. “But if you touch him today, or any day after, I will end you. Slowly.”

With one final smirk, Jessica left Courtney standing alone in the room.

“Ha.” Courtney laughed once and felt another single laugh leave her mouth. “Ha.”

“........ha……. Ha ha……… ha ha ha ha ha!”

Courtney doubled over as the laughter began to spill out of her uncontrollably.

“Ahahahaha! Ha hahaha HA!”

It didn’t matter. Nothing Jessica ever said to Courtney mattered. This ‘agreement’ was nothing but a farce to begin with. Courtney thought the other two knew that, but it looks like she was the only one in on the game the whole time.

Courtney’s laughter ended but a sinister smile remained on her face.

Looks like I’ll have to adjust the time table.

Sorry for the wait. I'm back from the holidays and will be working back towards a regular schedule. Thank you all for reading and I hope to see you here again.

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