Fatal Attraction

Chapter 3

Jason slid the back door of his classroom open as quietly as he could. While he didn’t make enough noise for the back row students to notice, his homeroom teacher, Mr. Bradley, stopped mid sentence to glare at him.

“Nice of you to join us, Mr. Simmons.” Mr. Bradley tapped the corner of his desk he stood behind. 

All of Jason’s effort to be tactful became useless with that single sentence. Every head in the classroom turned to look at Jason standing awkwardly at the back of the room. Courtney turned to look as well but there seemed to be a hint of relief in her eyes. Jason didn’t have time to dwell on it as Mr. Bradley wasn’t done with him yet.

“While it may be the first day of school, I expect every one of my students to respect the rules. Meaning you can’t expect to get up and leave the classroom without express permission.” Mr. Bradley looked at the entire class pointedly. “Am I understood, students?”

“Yes sir.” Came the un-enthusiastic reply from the group.

Mr. Bradley nodded before pointing at Jason directly. “Consider that your first and only warning Mr. Simmons. Take your seat.”

Jason nodded silently and took his place in the back row. Courtney turned her head to observe him, a playful smile visible on her lips. At the front, Mr. Bradley resumed his introductory lesson.

“Tsk tsk tsk.” She clicked her tongue disapprovingly. “In trouble on the first day. When we talked earlier you didn’t mention you were a bad boy Mr. Simmons.”

Jason suppressed the familiar panic that had sent him from the room earlier. Just because a girl was interested in talking with him didn’t automatically mean she was crazy.

“Don’t call me Mr. Simmons.” Jason responded quietly to avoid drawing attention to himself.

“Oh?” Courtney set her head down on her arms and smiled at him from the side. “What should I call you?”

Blood rushed to his cheeks. “Just… Just Jason is fine.”

She laughed quietly and buried her face into her arms. Jason wasn’t the only one blushing. As the day wore on, Jason’s mind was torn. On one hand, he found it quite enjoyable to talk to Courtney. On the other hand, he couldn’t tell if she was honestly interested in him as a person or if it was because of her finger touching his cheek earlier. Then there was that mystery note. As much as Jason wanted to believe that nothing was wrong, he couldn’t fight this growing apprehension that unstoppable events were now in motion. It didn’t take long for that feeling to be confirmed.

Just before lunch, after Mr. Bradley had been rotated out for the next teacher, the front classroom door slammed open. The math teacher, Mrs. Trenton, stopped mid-sentence and scowled at the person responsible.

“Miss Hanson, I presume.” Mrs. Trenton adjusted her large glasses and crossed her arms disapprovingly.

“Sorry ma'am.” A cheerful female voice responded.

Almost every male mouth hit the floor as a beautiful young woman stepped into the room. She was tall, at least six feet, with bright violet eyes that were filled with excitement and waist length silvery hair that was pulled up into a ponytail. Jason thought her skirt had to be flirting with school guidelines because her legs seemed like they continued forever. Those legs were muscular. Not the bulging muscles of a weightlifter, but the toned and refined muscles of a runner. Her button up, short sleeve shirt was pulled tight across her torso, providing even more testament to her impressive physique. What was even more impressive was how she was able to stay so in shape without losing her natural curves. Jason continued to stare as she took up a position at the front of the room and flashed the students a brilliant smile.

“Oh sweet mother of mercy.” The boy sitting in front of Jason breathed out just loud enough for those around him to hear. “I want her to step on me.”

Everyone in earshot turned to stare at the now red faced young man as he slammed his face into his own desk and put his bag on top of his head to hide his shame. The only person not actively watching the girl at the front of the room was Courtney. Jason glanced to his right and was surprised to find her staring at him with a look of concern and a bit of hostility. He couldn’t dwell on her response for too long however, something far more pressing was weighing on his mind.

She looks… Familiar. Jason realized.

“Hello everyone!” the newcomer beamed. “My name is Jessica Hanson. I’m looking forward to making new friends.”

Only then did her eyes lock onto Jason’s own. “And meeting old ones.”

“Jess?” Jason’s eyes widened as a flood of memories hit his system.

The tall girl squealed in delight and sprinted over to him. The room broke out into many voices as boys shouted out in distress as the new girl might already be taken, the students in Jessica’s way cried out as the girl leapt over multiple desks rather than take the long way around, and the teacher began shouting to try and establish order in all the chaos. Jessica didn’t react to any of this, she simply threw herself into Jason. Her long arms wrapped around his back in a deathlike vice, her legs straddled him at an odd angle, and joyful laughter sounded directly into Jason’s ear.

“I found you!” She shuddered with pure happiness. “I found you! I found you! I found you! I found you! I found you!”

Jason was too stunned to respond as his long forgotten childhood friend rubbed the side of her face against his.

I don’t understand. Jason’s mental state was in shambles. I haven’t seen her since I went to middle school. That was before things started happening. 

“Miss Hanson, that is enough!” Mrs. Trenton shouted as Jessica was forcibly pulled away.

Much to his surprise, it wasn’t the teacher that had removed Jessica from his lap. Courtney was on her feet and had tossed Jessica away as hard as she could. Jessica stumbled back, but managed to stay on her feet. Both girls stared each other down with more hostility and hatred than Jason had ever seen in his life.

“And who do you think you are?” Jessica drew to her full height of six feet and looked down her nose on the five foot ten Courtney.

“Someone with some common sense freak.” Courtney spat back without flinching. “Don’t you know Jason has a skin condition? You could have seriously injured him just now.”

Jessica’s fury evaporated as fear washed over her features. All eyes were now on Jason.

“I d-d-didn’t mean to…” Jessica’s violet eyes began tearing up.

Jason clutched his ribs where Jessica had clamped onto him and feigned a wince. He didn’t like upsetting his friend like this but he wouldn’t pass on Courtney’s free ticket to diffuse the situation.

“It’s okay.” Jason gave her a pained smile. “You didn’t know and I’ll be all right in a bit.”

“I realize this is a reunion of sorts for you two but now is not the time for such antics.” Mrs. Trenton’s voice caused everyone to jump.

It was clear that Jason and all the surrounding students had been so caught up in the moment they completely forgot where they were. The older teacher adjusted her glasses and tilted her head to the back right corner of the room where the only unoccupied desk sat.

“To your seat Miss Hanson.” She instructed sternly.

“But…” Jessica bit her lower lip and snuck a glance at Jason.

Before anyone could utter another word, the boy seated in front of Jason jumped up with all of his stuff in his hands.

“You can have my seat.” The boy had a bit of drool at the edge of his lips.

Jason cringed. He didn’t need to be a mind reader to know the guy was getting excited by the thought of Jessica sitting where he had been sitting moments before. This guy really needed help.

Jessica’s stunning smile returned. “Thank you! That’s perfect.”

The guy’s face couldn’t get any redder but he backed away from the desk with a slap happy grin that stretched from one ear to the other. Jason did note that Jessica was careful not to touch her benefactor. As grateful as she was, it was clear she was not blind to his perverse nature.

“Well.” Mrs. Trenton huffed, clearly not perfectly happy with the setup but not willing to reignite any potential conflicts. “As long as everyone is respectful I’ll make the adjustment to the seating chart.”

Jessica turned and deposited her bag onto the desk and sat down. In the brief period of time while Jessica’s back was to him, Jason felt a finger poke his cheek. He turned just in time to see a sly wink from Courtney.

“You owe me.” She smirked and took her own seat.

Jessica turned around with a crestfallen face.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked quietly.

Jason let out a sigh of relief. He thought Jessica had overheard Courtney’s remark but it looks like she missed it.

“Yeah. I’ll be fine. It’s good to see you again Jess.” Jason said with absolute honesty.

His parents had both died when he was only three. While his aunt Shannon had been nothing but loving and kind to him growing up, her job took her away a lot. Jason spent most of his time alone as a kid. Jessica’s family were long time friends of Shannon and, when it became clear to his aunt that Jason needed a friend, she moved into the house next door to Jessica’s own. They practically lived together for many years and were rarely separated. It was only in middle school, when Jessica’s father had to take a new position in his company that they ended up moving away. Seeing her go was one of the hardest times of his life.

Well… That and the events that happened a few months later. Jason shuddered at the thought.

Jessica’s smile returned at full brightness at Jason’s words. “You mean it?”

Jason nodded and Jessica’s cheeks changed to a deep crimson color.

“Ah ha he.” She giggled and turned happily back to face the front of the classroom.

Jason noted a sour expression on Courtney’s face out of the corner of his eye. Though pacified for now, Jason could feel the hostility between Courtney and Jessica hanging heavily in the air. His earlier optimism that he was imagining things and that his aunt was right about him making up this fictional power to drive women crazy was drying up rapidly. Jason didn’t want to admit it but Courtney’s behavior was far too possessive to be a simple crush. Even if she had that initial interest on her own, the way she had immediately placed herself between Jessica and Jason told him that her contact with him had already affected her.

This is growing complicated. Jason frowned. But I’ve already made up my mind. I’m not going to run this time. I’ll figure this out.

Jason just hoped he would be able to, before things escalated past verbal disputes.


The moment the class was excused for lunch Jessica was up out of her seat. It had been years since she had last seen Jason and she didn’t plan on missing another moment with him. Just sitting in front of him was exhilarating, to the point she had to actively fight her own instincts to turn around and just stare into his soft wonderful eyes. It warmed Jessica straight to her soul to know she wouldn’t have to live in misery anymore. Gone were the dark days of hopelessness, when the skies were always grey and nothing seemed to matter. The only thought that had let her survive for so long was picturing her reunion with the only person who could possibly understand her. Now he was here.

Jessica turned around and her happy bubble was popped by the sight of Jason being tapped on the shoulder by the girl next to him. Jessica was glad that her fencing equipment was tucked away in her team’s locker, otherwise she wouldn’t have been able to stop herself from pulling out her foil and stabbing it straight through the hussies' eye. Jessica’s blood began to boil.

This isn’t how it was supposed to go. She thought as the girl named Courtney asked Jason what he was doing for lunch. How can some insignificant wretch step in and even think she can touch him? She doesn’t know what he’s been through. She doesn’t know what he needs.

Jessica’s hands began shaking. He’s mine.

“... if you have the time.” Jason’s voice broke through Jessica’s violent, swirling thoughts.

“What?” She blinked and realized that Courtney had already walked away.

“I was saying that I promised to eat lunch with my friend Hayden, but if you have time after school I’d love to catch up with you.” Jason repeated.

Date. Jessica’s nerves ignited like an electric shock had shot through her system. It’s a date, right? It’s totally a date. He’s asking me on a date. A date with Jason.

She couldn’t speak. All she managed was a small nod of her head.

“Great.” Jason smiled. “I’ll meet you by the front gate when school gets out.”

He gave her a small wave and walked out of the room. Jessica remained standing in the classroom long after the other occupants had left. She lifted her hands to her cheeks to pinch herself, convinced that she was in a dream. Much to her surprise, her hands felt around her face and discovered that she was smiling. A wide, goofy grin that refused to leave her face.

Ah. Jessica sighed contently. I don’t know who sent that note, but I’ll never be able to thank them enough for reuniting me with my beloved.


Thanks for reading. Check back tomorrow for the next chapter.

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